Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 190 The Continuing Increased War

Chapter 190 The Continuing Increased War

Once a war is started, it is difficult to stop.

The battle report of Kaguya Column's Aminori Detachment to kill Water Country Guanbai soon arrived at Midway Island and was quickly presented to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"...Call the third and fourth detachments over!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt a little headache after reading the battle report.

Guanbai, the country of water, is the most noble existence in the public clan, plus he is the younger brother of the daimyo...

It seems that the scale of the war will continue to escalate.

Uchiha Tokumitsu invested nearly 800 elite ninja troops on the Water Country battlefield, plus the Kirigakure ninja who instigated rebellion in the wolf pack offensive in the eastern region, there are now nearly [-] people.

Although the scale of the ninja army has further expanded, its combat effectiveness has not increased but decreased, so Uchiha Tokumitsu is also preparing to order the withdrawal of troops in due course.

However, withdrawing troops does not mean giving up the war with Kirigakure, it just voluntarily abandons some of the previous battle plans in a short period of time and makes certain tactical deployment adjustments.


On the seventh day of the offensive against the Mistwolves, the first Ninja troops to withdraw from the battle returned to Midway.

The troops returning to Midway Island are the Kaguya column and the rain ninja detachment.

"You guys have worked hard..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha personally went to the port to greet him, and enthusiastically patted the ninja on the shoulder to show his closeness.

"This time, the spoils will be divided into [-]-[-]% and we will definitely not treat everyone badly!"

Seeing the returning ninja soldiers queuing up to hand in the seal scrolls one by one, Uchiha Tokumitsu could no longer hold back the smile on his lips and said.

"Thank you Master Deguang!"

All the rain ninjas were very excited.

Uchiha Tokumitsu praised a few more words casually, and then agreed with Amada Jonin for a time for an interview and discussion, and led the crowd to leave.

"...But it's a pity that it's only [-]%."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu left, one of the Yu Ninja team muttered in a low voice.

"Who! Who said this!"

Amada Kaminobu's complexion immediately became gloomy, and his dark eyes scanned his subordinates viciously.

"A group of bastards who have been blinded by their interests! They dare to question Lord Deguang's wishes! What a shame!"

All the Ureninjas were trembling with fright.

"What [-]%! It's [-]%!"

Yu Tian Shangren cursed angrily: "Master Deguang gave us [-]% of the spoils!"

The rain ninjas suddenly went into an uproar.

Their Urenin army was assigned to the Kaguya column and was responsible for the destruction and pursuit of various waterways, and they happened to plunder a large number of merchant ships.

Although the goods are valuable, the rain ninjas who came from afar lack the necessary sales channels.

Because of this, the rain ninjas are not very resistant to handing over the spoils.

But they never expected to get such a high share ratio!
In Yuren's perception, it is considered very good that the spoils obtained from the battle can finally be realized to get [-]% of the achievements, and now it is nectar from heaven to be able to get [-]%!

You must know that although these goods are valuable, after all, they still need to be sold and realized through certain channels in order to obtain the corresponding hard currency realization.

It's just that Yu Shinobu didn't know how terrible the ability to sell stolen goods organized by Tokumitsu Uchiha when he built a transnational special trade distribution network.

What's more, there are a series of hidden tricks waiting for them, such as lowering the evaluation, buying low and selling high, etc., which are extremely difficult for laymen to detect!

After the affairs of the headquarters were arranged, Jonin Amada came to Uchiha Tokumitsu's office led by the attendant ninja.

"Good day, Mr. Deguang..."

Amada Jonin was very reserved, even a little nervous.

He didn't know whether the wonderful performance in the loot collection area earlier would be passed on to Tokumitsu Uchiha in time.

"Don't be too polite, sit down!"

With a smile on his face, Uchiha Deguang pointed to the seat next to him, and said to Amada Kaminobu.

He was still reading through the combat report and the various information described by the attached Kirigakure Ninja one by one.

"... Urenin's performance is still very good!"

After a while, Uchiha Tokumitsu put away the documents and said to Amada Kamino: "Whether it is the headquarters or the Amano ninjas assigned to each column, their performance in battle is elite!"

Among the 120 Ameno ninjas who participated in the battle, 60 were split up by Uchiha Tokumitsu and assigned to the ghost lamp column and the Minazuki column as subsidiary troops for doing dirty work.

The 60 people led by Amada Jonin formed a combat detachment, and together with the Kaguya column, carried out raids on various waterways in the country of water.

Whether it is the Yuren unit assigned to the other two columns or the Yuren headquarters that make up the combat force, their performance in battle is quite remarkable.

"Lord Deguang's recognition is the greatest compliment to us!"

Immediately, Amada Kaminobu stood up in fear and responded: "Your wise command and wonderful deployment are the most fundamental reasons why we can continue to win on the battlefield!"

Although it was flattering, Kami Shinobu felt that it was not shabby!

Ninja!Make money!What a shame!
It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is used to listening to high-end horses, thinks that Amada Kami Shinobi's slapstick skills are too superficial and too fireworks.

"Everything else is fine, except for military discipline...and please pay more attention to it!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded again, which immediately raised Amada Jominin's heart.

The thing he was most worried about had happened!

"Why did the Amino squad separate from the Kaguya column and enter the land of water alone, and also attacked the daimyo's government army and killed Guan Bai?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked calmly.

The corners of Amada Kamishinobu's mouth trembled, and his forehead began to sweat.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't urge him, but just watched Amada Jonin quietly.

"...I was greedy for looting, and led the team out during the rest time privately, which led to the accident."

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's gaze, Amada Jonin finally admitted his mistake.

"Master Deguang, I am willing to accept the punishment of military discipline, but please forgive my subordinates, they all think that they blindly follow the command..."

"What are you talking about?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said briskly: "I think it's very good that you can consciously admit your mistakes, so this matter has been exposed."

"Thank you Master Deguang for your forgiveness!"

Amada Kaminobu was overjoyed.

The emotions of grief and joy switched too quickly, making Amada Kaminobu's body a little weak.

"But the war will inevitably escalate, and the original plan needs to be redeployed..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a calm tone.

Amada Jonin's heart raised his throat again.

"Lord Deguang! Please give us another chance. We will never violate military discipline again. We will fight bravely on the battlefield!"

Yu TianJunin's tone was extremely urgent.

It is rare to hold such big and thick legs of the Uchiha clan, and Amada Jominin naturally cherishes them very much.

Besides, if the war order of the Uchiha clan is lost because of this, the poor Yuren doesn't know how long it will take to save the funds to rebuild their homeland and train new ninjas.

"I didn't mean to accuse you..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was still calm and steady, but he was very satisfied in his heart.

Successful CPU!
Jonin Amada's rapid emotional switching between self-blame and gratitude caused him to gradually feel an inexplicable surrender to Tokumitsu Uchiha.

"It's just that the scale and intensity of the war will inevitably increase, so..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu slowed down a little, and tapped his fingers lightly on the table.

"...So, I plan to increase the rain ninja mercenaries, what do you think?"

As soon as Amada Kamishin heard it, the heart in his throat was relieved at once.

"How many people does Master Deguang hope to continue to employ?"

Amada Kamijino asked respectfully.

"I have never cared about the number of subordinates when I lead an army, the more the better!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "If Mr. Hanzo is willing, as long as I can afford the price, I don't mind hiring him to join the war..."

"The village currently has about 2000 registered ninjas. As long as Master Deguang is willing, it should be no problem to hire another 1000 or so!"

Amada Shangren did not hesitate to reveal the details of the village.

"As for Mr. Hanzo... I dare not be good at it, and I have to report it to my lord before making a decision."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was even more satisfied.

"Then I have to trouble you to make a trip."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said softly: "How about three days? I'll give you three days."


Amada Jonin's tone was also very firm.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded approvingly, "Then let's go back with the war dividend! I will let the internal affairs speed up the distribution."

"Thank you Master Deguang for your concern!"

Hearing the words, Kamiyuta immediately got up and bowed deeply, then took his leave and left.

After walking outside the court, he was stimulated by the sea breeze and realized that his back had been soaked with sweat at some point.

"so far so good……"

Little did he know that he had been completely tricked into it, and Amada Kaminobu patted his chest, feeling very satisfied with his wit.

To receive such a large war mission order, Lord Hanzo must be very happy...

Full of longing, Amada Kaminobu walked towards the Amano camp.


With the review of each battle report and special situation, Tokumitsu Uchiha already has a plan for the next battle in his mind.

According to intelligence, the garrisoned ninjas who were originally scattered throughout the country of water have begun to gather under the rotation of the ninja troops dispatched outside the village of Wuyin.

And the number of Kirigakure anti-ninja troops assembled may be as high as 4000 people.

This is one-third of the ninja power of Kirigakure Ninja Village!
What's more, there are strong people like Goju Yagura and Ninja Sword Remnant who may be watching in secret.

Moreover, the famous Kirigakure Anbe never showed his face in the war from the beginning to the end.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who has limited strength, has to be cautious.

"Master Deguang, the Ghost Lantern Column and the Minazuki Column are back..."

An attendant ninja knocked lightly on the door and whispered.

"Call them over~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered, "The commander of the Kaguya column also asked him to come here!"

"As ordered!"

After a while, Masahiko Onito, Minazuki Kenno, and the leader of the Kaguya clan, Kaguya Toranosuke, came to Uchiha Tokumitsu's office together.

"Good day my lord!"

The three of them have all bowed to the shogunate, so they will meet as retainers.

"Sit down, you don't have to stick to conventions."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Kanbai, the country of water, died in battle. The daimyo will definitely not stop there. There is a high probability that he will support Ninja Village to continue fighting, so the war will definitely escalate again..."

All three nodded in agreement.

"What we have to plan is to shrink tactically, and adopt a flexible attack method to continuously devour the small group of Kirigakure units, so as to reduce the battle damage as much as possible while cannibalizing the Kirigakure Ninja Army."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stated his strategic layout.

The three continued to nod.

They were not good at battlefield layout and strategic battle combination, and they didn't understand anything other than nodding their heads.

"The three clans must go all out!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a serious tone.

"As ordered!"

Onito Masahiko, Minaduki Chino, and Kaguya Toranosuke all looked serious, and stood up in unison to answer.

In addition to the registered ninjas of the barbarian column, the three clans also retained some family ninjas, which is also one of the autonomous powers specially approved by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

But in the face of the upcoming war, it is no longer acceptable to continue to preserve strength.

"In addition to the frontal battlefield, work behind enemy lines is also very important..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to the ghost lamp Masahiko.

"Masahiko Jonin, you have to be in charge of the work in this area, try to mobilize the lurking secrets as much as possible, and dig out more information."

"As ordered!"

Ghost Lamp Masahiko stood up again and replied in a deep voice.

Although the three clans were severely damaged in the genocide launched by Mizukage, and the foundation of Wuyin Ninja Village was uprooted and completely eradicated, after all, the ghost lamp and Minazuki are the Mizukage family of the previous two generations. There are still some undiscovered shadows still lurking.

At this time is the time to play the role of those shadows.

"The rest of you don't have to worry too much, I will send elites from other places to help."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw the anxiety behind the calmness of the three, so he took the initiative to say a word of relief: "The red reserve team and the ninja coalition forces of the United Fisheries Company will also arrive in the near future to join the battle."

"With Master Deguang planning, we will naturally feel at ease."

Minazuki Qiannuo immediately applauded.

"The point of the lord's sword is the direction in which we will charge!"

Kaguya Toranosuke finally found the opportunity to read out the literary flattery that he had recited for a long time.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded in satisfaction.

It also caused the ghost lamp Masahiko and Minazuki Chino to stare sideways.


Yes, after the smuggling business was wiped out, the United Fisheries Company still exists and is more closely connected.

Coupled with the fact that Uchiha Tokumitsu's first Kirigakure expedition launched by Uchiha did achieve a very impressive record, so it is not difficult to recruit ninja troops who are attached to the ninja clan.

It's just... Whether it's the Red Army or the Ninja Allied Forces, it's all the flesh of Uchiha Tokumitsu's palm and back, and no matter which piece is lost, it will be a heartache.

Therefore, a sufficient number of cannon fodder troops are needed...

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to the direction of the country of rain.

Even if Urenin can't come with 1000 people, it's not bad to be able to hire 600 people, which is enough for a big battle.

I just don't know if the respected demigod Hanzo will be willing to accept employment to play in the battle?
Uchiha Tokumitsu fell into deep thought.

 Double update will resume tomorrow, please allow me to rest tonight.

  Day after day, I feel like my whole brain has been muddied.

(End of this chapter)

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