Chapter 173
Uchiha Tokumitsu will repay what he says and do what he says.

Said that he would blame Daimyo for the crime of Kakuzu's attack, so naturally he would retaliate.

Of course, it is not appropriate to set off the Ninja Army Shangluo again at this time. After all, Tsunade's reorganization of the Senju Clan may be because he "arrogantly destroys the one country, one village system", so Uchiha Tokumitsu has somewhat restrained himself.

He just sent a squadron of the ninja army under his command to each of the eight eastern counties for "co-defense", and asked to set aside an area in the county town as the direct-administered defense area of ​​the eastern ninja army.

Nominally, the task of the ninja troops stationed in the county is to eliminate the "infiltration of the enemy's forces" at close range, but who does not know the smuggling business of the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan? Water rises, is this still reverse osmosis? !

Due to the notoriety of "disrespecting the daimyo" and "ninja bullying", the guardians of the counties did not dare to disobey the meaning of the evil star Uchiha Tokumitsu, and either actively or passively approved the ninja army to enter the county. .

In fact, it is not allowed.

Each squadron has a Jonin from the Uchiha clan as the squadron leader. When they show the bloody jade in their eyes and the sharp blade in their hands, the guards of the county will provide all the convenience for the ninja army from the heart.

After all, the county city is not his own fiefdom, so there is no need to go all out. If the Uchiha ninja's sword is really cut down, it will be too late to regret.

It is also due to the unique weakness and compromise of the feudal nobles, and Uchiha Tokumitsu did not directly violate their own interests, so the guards of the county city not only accepted the rude ninja army half-heartedly, but also expected to smuggle Terminals get a piece of the pie.

Uchiha Deguang does not reject this.

He has never minded that everyone earns money together, but the premise is that if you take the money, you have to be obedient.

Therefore, after Uchiha Tokumitsu sent a letter back to Konoha to discuss with the leaders of various ninja tribes, he decided to outsource the terminal sales of smuggled goods to the daimyos in various counties in the name of the United Fisheries Company.

The guardians of each county eat the commodities allocated to each county in the role of underwriter - currently it is mainly seafood, and then it is up to them to decide whether to sell locally or split up and wholesale again.

In this way, the smuggling network has been opened up in all links from transportation, warehousing, distribution, and bulk cargo.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and a group of ninja leaders couldn't help celebrating each other.

A complete logistics and sales network means that the most thrilling jump of goods has been successfully achieved. What needs to be done in the future is to step up contact with the sales terminal and plan to determine the share of smuggling from the fog to maximize the benefits.

As for the issue affecting daimyo's taxes...

Just like the guardians of the county who were born as noble officials don't take it seriously, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't take it seriously.

After the ninja army entered, it was logical that the members of the ninja cat clan followed their contract to open up territories in new cities and began to explore the gold exchange strongholds in various counties.

Uchiha Tokumitsu felt that he could bear it a little longer, and after he had found the location of the underground gold exchange, he would set up a game to let the manipulator behind the gold exchange come in, and then catch them all in one go, gaining both people and money.

At the same time, in order to speed up the construction of the Namokuni storage base, Tokumitsu Uchiha also creatively issued futures on the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange in the name of the United Fisheries Company to raise funds.

But resistance beyond the daimyo and the village also began to appear.

In the name of the Senju Clan, Tsunade initiated a motion to the Hokage Building, demanding a strict investigation into the violation of the "Three Prohibition of Ninjas" and "suspected" illegal activities by the ninja troops stationed in various places. Ye and even the safety of the Fire Nation.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen III was happy to see this matter, he did not make a clear statement on this motion. Instead, he referred the matter to Hatake Sakumo for discussion at the Jōnin Conference and dealt with it according to the collective opinion.

Although Tsunade's motion said "suspicion", Konoha and even the daimyo nobles of the country of fire don't know that the Uchiha clan is currently the largest smuggling gang!

Therefore, although it was not stated clearly, everyone knew who the target person Tsunade was referring to was.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take this matter too seriously.

After all, Hatake Sakumo is the leader of the Jōnin squad, and if nothing else happens, Tsunade's motion will never pass the Jōnin voting.

"The warehouse construction of the Land of Waves needs to be accelerated! In addition, the ninjas who escaped from the earth must be mobilized to assist. It is best to build a bridge in the strait between the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire."

Uchiha Tokumitsu issues orders to his subordinates.

He has always ignored the direction of public opinion.

No matter how high the prestige of the Qianshou clan is, as long as there is no peerless powerhouse who can rival Qianshouzhujian, he will not take it seriously.

Even if the Naruto Building skips the Ninja Class and directly issues the resolution, he will just be set on fire as if it doesn’t exist—without strength as an arm, how can there be any justice at all!

However, Hatake Sakumo has never decided to reorganize the forces under his command is also a big problem. As time goes by, the little ninjas under his command may be drawn over by the Senju clan, and Uchiha Tokumitsu, as an ally, has It is inconvenient to come forward to buy people's hearts - more importantly, one's own interests have already been distributed, and there is no way to squeeze out more interests to win over others.

But just before the vote on the motion to thoroughly investigate the prohibited behavior of the Ninja Army, Tsunade initiated another motion.

The proposal this time was put forward at the Konoha Ministries meeting, demanding strict military discipline and prohibiting the stationed ninja troops from bullying the daimyo nobles of the small country where they are located...

This proposal made Uchiha Deguang blow up!
This time, he pointed at the Uchiha clan, especially his nose, and cursed nakedly!
As we all know, two of Konoha's four major border defense forces are stationed in the small buffer country. The daimyo's collection of protection fees and other "evil deeds" - Tsunade doesn't say who it is, but everyone knows it.

"It's wrong to be a good ninja, and not to be a good family leader, so what kind of parliamentary struggle is it?"

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Uchiha Tokuko kicked over the table in front of him angrily.

All the jnin under his command were silent like cicadas.

"...I plan to go back to the village again."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath.

He felt that something was wrong with his temper recently, and he was much more irritable than before.

Perhaps it is the influence of the negative power brought by the Kaleidoscope Sharingan...

Uchiha Tokumitsu closed his eyes, doing eye exercises from his previous life.

"Lord Deguang..."

A Uchiha shinin asked tremblingly: "After you return to the village, how should the headquarters arrange military affairs?"

"Each of you will be on duty for one day, and will be in charge of the rotation."

Uchiha Tokumitsu casually ordered: "Pay attention to the country of water, all Kirigakure transport ships must go to the base of the country of waves to unload, and they will no longer be allowed to dock in the country of vortex!"

"As ordered!"

All the Junin suddenly agreed.

"In addition, the shipyard on the west coast of the country of vortex has to be built quickly..."

"Don't be afraid to spend money, the money you spend will be earned back. Our goal is to enhance our strength with all resources. This is the foundation of our life!"

The large dock that will be built in a hidden strait on the western coast of Uzumaki is the fundamental reason why Tokumitsu Uchiha wants to move the smuggling distribution center to Uzumaki.

Even though a reconciliation with the Kirigakure Ninja Clan is reached and an alliance between the ninja chiefs is about to be held, Uchiha Tokumitsu still misses the country of water, especially the current Mizukage of the Kirigakure Ninja Village.

In other words, I never forget the manipulator behind the three generations of Mizukage-Uchiha Madara!
(End of this chapter)

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