Chapter 191
People who are poor and short-sighted are the best way to describe the current situation of Yuren Village.

Under the joint oppression of the three major powers, Hanzo declared war in anger, and fought against Yan Yin, Sand Yin, and Konoha repeatedly. Although he was not defeated, the vitality of Urenin Village was almost exhausted.

Even the relatives of Hanzo's origin have been almost worn out in the cruel battlefield like a meat grinder.

And the strength of the ninja army accumulated by the rain ninja village for decades has been consumed like water in one battle after another.

Even under the leadership of Hanzo, Urenin crossed the battlefield of the Land of Rain and won more victories than lost in the battles with the three major powers. However, Urenin, who was at a disadvantage in terms of personal combat power and numbers, was also fighting again and again. rapidly exhausted.

Therefore, Hanzo acquiesced to Konoha's garrison in the southeast of the Rain Country, and also acquiesced in the fact that the northwest border defense forces occupied the northeast.

Even the small towns in the northern border area occupied by Yanyin, Hanzo was unable to recover.

And even if it is recovered, so what?
As soon as he leaves the station, Yan Yin, who has made a comeback, will easily grind the left-behind Urenin into a pulp.

Even in the dilapidated Urenin Village Headquarters, Hanzo has no money to repair it.

Not to mention continuing to cultivate ninja power.

So earlier, when Uchiha Homon received instructions from Uchiha Tokumitsu to send envoys to Urenin Village to try to negotiate employment matters, Hanzo only held back a little and readily agreed.

And then the Uchiha clan sent supplies to deduct the employment mission rewards, which also relieved the dying Urenin Village.

Therefore, Hanzo is also very concerned about the war missions of the Uchiha clan, and specially recruits elites from the weak Uchiha Ninja Army to hand them over to his confidant Kamino Amada to lead them to the Land of Water to participate in the war.

However, Hanzo didn't expect Yutian to come back so quickly.

What's more, I didn't expect that there are so many seized materials, trophies, and funds that can be brought back!
The rich and wealthy Uchiha clan and the once rich Kirigakure clan had all kinds of contemptible supplies that they discarded, and Urinin, who never refused to come, packed everything back.

Yutian brought a total of 20 people with him when he returned to the village, and each of them carried a huge scroll, which was sealed full of various useful and useless materials.


"Uchiha Tokumitsu wants to expand the number of hired ninja soldiers?"

After hearing Yutian's detailed explanation of the reasons one by one, even Sanshoyu Hanzo, who was dubbed "Demigod", couldn't help but lose his mind for a while.

Tokumitsu Uchiha allowed Yu Ninja's participating ninjas to retain [-]% of the equivalent spoils, but Yu Tian still had to collect the ninja village tax again.

But his heart is not dark, as long as [-]% is drawn, and all of it is handed over to the village.

It is precisely because of the income of [-]% of the booty that the Sanshoyu Hanzo was deeply shocked.

"That's too much..."

Although he still maintained a silent and thoughtful look, these words kept echoing in Sanshoyu Hanzo's mind.

Immediately, he thought of another question: I have so much [-]% of my own, so wouldn't it be the one who was left in the hands of the hired Yu Nin...

Among other things, among the 20 people brought back by Yu Tian, ​​it is estimated that all of them are worth a lot of money, right?
Although he was thinking about everything in his heart, Sanshoyu Hanzo still restrained his urge to kill the chicken to get the eggs.

Moreover, isn't this opportunity coming soon?

Tokumitsu Uchiha will spend a lot of money to hire a large number of rain ninjas to participate in the war!

Not to mention the food and lodging package, but also enjoy a large proportion of the loot share!

From the heart, Sanshoyu Hanzo is not willing to accept large-scale war employment.

Because this is a naked act of standing in line, it is equivalent to declaring war with Uchiha Tokumitsu against the Water Country Daimyo and Kirigakure Mizukage.

After experiencing the beatings of the three major powers and the realistic beatings of being undefeated and defeated, Sanshoyu Hanzo also learned to judge the situation.


"I wanted to refuse..."

As soon as Hanzo's words came out, Yutian was surprised first and then delighted.

He heard 'reject' before he noticed 'want'.

"However, Mizukage is violent, has no morals, regards ninjas as enemies, and punishes ninjas as easy, this is definitely not a virtuous person! Since General Deguang is willing to help justice, we should also send troops to help!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo's words were powerful and resounding.

"Master Hanzo is wise and mighty!"

When Yutian heard the words, he knelt down and bowed immediately.

"I've made up my mind! Another [-] troops will be dispatched from the headquarters! Hurry up and gather the Ninja Army!"

Sansho Hanzo gave an order to his attendant ninjas.

"As ordered!"

Immediately, a Yuren attendant led the order to leave.

"Master Hanzo, if we deploy another [-] ninja troops, the defense of that area..."

On the other side, the attendant ninja asked a little nervously.

He is a jonin who is also in charge of border defense affairs, so he had to bite the bullet and say something.

"Speak to Uchiha Fire Gate in the northwest and ask him to send troops to assist in the defense of the northern border of the Land of Rain!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo thought for a while, and gave an unexpected answer: "This is the prerequisite for Urenin village to accept employment to participate in the war, otherwise Urenin will never send troops!"

After finishing speaking, Sanshoyu Hanzo asked someone to bring a pen and paper, handwritten a secret letter to Yutian, and ordered him to go to Midway Island immediately to discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu about the mercenary participation in the war.

"I obey!"

Amada Kaminobu left beaming.

He hurried to Midway Island to report the good news to Uchiha Tokumitsu!

After Yutian left, an attendant hiding in the dark behind Sanshoyu Hanzo said softly: "Lord Hanzo... There seems to be something wrong with Amada Kamzo..."

"It's nothing strange, it's just that the legs are weak after being smashed by Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

Sansho Hanzo replied lightly.

"Then this..."

The attendant was a little puzzled.

Loyalty is not absolute is absolutely not loyal.

According to Sanshoyu Hanzo's temperament in the past, he will definitely be caught in the water prison and punished severely at the first time, so that his thoughts can return to the right track of Urenin. How could he become so tolerant? !
"He's still useful, so there's no need to deliberately control him." Sanshoyu Hanzo stood up and walked towards the training ground with the iconic lock sickle in his hand.

After slacking off for a long time, Sanshoyu Hanzo also felt that his spleen was overgrown and his skills had regressed a bit.

But now that he has decided to join the war, he has to hone his skills well.

Wuyin Ninja Village, the Country of Water, is famous for its water escape, and Sanshoyu Hanzo happens to be best at the Five Dungeons ninjutsu, which is water escape. The water escape is higher and lower.


When Amada Kamino rushed to reach Midway Island again, the allied ninja army that had just assembled from Konoha had just arrived.

Standing on the pier, Amada Kaminobu watched in horror as teams of Konoha ninjas came out of the iron-clad ships, each of them was high-spirited and well-equipped. The only thing that could compare with it in Amamami Village was the Sanshoyu Hanzo. One of the few elite guards.

"More than 1000 people..."

Amada Shangren muttered to himself.

Since Uchiha Tokumitsu has such an elite ninja army, why hire rain ninja?It can't be that there is too much money to spend!
"One thousand and five hundred people are all elite ninjas of the Konoha Ninja Clan."

A female voice sounded from behind Yu Tian.

"Hello, I didn't mean to spy on..."

Yutian suddenly heard someone talking behind his back, and his hairs stood on end in horror.

After turning around, I found that it was a female shogunate ninja with red hair and wearing a jōnin vest.

"you are……"

Yu Tian has a little impression of the person in front of him, it seems to be one of Uchiha Tokumitsu's attendant ninjas.

"Xianghui Xianghui, under the order of Master Deguang, came to meet Your Excellency Yutian."

The attendant ninja Kae Uzumaki replied politely.

As soon as he arrived at the shore, Uchiha Tokumitsu knew his whereabouts, and sent envoys to greet him...

Yu Tian swallowed, and responded politely: "Then please lead the way..."


"Eight Hundred Ninja Army..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stroked his chin, carefully reading Sanshoyu Hanzo's handwritten letter.

Yu Tian stood under the hall, looking cautious.

What Tokumitsu Uchiha is most concerned about is the participation of Sansho Hanzo in the war.

As for the employment fees that he thought were sky-high in his handwriting, Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take them seriously.

"Since Mr. Hanzo is willing to help justice together, it would be great."

With a smile on his face, Uchiha Tokuka folded Hanzo's manuscript and put it away.

"I agree with the employment fee, as long as Mr. Hanzo arrives at the headquarters in advance."

"As for the issue of border defense... This is easy to handle. I will notify the Fire Gate Commander of the Northwest Border Defense Force. At that time, three detachments will be dispatched to the northern border to assist in defense."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also took out a pen and paper, and explained to Yutian while writing.

"Thank you Deguang for your support!"

Yutian also threw away those irrelevant thoughts in his mind, and replied excitedly.

"Three days later, there will be a detachment of the frontier army, the first division of the red reserve team, and two divisions of grass ninja in the direction of the country of grass. At that time, the rain ninja army can come with them."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued.

"The Country of Grass..."

Yutian felt that his brain was a little stuck.

Ninja villages in so many countries, coupled with such a huge ninja army, is Uchiha Tokumitsu really planning to wipe out Kirigakure in one fell swoop?

But he didn't dare to ask more questions, but after receiving Uchiha Tokumitsu's personal letter, he resigned and left.

In fact, it was beyond Uchiha Tokumitsu's expectation that the scale of the Kirigakure Conquest would become so large.

At the beginning, Tokumitsu Uchiha envisioned the war steps as probing first, then harassing, and finally peeping at the right time to concentrate troops to give Kirigakure a bloodletting, and after he succeeded, he plundered and left quickly.

But just a few hundred people turned the eastern archipelago of the country of water upside down, which was something Uchiha Tokumitsu never expected.

In fact, it is also said that Wuyin's defense in the country of water is too lax.

According to the reports of Onito Masahiko and Minazuki Chino, Kirigakure's defenses in major ports and cities were extremely empty, which led to the fact that most of the original battle plan was just a test, and the conquering ninja army easily captured the target city in the theater. Then, under the temptation of the benefits at their fingertips, the Ninja Army took the initiative to expand the scope of operations, and plundered all the major cities in the eastern archipelago of the country of water.

But Kirigakure's defense is also a helpless move.

As an archipelagic country, the land of water is fragmented, and the islands are isolated from each other. In some places, the nobles are at odds with the ministers of the Daming Mansion. There is a lot of filth in the world, and each other makes stumbling blocks even worse. It is commonplace.

When it was time to set up defenses, the local nobles felt that the so-called shogunate attack was just an attempt by the daimyo to erode local power through the momentum of destroying the ninja, so they did not cooperate in various ways.

Local aristocrats who are easy to speak just transfer the Kirigakure ninjas who are on defense to their own castles as guards, while local aristocrats who are not easy to speak directly refuse the ninja army to settle in.

As a result, the defense line of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, which was well planned on paper, is naturally full of loopholes, and the complacent Kirigakure Elders in the Kirigakure Ninja Village are still unaware of it, and are still celebrating happily that their power has replaced Mizukage My influence in the country of water.

In addition, although the three clans were destroyed, there were still a lot of sympathizers inside Kirigakure, and they were still willing to surrender when the times were not in their favor.

Such absurdity, how can there be no reason to be invincible?
And this time, the reason why Tokumitsu Uchiha dispatched the Ninja Army from all over the world, even the dying Kusanagi, was also to fight with all his strength, and to defeat the endless internal problems as much as possible.

Of course, the price given by Tokumitsu Uchiha is enough to make the leader of Kusanagi Village willingly stud.

At this time, the interior of Konoha was also in chaos.

From Konoha Ninja's point of view, whether the two major generals are in the shogunate or Kirigakure is affiliated with the three clans, including the so-called Guardian Nintoku Mitsuchibei Team, the daimyo of the country of grass, they are all forces of the Uchiha clan, to put it bluntly. The most powerful Uchiha Tokumitsu is in charge.

So this war, in Konoha's view, is actually a war launched by the Uchiha clan against the country of water, Kirigakure.

It is absolutely unprecedented in the ninja world to fight against the Ninja Village of a big country with the strength of one family.

As a ninja from the same village, the Konoha people not only hope that Uchiha Tokumitsu can show his power on the battlefield to defeat Kirigakure, and spread the name of Konoha to the outside world. At the same time, he deeply fears that the power of the Uchiha clan will further expand after the war. out of control.

Therefore, Konoha's non-Uchiha ninjas are just watching this conquest with a complicated mentality.

However, in the eyes of the Hokage family, the conquest war launched by Uchiha Tokumitsu is already a clear overstepping, infringing on the war power held by Hokage.

Especially after the Uchiha clan and its affiliated ninja clan mobilized family ninjas to form ninja troops on a large scale to fight, the Hokage clan jumped up and down, clamoring to punish the daring Uchiha Tokumitsu.

But this was all blocked by Hatake Sakumo with other plans by the military command.

In private, Hatake Sakumo also wanted to write to Midway Island to ask Uchiha Tokumitsu if he needed his own help, but he also thought that his identity was rather special. If so, I am afraid that the all-out war between Konoha Kirin will break out completely.

In such a complicated situation, Tokumitsu Uchiha made preparations for the battle in an orderly manner.

 Update today (1/2), Chapter 2 will be later

(End of this chapter)

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