Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 171 An Iron Curtain Has Fallen

Chapter 171 An Iron Curtain Has Fallen

The news of the reorganization of the Thousand Hands not only shocked Konoha, but also shocked all the countries in the ninja world.

In a short period of time, the Four Great Ninja Villages couldn't figure out what plasters were sold in the gourds of the Senshou Clan and Konoha; therefore, military operations such as probing and confrontation in various border areas also retreated one after another.

Especially rock hidden and sand hidden.

The Yanyin Ninja Army, which was originally confronting the northwestern border defense forces in the north of Gravel City on the border of the country of grass, immediately retreated [-] kilometers overnight after learning the information about the reorganization of the Thousand Hands Clan, completely avoiding the northwestern border defense forces in front of them.

Sand Yin was also very straightforward, and immediately withdrew the elite team that had infiltrated the country of Kawa.

Both of these two ninja villages were defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja army. I originally wanted to take advantage of the conflict between the fire country daimyo and the Uchiha clan to see if there was a chance to recover, but now The reclusive Senshou Clan suddenly reappeared, and in the traditional stereotype, Senshou's power is even higher than that of Uchiha...

Even at the northern border where the atmosphere was tense and war seemed imminent, Yun Yin's small movements stopped.

As a result, within a few days, the border that had been in constant skirmishes became clear and peaceful.

It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu's troubles followed.

Uchiha Fire Gate Zhidao, after learning that the Senju Clan reestablished their name, was exiled to the Northwest Frontier Defense Force Uchiha Conservatives began to ask for a rotation to return to the village.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu has only one attitude, and that is not allowed.

Even if the troops are to be changed, they can only be transferred from the Northwest Frontier Army to the Eastern Frontier Army where he personally sits.

As for the feelings of those conservative tribesmen, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't want to bother.

In this weird and turbulent atmosphere, what the Uchiha clan needs most is stability.

For the sake of stability, we must not let conservative shit-stirring sticks come back to do things.

At the same time, the status and power division of the Qianshou Clan began to become a hot topic in the village.

Hatake Sakumo was also a little bit battered.

As the squad leader of the ninja class, the most direct reflection of the changes in Konoha's internal forces is the voting on various resolutions of the ninja class.

With the revival of the Senju Clan, the various forces of the Shangnin Class also split up again. Some Jonin who were originally from the small ninja clan under Hatake Sakumo began to switch to the Senju Clan overtly and secretly.

Although Hatake Sakumo's supporters and the Uchiha clan are still the largest force in the voting weight of the ninja class, the proportion has dropped from nearly [-]% to about [-]%, and there is no way to completely occupy it. Simple majority ratio.

Even with the passage of time, there are signs of further disintegration of the forces under his command.

But this is something that can’t be helped. Originally, Hatake Sakumo’s power was relatively loose, but they gathered together to keep warm and resist the encroachment of ninja interests. After forming an alliance with the Uchiha clan, another group of marginalized The Jōnin clan moved closer to the past, but now after Senju's revival, it is normal for Senju's collateral line to choose to return and at the same time drive some small ninjas to attach to the past.

"Tokumitsu-kun...how should we solve the problem of going to the ninja class?"

In order to deal with the changes in power that occurred at the Ninja class meeting, Hatake Sakumo deliberately went to the Uchiha clan to discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu in the middle of the night.

"Mr. Shuo Mao... Have you ever thought about reorganizing and integrating internal forces?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was packing up his things and was preparing to return to the eastern station early tomorrow morning, but since Hatake Sakumo is here, he must meet and chat.

"How to integrate?"

Hatake Sakumo humbly asked for advice.

Although he is much older than Uchiha Tokumitsu, most of the time, Uchiha Tokumitsu can give him refreshing suggestions.

"Strengthen internal integration and determine the core program. Externally, one voice."

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave an opinion that he didn't know right or wrong, "Sakumo-kun, although you have many subordinates, you are still scattered, so you can't compete with the blood-bound ninja for a long time."

"In terms of integration, isn't that organization and the village..."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated.

What he is most worried about is that this move will further aggravate the division within Konoha.

Even if there is no external organization name, once Hatake Sakumo implements the internal integration of the forces under his command, the chaotic neutral forces that originally served as a buffer zone will no longer exist.

Although the Konoha Ninja School promotes the education of the will of fire, the ninjas, especially the commoner ninjas, are basically kings who have been beaten by reality, even if they claim to have a firm belief in the will of fire... I'm afraid Hokage himself doesn't believe it.

"It's normal to hug a group to keep warm."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't urge him, and poured Hatake Sakumo a cup of tea.

Tokumitsu Uchiha has no idea what impact the organized civilian ninjas will have on Konoha's existing division of forces, but since the Senju clan can gather sidelines to revive, it is reasonable for civilian ninjas to organize to compete with the ninja forces of.

Anyway, apart from the police department, most of the interests of the Uchiha clan are deployed in the standing ninja army and smuggling network stationed abroad. Even if the village fights fiercely, it will not affect much.

What's more, the Uchiha clan doesn't deal with other ninja clans in the village very much, and they are more willing to watch the excitement.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is purely melon-eating crowd watching the fun, but Hatake Sakumo's heart is still up and down.

After discussing and thinking at Tokumitsu's family for a long time, Hatake Sakumo finally failed to make up his mind.

He chose to go back and think about it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry to force Hatake Sakumo to express his opinion.

As an ally, Hatake Sakumo's power was loose but too large in the past. Now it is just right after being taken away by the Senju Clan. It will not be out of balance with the Uchiha Clan's power and relatively streamlined personnel. The internal interests are described. The request will also become relatively simple, and there is no need to worry too much about the cooperation of certain things, which can be described as a win-win situation for the Uchiha family.

But Konoha and other ninja forces are not so easy.

The most impacted is the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen and other forces.

Although the ninjas under his command did not publicly stand in line, the hearts of the people have begun to slacken.

And when the hearts of the people are scattered, the team will not be easy to lead.

Originally, there was an alliance between Uchiha and Hatake Sakumo as an external force to maintain internal unity, but now that the Senju clan has been reorganized, the territory that originally belonged to the Hokage clan was the first to be eroded.

In addition to the jurisprudence, Hokage's power comes most directly from the control of the Konoha tribes.

In addition to the police department monopolized by the Uchiha clan, Konoha government affairs, foreign affairs, intelligence, finance, medical care, mission centers, ninja schools and other institutions are the core departments that maintain the power of Hokage. Reaching the tentacles of power must reach the grassroots to achieve effective jurisdiction.

Anbu, as the standing ninja army directly under Hokage himself, is the core force that deters all ninjas in the village.

But it was Anbu who went wrong first.

Because Konoha Anbe is a special department with a heavy historical burden.

In addition to the Anbu ninjas personally trained by the third generation, there are also a large number of Anbu ninjas who have a certain amount of ninja power in the second generation period.

And these old Anbu have become unreliable after Qianshou's reorganization.

Therefore, at this time, Sarutobi Hiruzam misses his old friend Danzo very much.

If the roots of dirty work were still there, he wouldn't be so passive...

The resentment against Uchiha Tokumitsu also increased.

In addition, the Konoha Medical Department and the Ninja School also showed some faint signs of breaking away from the Naruto forces. The reason is that many of the employees in these two departments are from the Senju branch and relative ninjas...

And this is also a problem left over from history. They had served in these departments as early as the second generation. Hiruzaru Sarutobi relied on the support of Mito Uzumaki when he inherited the position of Hokage, so naturally there was no way to clear them.

But Hiruzaru Sarutobi clearly saw at the sacrificial ceremony of the Senju Clan that a group of working ninjas with various small surnames happily signed their names on the roster of the Senju Clan, which made him very heartbroken.


"It's all a pack of white-eyed wolves!"

Although it was night, the lights in Hokage's office were still on.

Turning to bed Xiaochun was full of resentment, cursing endlessly.


Mito Menyan shook his head, stopped Xiaochun from going to sleep and continued to vent his emotions, "No matter how hard we curse behind closed doors, can it still affect them in the slightest?"

"...Hi Zhan, it's time for you to make your own decision!"

Afterwards, Mitomon Yan cast his eyes on the silent Third Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"...I plan to reorganize the roots!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen Third took a deep puff of his pipe, his face gloomy.

"Of course, the name can not be called root, so as not to cause Uchiha's backlash, but the actual mission and authority are the same as the root in the past, what do you think?"

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu were silent when they heard the words.

The existence of the roots is naturally good for maintaining the power of the Hokage family, but the new roots are a problem whether it is the formation of funds or the source of the ninjas under their jurisdiction.

"In terms of personnel, I have talked with the elders of the Shimura family, and they will select some family ninjas to join."

Sarutobi Hiruzam III said again.

He also knew the scruples of the two old friends.

"Don't worry about the funds. The daimyo's Dazai will transfer funds from special channels and will not interfere with the operation of the new root."

"In addition, I will recruit another 300 people from the Sarutobi clan to join!"

The last sentence shows the firm determination of the third generation.

"The Mitomon Clan will draw 50 people to join!"

Mitomon immediately expressed his support.

For the Mitomon Clan of average strength, the deployment of fifty family ninjas is close to the extreme.

The third generation nodded in satisfaction.

"The sleep-swapping group also recruits 30 people..."

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun hesitated for a moment, and gave his own answer.

Hiruzame Sarutobi, the third generation, was noncommittal.

"Yan, please communicate with the Nara and Yamanaka clans again, and ask them to transfer some personnel..."

Mitomon nodded calmly in response.

"What about Inuzuka and Yume?"

Turning to bed Xiaochun took the initiative to ask, she felt that she was a little marginalized in the trio.

"Don't disturb them, they have gotten closer to the Hyuga Clan recently..."

Mito Menyan took the initiative to answer.

Sarutobi Hiruzam III also nodded in agreement.

"There is also Fengfeng..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun continued: "Should I recall him? Otherwise..."


The third Sarutobi Hiruzen hesitated for a moment, and finally decided, "If Takekaze comes back, I plan to let him take charge of the mission center, what do you think?"

"Just right."

Neither Mitomon Yan nor Zhuanju Koharu had any objections.

"The Zhuludie clan can only exert their greatest combat effectiveness if they are closely united. If they can be calmed down, the Qiudao clan will no longer be awkward."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, was thinking about his basic power in his heart.

First of all, Sarutobi, Shimura, Mitomon, and Zhuanju are the core, and Ikacho is the backbone, plus the small ninjas and civilian ninjas who have been supported for several decades, and they still hold the power of Konoha's ministries. It is still the most powerful among all parties in Konoha.

The second is the forces formed by the Uchiha clan and its affiliated ninja clan, and there are even the Kurama clan and the Uzumaki clan attached to their tails. The specific manifestation is that the tyrannical ninja army is invincible on the battlefield and has a good way of making money, but the relationship with the daimyo has been completely Break up, and the relationship with other ninjas is relatively average, so there is no need to worry about them threatening the position of Naruto for the time being.

The third is the alliance of commoner ninjas and small ninjas under Sakumo Hatake's command. Although there are many people, it is a mess. If it were not for the Uchiha clan as backup, it would have been disintegrated by the Hokage family. up.

The fourth is the private alliance of the Hyuga clan and the ninja clans such as Inuzuka and Yume who have recently moved closer to it.Although the Hyuga Clan is the leader of the ninja alliance, they don't need to worry too much. They are just huddling together to keep warm. As long as the gap between the Hyuga Clan and the Branch Clan is not resolved, the Hyuga Clan will never succeed.

Finally, under the call of Tsunade, the Thousand Hands Clan was reorganized...

It is also the family with the highest prestige among the major forces of Konoha.

Although most of the ninjas who returned to the sect are collateral branches that have been separated long ago, and their strength is relatively average, but the ninjutsu in the Tsunade family's collection is no less than that in the book of seals in the hands of Naruto, and the accumulation of wealth is even more frightening. In a short period of time, it is possible to pile up a group of usable hardcore ninjas by smashing resources.

But compared with the strength of 'New Senju', what is most worrying is the legal significance represented by Tsunade's special identity-she is almost the most suitable jonin for Konoha to become the fourth Hokage.

On this point, even within the Uchiha clan, there are many supporters.

And once the position of Hokage falls back into the hands of the Thousand Hands Clan again...

The third generation suddenly heard the shocking special research projects that Genmo had carried out in secret.

Secrets must not be revealed!


The third Sarutobi Rizai suddenly said: "I need you to help me manage the new roots, are you willing to help me?"

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu were both stunned when they heard the words.

"The teacher's last wish is the goal of our unremitting struggle, and Xiaochun will also be in charge of the Ministry of Government Affairs. There are not many people I can trust..."

Sandaime tapped the embers in the pipe and said sincerely.

"I understand……"

Mito Menyan hesitated for a moment, then agreed.

"So, what is the name of the new root?"

Finally, Mitomon Yan asked another question.

"...Department of Internal Affairs!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, pondered for a moment, then slowly replied.

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(End of this chapter)

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