Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 180 The Debate of Righteousness and Benefit and Wen Tianwu Xi

Chapter 180 The Debate of Righteousness and Benefit and Wen Tianwu Xi

The so-called privateering permit order is naturally a secret decree implemented on the route from the Land of Fire to the Land of Water in the eastern sea area, with the purpose of attacking the trading fleets of other noble merchants and safeguarding the interests of the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan.

Of course, the private plundering permit is not just plundering, it will also be implemented in conjunction with the pass flag jointly issued by the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan.

In short, any ship that has not obtained the flag of passage permission is not protected and can attack and plunder at will. The ports controlled by the Uchiha clan or the Kirigakure ninja can provide supplies and loot sales for these privateers.

And if you want to obtain the license flag, you will naturally need to pay a lot of money. In this way, you can not only get a certain amount of capital income, but also increase the trade costs of other noble merchants, so that smuggled goods Become more "cost-effective".

In addition, the Kirigakure Ninja also communicated with Uchiha Tokumitsu about the combat plan of going to the Luobi Palace or overthrowing Mizukage, expressing that if necessary, they also intend to hire the Uchiha Ninja Army to participate in the Kirigakure civil war, and Uchiha Tokumitsu followed suit to express support for allies all actions.

It's like someone giving you a pillow when you want to sleep!
Tokumitsu Uchiha originally thought that he would build a fleet to attack Kirigakure after he won the power of Konoha, but he didn't expect that the ghost lamp clan and the Minazuki clan would take the initiative to send the sword to him!
This is simply wonderful!

In the next few days, Uchiha Tokumitsu has been in a very good mood, which made the ninjas under his command feel a little surprised when they saw it.


Uchiha Tokumitsu said to his subordinates: "The most precious thing in the ninja world is peace! Now that peace has come, shouldn't we be happy for it?"

The subordinates laughed dryly when they heard the words, and stopped replying.

Sure enough, Mr. Deguang is worthy of being a general, and ordinary ninjas really can't say these words!

Just when everything was ready, the border defense forces lifted the blockade on various ports, and the first batch of privateer troops were deployed, Sakumo Hatake, who was jointly appointed by Hokage and Daimyo as the Peace Patrol Ambassador, arrived at Fuba, the residence of the Tokuko Shogunate city.

The two hadn't seen each other for a while, and they had a good time seeing each other.

After a few pleasantries, he cut to the topic.

"Mr. Deguang, this visit is at the request of Hokage-sama to urge the border troops to lift the border blockade..."

After hesitating for a while, Hatake Sakumo threw out the theme of this visit.

"Border Defense Force, apart from essential patrol units, all blockade units have withdrawn."

Uchiha Tokumitsu responded with a smile: "Peace is hard-won, and we will cherish it even more..."

Hatake Sakumo didn't make it clear what he came for, and Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't mind using official phrases to go around in circles.

"...The village already knows."

After hesitating for a moment, Hatake Sakumo took the initiative to clarify his words: "You and the privateering force organized by Kirigakure, the village has already obtained relevant information..."

"Is it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not surprised either.

After all, the first batch of privateering troops were composed of family ninjas drawn from various ninja clans attached to each other, so it is not surprising that the rumors leaked.

Moreover, Tokumitsu Uchiha's original intention was not entirely for maritime plunder, but for strategic deterrence, to prevent other people from participating in the trade of the country of water as much as possible, and it is not a bad thing for the news to leak.

"What? Is Mr. Shuo Mao planning to stop this?"

Seeing Hatake Sakumo's hesitation to speak, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked back.

"It's not to stop, it's just that private plundering is always unreasonable..."

Hatake Sakumo's tone was a bit erratic.

He naturally understood why Tokumitsu Uchiha came up with such a disgraceful secret decree, and he also knew how the smuggling business would be affected after the peaceful customs clearance with the country of water was restored.

But in his cognition, or in the eyes of most ninjas who abide by the creed, plundering—especially semi-official plundering is not a glorious thing.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little surprised.

"What is giri to a ninja?"

Without waiting for Hatake Sakumo to answer, Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "For a group with combat power far beyond the mundane, what should be called giri?"

Hatake Sakumo fell silent.

He didn't know how to answer either.

In fact, the reason why he came to the Tokuko shogunate at the first stop was because the Hokage family and the famous officials continued to run on the grounds of "giri", so he accepted the appointment as a last resort and went to various places to urge the withdrawal of troops to restore peace.

Now that the eastern border defense forces have withdrawn from the blockade, he is not sure about persuading Uchiha Tokumitsu to give up private plundering.

Besides, even the ninjas of the Reform Society, especially the senior Chunin, have benefited a lot from the logistics and transportation of the smuggling trade. If they really give up, the subordinates will probably complain.

"Sakumo-kun, do you think giri or interests are more important to ninjas?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to ask.

Hatake Sakumo shook his head, unable to answer.

If it was the past, he would definitely choose "righteousness" without hesitation.

But now he is already one of the high-level officials in the village, and there are organizations such as the Reform Society under his command. In addition, the various theories that Uchiha Tokumitsu instilled intentionally or unintentionally before, under the influence of the complicated environment, his thoughts have a certain degree. The bottom line has also become relatively flexible.

"The storehouse knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing are sufficient to know the honor and disgrace."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly, "The nobles of the daimyo live in high places and eat all day long, but they enjoy the glory and wealth in the world; the ninjas work hard only for that little commission, but they have to bet their lives... Is this giri?"

"It doesn't make sense..."

Although Hatake Sakumo felt that his mind was in a mess, he still replied instinctively.

"Yes! It's unreasonable!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately answered and said: "The goal of the Reform Association is not only the innovation of Konoha, but also the innovation of the ninja world!"

"And those seemingly vulgar interests are the driving force for us to unite our allies and promote change! Are you right? Mr. Shuo Mao~"

"Makes sense..."

Under the high-intensity and high-density logical crit, Hatake Sakumo could no longer remember his original topic and purpose.

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a deep tone: "The times have changed, and if those remnants of the old times are still unwilling to take the initiative to change, let them sleep forever under Huangquan Kudanzaka!"

"Samurai, priests, monks, witches...everything in the old era has been smashed to pieces under the bombardment of ninjutsu, but after colluding with daimyo nobles, they can continue to enjoy being higher than ninjas. Waiting for special treatment!"

"This is not fair!"

"Ninja world shouldn't be like this, ninja shouldn't be like this!"

"The master of the ninja world should also be a ninja!"

Under the bombardment of Uchiha Tokumitsu's series of words, Hatake Sakumo was speechless.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has blatantly shown his disdain for the "giri" advocated by the daimyo nobles, and has also proposed that ninjas should dominate the order of the ninja world.

Although Hatake Sakumo still felt that the logic was a bit wrong, but he couldn't tell the specific reason.

"Ninjas break the ethics of daimyo nobles, what they lose is the shackles, but what they gain is the whole ninja world!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's last sentence, Hatake Sakumo fell completely.

"I understand……"

Hatake Sakumo breathed out, "But please be careful not to go too far."

"I have my measure."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his head and replied with a smile.

"...It is said that the daimyo has plans to reduce military expenditures. I wonder how Tokumitsu-kun thinks about it?"

Before leaving, Hatake Sakumo revealed a piece of information.

"Although the dawn of peace has appeared, the danger of war remains."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment and then asked back: "Are you planning to save money as compensation for defeat by reducing armaments at this time?"

"Deguang-jun, what are you going to do?"

Hatake Sakumo continued to ask.

"Regardless of what the village and the daimyo think, the Tokuko Shogunate and the Fire Gate Shogunate will continue to expand their armaments."

Uchiha Tokumitsu expressed his thoughts: "Others save money and I will station troops, and other people's money is my money!"

Hatake Sakumo was speechless.

"The ninja world is so cruel, isn't it~"


After Hatake Sakumo left, Uchiha Tokumitsu's face immediately became gloomy.

Behind the appointment of Sakumo Hatake as the so-called peace inspection ambassador, it is clear that someone deliberately used him as a weapon!

Moreover, not only the daimyo nobles have united, but even the Naruto family is involved!
Subsequently, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately called the Uchiha Ninja who was in charge of intelligence.

"Is there any special information from the village recently?"

"...There are no special circumstances."

The Uchiha ninja from the intelligence department was stunned when he heard the words, and then searched quickly in his mind, and found that there was nothing special recently.

"Has the police department not found anything unusual?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face became even uglier.

After he left the town shogunate, the intelligence department under him and the Konoha Police Department have been maintaining information exchanges, but the family did not obtain information in advance about Hatake Sakumo's inspection of the border troops of various ministries, and Uchiha Tokumitsu also passed innovations. I was notified of this by the meeting.

"... currently none."

Uchiha Ninja's forehead began to sweat.

"Order to go on, let the police department thoroughly investigate every corner of the village in the name of strengthening law and order and cleaning up spies!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly: "Sarutobi Monkey has already colluded with Daimyo! Those insects are still there to whitewash peace!"

"As ordered!"

The Uchiha ninja immediately took the order and left as if he had received an amnesty.


In fact, after Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Himon received the title of general at the same time, the Uchiha people who stayed behind Konoha also began to become more and more complacent under the halo of glory.

This is also human nature, after all, no one can always be alert to everything around him with tense nerves.

It's just that the slack of the Uchiha clan came too fast...


"Wen Tian and Wu Xi! Bring on yourself!"

Under the order of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the police department was like a mad dog out of the cage. It turned Konoha upside down in a day, and then compiled all kinds of abnormal information that hadn't been noticed before.

As the head of the police department, Uchiha Sifang, the patriarch, suddenly felt bad, and immediately took the information to the Tokumitsu shogunate resident.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu finished reading the intelligence documents, he felt that his blood pressure was soaring that he couldn't hold back it.

The Death Forest has been blocked from entry because it is too dangerous. The elder advisor, Mito Menyan, leaves the village frequently. Anbu expands the scale of the resident buildings. The Zhuang population suddenly decreased, and the Shimura clan has never had ninjas active in the village. The East District Police Station has found traces of ninjas many times...

There are so many things, every item can be analyzed to give a clue to the dynamics, but the police department has not noticed the abnormality, which makes Uchiha Tokumitsu most annoyed.

"The clansmen in the police department are still living too comfortably..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said coldly.

Under the intense emotional stimulation, his eyes couldn't help changing into the shape of a kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Although Uchiha Sifang is an elder, but under the pressure of the pupil power of the kaleidoscope, he can barely maintain his composure.

"Your Excellency, the police department still needs to adjust the personnel structure, what do you think?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu threw the document on the desk and asked in a cold tone.

Although it is a question sentence, Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone is unquestionable.

"Makes sense..."

As the patriarch, he was reprimanded so rudely by his juniors, and Uchiha Shifang also felt that he couldn't bear it.

But there is no way, the Uchiha clan is a clan that speaks by strength, and the ordinary Sangouyu Sharingan is so unrecognizable in front of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"First, the police department will carry out sanitation campaigns to eradicate the three pests in the village, and remove all potentially harmful species such as toads, snakes, and slugs!"

After Uzumaki Mito's death, the relationship between the two clans that had been reconciled under his mediation began to cool down. After Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to intimidate the daimyo, it became even colder. After Tsunade reorganized the Senju Clan, the two sides have since Cut off contact.

As for Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya, besides being the disciples of the third generation, they are also the contractors of the three holy lands of psychic beasts.

The methods of the three holy places of psychic beasts are extremely strange. Apart from fighting, their most common use is to use ethnic species for secret surveillance and reconnaissance.

Although it is not known whether the three apprentices of the third Sarutobi Hiruzen are still of the same mind as him, Uchiha Tokumitsu decided to eliminate all possible risks.


After Uchiha Sifang thought for a while, he also understood Uchiha Tokumitsu's intention.

"Second, let the Ninja Cat Clan increase the investment of intelligence cats in the village!"

After sweeping away the possible eyeliner of the Three Holy Lands, the next step is to infiltrate the village with intelligence ninja beasts belonging to the Uchiha clan to replace them.

Uchiha Quartet also had no objection.

"Third, the ninjas of the police headquarters adopt a rotation system, and regularly replace the clansmen stationed in the two shogunate!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gritted his teeth and said: "How long has the war stopped, so lax! If one day Sarutobi Monkey raises the butcher knife, will they be able to react!"

Although the Uchiha Quartet didn't feel that the Hokage family dared to attack the powerful Uchiha family, they still did not reject the Uchiha Tokumitsu's order.

After all, as the patriarch and chief of the police department, he doesn't need to rotate out of the town shogunate.

"Fourth, all suspicious things involved in the intelligence must be investigated one by one, no matter what kind of resistance you encounter!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's scarlet kaleidoscope Sharingan stared at Uchiha Quartet, which brought great pressure to the latter, "We must have the mentality to eliminate all hidden dangers at all costs, and we must be prepared to fight Sarutobi Monkey at any time. ready!"



Under the coercion of the terrifying kaleidoscope, Uchiha Sifang replied with difficulty.

 Today's graying is heavy, and tomorrow will be double-updated
(End of this chapter)

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