Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 172 Attack of the Undead

Chapter 172 Attack of the Undead
In the early morning of the second day, Hatake Sakumo was still hesitant, unable to make up his mind to reorganize his forces.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is not entangled, after all, it is an ally's internal affairs, and he does not want to interfere too much.

Moreover, as the commander of the Eastern Border Defense Force, he has been away from the station for a while, and it is time to go back to the camp to sit in charge.

In addition, the connection with the Kirigakure Ninja and the logistics base of the country of Wave also requires him to personally supervise the implementation.

Therefore, after breakfast, Uchiha Tokumitsu and patriarch Uchiha Sifang communicated about the transfer of the conservative clansmen of the Northwest Frontier Army. After emphasizing again that they were not allowed to return to the village, they led several attendants to leave the village and return to the eastern station. .

In addition to the three Uchiha jounin, the entourage this time also included four Uzumaki ninjas specially dispatched by Ashina Uzumaki to join the Eastern Border Defense Force.

This can also be regarded as one of the measures that Uzumaki Ashina clearly stands in line with Uchiha on behalf of the Uzumaki Clan.


The distance from Konoha back to the eastern garrison is not too far away. As early as when Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo led the mobile troops to the Uzumaki border area, they set a new record. Leaves a record of the ninja march.

Moreover, the journey all the way is in the land of fire, and the situation in the ninja world has eased a lot recently, so Tokumitsu Uchiha and his subordinates are relatively relaxed.

But there is a law of causality for the coexistence of multiple universes—if there is no accident, there will be an accident soon!
"Huo Dun · head hard!"

When Uchiha Tokuko led his troops in a forest between Konoha and the eastern station, a high-level fire escape ninjutsu suddenly struck without warning.

"Tu Dun·Tu Liubi!"

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu reacted quickly, and when the chakra fluctuations of ninjutsu began to reverberate, he immediately used the earth ninjutsu to block it, and the Uzumaki ninja under his command also cooperated with the water escape ninjutsu to block it.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The sea of ​​fire formed by the fire escape ninjutsu painstakingly broke through several defensive ninjutsu interceptions in a row before it was barely offset.

Uchiha Deguang stared.

Meet a master!
Being able to perform such a large-scale attack fire escape ninjutsu with such a strong penetration ability shows that his study of the change of the chakra nature of fire escape is not absolutely inferior to him.

"Really, what kind of birdman..."

With a sullen face, Uchiha Deku untied the shark muscle from his back.

Three Uchiha jonin and four Uzumaki ninjas are also waiting in line.

"In front of!"

Uzumaki Ninja quickly reported his perception results, "Five different Chakra fluctuations!"

"Only one person!"

Another Uzumaki ninja said anxiously.


Uchiha Deguang's eyelids twitched, and suddenly thought of a person.

As the billowing smoke and dust caused by the collision and annihilation of ninjutsu gradually dissipated, a tall body in front gradually appeared.

Dressed in a black robe, with a mask on his face, and a Taki Ninja forehead guard with a horizontal mark on his forehead.

"Survive with the black thread that steals the heart, and run across the battlefield."

A smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face, and the three-god jade in his eyes slowly rotated at a constant speed, "I don't understand why the mice in the black market dare to jump out and provoke me? Is it because they have lived too long and are tired of living?" ? Mr. Kakutsu..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand, the three Uchiha jounin jumped back without hesitation, the four Uzumaki ninjas hesitated a little, and also chose to retreat.

In this level of battle, the role they can play is relatively limited, and both the family jonin and the Uzumaki people are very precious, and if there is a battle damage Uchiha Tokumitsu will be very distressed.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu, the gold exchange rewards [-] million taels!"

"Uchiha Sango Jonin, the bounty for catching alive is 5000 million taels; dead but with intact eyes, [-] million taels."

"Uzumaki Ninja, the bounty for catching alive is 8000 million taels, and the bounty for dead ones is 1000 million taels."

A hoarse and unpleasant voice came out of Kakuzu's mouth like two pieces of rusted iron rubbing against each other: "I'm lucky today, I should be able to earn [-] billion taels. It's worth a Sarutobi Hiruza!"

"Is it?"

Tokumitsu Uchiha chuckled, and the Sangodama in his eyes had begun to merge, "It's really pitiful for the rebellious Nin who was born in Xiaonin Village, it's rare to be so ignorant of the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

Uchiha Jonin and Uzumaki Ninja retreated and surrounded them.

The four Uzumaki ninjas have prepared their handprints and are ready to perform the enchantment at any time.

Seeing his subordinates so self-conscious, Uchiha Tokumitsu had a satisfied smile on his face.

Then, Uchiha Tokumitsu snapped his fingers.

"Boundary Four Purple Flame Formation!"

The four Uzumaki ninjas teamed up to activate the barrier, and the purple translucent flame barrier spread out in an instant, covering Uchiha Tokumitsu and Kokaku in it.

Kakudo ignored them, a pair of green eyes with heavy black sockets just staring at the samaruma in Hikaru Uchiha's hand.

"Forget... and the big sword Sharkus, one of the Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swords in your hand, should be worth more than [-] million taels..."

"Your words are unexpected..."

The smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face grew wider.

Immediately, purple flames of flames ignited all over his body, and quickly condensed into three whip-like flame beams, piercing into the ground behind him at an extremely fast speed.

"Is it for a sneak attack?"

The purple flames melted the soil, forming three bucket-sized cavities.

There are still some remnants of black tubes in the hole, which are twitching and struggling under the burning of the flames.

Kakudu didn't say a word, but his eyes turned to Uchiha Tokumitsu's Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Uchiha Tokumitsu saw through the sneak attack by the resentful tentacles released outside.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

"Magic · The Art of Hanging!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's kaleidoscope Sharingan flashed a red light, and the kaleidoscope pupil technique strengthened and amplified the shackle art instantly fixed Kakuzu.

Afterwards, he used the instant body technique to flash forward, and the flames of Yan Dun swung towards the waist of the horned man wrapped in shark muscles.

"Wind escape · oppression!"

A mask protruded from Kakuzu's left shoulder, and sprayed out highly condensed high-pressure wind balls towards Uchiha Tokumitsu who was approaching him.

Then another mask protruded from his right shoulder, and once again performed a high-level ninjutsu-"Thunder Escape·False Darkness!"

The two high-level ninjutsu hit Uchiha Tokumitsu who swung his sword almost at the same time. ,

As soon as the shark muscles scratched through Kakuzu's coat, two ninjutsu blasted Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was slashing horizontally, into a cloud of smoke.

"In front of my ninjutsu..."

Kakudo spoke confidently.

But then he realized something was wrong.


Will it turn into a puff of smoke if hit by Fengdun Ninjutsu and Thunder Dunjutsu at the same time?

not good!

It's a shadow clone!

Jiaodu immediately slammed his right foot to the ground, intending to use the teleportation technique to dodge.

"Uchiha Ryu · Sun Halo Dance!"

Uchiha Tokuhika, who emerged from the ground behind his back, rotated his shark muscles, and the flame-demon chakra released, turning into streaks of purple sword energy, rolled from behind Kakuzu like a violent storm.

"Tu Dun · Earth Spear!"

A mask jumped out of Kakuzu's back again, manipulating the soil chakra to harden the body in an attempt to resist Uchiha Tokuka's sword attack.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Yan Dun's sword energy smashed on Jiaodu's hardened back.


Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his eyes turned faster, the pupil power was extracted from the depths of the eyes, and merged with Chakra and released to form a super-large Chakra Demon God!
Uchiha Tokumitsu did not have the habit of slowly competing with others to let the opponent gradually find the rhythm of the battle.

The best solution is to burst out with all your strength and wipe out the enemy in a short time.

After all, although Jiaodu, who is known as "immortal", was ridiculed as "throwing a kunai to Zhujian from eight hundred miles away", his secret technique of resentment and misfortune did reach the realm of complete five attributes.

As for how tricky five-attribute ninjas are, there is another reference object in the ninja world, that is Konoha III Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen who is known as the "ninjutsu professor"!

Susanoo's giant palm grabbed Kakuzu's body and squeezed it hard.


The Tudundi Resentment Mask, which had been cracked by the Shark Muscle, shattered in response!

But then there was only a black robe left in Uchiha Tokumitsu's giant palm.

It turned out that at some point, Kakuto had already discarded his Tudun mask and escaped from Susano's melee attack.

"You're clever..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little angry when he failed to catch the blind spot.

Then Susanoo's palm ignited a cloud of arrogance, turning the black robe into fly ashes.

"Mr. Kakuzu who claims to be immortal... How many lives do you have left?"

Through Susanoo's body, Uchiha Tokumitsu let out a dull laugh.

In the enchantment of the four purple flames, only Uchiha Tokumitsu's laughter echoed.

"Play dead, right..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu then manipulated Susano to make a "Yin" seal.

"Susanohu·The Art of Dust Concealment!"

High-temperature smoke and dust spewed out from Susanoo's half-skeleton mouth, quickly filling the space within the enchantment of the four purple flame formations, and quickly penetrated into the underground soil.

"Water Escape Water Curtain!"

All the flaming horns crawled out of the ground in embarrassment, and the mask on the shoulders sprayed out powerful water cannons to resist the damage of high-temperature smoke and dust.


Tokumitsu Uchiha muttered in his heart, manipulating the high-temperature smoke and dust of the Dust Concealment Technique to explode.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The dust explosion in the enclosed space of the barrier was extremely powerful. Even Uchiha Tokumitsu, as the caster, was a little dizzy from the violent shock wave.

Uchiha Tokuhiko shook his head, shaking off the sense of dizziness, and manipulated Susano to grab Kakuzu's body in perception.

"Blinking technique!"

Jiaodu was also dizzy from the explosion, and the water attribute Earth Resentment Mask had been shattered in the dust explosion.

Counting it, it wasn't long before the two had fought each other, and the two attributes of the Earth Resentment Mask had disappeared in Jiaodu, which was equivalent to dying twice.

"Too big..."

Jiaodu's heart, which has been silent all year round, can't help but feel a wave of turmoil.

I don't know whether it is the years that have completely wiped away his fear or whether he wants to die. When Jiaodu saw the reward task offered by the gold exchange, he immediately took it without hesitation, regardless of the brightly written "" The ability of Kaleidoscope Sharingan is unknown, and it is suspected that it has the power of the second blood succession" and other reminders.

Susano grabbed it casually again, and the chakra condensed into a long knife, slashing towards Kakutsu in mid-air under the wave of the giant palm.

"Earth Resentment Yu Tentacle Fist!"

Kakudo tried his best to reverse his posture, facing the vicious Chakra saber with both fists, and actively shot his fists and the black line of ground grievance towards the long saber.

At the same time, one after another wind clusters continued to spew out from the mouth.

Then, under the effect of the recoil, his body slammed into the Si Ziyan formation without hesitation.


The seemingly transparent and fragile enchantment wall was unexpectedly tough, even if the horn hit it with all its strength, it only caused a ripple.

But the barrier flames of the Four Purple Flame Formation had taken advantage of the situation and burned on him.


Jiaodu let out a scream of pain, and his body jumped up like a fish that had been thrown into the frying pan alive.

Then he was caught by Uchiha Tokumitsu's giant palm.

"Mr. Kakuto, may I ask why you are so brave?"

Uchiha Tokuhiro had a cruel smile on his mouth, and without waiting for any reply, he overtook Susanoo and gave it a hard grip——


The "Kakuto" in his hand also turned into a puff of smoke, but there were still some black lines and black pipes left in Susanoko's giant palm.

He learned the shadow clone tactic just implemented by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and added some earth grievances to the shadow clone to deceive Uchiha Tokumitsu's perception.

"You're really slippery, Mr. Kakuzu~ Such a mess can't be called the title of 'undead alien'..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said mockingly.

The horns who landed on the other side of the barrier did not say a word.

The original hands had already been launched to strike Susano's long chakra sword, and were burned to ashes by the flames of Yandun, so the horns sent out the black line of grievances and condensed into a pair of temporary arms.

"It's really easy to use... But you can't be considered a human anymore, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little surprised.

But the praise on the mouth, but there is no intention of stopping in the hand.

Susano swung his long knife again and slashed towards Kakuzu.

And even this kind of seemingly random most primitive physical force attack, Kadotsu couldn't stop it.

Even if it was only slightly scratched, his body, which was tempered harder than steel, would be broken.

"Two of your Earth Resentment Masks have been shattered, how many lives do you have if you keep beating them?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu chased Kakutsu like swat a fly, while constantly spouting trash talk.

"Be obedient and bow your head! Come to my laboratory, and I will give you a way to keep you alive!"

Kakudo still didn't say a word, and the hands made of the black lines of the ground resented Yu struggled to make handprints while dodging.

After using the instant body technique again to avoid Susano, Kakudu stopped in an open place in the enchantment, and the three remaining Earth Resentment Masks all floated out, the wind, fire, and thunder three A kind of chakra attribute power is condensed on the right arm.

"Earth Grievance · Final Shooting!"

This is the ultimate move of Kakuzu's decisive attack.

However, the ray did not shoot at Uchiha Tokuko's Susano, but directly hit the barrier wall of the Four Purple Flame Formation at close range.


The enchantment wall shattered into pieces like toughened glass after being hit hard, and then the corners dropped the two masks of wind and thunder, and used the fire attribute mask to entangle his remnant body and slammed into the ground.


A tunnel was drilled out by Di Yuanyu, and Jiaodu also absconded.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was waiting in battle, was a little confused.

Even the Uzumaki ninja whose barrier was broken is still in a daze.

The two masks of Feng and Lei who stayed in place began to spew fire and throw thunder towards the surroundings.

"Seal these two things!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took back Susano with some dissatisfaction.

Three Uchiha jouninjas hurriedly jumped forward, using ninjutsu to trap the two Earth Resentment Masks, and then four Uzumaki ninjas swarmed up and imprisoned them with sealing techniques.

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the busyness of his subordinates, walked slowly to the hole that Kakuzu escaped from, looked carefully and pondered.

"Master Deguang, don't you need to pursue..."

After sealing up the two Earth Resentment Masks covering the retreat, an Uchiha Jonin stepped forward to Qin Sheng and asked.


Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment, then shook his head and refused.

"By the way, go back and deploy the ninja army to wipe out all the stations of the gold exchange in the east."

"As ordered!"

The subordinates hurriedly bent down to receive the order.

"Then... do we need to notify the Ninja Cat Clan to find out the mission issuer?"

The contracted psychic beast group of the Uchiha clan, the Ninja cat clan, has also been active in the ninja black market, engaged in arms sales, and their sources of information are relatively wider.

"No need, just treat it as the daimyo's work!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered, jumped up, and continued to move towards the camp in the east.

 Continue to ask for tickets~ Ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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