Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 178 The Age of Authoritarianism

Chapter 178 The Age of Authoritarianism
It was the first time in the entire ninja world that the daimyo directly rewarded Ninja Murakami.

What's more, the titles of five generals were thrown out in one breath.

Hatake Sakumo and the four frontier army commanders all accepted their titles.

Uchiha Deguang said that he withdrew the proposal and promised not to make trouble on this matter.

The Konoha people are a little numb to this, because there are too many shocking things recently, and there is not enough emotion.

Moreover, they were quite dissatisfied with Hokage's acceptance of daimyo's mediation and five of them accepting the title of general, especially those fringe ninjas who had hoped to restart the ninja conference and gain power from it.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo didn't bother to pay attention to those insects.

The key point for them now is to preach and explain to the ninjas of the Reform Society, and explain the meaning clearly.

"...The ninja world is unequal, and ninja village is also unequal."

After Hatake Sakumo's speech, Tokumitsu Uchiha, who is the director of the Innovation Association, naturally also took the stage to speak, and his first sentence made the faces of the people present at the Innovation Association change drastically.

"And precisely because there is inequality, we must pursue equality, so we sit together, so Konoha has a reform society."

The faces of the ninjas at the reform meeting immediately changed from cloudy to sunny.

After many public speeches, Uchiha Tokumitsu became more and more proficient in using language to mobilize the audience's emotions, and he suppressed and raised everyone's minds tightly.

"The daimyo will throw coins wantonly, and Hokage will be generous and kind, but this is not because they are pure in nature, but because we stand up!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his right fist and said loudly, "It's us!"

"The Revolutionary Society is the rising sun of Konoha, under the scorching sun, all darkness disappears invisible!"

There was thunderous applause in the venue.


Uchiha Tokumitsu turned again, and his tone became low: "The future is bright, but the road is tortuous."

The ninjas of the Innovation Society who were enthusiastic just now immediately calmed down a bit, and after thinking about it, they nodded one after another.

"Power is not our most necessary pursuit, but it is an indispensable condition for realizing our ideals!"

The purpose of this sentence is to defend himself and Hatake Sakumo for accepting the title of general of the daimyo.

The ninjas at the innovation meeting were a little hesitant, but they still nodded.

Those who can become jounin are all those who have been severely beaten by the ninja world, and those who join the reform society are people who have not lost their original intentions, so they are not the kind of complete idealists. This "accessory" of power.

Besides, if it wasn't for Sakumo Hatake being the squad leader of the ninja squad, Tokumitsu Uchiha being a wealthy family and commander of the frontier army, plus the two men's tyrannical and intimidating Hokage previous convictions, the innovation society might have just sprouted The stage was wiped out by Anbu in one go.

The next day, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo's speeches at the internal meeting of the Innovation Society were compiled into a manuscript and named "Our Struggle" and spread everywhere in Konoha.


Among the five generals who accepted the title of Daimyo, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Homon came from the same family, and Uchiha Homon was also from the chief guard of the elder of the seta, so the relationship goes without saying; and Hatake Sakumo It is the Iron Alliance of the Uchiha clan, which naturally unites with Uchiha Tokumitsu; although Mimura Hanomaki has a relatively shallow foundation, she has chosen to stand on the same front as Hatake Sakumo.

Therefore, the only outlier is the new commander of the northern border defense force and the son of the third generation, Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

And he was the one with the least combat exploits among the five.

But for the Hokage series, it more or less occupies one of the four major ninja armies, and it can be regarded as taking back part of the power-because the northern border defense force was once the ninja army led by Hatake Sakumo.

In this way, the most disadvantaged one is Hatake Sakumo, because he is the squad leader of the ninja squad, and the ninja army directly under his command has only one mobile unit, and the combat ninjas of the mobile unit are mostly Uchiha tribesmen, and they are not A shogunate may have been established within Konoha.

Although the title of general is false, its power content is still very high.

The premise is that they have the strength to realize the power of this title.

Uchiha Tokumitsu established the Tokumitsu Shogunate in a low-key way, and the garrison was set up in the territory of Uzumaki, and the chief official of the shogunate was appointed as the guardian of Uzumaki, and then this official was awarded to the head of the Uzumaki clan, Wei Ming.

Although the old land of the Uzumaki country has officially become the territory of the Uchiha clan legally, this is also an opportunity for the Uzumaki clan to return to their homeland in a disguised form.

Uzumaki Ashina was naturally grateful for this, and after thanking Uchiha Tokumitsu repeatedly, he happily took a dozen Uzumaki clansmen to the Uzumaki Country to serve.

His duty is to rebuild a county in Uzumaki as Uchiha Tokumitsu's shogunate residence.

In Uchiha Tokumitsu's vision, the laboratory set up in the eastern part of the Fire Country will eventually be relocated to the Uzumaki Country, and cooperate with the secretly built shipyard to form the pillar industry of the Tokumitsu Shogunate.

The Uchiha Fire Gate also established the shogunate with the support of the family, and set up the resident in the gravel city in the north of the country of grass, but the independence of the shogunate is far less than that of Uchiha Tokumitsu.However, with the further support of the family power, coupled with the help of the Tokumitsu Red Army Team stationed in the Land of Grass Daimyofu, the Fire Gate Shogunate not only controlled the Land of Grass, but also began to move towards the western part of the Land of Taki and the eastern part of the Land of Rain. regional penetration.

Although Mimura Hamoki is the commander of the western border defense force, but his origin is only Konoha's civilian family.There were not many followers under his command, so he simply voted for the Reform Society, and then formed the shogunate with the support of Hatake Sakumo, barely controlling the country of Kawa.

Although Sarutobi Shinnosuke is the young patriarch of the Sarutobi clan, the defense area of ​​the northern border defense force under his command is in the territory of the Fire Country. Although there are also assistant officials in the opening government, they cannot control one side like Uchiha Tokumitsu. The qualifications are not enough, and Konoha Ninja generally believes that he is just lucky to be sealed, so he is also ridiculed as a "landless general".

But in any case, the five generals who were enshrined in the daimyo still eased the internal contradictions in Konoha to a certain extent. Some dissidents chose to leave and join the frontier shogunate. The atmosphere is still a lot more harmonious.

Most of the idle power of the Uchiha clan was transferred to serve in the two major shogunate, and the power remaining in Konoha was only to maintain the police department and the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange. After Deguang got the rank of general, he was unhindered and made a lot of money, so he naturally didn't have the heart to continue entangled with Konoha's insects.

The guardians of the eight counties in the eastern part of the Fire Country have also become more well-behaved, because Uchiha Tokumitsu originally stationed a squadron of ninjas in each county, and after the opening of the shogunate, they intensified their efforts to upgrade the size of the garrison from a squadron to a detachment. Local control was once again strengthened.

But after a slap, Uchiha Tokumitsu gave a candy to the guardians of the counties.

Uchiha Tokumitsu promised that the garrison ninja troops would never interfere with local government affairs, and promised to protect the family's genealogy.In other words, as long as the contemporary guardian is willing, he can designate any heir as the heir and get the military support of the Uchiha ninja army.

For local guardians, especially for families that have an in-law relationship with the ministers of the Daming Prefecture, it is a very headache to maintain the family inheritance without interference, and the value of this commitment given by Uchiha Tokumitsu A hundred thousand gold sentence is even more expensive!

Even Kirigakure's two major ninja clans, Ghost Lamp and Minazuki, are envious of Uchiha Tokumitsu's power, so they specially sent envoys here to ask Uchiha Tokumitsu for advice on how to set up the shogunate to rule the country.

"We are all from the Wuyin Shuiying family, how can we live in depression for a long time! How about encouraging the family to seek the title of general after returning to the village? Wouldn't it be beautiful to split the soil and establish a system?"

Onito Masahiko said to Minazuki Chino.

Shui Wu Yue Qian Nuo also deeply agrees.

 Simplified some content according to the hint.

  I will try not to dance like that in the future...

(End of this chapter)

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