Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 188 Wolves Offensive

Chapter 188 Wolves Offensive
After Konoha returned to the shogunate Fuba Castle in the old place of Uzumaki, the first thing Uchiha Tokumitsu planned was to order the three major columns of the shogunate to prepare for the long-term battle, and to be on standby at any time. When the time is right, launch the first The Kingdom of Wheels and Waters offensive.

The three major columns are led by the ninjas of the Ghost Lantern, Minazuki, and Kaguya respectively. The main force of the ninja army under them is also mixed with the ninjas of the three tribes, and several Uchiha and Hyuga ninjas are added.

Regarding the addition of Uchiha and Hyuga ninjas to the ninja army, the ninjas of the three clans have no objections.

The combat power of the Uchiha clan was fully demonstrated during the war, and the white-eyed reconnaissance ability of the Hyuga clan can make the ninja army not worry about being surrounded.

It's just that they are not very willing to accept mixing, especially when they are divided into Ghost Lantern and Minazuki Ninja with Kaguya Ninja as the column leader.

As former Kirigakure ninjas, they knew exactly how "superb" the Kaguya people's command skills were.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was good at doing good, and after obtaining the consent of Captain Kaguya Column, he sent several additional combat staff officers to his subordinates as assistants, and then moderately divided the command power of Kaguya Column before the battle. The ninjas of Minazuki and the two clans comforted each other.

But Ghost Lamp and Shui Wuyue were satisfied, but the Hui Ye tribe felt dissatisfied again.

It's just that their dissatisfaction was with the Ghost Lantern and the Minazuki tribe, and they felt that these fugitives from the same village did not trust Kaguya's battle command skills, and even used their words to deceive the lord, which resulted in Kaguya's ninjas not being reused.

As a result, there began to be some grievances among the three Wuyin clans that were originally united because of the blood feud that wiped out the Wuyin clan.

And this is what Uchiha Deguang is willing to see.

His subordinates need balance, and there cannot be a dominant family.

Including the mixing of the three clans of ninjas is also for this purpose.

In the power system constructed by Uchiha Tokumitsu, those at the top of the pyramid must be the Uchiha tribe and a small number of foreign powerhouses. The second step is naturally the stronger blood alliances such as Uzumaki and Kurama, and the third step is He Uchiha The wave clan has a close relationship with the ninja clan, and the fourth step is the three clans of the Wuyin clan who have not long belonged to it.

But the secret of ruling is not to let the lower class know that they are the lower class, but also to tell them that as long as they fight hard, there will naturally be rich rewards such as high bounties and tailor-made ninjutsu waiting for them.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also promised that if the war goes well, he will bring the ninjas of the three clans back to Wuyin Village in the future, liquidate the crimes of the three generations of Mizukage, and help the orthodoxy of the three clans.

A series of big cakes fell down, and the ninjas of the three clans were full, and they all screamed to fight immediately.

Considering that this is the first battle against Kirigakure, although Uchiha Tokumitsu did not plan to participate in the battle in person, he also decided to go to the advance base to take command, in case the shogunate ninja army who played the battle was defeated by the Kirigakure ninja army due to lack of plundering experience. Surrounded.


The advance base is set on an unnamed island in the waters between the country of vortex and the country of water. Considering that it is in the middle of the two sides, Tokumitsu Uchiha specially named it "Midway Island".

The mercenaries from Urenin also assembled in Midway Island.

"Amada Jonin, how is your department's rest?"

After arriving at Midway Island, Tokumitsu Uchiha immediately summoned Jonin, who is in charge of the Amane mercenaries, to understand the situation of combat readiness.

A total of 120 rain ninja mercenaries came. In order to continue to get the war mission of the Uchiha clan, Sansho Hanzo specially selected the middle unit of rain ninja to fight.

It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu has seen the poorness of Amino as early as in the Battle of the Land of Rain.

Therefore, in line with the purpose of the emperor not to send hungry soldiers, Uchiha Tokumitsu prepared a full set of shogunate ninja suits for them.

Each rain ninja equipped them with thirty kunai, 120 shurikens, detonating charms and some military food pills, and each team leader also carried additional medical bandages and emergency treatment drugs.

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu saw Aminin's disheveled appearance, and with a big wave of his hand, he changed them all into combat vests of the same style as Konoha Chunin, but without the logo, plus Uchiha of the same style as the shogunate ninja The forehead of the group fan.

All of a sudden, the image of Urenin who changed shotguns and cannons immediately changed from a casual soldier to a somewhat elite look.

"Thank you, Mr. Deguang, for your concern. After training, the headquarters is fully able to adapt to the combat situation at sea..."

Amada Shangren replied respectfully.

Even the famous Jōnin powerhouse in Urenin Village, he has never fought such a rich battle.

The steel kunai with flashing blue light, the powerful Uchihata-made detonating charm, and the combat vest with good defensive performance...

When I was in Yuren Village, these were good things that I couldn't buy with money!

But now it was randomly distributed by Uchiha Tokumitsu as a consumable!

The only thing that I can't adapt to is the forehead guard with the round fan logo on the forehead.

But compared with the equipment dropped by Uchiha Tokumitsu, this little discomfort is nothing at all!

Master Deguang gave too much!
Thinking of this, Yu Tianshang couldn't help but stretch out his hand to polish the forehead protector on his forehead more shiny.

"You need to take care of your forehead, otherwise you may be exposed because of the light in the ambush..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes were shaken by Yu Tian's forehead, so he said another sentence.

"Thank you Master Deguang for your concern! I will deal with it immediately later!"

Amada Jonin's tone was more gentle and respectful.

As a ninja, this is the first time he has been cared for by a benefactor!A warm current surged up from my heart.

"If Lord Deguang is rain..."

"No, no! What am I thinking!"

Amada Shangren shook his head, shaking off the thought of being disrespectful to demigods that came up in his mind out of nowhere.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then convened the three captains who went to the battle to plan the combat goals and explain the tactical goals to them one by one.

In terms of tactical planning, Tokumitsu Uchiha imitated the famous "wolf pack tactics" in his previous life, so as to achieve a complete strangulation of the country of water.

In short, it is to send each ninja army to a specific sea area for regional blockade, and strangle all the ships of the country of water going to sea, so as to cut off the connection between the islands of the country of water.

Although this will disperse the ninja army's strength a lot, it is also suitable for the current situation.

The shogunate ninja army plus the rain ninja mercenaries are not enough to fight a head-on battle with the Kirigakure ninja army.

Even if he leads the elite of his family to battle and wins one or two large-scale battles, the terrible death in battle can't afford the consumption of the Uchiha clan.

Therefore, wolf pack guerrilla tactics are perfect.

In addition, there are three tribes of ninjas who are familiar with the terrain and hydrology, and the white-eyed ninjas assigned to each column as scouts, so they don't worry about being surrounded by Kirigakure.

"The purpose of this battle is to weaken the sea power of the kingdom of water to the greatest extent, and completely separate the islands. The main targets of the attack are special facilities such as ports and docks, shipyards and docks!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha stood in front of the high-precision water country map provided by the three clans of ninjas, holding a baton to arrange combat tasks.

"This battle is not asking for much damage, it is just to completely disrupt all areas of the country of water and prepare for the next stage of landing operations, understand!"

"As ordered!"

All the senior ninja stood up and responded.

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with satisfaction, and then called the attendant ninja to distribute the mission documents.

The mission document is divided into two parts, one is the encrypted combat mission description, and the other is the special code book.

The mission statement is carried by the Uchiha ninjas belonging to each team, and the code book is handed over to the Jnin in charge of each ninja army.

At the time of departure, each ninja army did not know the combat area they needed to go to.

Only after each ninja army arrives at the designated place, the Uchiha ninja will take out the mission statement, compare and translate it with the code book of the ninja, and obtain the specific combat area and tactical mission.

This is also to prevent leakage of secrets to the greatest extent, lest someone be captured and leak information about the Ninja Army's operations.

After the attendant ninjas distributed the task documents one by one, all the ninjas in charge were eager to try.

The battle is finally about to begin!

The ninjas of the three tribes have been accumulating revenge and anger for a long time, and they can't wait!
Yu Ren is full of desire to plunder, coupled with the excitement of attacking big countries, he is also full of ambition.

"Let's go to battle! The round fan protects martial arts! I wish you all success in this battle!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered.

"As ordered!"

The ninjas who acted as johnin suddenly agreed.

Immediately, the shogunate ninja army dispersed into small teams, set off from Midway Island in small speedboats, and went straight to the Mizukuni Islands.

Here comes the wolf!

At this time, although the country of water also mentioned vigilance based on vague information, most of the areas still did not feel the tension of the coming war.

In the cognition of the daimyo nobles of the country of water, compared with Hua Qianyue playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, fighting is really a thing that cannot be put on the table, and only those vulgar ninjas are keen on it.

Therefore, although the protection level of the Daming Mansion has been increased, and Wuyin Ninja Village has also sent some ninja troops to the Daming Mansion, this does not prevent the nobles from continuing to spend their days and nights.

And after the state of war was lifted, because the two clans of Ghost Lantern and Minazuki who monopolized the smuggling business were completely wiped out and fled by the third generation of Mizukage, a huge market share was freed up.

Therefore, the nobles are full of expectations for the development of commerce and trade, and the port and docks are extremely busy.

"This is really a wonderful era..."

In Tachibana Island City in the southern part of the country of water, the guardian of the county city is leading the nobles to gather for fun, swaying their youth and passion to their heart's content.

"The nasty ghost lamp and Minazuki are gone, and our good times have come!"

A noble raised his glass and cheered.

"Ninja Village still needs to be controlled by us..."

Another nobleman put his arms around the singing girl in his arms and flattered: "Your Highness Daming is wise and mighty, and wiped out those ninja ninjas who tried to gain power in one fell swoop, and the kingdom of water will be passed down forever!"

"That's right... why should the accumulation of our dozens of generations be coveted by those ninjas!"

Amidst the uproar, the Kirigakure ninja standing outside the court in charge of guarding remained expressionless, but his hands behind his back were bulging with veins.

The samurai who were giggling and loosely posting around had mocking eyes, and kept taunting the Kirigakure ninja in whispers.

"Look...he looks like a dog!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Suddenly, there were bursts of loud explosions from the direction of the port.

Immediately, the detonation sound of the familiar detonating talisman that Kirigakure Ninja was familiar with came from the periphery of the city.

"Enemy attack!"

Although the Kirigakure ninja's expression became serious, he still maintained a state of vigilance; and those arrogant samurai were screaming like a rooster with its throat cut.

The nobles who were feasting in the court were also in a mess.

The enemy hasn't arrived yet...

Kirigakure Ninja was full of disdain in his heart, and there was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Righteousness lies in Deguang!"

"Set things right!"

"Fight the tyrant!"

Accompanied by violent explosions, fierce battle cries resounded through the city under the influence of Chakra.

"Konoha! Konoha's Uchiha!"

The nobles and warriors also recognized the attacker's identity from the battle cry.

It was even more chaotic inside and outside the court.

"You, you, you! Hurry up and summon the government army to fight back!"

After the guard of the county city panicked, he tremblingly ordered the senior warriors under his command to summon the government army to try to fight back.

government army...

Kirigakure ninja secretly mocked in his heart.

The battle between the ninja army and the government army in the land of fire has completely torn off the face of the daimyo nobles and trampled them to pieces. At this time, they are still counting on those useless mortal troops!It's ridiculous!

Although he kept ridiculing in his heart, Kirigakure Ninja still continued to perform his duties, standing in front of the court without saying a word to enforce the vigilance.

He didn't bother to remind the guardian nobles to light the beacon fire to warn them!

"You! Who is that! Why are you still standing there! You haven't escorted us to the safe house!"

After the guarding nobles sent people to summon the government army, one of the panics in their hearts finally calmed down a little bit. Seeing the Kirigakure ninja who was still standing calmly outside the court, he became angry and scolded angrily.

"...As ordered!"

Although he was very dissatisfied with the aristocrat's bossing around, Kirigakure ninja had long been used to it, so he replied respectfully.

"Ninja: Thousands of books like rain and dew!"

Several ninjas employed by the shogunate with round fans on their foreheads and respirators on their mouths jumped onto the wall. When they saw the people in the court, they immediately threw up the iron umbrellas in their hands and launched countless thousands of shots.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

The Kirigakure ninja frowned and used ninjutsu to block the attacks of the shogunate hired ninjas on the nobles.

"This technique...is it rain ninja?"

Kirigakure Ninja was also a little surprised.

"The idea is tricky, the wind is screaming!"

Seeing that their ninjutsu attack was easily blocked, several Urenin mercenaries immediately shouted and retreated instantly.

At the same time, the leading squad leader also took out a flare from his arms and fired it into the sky.

"call out!!"

Almost at the same time, signal flares rose in the city.

The Kirigakure ninja took a rough look at the location, and it was basically the area where other Kirigakure ninjas came to garrison.

"The offensive is really not simple..."

Kirigakure Ninja sighed.

"It turns out that it's Shinobi who is here..."

Kirigakure Ninja was wandering outside the fugue, and a voice with a teasing meaning came from behind him.

The Kirigakure ninja Xun turned pale with fright, and quickly turned around to be on guard.

"It's you……"

Kirigakure was also a little surprised.

"Surprising, isn't it?"

Ghost lamp Masahiko grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth.

Apart from the former Kirigakure ninjas behind him, the Urenin who had just fled also held their heads upright and high-spirited.

"Go and kill these rice bugs!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko waved his hand, signaling Yuren to kill those trembling nobles.

In addition to combat missions, another duty of Yuren mercenaries is to do this kind of thankless dirty work.

With a ferocious smile, Yu Ninja drew out his weapon and slowly walked towards the screaming nobles. The feeling of torturing nobles made them intoxicated.

Kirigakure Kamijou ignored the nobles' cries for help, and just stared at the smiling ghost lamp Masahiko.

"Death or surrender, make a choice!"

Hearing the screams of the nobles in his ears, Masahiko Onito was in a good mood.

"...my family is still in the village."

After hesitating for a moment, Chishang Shinobu swallowed, and clenched Kunai tightly.

"It's okay, it's not just this city that was attacked."

Ghost lamp Masahiko didn't care.

"Within today, all the routes in the Kingdom of Water and all the ports in the east will be attacked and burned! Isn't it enough for you to 'die in battle' in name?"

Shinobi's lips quivered slightly.

The last noble also fell under the knife of the Urenin mercenaries.

They laughed and cut off the heads of the nobles, tied them around their waists, and boasted about their achievements.

Shinobi swallowed again.

"Have you made up your mind?"

Although the ghost lamp Masahiko still had a smile on his face, his tone was obviously a little impatient.

Shinobi sighed, and raised his hand.

A horizontal mark was drawn on the forehead guard.

A satisfied smile appeared on Masahiko's face.


In September of the 37th year of Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu officially launched the Kirigakure conquest. Within a day, the country of water continued to kill and attack everywhere, and the flames were everywhere; Ninja mercenaries have created a appalling massacre of nobles!

In this regard, the Daimyo of the country of water expresses strong condemnation!

(End of this chapter)

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