Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 181 The Undercurrent Behind Peace

Chapter 181 The Undercurrent Behind Peace

Although the Eastern Border Defense Force canceled the wartime "slabs must not enter the sea" law, the ports in the eastern part of the Fire Country are still depressed and deserted.

Even if the two countries have resumed customs clearance, the aristocratic merchants still have to spend time rebuilding the ship, coupled with various gossips, pirates are everywhere in the eastern waters, and behind them are the support of the Tokumitsu Shogunate and the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance. Frightened away some weak merchants.

Jiraiya stood on the hill north of the Qingzu Gorge Port, the largest port in the northeastern part of the Fire Country, observing every movement of the port.

He was entrusted by Tsunade to go to the eastern region to investigate the actions of the Tokumitsu shogunate.

It's just that the depression of the port is far beyond his expectation.

Although there are several shipyards building ships, there are only a few small fishing boats docking at the berths. The bustling and lively scene of sailing masts and boats connecting with each other before the war no longer exists.

Although the frontier army did not destroy the port when they lifted the blockade, they took away all the surviving large ships in the name of conscripting.

After observing on the hill for a long time, Jilai finally turned his head and left instead of going into the port area to spy on information.

Because he noticed that there are several unidentified ninjas on guard at various commanding heights in the port.

Jilai also felt that after all, he was still shouldering the investigation mission entrusted by Tsunade, and it would not be a good thing to alert the minions of the Tokuko Shogunate at this time.

After leaving the port area, Jiraiya bit his finger, and summoned a red toad by psychic magic.

"Kousuke, help me take this confidential document back to the village and hand it to Tsunade~"

Jiraiya took out a scroll painted with wax paint from his arms and handed it to Kosuke Toad, who was covered in red.

"... Jiraiya, something happened to Konoha, don't you know it?"

Toad Kosuke didn't take the scroll immediately, but raised his head and asked Jiraiya.

"what happened?"

Zilai asked incomprehensibly.

He has accepted Tsunade's entrustment to leave the village for a while, starting from the country of Kawa no country where the western border defense force is stationed, and walking all over the border area of ​​the country of fire, the Tokumitsu shogunate is already his last stop.

Therefore, he is not very clear about the recent situation in the village.

"The day before yesterday, Uchiha launched another campaign to suppress the intelligence frogs, and all the intelligence frogs were captured or killed!"


Zilai was also shocked.

"Oh, and the information snakes in Longdi Cave have also been caught a lot."

Toad Kosuke added another sentence.

It was one of Miaomushan's intelligence contact frogs in Konoha, but it happened to be in the hot springs of the Senju clan at that time and survived.

And the so-called intelligence frogs are just ordinary frogs that can be seen everywhere in Mt. Miaomu, so they don't have much wisdom, and they usually only serve as consumables for the high-level intelligence frogs, so even if they are damaged a lot, Toad Kosuke doesn't care much.

"...Why so suddenly?"

Jiraiya naturally doesn't feel sorry for the loss of the so-called intelligence frog, but just thinks it's a pity that the intelligence network was destroyed in one fell swoop.

"I don't know, but it will take a while before the intelligence frog can be redeployed..."

Toad Kosuke then took the scroll from Jiraiya's hand, "But Konoha is getting more and more dangerous, I can no longer sneak around the village like before..."

"The police department is messing around like this, doesn't the teacher have any objections?"

Zilai also frowned and asked.

"Mr. Hirizhan should be very troubled right now."

Toad Kosuke replied: "The police department wanted to enter the Death Forest to search, but was stopped by Anbu, and the confrontation should still be ongoing."


Zilai is not a fool, and he naturally understands that there must be other ulterior secrets hidden in the death forest, which were only discovered by the police department.

Even this time, the Uchihas of the police department once again set off the suppression of intelligence ninja beasts, which may have something to do with some of his teacher's actions.

"Then can you go back to the village?"

also asked.

"I can still go back to the Thousand-Hand Clan's land, but for other parts of the village... I dare not go there for the time being."

Toad Kosuke replied.

"...then trouble you."

Zilai also sighed.

Toad Kosuke then turned into a puff of smoke and left.


And far away in the Land of Fire Daming Mansion.

Recently, the nobles and nobles discussed the most openly and secretly, not the business issues after the switch of various countries, nor the gathering of people to condemn Uchiha Tokumitsu as in the past, but discussing how to deal with the seemingly harmless Hanomaki shogunate.

Mimura Hanomaki who was stationed in the country of Chuan and the shogunate he established became the thorn in the eyes of the daimyo nobles in a very short period of time.

And the reason for all of this comes from a memorabilia that Jiraiya sent to Tsunade.

"...The shogunate established by Mimura Hanomaki Kamijonin recruited some refugees from the Kawa no country to reclaim wasteland. The ninjas initially opened up the fields and wiped out the surrounding beasts and bandits. The refugees who came to seek refuge could get hundreds of acres of land. Xintian, although the newly cultivated land is relatively barren, but the shogunate distributed rations to the refugees, so the refugees of the Kawa no country moved after hearing the news, and flocked to the city of the shogunate..."

"...The Hamoki shogunate collects [-] taxes from the refugees, and if they are willing to work for the shogunate, they can also deduct part of the land tax; in addition, the shogunate allows the refugees to trade various handmade products by themselves, and stationed a ninja team in the market for protection, Compared with other areas that were depleted by the war, the area controlled by the shogunate appeared to be more vibrant."

But these seemingly praiseworthy words, in the eyes of the daimyo nobles, feel more uncomfortable than killing them.

It's not because of the gap in governance ability that I feel uncomfortable, but because the move of the Hamoki shogunate really shakes the foundation of the one country, one village system.

The ninjas of the Ninja Village do not do production and specialize in missions and battles. The daimyo nobles rule the people and support the Ninja Village.

This is the core foundation of the One Country One Village system.

The actions of the Hamoki shogunate fundamentally destroyed this system.

"If the ninjas find that they can also govern the people well, then we have no need or value for our existence!"

"Hanomaki Mimura is a national thief!"

"And the other shogunate are all traitors who rebelled! They are rebels who violated the covenant between Lord Hashirama and the Daimyo family!"

The private statements of the officials and nobles of the Daming Mansion became more and more radical, but no one dared to speak to the Daming Mansion and invited them to scold and order the Yejuan Shogunate to "put order out of chaos".

Because after experiencing Uchiha Tokumitsu's incident of coercing daimyo, the nobles discovered that those vulgar ninjas would really kill people if they were provoked!

The confrontation between the Police Department and the Anbu on the outer edge of the death forest intensified, and the scale of the confronting force became larger and larger.

In addition to the main force of the North District Police Station, the Uchiha Quartet also mobilized all combat operations teams from the East and West Districts, plus the assault force directly under the police headquarters. A total of more than 200 Uchihas participated in this confrontation.

Anbu didn't care about the deployment of other areas, and gathered more than 40 elite Anbu, plus some family ninjas led by Mitomon Yan and the police ninjas to start a confrontation.

Mitomon also issued a death order, even if he died, the Uchihas from the Police Department could not step into the death forest before the transfer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs base was completed!
After learning of the confrontation, Uchiha Tokumitsu was also preparing to lead his troops back to the village.

With the large-scale sweeping activities carried out by the police department in Muye Village, the plan that was originally hidden in the dark was gradually exposed.

In addition, after the Ninja Clan learned about the huge amount of money flow between the Daming House and the Sarutobi Clan from the black market, Uchiha Tokumitsu can already conclude that the Daimyo has colluded with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"By the way... what if Konoha also set up an ICAC?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said casually to the guard ninja beside him.


The guard ninja was puzzled.

Although the confrontation between the police department and the Anbu ninja was a big one, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, never came forward, but the action teams of the three major police agencies continued to communicate with the Anbu ninja on the front line. He strongly advocates that the forest is the secret base of Anbu, and refuses the investigation of the police department on this ground.

But the police department is not a fool. If it is really the Anbu base, it is natural that the minister of Anbu came to communicate, and it is impossible for Mitomonyan to come forward, so they believe that there must be an ulterior secret in the death forest!
"Either the police department enters the forest to search, or Hokage-sama issues a notice!"

At the entrance of the death forest, Uchiha Shifang drew out his sword and pointed it at Mitomon Yan.

He also had no patience to continue the confrontation.

In the past few days, he has also continuously sent his people to try to infiltrate into the depths of the forest through other directions for investigation, but they were all stopped by Anbu.

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is far away in the country of the vortex, continued to exert pressure, which made his spirit more and more tense, until he could no longer bear it at this time.

Mitomon also had a gloomy expression.

It's fine for Uchiha Tokumitsu to be rude to him, after all, Kaleidoscope Sharingan can't be offended; but Uchiha Shifang, the so-called head of the ninja who is just a puppet in his eyes, dares to be so arrogant in front of him .

If Danzo is still there...

At this time, Mitomon Yan, like Sarutobi Hiruzen, missed the dead ghost Danzo in his heart.

"... Hokage-sama has issued a notice to enclose the forest of death as a special defense zone for Anbu, and no other irrelevant people are allowed to enter!"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Mitomen Yan reluctantly took out a sealed but undated proclamation from his bosom.

After the confrontation, Hiruzaru Sarutobi ordered him to go to the death forest to delay the time, and quickly arranged for the emergency evacuation of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At the same time, just in case, an undated proclamation was specially issued to prevent unexpected changes.

However, as soon as this proclamation came out, it was completely confirmed that there must be special secrets hidden in the forest of death!

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so aggressive in preventing others from entering the forest of death!

"very good!"

Uchiha Sifang's face immediately turned from cloudy to clear, and after putting away the blade, he called everyone in the police department to evacuate.

"It seems that Naruto-sama no longer pays attention to the resolution of the ninja class on the confirmation of the rights of the Konoha tribes! Then get ready to accept impeachment!"

After Uchiha Shifang threw down a harsh word, he led his troops away, and Mitomon Yan just stood there motionless.

After the failure of the "Tokumitsu Clearing Plan", Danzo and the main force of Genbu were jointly hunted and killed by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo. Afterwards, the two led the Ninja Army to station outside the village, forcing Hokage to bow his head and compromise.

In order to resolve the crisis, one of the terms of reconciliation proposed by Mito Menyan as the envoy at that time was that "the village will no longer set up internal ninja organizations."

Now, the proclamation issued by Hokage to enclose the dead forest is to show that another root-like organization has surfaced in Konoha.

What would Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo think?
What do you think about ninja classes?
What will the other Konoha ninjas who are celebrating the destruction of their roots think?
Mitomon Yan didn't dare to think about it anymore...

Konoha... more and more torn!

After learning the information from the Uchiha Quartet, Uchiha Tokumitsu is going to return to the village to contact Hatake Sakumo to launch a large-scale impeachment. Even if Hokage cannot be pulled down, he vows to take this opportunity to lock Hokage's power in a cage !
As for whether there are any secrets hidden in the death forest, or whether the Hokage family has formed a secret organization again, it doesn't matter!
Uchiha Tokumitsu just needs to make Hatake Sakumo and other members of the ninja class and members of the reform society feel that the higher-ups are targeting them.

However, a bad news from Kirigakure disrupted Uchiha Tokumitsu's plan - two days ago, when the Ghost Lamp, Minazuki, and Kaguya clans were plotting, Sandai Mizukage led Kirigakure Anbe to launch a sudden The attack wiped out the leaders of the three major ninja clans in one fell swoop, and hunted and killed the three major ninja clan members in Kirigakure and even the water country.

 Update today (1/2), Chapter 2 will be delayed
(End of this chapter)

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