Chapter 175
Uchiha Deguang knows how to fight.

As a low-level financial dog in his previous life, although he was not able to personally participate in the high-level struggle, he was already familiar with the gossip and gossip that had been passed on in private.

Therefore, he naturally understood the essence of fighting.

That is, when others take advantage of righteousness and make trouble, they simply make things bigger and muddy the water.

Things get worse, and the original things will naturally be fine.

This is like the Senju Clan wanting to open a window, the Uchiha Clan clamored to tear down the roof, other ninjas hurried over to persuade them, and in the end the window didn’t need to be opened and the roof didn’t need to be demolished, everything remained the same, and the years were quiet good.

Therefore, when the ninja class office's reply about Senju Tsunade decided to send it back to the Hokage office, Hiruzasarutobi was also very confused.

"The ninja conference also takes care of this...?"

In his thinking inertia, the only purpose of holding a ninja meeting is to get things and people from the pockets of various ninjas. Although there is a price to pay, the cost performance is still much higher than that of the ninja school's own training.

Thinking about it carefully, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, immediately remembered the "convention" when he was in charge of Konoha in the first generation of Naruto Senjujuma.

In the impression of some people, Senjujuma seems to be a person who is indecisive, willing to listen, and will apologize to the weak, but those who are really familiar with him know how firm the will and how skillful the "Ninja God" is. A superb person.

It is true that he organized the ninja meeting first, but then he handed over the power to his younger brother Senshou Feijian, and he went to discuss "peace" matters with other ninja villages, and Senshou Feijian once again used various means to bring ninja The Clan Conference changed from a decision-making body to a Senate body, and it was not until the third generation that it gradually became today's "Ninja Oriented Conscription Conference".

After Senshou Zhuma learned of Senshou Feima's actions, he often criticized his younger brother's behavior in public, and apologized to those whose interests had been harmed on behalf of his younger brother.

But a fait accompli is a fact.

Hashirama-sama punished himself with three cups, and Feijian-sama also said that he should not be an example, so what do you want?
Want to rebel?
I'm afraid it's not that I haven't tried the interrogation methods of the Anbu and the Intelligence Department!
But for Konoha, which has no written law, weakening a thing requires years of subtle reduction, but revitalizing a thing requires an opportunity.

The ninja class has changed from an organization that assists Naruto in managing the ninja to another mountain of Konoha, which is what happened in a short period of time after Hatake Sakumo came to power.

With such a lesson learned from the past, how could Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, dare to let another old antique that had been swept into the pile of old papers be reborn again.

Moreover, while the ninja class closed and returned the motion, it also raised another important topic-the expansion of the scope of censorship initiated by Uchiha Tokumitsu and signed by Hatake Sakumo, to investigate all the dark things in the past 30 years proposal!

This is no longer a question of whether the investigation can continue, it is a terrible question!
It is well known in Konoha that Danzo can't stand the investigation, but can he and Sarutobi Hiruzen and two consultants stand the investigation?Can even the second generation of Senshou Feijian stand up to the investigation?
Besides, even those things about Danzo can be evaded by "carrying darkness for Konoha", but what about Anbu, who is closely related to the roots?

Even if Anbu has immunity as a unit directly under Hokage, what about the Intelligence Department?What about the Ministry of Government Affairs?
And the deadliest wooden escape experiment plan...

At this time, the smuggling activities of the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan are no longer a problem, and it is even more trivial to violate the three ninja prohibitions.

The most important thing is how to reasonably suppress the expanded review proposed by Sakumo Hatake!
Thinking of this, Hiruza Sarutobi felt that his blood pressure had started to soar.

So he quickly took two puffs of his pipe to suppress his shock.

"Sun Cut!"

Just when Hiruzaru Sarutobi III frowned and thought about the countermeasures, Mito Kadoiro pushed the door open panting.


The Third Generation was a little puzzled, why did Mitomon Yan, who had always maintained an appearance of a scholar, become so anxious?
"Is there something wrong with the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Immediately, he immediately thought of another fatal question.


Mito Menyan was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and said, "The frontier army has sent a letter publicly..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, turned pale with shock.

This reminded him of the incident where Hatake Sakumo and Uchiha Tokumitsu gathered frontier troops to return to the village to force the palace after Danzo's death.

"The three frontier defense forces in the northwest, west, and east expressed their approval of Senju Tsunade's serious military discipline proposal, and unanimously agreed with Hatake Sakumo's proposal to expand inspections and thoroughly eliminate unhealthy tendencies..."

The commanders of the two frontier defense forces in the northwest and the east are Uchiha tribesmen, while Hanomaki Mimura and Isao Kime of the western border defense force are close friends with Hatake Sakumo.

Although Mitomonyan didn't know the specific content of Hatake Sakumo's proposal at this time, just the "expanded review" had already terrified him.

Mitomen also can't stand the investigation.

Even if his problems cannot be found out, the family behind him still has a lot of problems that have not been wiped clean, and he will inevitably be implicated if he checks it out.

"Sun Cut!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun ran into Hokage's office panting again.

"The ninja class sent a message to the Ministry of Government Affairs to borrow the venue to hold a ninja meeting!"

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen slowly closed his eyes.

Then he handed the document in his hand to Mito Menyan.

Mitomonyan glanced at it briefly, then turned pale with shock, and passed the document to Zhuanzi Xiaochun. ,

The three of them fell into shock at the same time.

Things are getting bigger...


The two issues raised by Tsunade are the current focus of Konoha's public opinion, so all the ninjas are silently observing the final decision of the ninja class.

To check or not to check?
If it is investigated, it will harm the vital interests of Hatake Sakumo's allies, the Uchiha clan; if it is not investigated, Hatake Sakumo's consistent image of justice and strictness will surely collapse.

No matter from which point of view, this game within the rules is a good show.

Of course, there are still some ninjas who are also secretly manipulating other smuggling activities who are dissatisfied with Tsunade's proposal, but they dare not speak out.

As the eye of the public opinion typhoon, the ninjas are always watching every move of the ninja class, and at this time they already know that Uchiha Tokumitsu has returned to the village, and Hatake Sakumo visited the police headquarters last night.

So there must be big news today!
It's just that they didn't expect the news to be so big...

When the leaders of the ninja tribes got the photocopies of the ninja class issues, everyone was stunned...

Like Uchiha Tokumitsu's calculation, the marginalized ninja leaders are eager to try and are very willing to participate in this matter, while the ninja who are closely related to the Hokage family try their best to prevent it.

As for Tsunade's two proposals...

Not important anymore!

It doesn't matter anymore!
What else to check!Up and down Konoha, from ninjas to civilians, who doesn't know that the Uchiha clan controls the frontier army to intimidate the daimyo?Who doesn't know that the Uchiha clan is engaged in smuggling activities and reselling arms and making a lot of money!

Now that we know everything, what's the point of further investigation!
Even if the cards are already revealed, the result of the investigation is nothing more than embarrassing the Uchiha clan, so what else can the village do?
With this ability, Anbu has long since marched into the Uchiha tribe to eliminate injustice!
But the meaning of looking back 30 years is different!

Who the hell can stand the investigation!

None of the various ninja clans that are deeply tied to the Hokage family has any shameful things!

Besides, the reputation of the Uchiha clan is already stinking on the street, so they don't care, but they care about their white feathers!

As a result, some ninjas want to use the ninja meeting to revive the family's momentum, no matter how bad it is, they must have the right to vote for their own profit, and the other part of the ninja try their best to prevent the expansion of the censorship proposal, and by the way the ninja meeting can bring I don't want the power anymore!
Konoha's focus of public opinion was completely disrupted by a proposal like this!


Tsunade also got the news.

Her face was livid, her hands were tightly clutching a thin piece of paper, and she was staring at the content between the lines.

Even if she didn't send anyone out to take the initiative to inquire, she knew how the Hokage Building and the various ninja families would react at this time.

It's nothing more than a group of people wanting to flip the table, and another group wanting to cover up!


Katobu gently pushed the door open and entered.

His face was full of worry.

This is the first time I have seen Tsunade so groggy.

Kato Dan walked slowly behind Tsunade, squatted down, and put his hands on Tsunade's shoulders.

Tsunade's originally tense body also slowly relaxed.

Then he took the initiative to hand the tightly held paper to Kato Duan. .

After Kato Duan took a cursory look, he immediately understood.

The family he came from is also a small ninja, so he naturally understands the meaning behind this proposal initiated by the recent investigator Uchiha Tokumitsu and signed by Hatake Sakumo.


Kato Dan hugged his lover full of distress.

But he couldn't think of any comforting words for a while.

"I really didn't expect..."

Tsunade muttered to himself.

"The Uchiha clan actually produced such a character..."

Kato still remained silent, just continued to hug his lover.

"Cut, we all underestimate Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

Tsunade said faintly: "I have a hunch that he will be a more dangerous person than Uchiha Madara!"

"...Then about this?"

Kato asked hesitantly.

Both issues were initiated by Tsunade, which is equivalent to the first show after the reorganization of the Thousand Hands Clan. After being slapped in the face like this, how to end it is a big problem.

"It's not something I need to think about..."

Tsunade's head was thrown back, leaning against Kato's broken shoulder, his eyes closed.

"This is something the teacher has to settle..."


Tsunade sighed deeply, unwilling to think about it any more.


In the Nangagawa Stock Exchange, Uchiha Tokumitsu called all the shareholders of the United Fisheries Company—that is, the leaders of the various ninja clans.

Originally, after Tsunade launched the impeachment motion, they still felt panic.

But as Uchiha Tokumitsu rushed back to the village, after the situation was overturned overnight, everyone's hearts were full of admiration.

In addition to his tyrannical personal strength and superb means of earning money, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again demonstrated his ups and downs in political fighting.

These are the three essential core elements of a super ruler!

"We don't just need wealth!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood above the conference hall of the stock exchange, with his hands on his hips, and his tone was serious.

"You also need to have the strength to protect your wealth!"

All the ninja leaders nodded.

"The power to keep wealth from being affected is more needed!"

"This is what we are after!"

The breathing of the ninja leaders became heavy.

Wealth, Strength, Power!
No ninja can withstand this temptation!

Not to mention using such a temptation to test the leaders of the ninja tribe, whose leader can stand such a test!
It would be strange if the clansmen didn't blow him down if he refused to go back!
"Regardless of whether the proposal is passed or not, or whether the ninja meeting will be restarted this time, we need to plan ahead!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu spoke again.

The venue immediately returned to calm.

Slowly scanning everyone present, Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed satisfaction with his control.

Even though their strength is not worth mentioning in his own eyes, they represent another force of Konoha after all.

Does not belong to the Hokage family, does not belong to the Sakumo faction, and is not equivalent to the Uchiha family.

This is a brand new group linked by interests and blood!
"The Ninja Conference will be restarted in the future! It must be restarted!"

"Our goal is not only to earn wealth through the company, but also to actively seek the power we deserve, and to make good use of wealth to strengthen our strength!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said firmly: "We can't let others make their voices and become passive! This is not good for our long-term development!"

The ninja leaders nodded in agreement.

They recalled once again the uneasiness and panic they felt when they first heard about Tsunade's agenda.

When he cast his eyes on Tokumitsu Uchiha on the stage again, the fear of the Senju Clan disappeared in his heart.


The Senju Clan is really great, but they still have Tokumitsu Uchiha!

In a world without Senjujuma, who else can stop this Uchiha who has a kaleidoscopic writing sharingan and is powerful and flexible!
What's more, Tokumitsu Uchiha is still very young!

Much younger than Sarutobi Hiruzen, Senju Tsunade, Hatake Sakumo, and even Uchiha Shikata!

And in the ninja world where the average life expectancy is short, youth is the greatest capital!

"Lord Deguang, I pledge my allegiance to you!"

The Shiranui patriarch stood up first and bowed deeply.

Then a group of ninja leaders followed suit.

"Allegiance to the lord!"

A happy smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

Due to the complexity of Hatake Sakumo's subordinates, after the reorganization of his forces, his existence must be based on ideas and beliefs.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, on the basis of the United Fisheries Company, tied up the ninja clan based on blood relationship and interests.

A political group based on ideas.

Plus a capital group united based on interests and blood ties.

What kind of vitality will emerge after the alliance between the two?

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help thinking about it.

 Today's update (1/2), the second update will be at night.

  In addition, if you have the audacity to continue to ask for tickets~ask for recommendation tickets~ask for monthly tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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