Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 182 The Change of Wuyin Clan Extermination

Chapter 182 The Change of Wuyin Clan Extermination
"Where is our fleet!"

After receiving the information, Uchiha Tokumitsu was stunned for a while, and his first reaction after recovering was to summon the fleet.

The information on the turmoil of the Kirigakure Ninja Clan was delivered by the Ninja Hawk sent by Minazuki Chino, and it was already two days later when it was delivered to the Tokumitsu Shogunate.

"Lord Deguang, the three newly built ironclad ships are undergoing sea trials in the western waters..."

The attendant ninja quickly read the information, and then replied.

"Order the fleet to return immediately! Another ninja army is summoned to prepare for the battle!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"...Master Deguang, currently the fleet has only trained a team of sailors, but their ability is not enough to control the fleet to the land of water."

After hesitating for a moment, another ninja from the Uzumaki clan took the initiative to step forward and said, "Besides, we are not familiar with sea routes. Because the draft of the iron-clad ship is too deep, there may be a risk of running aground..."

"Are we going to sit back and watch our allies be destroyed!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

Needless to say, the importance of the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance is very clear to every Uchiha ninja who has benefited from the smuggling trade.

After this change, the smuggling business between the Uchiha clan and the Kirigakure ninja clan is bound to be cut off.

However, even though the three major ninja clans of Kirigakure were caught off guard by Mizukage, and their strength may be nonexistent, Uchiha Tokumitsu decided to help them.

Not only because of the benefits of previous cooperation, not only to fulfill the obligations as an ally, but also because of the fame and prestige brought about by helping the Kirigakure ninja.

There is nothing more popular than sending charcoal in a timely manner!

Nothing is more admired by ninjas than life and death chatter!
However, what the vortex attendant mentioned was also a problem. After all, the fleet under the command of the Deguang shogunate was just established, and they didn't know much about the performance of the ships or the conditions of the sea area. It was really risky to rush into battle.

However, it is not Uchiha Tokumitsu's style that the friendly army is not moving like a mountain.

"Conscript the transport fleet stranded by the Minazuki Clan, and then gather the Uchiha Jonin in the headquarters..."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​going to war, "I will lead them to meet Kirigakure's allies..."

"...Master Deguang!"

The subordinate ninjas were shocked and tried to stop it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted what they were about to say with a wave of his hand.

"I remember your name is Uzumari, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his gaze to the attendant ninja from Uzumaki.

"Yes, Lord Deguang!"

Whirlpool Mali replied respectfully: "I am you..."

"It's the No.1 Uzumaki clansman I rescued during the Uzumaki country's rescue battle, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "The ninja tragedy should not be repeated, should it?"

"Your love is as selfless as the sun..."

Whirlpool was stunned for a moment, then knelt down on one knee: "Please allow me to fight with you!"

"I can understand your feelings, but as servants, you have more important things to do, go prepare..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said softly.

"As ordered!"

A group of attendant ninjas immediately took orders and left.


The southern archipelago of the country of water.

Minazuki Chino looked downcast like a plucked peacock.

Beside him, there are more than 170 Minazuki clan ninjas, and most of them are clansmen who have been sent out of the village because of their involvement in smuggling.

He also doesn't know the current situation of Wuyin Ninja Village.

It's just that under the pursuit of Kirigakure Anbe, he led his barely gathered clansmen to hide here and there, and he was exhausted at this time.


A member of the Mizunazuki tribe suddenly exclaimed, "Boat! There is a boat!"


Minazuki Qiannuo was shocked at first, and then ecstatically.

At this moment, he made up his mind, no matter who the owner of the ship was, he would grab the ship and escape from this damn country!
"This is……"

Taking a closer look, Minazuki Chino felt something was wrong.

It looks like the Anzhai boat used for smuggling by the family, and the flag hanging on the bow is a bit familiar...

"It's Uchiha!"

Minazuki Chino shouted loudly: "It's Uchiha! It's our ally Uchiha!"

"Signal flare!"

The Minazuki tribe hurriedly fired three flares.

Several ninjas jumped out of the boat, stepping on the water and rushing towards the signal flare.

Minazuki Chino tidied up a little bit, trying to keep her image from being too embarrassing.

After the ninja who stepped on the water got closer and could see the photo of his face clearly, Minazuki Chino could no longer maintain his pretended dignity.

"...Master Deguang!"

Immediately, tears welled up in his eyes, and he knelt down on one knee to worship.

The Mizuzuki clansmen behind them also knelt down.

"Get up!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu hurried forward and forcibly pulled up Minazuki Chino, supported his shoulder and said: "We are late..."

Minazuki Qiannuo broke down in tears.

From a high-ranking ninja giant to a street mouse that everyone screams and beats, the people of the Minazuki clan have been too depressed for the past two days.

"Get up!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the Minazuki clansmen who were still kneeling: "We are all of the ninja lineage, we are all equal, let alone we are allies!"

"I brought forty Jnin."

"I will lead you out of the kingdom of water and give you asylum. This is what allies should do."

"There are also Ghost Lantern and Kaguya. If they are willing, I will take them away together."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said sincerely.

"Lord Deguang!"

Minazuki Qiannuo wiped away her tears, "I am willing to be your guide to meet Ghost Lamp and Kaguya's people!"

"There are large chakra fluctuations in the west!"

The Uzumaki ninja in charge of perception suddenly yelled, "The preliminary judgment is that there are two warring ninja groups."

"Let's go..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Minazuki Chino on the shoulder, untied the sword and shark muscle from his back, and said with a smile: "This will be our first time fighting side by side!"

"As ordered!"

Minazuki Chino gritted her teeth and saluted, then summoned her clansmen and followed closely behind the ninjas on Uchiha.


"Unknown Ninja Army is approaching!"

In the west of the Inai waterway in the country of water, the Kirigakure ninja army is fighting fiercely with the defected ghost lamp ninja.

On the outskirts of the battle zone, a Kirigakure perception ninja suddenly yelled.

"Who is it?"

Commander Kirigakure Anbu glanced at the remnants of the Ghost Lamp and Kirigakure Ninja Army who were fighting fiercely, and hesitated.

At this time, the ninja power in his hand has basically been put into the battle to strangle the ghost lamp clan, and it is not known whether the new unknown ninja army is an enemy or a friend, which makes it difficult for him to make a choice.

"This Fire Chakra...is Uchiha!"

Another Kirigakure ninja in charge of perception exclaimed.

He once participated in the continental offensive under the command of Goju Yakura, so he still remembers the characteristics of the fire chakra of the invincible Uchiha ninja on the battlefield.

"Retreat now!"

Commander Kirigakure Anbu turned and evacuated without hesitation.

Although he didn't know why the ninja army of the Uchiha clan appeared here, but he knew that if he was in love with fighting, after being entangled by those fierce Uchihas, his ninja army would definitely be wiped out.

There is still a chance to justify withdrawing from the battlefield, but if the battle fails, you will be punished after returning to the village!
Therefore, Commander Kirigakure Anbu was very decisive, without any luck.

The Kirigakure messenger ninja beside him also immediately blew the conch horn to retreat.

Although the Kirigakure ninja army, who originally had the upper hand on the battlefield, didn't know why, they gradually broke away from the battle with the ghost ninjas.

"Mizukage-sama shouldn't punish me... After all, the opponent is Uchiha..."

Commander Kirigakure Anbu thought to himself: "Or go back and say that Konoha has torn up the peace agreement and raided the country of water..."

"... Masahiko Jonin?"

As the Kirigakure Ninja Army withdrew in an orderly manner, a scarred member of the Onideng clan looked at their leader Oniteng Masahiko.

They also didn't understand why the Kirigakure Ninja Army, who had taken advantage of the battlefield, suddenly withdrew, and their own side couldn't hold it anymore.

But what is certain is that it is definitely not because of the mercy of the third generation of Mizukage.

"There should be reinforcements... Maybe it's Minazuki or Kaguya's ninja army."

Ghost Lamp Masahiko didn't understand, but still reluctantly answered.

After suffering three generations of Mizukage's surprise attack, all the senior members of the Ghost Lantern Clan were killed in battle, and only some of them were able to escape from Wuyin Ninja Village.

"There are only less than a hundred people..."

Ghost lamp Masahiko glanced at the clansmen, all panting and exhausted.

Less than one-tenth of the Ghost Lantern clan with a population of nearly a thousand escaped.

"It's Uchiha!"

"It's Lord Deguang!"

As the reinforcements got closer and closer, the expectant Ghost Lanterns cheered involuntarily.

"Uchiha! Our allies are coming!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko's lips trembled, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

In the formation of the ninja army galloping forward, the one who charged at the forefront was the Uchiha Tokumitsu he was familiar with.

In addition, he also saw the figure of Minazuki ninja in the reinforcement team.

"Lord Deguang!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko bowed down to Uchiha Tokumitsu who rushed over without hesitation.

The arrogance of the ninja clan and the self-esteem of the rich are no longer considered at this moment.

"Get up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised the ghost lamp Masahiko, "I will take you out of here..."

"And Kaguya!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko wiped away tears, "Lord Deguang, we and the Kaguya clan were separated in the Inai waterway, please save them too!"

"Lead the way!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Onigou Masahiko on the shoulder, and replied softly.


The southern part of the Inai waterway in the country of water.

The remaining one hundred or so Kaguya ninjas were also engaged in a bitter battle at this time.

A ninja formation composed of nearly [-] Kirigakure ninjas besieged them, and they continued to attack and kill in the smog created by the Kirigakure technique.
Kaguya Ninja brandished the bone whip, trying to scare away the hidden enemies.

However, due to the lack of effective countermeasures, coupled with physical and mental exhaustion after being chased for a long time, Kaguya Ninja's defeat has been revealed.

Commander Kirigakure, who was in charge of besieging Kaguya Ninja, was looking at the smoggy war zone with joy.

Although the specific battle situation cannot be seen due to the technique of concealing the fog, the corpses of Kaguya ninjas dragged out by his subordinates from time to time show that the battle situation is progressing very smoothly.

"This is the success of the strategy of driving away the tired enemy! Sure enough, only I am the strongest commander of Kirigakure, what kind of goji yakura is not as good as my little finger!"

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Suddenly, four fire dragons suddenly attacked and slammed into the reserve formation of the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Caught off guard, the Kirigakure ninja army was injured and messed up.


Commander Kirigakure was shocked.

Then, he saw a figure jumping into the crowd in an instant, brandishing a big knife and setting off a bloody storm.

Learning from the lessons he was perceived when rescuing the ghost lamp ninja, Tokumitsu Uchiha ordered the Uzumaki ninjas under his command to open the shielding barrier in advance, and led his troops to lurk in front of the Kirigakure ninja before launching a surprise attack.

"That's... shark muscle?"

Commander Kirigakure took a closer look and identified the very recognizable weapon - Kirigakure Seven Ninja Knife Big Sword Sharkus.

So, a name that was considered taboo in Kirigakure emerged in his mind——

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

Then, he was stabbed by a figure jumping out of the puddle.

Looking back with difficulty, he still read viciously: "It's actually you! You son of the Ghost Lantern family!"

Masahiko Kidou showed no expression on his face, pulled out the blade that pierced through his heart, and then casually slashed Commander Kirigakure.


After rushing for a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu's blood surged with murderous intent, and he activated Susano among the crowd without hesitation.

The blood-red chakra giant fist swung wantonly, hammering a panicked ninja of the Kirigakure into a pulp.

The wolf-like Uchiha ninja also led the ghost lamp ninja and Minazuki ninja into the chaotic Kirigakure ninja army.

There was chaos in the rear, and the Kirigakure ninjas who were besieging Kaguya's remnants were also panic-stricken.

"Defeat, lose!"

Following the shouts one after another, not knowing the enemy or us, after the commander was killed, the Wuyin army was defeated immediately.


On June 37th, 25th year of Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu led the Uchiha Ninja Army into the southern islands of the country of water, and successively rescued the defeated remnants of the Minazuki, Onito, and Kaguya tribes.

Due to the sudden change of Kirigakure, the other Kirigakure ninjas are also in danger. A large number of Kirigakure ninjas are still robbing the inheritance of the three major ninjas in the village. It was not Kirigakure's elite ninja army, so it was easily repelled by the Uchiha ninja army.

Before the Kirigakure army assembled, Uchiha Tokumitsu had already left across the sea with the searched and rescued tri-clan ninjas.

Subsequently, the third Mizukage delivered a speech in the village, announcing the implementation of the "Blood Fog Policy", claiming that it would purify the already decayed Wuyin Ninja Village.

In July of the 37th year of Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu accepted the pilgrimage of the remnants of the Haragiri Hidden Demon Lamp, Minazuki, and Kaguya who fled in Fuba City, the old land of Uzumaki Country and the residence of the Shogunate. The title of "General Conquest of Barbarians" jointly elected by the ninja clan; at the same time, it was announced that the remaining lines of the three clans would be the main force, and three columns of barbarian conquest columns would be formed under the command of the Tokuko Shogunate.

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