Chapter 189

In the first water country conquest, Uchiha Tokumitsu invested nearly [-] ninja troops on the front line in total, and he was very satisfied with the results obtained.

Under the leadership of the well-versed Kirigakure ninjas, the wolf pack offensive was a complete success.

The best proof is the loot piled up on Midway Island.

After the golden cuties are piled up, the brilliant light emitted by the sun is so fascinating.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

The first batch of booty brought back alone is enough to offset the cost of launching the war.

Coupled with the subsequent bulk of the spoils, after the rewards for participating ninjas are distributed, Uchiha Tokumitsu can still have a large amount of gold judgments in the account.

Although he doesn't pursue wealth very much, wealth still pours into Uchiha Tokumitsu's small coffers.

"What a wonderful world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu grabbed a handful of Kinkan and let it fall through his fingers.

Falling back to the pile of golden judgments, playing a jingling and crisp movement.

This pile of gold sentences is more profitable than smuggling!
"Noble...too rich!"

Even an attendant ninja from the Uzumaki clan was deeply shocked when he saw the shocking pile of gold in front of him.

The wealth hidden in the private cellars of the nobles has nowhere to hide in front of the white-eyed ninjas of the Hyuga clan. No matter whether the nobles are willing to confess the location of the treasures, their fate will be ruined.

"Register and register!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered: "First take back the public treasury of the shogunate, then find a few photographers to come over and take a few photos, and send them to those wealthy businessmen who bought our Eastern Development Special Bonds!"

"As ordered!"

The attendant ninja immediately took orders to execute.

"Send an order to the Kaguya column, let them take back the attack squad, concentrate their forces and prepare to snipe Kirigakure's reinforcements!"

Then Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered again.

The shogunate ninja army with the Kaguya clan as the column leader is the largest in number.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also has a number of Uchiha ninjas and Hyuga white-eyed ninjas in this ninja army.

Their combat area is on the main road from the main island of the country of water to the eastern archipelago, which is an excellent area for ambushes and reinforcements.

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't have a big heart, and he is very satisfied if he can annihilate three or five hundred Wukakure ninjas after this battle.

"As ordered!"

Immediately, one of the attendant ninjas stood up and came over. After accepting the order, he quickly wrote a secret letter and released the communication ninja.

"There are also the first and second detachments of the Eastern Border Defense Force, and it is time to get ready."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said again.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is still not at ease relying on the shogunate ninja army to be responsible for sniping and attacking aid.

So the two detachments of the frontier army were assembled again as a reserve force, and they were also transferred to Midway Island.

"All the ninja troops in the headquarters are ready."

The attendant ninja replied respectfully.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Tokuhika nodded.


At this time, the Land of Water is full of raging wars.

A mere [-] or so Tokumitsu shogunate ninja troops participated in the war, and they disrupted the various routes in the country of water and the eastern islands.

And this is also because Kirigakure came from the inertia of thinking and misjudged that Uchiha Tokumitsu's subordinates would launch an attack from the adjacent southern or western seas, so the defense force in the eastern archipelago was relatively small.

Moreover, the ninjas who were on guard were drawn by the nobles to serve as guards in their own territories under various names. As a result, when the shogunate ninja army attacked, they couldn't organize a decent counterattack force at all.

What's more, there are quite a few of them like Kirigakure Shinobi, who struggled a little when facing acquaintances, drew a horizontal mark on the forehead, put on a mask, and joined the Shogunate Ninja Army without any psychological barriers. In the great cause of burning, killing and looting.

Kirigakure Ninja, the nobleman of the country of bitter water, has been around for a long time!

Faced with the battle reports coming from all directions, even the Kirigakure elders who were in charge of dispatching the ninja army were paralyzed.

After Mizukage Mizukage launched the genocide change, the elders immediately launched an impeachment in the name of "slaughtering ninjas from the same village", and won part of the control of the Ninja Army from Mizukage Mizukage Mizukage.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu took in the remnants of the three clans and prepared to counterattack the intelligence of the country of water, at the invitation of the daimyo of the country of water, the elders of Kirigakure responded positively and sent all the ninja troops under their control to all parts of the country of water Armed, and at the same time got a lot of money from the daimyo.

They originally thought that according to the traditional ninja combat method, Uchiha Tokumitsu would slowly build ships and form a fleet, then organize and practice water battles, and finally the large force went north to have a dignified battle with the Kirigakure ninja army.

According to intelligence, Tokumitsu Uchiha built a shipyard in the old land of Uzumaki, and several new warships are undergoing trial voyages, which further verified their ideas.

If the battle style envisioned by the elders of Kirigakure is followed, Kirigakure actually still has a great chance of winning.

After all, apart from the three ninjas of the Kirigakure clan and the hired half-baked Mizuwaramin, the elite ninja army under Uchiha Tokumitsu, especially the Uchiha ninja army who relies on the Great Wall, is actually not suitable for fighting at sea.

Even if they are forced to gather for battle, they may be surrounded and annihilated by Kirigakure's army at sea due to Kirigakure's skilled water warfare skills and superiority in numbers.

Therefore, several optimistic Kirigakure elders have already discussed the ownership of Uchiha Tokumitsu's kaleidoscope Sharingan at the elder meeting.

In addition, after being impeached, the three generations of Mizukage have kept silent recently, ignoring all kinds of small actions of the elders, which has further fueled the arrogance of the elders.

But in the face of Uchiha Tokumitsu's fierce offensive, they sat on wax collectively.

The war intelligence that came from all directions made them unable to tell how many ninja troops the shogunate had sent to attack.

Not to mention looking for the main force of the shogunate ninja army for a decisive battle. At this time, not only the waterways between the islands were attacked by the small shogunate troops that sank a large number of merchant ships and cargo ships, even the Eastern Islands and the Kirigakure headquarters have been lost. got engaged!

The most irritating thing is that they also tried to wipe out the shogunate ninja army who attacked merchant ships in the waterway, but no matter how many ninja army they dispatched, they were easily dodged by the shogunate ninja army who were as slippery as loaches, and they didn't even have a chance to fight. nothing.

"The ninjas of the Tokuko Shogunate should all be equipped with white-eyed ninjas..."

After all, the Great Elder Kirigakure still has some knowledge. Based on the recent report of the failure of the suppression campaign, he deduced the staffing of the Deguang Shogunate.

"White eyes..."

A group of Wuyin elders gritted their teeth.

In front of Baiyan, no matter what kind of traps and ambushes are used, the only chance to catch them is to surround the entire sea area with a net and wipe them out by luck or by numbers.

But the ninja army in the hands of the elders group is not enough to support such a huge plan of suppression.

"Let's think about how to recover the Eastern Islands!"

An elder Wuyin knocked on the table distractedly, "Otherwise, we wouldn't be able to explain to His Highness Daming!"

"The east should be gone..."

Another Elder Wuyin sighed and said: "The Ninja Army sent to station in the past has not sent back a single message. It may have been annihilated by Deguang's attacking Ninja Army at the first time..."

"There are still so many fief nobles who fell under the sword of Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

Another Elder Wuyin sighed and sighed: "In the future, the Eastern Islands will not be able to find the source of the mission..."

"Ask Mizukage-sama for help!"

An elder Kirigakure sitting in a corner suggested, "We may not be able to deal with Tokumitsu's shogunate with the Ninja Army in our hands alone..."

"What frustrating words are you talking about! Are you still the dignified Elder Wuyin! You should be ashamed!"

As soon as the words fell, an elder jumped up from the other side and shouted loudly: "Elder Fin! Don't you think our five thousand ninja army can't beat those Uchiha wandering soldiers!"

"We don't even know how many ninja troops the Tokuko Shogunate sent to attack!"

Elder Kirigakure couldn't bear it anymore, and also jumped up, "Even the small shogunate ninja army in the western central waterway can't be wiped out, how many ninja army can we mobilize to fight in the east!"

"There are slightly fewer ninja troops deployed in various places, and those shogunate ninja troops wandering around the waterway immediately went ashore to attack! With no intelligence and no main force, what else can we fight!"

And this is exactly the subtlety of Uchiha Deguang's wolf pack offensive.

With the familiar ninjas of the three tribes of Kirigakure and the assistance of the white-eyed ninja, the waterways in the country of water are like no one's land, and there is no need to worry about being surrounded by the Kirigakure garrison ninja army for wanton killing.

Even the number of ninjas sent by the attacking force, the elders of Kirigakure are still not sure.

But this does not prevent the Wuyin elders from language conflicts to martial arts in a short period of time.


The elder Wuyin, whose face was getting darker and darker, couldn't bear it anymore.

After Master Yuan died, he took over as the Great Elder of the elders group.

It's just that the prestige and power still can't be compared with Yuanshi's life, and the control over the elders has been relaxed a lot, and there is no way to speak clearly.

Even if the elders screwed up some things, they can't be reprimanded, otherwise they will inevitably face endless verbal criticism from their fellow party members.

And during the tactical discussion of the elders' group, the various disadvantages of the Wuyin elders' group that were exposed caused him a lot of headaches.

There are no tactical arrangements without intelligence.

After the garrisoned ninja army is restrained, it is difficult to deploy additional personnel to form the ninja army. If there is no ninja army, there is no way to recover the eastern archipelago.

"We are discussing how to deal with the crisis of war, don't be too outrageous..."

Upon hearing this question again, the Wuyin elders pretended to be deaf and dumb again.

"Why don't you ask Mizukage-sama's Anbu to provide information..."

At this moment, another Elder Kirigakure interjected: "Otherwise, we wouldn't even know how many Ninja troops we'd dispatch and which waterway we'd be marching from.

"Then let's settle this first..."

Great Elder Wuyin pressed his temples and said with a sigh.

If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know how expensive firewood is.

It is difficult to command without commanding the army.

The elders of Kirigakure have been far away from the command of the Ninja Army for too long. Coupled with the changes of the times, the tactics and tactics of the Ninja Army's operations are changing with each passing day. The old guys have gradually been unable to keep up with the trend of the times.

Although another faction that claimed to be "forever tough on Mizukage" was dissatisfied, it still acquiesced to the proposal of the elder Kirigakure.

Although fighting for power and profit, although they are brave in internal fighting and timid in public wars, although they are outdated by the times, they are members of the elders of Ninja Village after all, at least they can distinguish between good and bad.

"How will the ninja army in the headquarters be dispatched to fight?"

The venue was silent for a long time, and Elder Wuyin took the initiative to break the dull pattern.

"...The defense area is handed over to Mizukage-sama, our ninja army will go to recover the east!"

The Great Elder Wu Yin was also silent for a while before speaking slowly.

This is a tough choice.

After finally taking advantage of the opportunity of the shogunate's attack, with the cooperation of the water country daimyo, the land in hand has not been warmed up, and it is about to be handed over, and it is necessary to take the ninja army to fight those vicious Uchihas. kill.

After the Eastern Islands regained the war, regardless of whether they won or lost, with the strength of the elders, there was no way to take back these territories from Mizukage.

This is equivalent to the water country daimyo and the Kirigakure elders teaming up to make an exquisite wedding dress for the third generation of Mizukage, and they have to apologize and ask others to accept it.

There is a high probability that the only thing that can be exchanged is the intelligence support of Kirigakure Anbe, and at most the cannon fodder and eyeliner that Mizukage stuffed at will.

"It's a big loss..."

Another Elder Wu Yin expressed everyone's aspirations.

"Knock knock!"

There was a hasty knock on the door outside the meeting room of the elders group.

"come in!"

The Great Elder Kirigakure closed his eyes wearily.

This kind of door-knocking rhythm has been heard a lot in the past few days, and none of them has good news.

Either a certain city was lost, or the port was burned, or how many fleets were burned...

All in all bad news.

"Good day, great elder, good day, all elders!"

After a Kirigakure shinin entered the door, he respectfully greeted all the elders.

"There is an urgent letter from Daming Mansion..."

"give me!"

Great Elder Kirigakure took the letter with a sullen face and quickly flipped through it.

Immediately, his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water.

"Guan Bai was killed by the Urenin mercenaries of the shogunate..."

Great Elder Wuyin was a little desperate.

Guan Bai is not only the head of civil servants in the country of water, but also the younger brother of the daimyo. He is also one of the most popular nobles in the country of water.

"Master Guan Bai led the government army to try to encircle and wipe out a shogunate ninja army who came ashore, but encountered an accident..."

The despair of the Great Elder Kirigakure lies in the fact that Kanbai-sama, who is the highest minister of the Water Kingdom, dares to lead his troops to fight the ninja army without even knowing about combat power.

Didn't he know how many elite troops of the Fire Nation had been killed by Uchiha Tokumitsu when he attacked the county and forced Daimyo?

Why is he so brave!

When a group of Wuyin elders heard this, they were immediately disturbed.

"There is no choice..."

Elder Wuyin said with a miserable smile.

Now that Guan Bai is dead, the Wuyin elders have no way out.

"Urenin! Despicable Urenin!"

An elder Wu Yin suddenly let out a shrill cry as if he was going mad, "How dare they kill Guan Bai! How dare they! Master Guan Bai is the most honorable minister!"

The elders were all fidgeting.

"I'm going to find Mizukage-sama..."

The Great Elder Wuyin got up and said. "Hand over all the defense areas, let's go to the east!"

After pausing on his crutches, the Great Elder Kirigakure left the conference room without looking back.

 Kirigakure's political structure refers to the chaos at the end of the Nara period in the small days. In order to make the novel look more reasonable, it also made a moderate beautification on the basis of real history, otherwise it would be too absurd

(End of this chapter)

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