Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 176 Konoha Innovation

Chapter 176 Konoha Innovation
Every choice, every decision, has trade-offs and compromises behind it.

Although the ninjas who stand in the Naruto line are happy to see the restart of the ninja meeting and gain additional power in the Naruto system, they are absolutely unwilling to see that they really start to look back on everything in the past few decades.

But the initiator of the proposal is Tokumitsu Uchiha, and the signer is Sakumo Hatake, the squad leader of the ninja class. Neither of these two people is easy to fool.

In particular, after Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to Konoha for one night, he used his strength to completely subvert Tsunade's issues, and it made Konoha see the superbness of Uchiha Tokumitsu's political fighting methods.

And the momentum after the reorganization of the Senshou Clan seems to be indeed not as prominent as the Uchiha Clan.

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not rush to urge the convening of the Ninja Conference, but at the invitation of Hatake Sakumo, he attended the first plenary meeting after his forces reorganized the political group.

The name of the political group formed by Hatake Sakumo is the Reform Society, a name that sounds very spiritual.

At the first meeting of the Innovation Society, Tokumitsu Uchiha fulfilled his role as a mascot very well, smiling all the way, not saying a word, just carefully observing every move of his congregation.

It is not difficult to see from their surnames that the key members of the Revolutionary Society were indeed born as civilian ninjas and small ninjas, and they must have their own specialties to become jounin.

It's just that due to class restrictions, their vision is not long-term...

The themes in their speeches, such as promoting fairness, justice, maintaining peace and stability in the ninja world, and promoting the correct will of fire, made Uchiha Tokumitsu laugh.

But after all, they are allies, so they can't really laugh out loud, they can only keep smiling.

"Deguang-jun, please say a few words..."

Hatake Sakumo turned sideways and whispered to Uchiha Tokumitsu.


Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment, then nodded in response.

Then got up and walked to the front desk.

"...Ninjas are not treating guests to dinner, they are not treating guests to dinner, they are not dancing with words, they can't be so elegant!"

After saying a word, the venue was silent.

This is a bit of Uchiha Tokumitsu's response to the childish remarks of some members of the Reform Society.

"The essence of a ninja is to do things with money!"

Although some people showed dissatisfaction on their faces, more people nodded in approval.

"But ninjas are people too!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu emphasized: "It is a person with flesh and blood, love and righteousness! It is definitely not a tool in the ridiculous remarks of some dead people!"

The spearhead of this sentence is directed at Shimura Danzo, who had already died under the sword of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"There are five levels of human needs: physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs."

"What we are pursuing now is the need for respect and self-actualization!"

"Being humble is not a disgrace, and being perseverant is a hero; the purpose of the reform society is to make every Konoha ninja who is underappreciated get the due development, so that every Konoha ninja who comes from a humble background can enjoy the benefits of war equally. bonus!"

Suddenly, thunderous applause!
"The high-ranking nobles boast about their generations, but they don't think about the leaves and the people don't live!"

After the applause stopped, Tokumitsu Uchiha continued to give a passionate speech, regardless of his background as the biggest wealthy family in Konoha: "Konoha needs someone to stand up, to change, to innovate, to seek greater success for the next generation of Konoha ninjas. blessing!"

"New Konoha! New Konoha!"

Under the leadership of Hatake Sakumo, the participating ninjas shouted together.

"...The adults are always unwilling to face the problem, but try to vent the dissatisfaction within the village by oppressing the Uchiha clan, creating conflicts between the common people and the ninja, but this is not the fundamental way to solve the problem!"

"But! As you know, the Uchiha clan has always stood with everyone!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu paused, observing the expressions of the ninjas present.

This is the first time that Tokumitsu Uchiha publicly expressed the attitude of the Uchiha clan and his dissatisfaction with the Hokage Building on a major occasion.

"One generation should have the responsibilities of one generation. Those who put aside problems without solving them or even try to solve them are a kind of complete mediocrity and evil!"

"It is our responsibility to let every child who is talented to become a ninja enjoy high-quality ninja education equally!"

"It is our responsibility to let every ninja who shed their blood for Konoha enjoy their old age in peace!"

"It is our responsibility to let every grass-roots ninja who works diligently to support their families have no worries about food and clothing!"

A series of parallel sentences stirred up the emotions of all the ninjas of the Innovation Society.

"And it is precisely because of the mediocrity of some high-level officials in the village that Konoha, the number one ninja world, has fallen into the current situation!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha spoke passionately, and loudly shouted the innovative slogan: "Fame is nothing but a dream, only sincerity can never be sold; the time for innovation has come, and a hurricane will sweep Ninja Village at night!"

"Konoha Innovation!"

A middle-aged ninja pulled out his ninja sword with a "clang", the blade raised at 45°, and hissed loudly.

Tears started to appear in his eyes.

"Konoha Innovation!"

Hatake Sakumo stood up proudly, also drew his sword and shouted.

"Konoha Innovation!"

All the ninjas of the Innovation Society drew their swords and shouted.

Amidst the sharp edge of the blade, everyone has a determined face and a firm expression.


The turmoil of the big censorship proposal has not yet subsided, and the news about the reform association formed by the reorganization of Hatake Sakumo's forces once again set off a turmoil in Konoha.

Hatake Sakumo was the president of the Reform Society, and Uchiha Tokumitsu was also regarded as the closest comrade-in-arms by the Reform Society ninjas, and he also got the title of director.

Even the four words of its organizational goal "Konoha Innovation" were written by Uchiha Tokumitsu at the kind invitation of Hatake Sakumo.

What shocked Konoha Ninzu the most was Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech at the founding meeting of the Innovation Association.

After obtaining the consent of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the innovation society compiled Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech into a manuscript and posted it everywhere in Konoha.

The police department also gave them the greatest convenience, and even the bulletin boards of the police offices in the three districts reserved a special space for the reform association.

This also represents that Konoha's largest blood-successor clan and the ninja group from the bottom are completely standing together.

What is it that big capitalists and wage workers stand in the same trench against?
Isn't it just to fight against the nobles of the old era?

This is blatantly sounding the clarion call to attack Konoha's old forces!
"One wave of ups and downs and another wave..."

In Hokage's office, Hiruzaru Sarutobi the Third closed his eyes wearily.

He felt a little drained.

In the field of the Thousand Hands Clan, Tsunade also got the information from the Reform Society immediately.

After reading it, she left the table without saying a word.

In her eyes, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo are no longer as simple as collaborating, but want to completely overthrow the order of Konoha's inheritance.

But there was nothing he could do.

"Don't start a civil war..."

In a private box of Barbecue Q, Qiu Daofeng was clutching the notice of the Reform Society in his hand, and clicked his tongue, but his face was full of an expression that he didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

The leader of the Zhuludie clan stood under the hall, bowed his head with his hands down and said nothing.

"Hi Zhan really intends to let me take charge of the mission center?"

Qiu Dao took the wind and asked again: "Didn't you grab the power so hard before that you didn't let Mr. Jing and I have a chance to participate? Why did you suddenly become generous?"

The heads of the Zhuludie clan were all silent.

They didn't know how to answer this.

You can't directly say that the pressure brought by the alliance between Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo was too great, and they had to compromise with you, right?
Besides, when Qiu Dao was "retired" back then, the young and strong sects of the three clans did a lot of ideological work for the old man.

"Forget it... Anyway, you have also been brainwashed by Ri Zhan's will of fire, and you can't ask anything!"

Qiu Dao took the wind and snorted coldly.

He is also one of the students of Senshou Hiken, so he naturally understands the original meaning of the will of fire, and he knows better what private goods the high-level leaders headed by Hiruzaru Sarutobi have injected into the will of fire.

"As long as you don't forget that the family is the foundation, it doesn't matter what you believe in!"

Qiu Dao took Feng swallowed a big hamburger in one gulp, groaned and said: "Forget it, I don't bother to embarrass you juniors, just go back and tell Ri Zhan that I agree!"

"Obey! Senior Fefeng, I bid farewell!"

Zhuludie's three patriarchs left as if they were being pardoned.

"The village...the family..."

The wind suddenly picked up in Qiudao and swept all the dishes on the table to the ground.

"A person who forgets his roots!"


 Some remarks in this chapter are derived from the rearrangement of excerpts from Deng Ai’s quotations from the famous general of the Three Kingdoms period and the song of the Showa Restoration. The text is only needed for the plot of the novel, and does not represent the author’s personal position, nor does it have any other meaning. Please do not press politics~
(End of this chapter)

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