Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 177 The Emerald Form of a Giant

Chapter 177 The Emerald Form of a Giant

Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech at the innovation meeting spread throughout Konoha in a short period of time, which also allowed him to gain a large group of admirers in the senior Chunin community.

In the context of Konoha, the so-called "senior Chunin" refers to the group of cannon fodder Chunin who are capable but have no way to advance. Most of them were born in the war years, relying on luck or personal will After surviving on the battlefield, you can gain the rank of Zhongnin with your military exploits.However, due to the limitations of his own qualifications or resources, his strength cannot continue to improve, and he can only rely on performing low-to-medium level tasks to maintain his life.

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech, the "three major responsibilities" proposed deeply touched the string in their hearts.

The police preparatory school's open attitude towards the spread of ninjutsu in the education stage also confirmed from the side that Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech is not completely false.

From the perspective of identity and group characteristics, it is exactly the same as the pseudo-middle class in the previous life - mastering certain technologies but not indispensable, having a certain strength but no opportunity to continue to improve, having a certain status but not intergenerational inherited.

Even a little carelessness, such as being disabled during a mission and being pushed out of active duty, or being taken away for investigation by the root for too radical remarks, or offending a junior ninja of a wealthy family, may cause a heavy blow to their lives.

So Konoha's senior Chunin are very anxious.

But at least Uchiha Tokumitsu's speech gave them a hope, a hope to maintain the inheritance and even have the opportunity to go further.

And the most expensive thing in the world is hope.

Having been a financial dog in his previous life, Tokumitsu Uchiha naturally knew what kind of people his scythe could harvest.

The forces originally attached to Hatake Sakumo were a huge and chaotic crowd, but after the reorganization, with certain rules and regulations, at least the crowd composition has been "purified" to a certain extent; and the innovation will take To apply for the membership system, basically anyone who is a Konoha ninja can apply for membership after understanding the constitution of the Innovation Club, which is also conducive to the rapid expansion of the Innovation Club.

And this also gave Uchiha Tokumitsu a good opportunity to intervene.

The top ninjas of the Reform Society are the basic base of Hatake Sakumo. These people only need to maintain positive interactions, and there is no need to get in touch with them too much; but the huge number of ninjas can be wooed.

Including the logistics escort work of the smuggling business that Uchiha Tokumitsu promised to assign to Hatake Sakumo in the early stage, it is tailor-made for these people.

But winning people's hearts does not happen overnight, so Tokumitsu Uchiha patiently made the layout, silently waiting for the day of harvest.


Inside Konoha, the turmoil of thoroughly investigating the 30-year proposal is getting bigger and bigger.

Many ninja family members have even started to petition the Hokage Building as "root victims" to investigate the darkness of the root, which has caused the third generation of Sarutobi Hitomi to be devastated.

He also felt very aggrieved!
"Yan! How is the establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Out of anger, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, convened Mitomonyan, who was commissioned to form the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"The personnel have just arrived in office, but there have been no suitable locations for secret venues and safe houses. There are too many eyeliners in the police department..."

As a special task agency, the Ministry of Internal Affairs needs to set up special institutions such as detention centers, interrogation centers, and intelligence analysis and processing centers in addition to training venues.

However, since the Ministry of Internal Affairs is essentially an "illegal" organization that has nothing to do with the Konoha departments, his institution cannot have anything to do with the Anbe and other Konoha departments.

After the reform of the police department, three major police stations were set up in Konoha, which suppressed the choice of venues for the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"If it really doesn't work, let's set it in the death forest..."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen also had some headaches.

After all, after the reform of the police department, even the actions of the Anbu were subject to all kinds of intentional or unintentional monitoring and prying by the police administration.

"I understand……"

Although it is inconvenient to set the secret place in the death forest, Mitomen also knows that this is the best choice at present.

"One more thing I want you to come here is to check the ninja family members who are illegally petitioning. Is there someone behind them who is maliciously instigating a connection..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said with a gloomy face.

The reason why the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose mechanism is not yet complete, is used is because it is really difficult to mobilize the Anbu under the nose of the Police Department.

Moreover, those second-generation elders in Anbu haven't figured out a way to get rid of them, and he can't guarantee the "purity" of Anbu's team.

"...I secretly sent mountain ninjas to hypnotize a few people."

Mito Menyan replied in a deep voice: "They felt that the control of the village has been relaxed a lot, so they spontaneously started the petition."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly.

"Danzo has some things that are really too much..."

Mitomonyan added quietly.


Hiruzen Sarutobi took a few puffs of his pipe viciously.

"Hi Zhan, what are you going to do with the review proposal?"

Mitomonyan lowered his eyelids, "I'm afraid we can't drag it on any longer..."

"The daimyo will send a special envoy to announce the amnesty for all past events!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi was silent for a while before speaking quietly.


Mitomon Yan was shocked.

He didn't even know that this matter had something to do with the daimyo.

"Hizan! The ninjas in the village are very disgusted with the daimyo's interference in the ninja village! Don't you..."

"Is there anything else you can do?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen III interrupted Mitomon Yan's words, "Is it really necessary to investigate? If we conduct a thorough investigation, is it true that no problem can be found?"

"even so……"

Mitomon Yan was a little bit overwhelmed, "Hiizhan, you should discuss something with us..."


The third generation shook his head, "This time, Minister Dazai of the daimyo proposed it on his own initiative, and the special envoy is the son of the daimyo..."

"Daimyo's legitimate son..."

Mitomonyan was also a little stunned.

This is equivalent to the next daimyo arriving at Konoha to resolve the proposal storm in person.

"Although it will damage the prestige, it is still a solution, isn't it..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed.

Mitomonyan looked at his exhausted appearance and didn't say anything more.

After Mitomon Yan left, Sarutobi Hiruzen III stared blankly at the door of the office.

There is another thing that he didn't tell anyone, that is, the daimyo privately commissioned the Sarutobi clan to train him the so-called "servant ninja", that is, the guard ninja with a different name, and he also needs to grant them the Konoha ninja in private identity of.

This kind of thing is like Pandora's box, once it is opened, it will cause disaster.

If the daimyo has an established ninja unit, the conflict with Ninja Village will inevitably intensify.

But he has said yes.

The alliance between Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo put too much pressure on him...


After learning that the special envoy of Fire Nation would arrive at Konoha to announce the "mediation" proposal, Tokumitsu Uchiha just snorted coldly, and ignored the sentence "making a big deal out of a molehill".

After Hatake Sakumo received the notification from Hokage Building, he sat in the ninja shift office all afternoon, no one knew what he was thinking and doing.

At the same time, the Huoying Building also issued a notice to the commanders of the other three frontier armies, asking them to return to the village to participate in the meeting collectively.

And the public opinion in the village also shifted again, from the need for extensive censorship to whether the daimyo's mediation was legal.


Uchiha Tokumitsu firmly believed that the criticism of language was not as good as the slashing of weapons, so he did not get involved in the public opinion debate in the village, but when the special envoy of the daimyo held a mediation meeting, he put on a combat vest again and put on his back a big sword shark muscle. Show your attitude.

Hatake Sakumo is also wearing a combat vest, and he is also carrying the famous White Fang Short Sword, but it does not look as eye-catching as the shark muscles on Uchiha Tokuka's back.

The reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu attended the meeting with the shark muscles on his back was to "show off his martial arts".

Uchiha Homon and Mimura Hanomaki followed behind the two, while Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the newly promoted commander of the northern frontier army, stood on the other side, just looking at the group of four.


In the conference room of the Hokage Building, Hiruzen Sarutobi III introduced the commanders of the Plurilateral Army to the Special Envoy of the Fire Nation and Daimyo Atsuko.

"Joinin, the leader of the ninja class, and the president of the reform society, Hatake Sakumo!"

"Commander of the Eastern Frontier Defense Force, Senior Assistant Chief of the Police Department, Director of the Innovation Society Uchiha Tokumitsu Jominin!"

"Ninja Mimura, Commander of the Western Frontier Defense Force!"

"Northwest Frontier Defense Force Commander Uchiha Homonjohnin!"

"Northern Frontier Defense Force Commander Sarutobi Shinnosuke Jonin!"

Among the chief officers of the frontier army, Uchiha Tokumitsu has the longest title and title, and is naturally the most eye-catching.

In the curtain beside Hokage, the Daimyo Atsuko, who is a special envoy, is also paying attention to this legendary Uchiha ninja who is lawless, arrogant and violent.

In particular, the so-called "Konoha Innovation Association" that was newly released recently made it difficult for the daimyo nobles to sleep and sleep.

The so-called innovation, what is the innovation?
The program of the reform society was not clearly stated, so the daimyo nobles were even more disturbed.

But what they can be sure of is that they can’t just sit back and watch the Hokage series currently in charge of Konoha really be overthrown by public opinion, and they can’t let Konoha Ninja’s hearts be won away, otherwise Shinobi Village will fall into Hatake Sakumo or Uchihad If it is in Guang's hands, then their good days may come to an end.

"...Appointed by the sacred name that all people admire to rule the country, come to mediate the internal differences of Konoha. All differences should not exist. Unity is the foundation of maintaining the country of fire and Konoha's development."

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the red tape ahead, but he immediately reacted when he heard this sentence.

Looking at Sakumo Hatake, Tokumitsu Uchiha fired first.

"Not to mention whether the daimyo is sacred or not, but can the conflicts in the village and the wishes of the ninja be ignored or suppressed?"

"Or, according to the words of the envoy, is it to suppress the expression of Konoha Ninja? Then can I regard it as a contempt for Konoha Jomina's will?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered again and again, while Hatake Sakumo remained expressionless.

"Tokumitsu Jonin, Konoha's problems should be reported in a reasonable way, instead of making people panic..."

The envoy responded modestly and politely.

"In what capacity did the daimyo come to mediate?"

Hatake Sakumo said suddenly.

"Ninja Village is not Daimyo's subordinate!"

Mimura Hanomaki continued to speak.


Uchiha Fire Gate followed.

"Konoha may have experienced some setbacks and damage during its development, but it has always been an indispensable military force in the Land of Fire. The daimyo-sama and His Excellency Hokage have worked together to create the largest ninja country. The prosperity of the..."

The special envoy circled around and responded to the trio's questioning from the side.

"In order to make up for the mistakes as much as possible, the daimyo is willing to exempt 40 billion war bonds and allocate an additional 20 billion taels to compensate for Konoha Ninja's losses, so as to calm the internal differences in Ninja Village."

As soon as this remark came out, Uchiha Tokumitsu narrowed his eyes.

Leaving aside whether the 20 billion taels can satisfy the appetite of the Konoha Ninja Clan, the exemption of the 40 billion war bonds mentioned by the special envoy is enough to cause a headache for the Uchiha Clan.

In the 60 billion war bond plan, exactly 40 billion of the 20 billion actually issued were provided by the daimyo, and the other [-] billion were publicly raised by the Nangachuan Stock Exchange.

Once the news of the bond exemption spreads, what kind of impact will it have on the 20 billion bonds held by the Uchiha clan...

Although the war bond is to be repaid by the village, if something goes wrong during the repayment, it will affect the reputation of the Uchiha clan in the ninja world.

"...In addition, the daimyo will allocate additional funds for the development of people's livelihood every year, so that every Konoha ninja can receive grace and support."

"The only wish is that Konoha Ninja can let go of the past, focus on the future, and work together to maintain the supreme honor of being the number one country!"

"Sakumo Jōnin has unparalleled prestige, Deguang Jnin has outstanding martial arts, Huomen Jnin defeated Yanyin, Yejuan Jnin defended the enemy from the outside, Xin Zhizhu Jōnin defended the northern border, all heroes of the Kingdom of Fire..."

"Therefore, all the daimyo are given the title of general by the lords, and enjoy the title of guardianship..."

The so-called guardianship title is the magistrate of a county. Although it is only a vain position with a salary, it is not inappropriate for the daimyo to do so.

It's really simple and effective...

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo looked at each other, both a little helpless.

"It's not bad to have a general number..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu whispered to Hatake Sakumo: "After all, our original intention was to dismiss Tsunade Hime's proposal..."

Although Hatake Sakumo was a little unwilling, he still nodded slightly to show his acceptance.

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought of another question.

According to the tradition, the general can justifiably open the palace, so wouldn't the red army under his command become a legal ninja army?

And...the general, the shogunate...

When these words are coherent, they seem to have a different charm...

When Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his eyes to the special envoy who was making a wish to distribute coins again, his eyes became much more friendly.

As for the withdrawal of the proposal, it can also be publicized in the public opinion that it is the pressure of the proposal that makes the daimyo willing to distribute coins and provide benefits.

"They will change, not because of conscience, but because we will cry out for you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu even thought about the theme of the promotion.

As long as you don't have to bow down in front of the daimyo, it doesn't matter if you accept the title of general...

And in the future, if Qin Wang Shangluo is justified...

Tokuhika Uchiha licked his lips, a little satisfied.

The daimyo special envoy who has been paying attention to the changes in Uchiha Tokumitsu's expression is also very satisfied.

 Routine ticket asking session!
  Monthly ticket, recommendation ticket~ come here!

(End of this chapter)

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