Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 187 Eastern "Great Development" Plan

Chapter 187 Eastern "Great Development" Plan

With the conclusion of Konoha's first Ninja Council Conference, the dignified and tense atmosphere in the village also dissipated.

The ninjas of the North District Police Station of the Police Department, which had been withdrawn to the Eastern Police Station, were also released from combat readiness and returned to this department to continue their police work.

At the Ninja Council Consultative Conference, the Hokage family was granted the right to form the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Uchiha clan and Hatake Sakumo were able to strengthen their control over the border defense forces, especially Uchiha Tokumitsu's future special operations will not be labeled as "walking alone".

The fallen little ninjas of the Reform Association are also very satisfied. The ninja council meeting gave them an opportunity to have an equal dialogue with the powerful clan.

Moreover, some ninja chiefs with more flexible minds also found a way to make money based on the decision-making methods of the conference-that is, reselling votes!

Hatake Sakumo was also aware of this.

Because some of the ninja chiefs who were eager to cash out the money in their hands were too ugly to eat. Just one day after the meeting, all kinds of gossip about reselling votes were flying all over the sky, and they immediately spread to Sakumo Hatake's ears. .

On the second day after the establishment of the Military Command, Hatake Sakumo invited four frontier army commanders to discuss military affairs.

The so-called military command department has just been established, and the specific powers and responsibilities and civilian staff have not yet been determined, so Hatake Sakumo just vacated an empty room near the ninja class.

"Although the Ninja Council Consultation Conference is good, but now the negative news is flying all over the sky, it is really hard to resist."

Before the other three arrived, Hatake Sakumo complained to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"so what?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little disapproving.

"The newly born Ninja Council will definitely bring new impacts to the village, which is perfectly normal; but we should also treat it with tolerance, because it may be a catalyst for us to move forward."

In fact, Tokumitsu Uchiha expected similar corruption from the very beginning, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon.

"That being said..."

Hatake Sakumo sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"Mr. Shuo Mao, this also shows from the side that everyone's adaptability to new things is actually very strong..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's defense seemed very pale and far-fetched, and he felt a little illogical.

"In future reforms, I think the pace can be bigger!"

Hatake Sakumo was also speechless.

"...Then if we want to put an end to such behavior, what kind of measures should we take?"

After a while, Hatake Sakumo continued to ask.

"Then set up a full-time anti-corruption agency."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said seemingly casually.

"For example... How about the Independent Commission Against Corruption? Such a name sounds very clean, doesn't it?"

"……not so good."

Hatake Sakumo held back for a while before replying.


"So...how should the ICAC operate?"

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help asking again.

"This is..."

Asked this, Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little bit troubled.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption in the previous life was subordinate to the local chief executive, but if this institution were also set up in Konoha, wouldn't it be a big killer for the third generation?
Besides, Uchiha Tokumitsu knows his family affairs.Although the clan members of the police department showed resistance to the "fee" in the early stage of the police department's reform, they looked like they were all models of integrity, but in fact it didn't take long for them to collect money under the leadership of the directors of various departments. Be soft.

If it became such an institution, wouldn't it become a sharp knife stabbing the Uchiha clan in the hands of political opponents?
"I haven't figured it out yet, but in general, an institution like the ICAC must be independent in power, free from the constraints of everyone in the village, and be able to conduct anti-corruption investigations on its own based on clues..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu used his brains and said a few perfunctory words.

"You are right, but I am afraid that such an ad hoc organization will be very resistant..."

Hatake Sakumo thought about it seriously, "Besides, the power is so large and uncontrolled, it will inevitably become another more hidden place of corruption..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was noncommittal.

After a while, Uchiha Homon, Mimura Hanomaki, and Sarutobi Shinnosuke arrived at the Office of the Chief of the Military Command.

"Everyone, under the orders of Master Hokage, the Ministry of Military Affairs has been officially established after the resolution of the Ninja Council Consultative Conference!"

Hatake Sakumo said straight to the point: "The content of the work of this department is to coordinate the personnel and combat achievements of each border defense force..."

"The Eastern Border Defense Force will report to the Military Command the specific situation of all its personnel within three days!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the lead in expressing support for Hatake Sakumo's work.



Uchiha Homon and Mimura Hamoki immediately agreed.

"There has been a slight change in the organizational structure of the Northern Border Defense Force. We will report the military affairs of the headquarters to the Military Command within five days..."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke made some calculations and gave a slightly different answer from the other three.

Since he took over as the commander of the Northern Border Defense Force at the end of the Ninja World War, the Ninja Army Ninjas in the original organization system took a large-scale rotation shortly thereafter, and they were replaced by the Ninja Army of the Sarutobi clan.

Some of the ninjas who returned to the village for rotation may choose to retire due to the recurrence of injuries, and some chose to stay in the village because they belonged to Hatake Sakumo's old unit; but Sarutobi Ninja Army is not all included in the ninja roster, so the northern border defense The personnel situation of the troops is still a mess.

"That's it!"

Hatake Sakumo didn't care about the little difference in time, and soon entered another topic: "Are there any military operations being planned by the various ministries? Are there any matters that require the support of the military command?"

Although proclamations such as peace agreements have been signed between the daimyos of various countries, announcing the end of the state of war between each other; but for Ninja Village, it means that the proclamations signed by the daimyos have nothing to do with me.

Especially after Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to capture the Temple of Fire and forced the daimyo to bow their heads, the authority of the daimyo nobles has been greatly reduced.


Mimura Hanomaki answered first.

Since the disappearance of the sand, the Kawa no country area where he is stationed has been peaceful.

Moreover, the country of Sichuan, which is so poor, is also favored by the country of wind, which is trapped in the desert. Usually, even the rebellion and black market are too lazy to go there.

"The Northwest Frontier Defense Force plans to enter the eastern region of the Land of Rain and establish a defense identification zone. There is no need for support for the time being."

Uchiha Fire Gate replied.

The so-called "defense identification zone" is to go to the land of the rain to forcibly occupy a piece of land, expel the original ninja organization in the area, and occupy the mission share of the area.

This seemingly positive noun was also thought up by Uchiha Tokumitsu based on his past life memories.

However, at present, the strength of Ameno Village has been greatly reduced. After successive battles, there are not one out of ten Aminin staff, and the powerless Sanshoyu Hanzo cannot control so many territories, so he has to turn a blind eye and close one eye, acquiescing to Uchiha Fire door intrusion.

"The Department has no other plans."

Sarutobi Shinnosuke replied somewhat helplessly.

Although he also wants to make something happen, but the northern border defense force under his command is facing Yunyin, a ninja village in power of the militant faction.

"The eastern border defense force will continue to advance the Kirigakure crusade with the troops directly under the shogunate in order to restore justice and bring order out of chaos."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said sternly: "At the same time, in order to strengthen the strength of the ninja army participating in the war, the headquarters will launch the eastern development plan!"

"Eastern development..."

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

Hanomaki Mimura and Shinnosuke Sarutobi couldn't help but look sideways.

"After all, the eight counties in the east of the Kingdom of Fire are still directly under the territory of the Kingdom of Fire, so they can't be treated like a small country in the buffer zone!"

Hatake Sakumo thought that Uchiha Tokumitsu was planning to seize the ruling power in the eastern part of the country of fire, so he quickly stopped him: "Besides, Ninja village is in charge of military affairs, and daimyo is in charge of political power. This is the foundation of the one-village-one-country system. It's ruined like that."

"...Why do I want the governance of the eastern region?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu reacted in a daze, and couldn't help but be a little bit ridiculous.

"The development of the eastern region is just a cover. The purpose of this department is to clean up the eight eastern counties and sweep up the black market forces in the area, so as to ensure the smooth flow of commercial routes in the eastern region."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained: "The reason why it is called the Eastern Development Plan is for strategic deception, and secondly, it can also provide a safe and peaceful business environment for the eastern region through law and order suppression!"

To put it bluntly, Uchiha Tokumitsu has secretly sent people to find out the distribution of black market strongholds in the eastern region and the force of the guards after the Kakuto attack, and now plans to implement an indiscriminate retaliation plan.

In addition to sweeping up the black market, Uchiha Tokumitsu also intends to take down all the business routes between the Eastern Region and the Country of Grass, in order to collect money and use it to raise ninja troops to conquer Kirigakure.

Moreover, the so-called "Eastern Development Plan" will also select candidates suitable for cooperation with the Uchiha clan among the nobles of the eight eastern counties, and provide targeted support.

Tokumitsu Uchiha prefers economic tie-ups and political

"This... well."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a while, thought for a while and felt that Uchiha Tokumitsu's move was generally fine, so he put it aside, and the topic turned to the war arrangement that everyone is most concerned about: "Kirigakure is, after all, the five great ninja villages. One, with the strength of the ninja army in the east and the shogunate, can it compete with it?"

"It's not a big problem, anyway, it's not a large-scale ninja battle with Kirigakure."

Tokumitsu Uchiha replied easily: "The three tribes of Kirigakure are all familiar with the geography and hydrology of the country of water. If a small-scale elite ninja army raid is adopted, it is impossible to completely block the border with the current power of Kirigakure."

"What if Kirigakure launches an all-out war and the ninja army strikes?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke suddenly asked: "The village finally restored peace, so that everyone can cultivate their health and well-being, so easily provoke a war, isn't it..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo frowned.

"This is the will of the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a cold face: "Not only the Uchiha clan, but also the Kirigakure clan, as well as Uzumaki, Kurama, Shiranui, Nohara and other families will join the battle!"

"Swinging the butcher knife at the ninja of the same village will definitely be punished! No matter what his status is, even if he is the shadow of a village, he will be punished severely!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's gaze was extremely cold.

"If no one in the ninja world stands up to uphold justice, then I will help it myself!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke also bowed to apologize after hearing the words.

"In addition, there will be a mercenary army of Urenin crossing the border to the east in the near future, passing through the northern border defense force area, and please ask Sarutobi Commander to allow them to pass."

Uchiha Fire Gate added a sentence.


Sarutobi Shinnosuke also frowned.

For the Naruto series, the Rain Country battlefield is definitely a sad place.

In the various battlefields of the Second Ninja World War, the Konoha Ninja Army suffered the most damage in the battle against the Urenin; in addition, most of the troops sent by the Kingdom of the Rain were ninja ninjas of the Naruto line, so Sarutobi Shinnosuke Of course, I don't have much affection for Urenin.

"It's just hiring Yuren to join the battle, so there's no need to make such a fuss."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

"Although Yuren is one of the best existences in Xiaoguo Ninja Village, if they are to attack Kirigakure, they should still be powerless..."

Hatake Sakumo didn't care much, but questioned Urenin's combat effectiveness.

"Their water battles are still much better than Konoha Ninja, and it is also suitable for the country of water."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained: "What's more, it's too cheap to hire Yuren! Even if you die in battle, you won't need much money to pay the pension!"

After Hatake Sakumo heard the words, he was speechless.

If it wasn't for Kusanagi Village's excessive wear and tear in the battle of Yanyin, Uchiha Tokumitsu planned to recruit Kusanagi to fight again.

As for combat effectiveness, with the elite ninjas of the Uchiha clan at the finale, and the familiar Kirigakure clan leading the way to join the battle, it is no problem to fight against the Kirigakure ninja army with a similar number of ordinary people.

However, the strength of the ninja army of the Kirigakure tribe is limited after all. Except for the three self-contained conquest columns, only a few ninjas of the three tribes are assigned to other ninja armies as guides.

The role of the hired rain ninja is mainly to supplement the shortcomings of the troops directly under the shogunate in underwater combat. After all, let the Uchiha ninjas who are good at fire escape dive and fight... It would be better to kill them directly.

What's more, although Tokumitsu Uchiha is going to attack the black market, he will not refuse any black market ninjas who are willing to participate in the war, and hiring Uchiha ninjas can be regarded as accumulating a little experience in mercenary management.

"Eastern frontier troops, troops directly under the shogunate, plus mercenaries..."

Hatake Sakumo calculated the chips in Uchiha Tokumitsu's hand, and found that the strength was really enough to launch the Kirigakure conquest.

"In addition, Nanhechuan Stock Exchange also plans to list a special eastern development bond with an annual return rate of 8%. If you are interested, you may as well buy some."

Tokumitsu Uchiha smiled, Hatake Sakumo and the others were all in admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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