Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 170 The Rebirth of Sen's Hand

Chapter 170 The New Life of Senju Mori

After Uchiha Tokumitsu sneaked into the Hui clan, he immediately sought out Setsuna Great Elder and Patriarch Uchiha Quartet to discuss and discuss about Tsunade's attempt to re-establish the Senju Clan.

But everyone felt that it was very sudden, and there was no corresponding measure in desperation.

After all, you can't gather the ninja army to kill Tsunade alive now, can you?

"...All in all, Tsunade's move is definitely not a whim, it is probably premeditated!"

Patriarch Uchiha Sifang said swearingly.

"Why? What evidence is there?"

The Great Elder Shi Mo glanced at him sideways.

"It is because there is no evidence or sign, so it has been premeditated for a long time!"

Uchiha Quartet's strong words are unreasonable.

But thinking about it this way, it seems that what he said made some sense.

If there was no prior communication, why did those little ninjas who had been separated from the Senshou clan respond to Tsunade's call so quickly?
If they hadn't been in touch in private, how could they quickly unify the opinions of the family?
You know, after returning to Qianshou, the original head of the clan has become a coerced house elder!What's more, although the Qianshou clan used to be relatively friendly to the inside, there are still many rules for a thousand-year-old wealthy family. If there is no prior communication and mutual determination of each other's authority and responsibilities, otherwise it is impossible to change the family name and return with just one sentence of.

"Regardless of whether Tsunade Hime has planned for a long time or not, we should remain calm."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, he slowly said: "No matter how lofty the prestige of the Senshou Clan is, the power of those gathered small clans cannot compare with us in a short period of time..."

"Family unity is the most important thing."

Elder Setsuna also agreed with Uchiha Tokumitsu's words: "No matter how the village or even the ninja world changes, as long as the family ninja army remains unchanged, we will always be invincible!"

"Besides, it's not us who are most anxious..."

Patriarch Uchiha Shifang also said with a smile: "I thought the Senju clan buried in the cemetery would be revived and returned, but I don't know how Sarutobi Monkey feels now!"

The secret room was suddenly filled with happy air.


At this time, the Hokage office was filled with clouds and mist.

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen is still swallowing clouds to create smog.

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaochun didn't have the heart to stop him from continuing to create smoke, they just thought hard about what went wrong.

Even as Tsunade's teacher, he didn't get any advance information.

And the most important thing is that the student Tsunade is too special.

The god of ninjas, the direct granddaughter of the first Hokage Senjujuma...

With this identity, no matter what she wants to do, no one in Konoha can stop her...

"I can't help it..."

There was a long silence in Hokage's office, and Hiruza Sarutobi said quietly: "Then arrange for someone to prepare a gift, then I will also go to the Senju Clan, and talk to the returning Senju Clan people by the way... "

"Are you going to let Tsunade's reckless behavior just like this? This is going against Tomonama-sensei's last wish..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun said in a low voice.

After the re-establishment of the Thousand Hands Clan, the ones who have the greatest influence are those in power who claim to be the direct descendants of Hokage.

Moreover, Tsunade is also the direct disciple of the third Sarutobi Hiruzen, so...

"Unfortunately Danzo is gone..."

Mitomon also sighed.

Sarutobi Hiruzam III also remained silent.

In fact, it's not that there are no means to stop it, it's just that those private activities have always been exclusive to Danzo.

As the trunks in the sun, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the two advisors still had to maintain a majestic image.

"So be it……"

The Third Sarutobi Hiruzai issued the order to chase away the guest again, and closed his eyes tiredly.

The original good mood after the daimyo softened was gone.

"Sun Slash..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun tried to continue persuading.

"Three of my students are in the village..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said quietly, "But none of them came here..."

At this time, Orochimaru didn't know which laboratory he was nesting in to explore the mysteries of ninjutsu and chakra, and Jiraiya was still helping the Senju Clan.

Even Hiruzaru Sarutobi's son is stationed far away on the northern border. The main ninja army of the Sarutobi clan has accompanied him to the north, but the Shimura clan has already chosen to stay behind closed doors to avoid the retaliation of the Uchiha clan. The strength of the Yi clan and the Mitomon clan is not satisfactory at all...

Even in the Anbu directly under Hokage, there are old captains such as "Niu", "Bang", and "Tiger". They are all old Anbu elders in the second generation. It was cultivated by the second generation of Senshouban. At this special moment, it is impossible to hide from their eyes if you expect to instruct Anbu to do some private things...

The two advisors were silent.

After sitting there for a while, he chose to say goodbye and leave.

After they left, Hokage's office fell into dead silence again.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, couldn't figure out why he suddenly fell into such a difficult situation where no one could use him.

After Danzo is gone, I can't find a person who can do the dirty work...

It's so sad...


After the discussion of several surviving Senshou elders, the reconstruction ceremony of the Senshou clan will be held in the form of shrine sacrifices.

In this regard, Tsunade also expressed complete trust in the elders, and completely entrusted them with specific affairs.

The old people of Qianshou are naturally happy to see this.

Tsunade's younger brother, Senju Hashirama's grandson Nasoki, although young, also took the initiative to welcome the collateral branch clansmen who came to return to the clan.

Among Konoha's peers, Uchiha Tokumitsu is the most powerful.

And Nakoki heard a lot about Uchiha Tokumitsu's deeds, and he actually felt a fire in his heart.

As the grandson of the ninja god, he does not allow himself to lose to others!
Therefore, the revival of the Thousand Hands Clan must start with small things!Start from receiving people and things!

Sheng Shu secretly cheered himself up.


On the other side, Uchiha Tokumitsu also welcomed the visit of Uzumaki Patriarch Uzumaki Ashina.

"Master Tokumitsu, even if Senshou returns, I hope Uzumaki and Uchiha's blood alliance will remain the same!"

After entering the room and sitting down, Uzumaki Weiming couldn't wait to say: "Contemporary Uzumaki cannot do without the help of the Uchiha clan, please don't mind, Master Tokumitsu!"

"It's just... I don't know what the Uzumaki people will think?"

Naturally, it is impossible for Uchiha Tokumitsu to care about anything, and it was too late for Patriarch Wei's words of offering loyalty to make him happy!
"If there are still people who don't understand the reason, the Uzumaki clan also has their own clan rules to punish them!"

Uzumaki Ashina gritted her teeth and said fiercely.

It can be seen that the destruction of Uzumaki Kingdom has dealt a great blow to Uzumaki Weiming.

Although he usually doesn't show his mountains and dews, his inner resentment is no less than that of any Uzumaki clansman.

Especially after learning that the Three Kingdoms encircled and suppressed Ushio Ninja Village was instigated by the daimyos of the great powers, Uzumaki Weiming's monstrous anger has long been burning.

And Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to directly capture the Temple of Fire and Kinki County Castle, which also made Uzumaki Weina feel bad, and he was determined to embrace the thighs of the Uchiha clan.

What's more, Uzumaki Weiming also knows that the Uchiha clan has never been a tolerant generation. If the Uzumaki clan does something that betrays the alliance, it will be a real blow.

"Under the auspices of Mito-sama, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan have completely reconciled."

The Uzumaki Clan clearly stood in line, and Tokumitsu Uchiha would naturally reciprocate, "Please also Patriarch Wei Ming, don't worry too much about the past events of the Warring States Period. The Senshou Clan should communicate normally. After all, although they are not the Senshou of the past, it is not impossible They sit down together and have a good talk, everyone is a Konoha ninja, there is no need to be too raw..."

Normal communication, not the previous Qianshou, there is no need to be too extravagant...

Some things and some words, in some special cases, it is more appropriate to understand them in reverse.

Uzumaki Ashina quickly caught the key words in Uchiha Tokumitsu's hypocritical words.

"Master Deguang is really magnanimous, and his magnanimity is unmatched by ordinary people!"

Uzumaki Weiming naturally offered another series of flattery, which made Uchiha Tokumitsu laugh out loud.

"The family and Kirigakure have made an appointment to go to the Namikaku Alliance in April, and it would be nice to invite Patriarch Weiming to attend that time..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also offered some sweets to the Uzumaki Clan, "At that time, the Clan Head of the Demon Lamp and the Clan Head of Minazuki will hand over the daimyo's criminal evidence together, and ask the Clan Head Wei Ming to identify one or two."

"I obey orders!"

Uzumaki Ashina's face turned serious, and he saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu in the posture of Dogeza.


The Mori no Senju return ceremony is held at the Senju Shrine.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu was not interested in joining in the fun, so the patriarch Uchiha Shiyen led his troops to witness the ceremony in person.

Unlike the Nangagawa Shrine of the Uchiha clan, the Senju Shrine uses traditional giant wood as the main building material.

Layers of vermilion thousand-hand torii gates form the road leading to the shrine, and there are hundreds of statues of the thousand-hand clan powerhouses scattered throughout the dynasties.

At the gate of the shrine, Senju Nawaki, who still had a childish face, was wearing a white safari suit and was receiving the ninja guests who came to watch the ceremony.

"It's still far behind Deguang-kun..."

Although he is often dissatisfied with the domineering Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Shifang, as the patriarch, still favors his own descendants in his heart.

At a glance, basically the leaders or representatives of all the ninja clans in Konoha have come.

Hinata, Sarutobi, Ikacho, Inuzuka, Yume, Shimura...

Everyone was dressed up to attend.

Uchiha Shifang looked down at the Jōnin uniform of the Police Department on his body, feeling a little inappropriate.

"Patriarch Weiming... Should we go back and change into a dress now?"

"That's not necessary...I believe that the Thousand Hands Clan will not stick to these common etiquette..."

Uzumaki Weiming, who was wearing an unmarked Jonin uniform, said calmly.

Uchiha Sifang was also taken aback when he heard the words, and then grinned.

Without saying anything more, he strode forward.


Senzhi Senshou, after decades of silence, will be re-established in the world at this moment!
But the world has changed!Times have changed too!

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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