Chapter 192
With the gathering of ninja troops from all sides, it is difficult for Midway Island to deploy so many ninja troops.

So under the auspices of Uzumaki Ninja, many surrounding islands were also built as ninja garrisons.

This conflict has officially escalated into a war, and has attracted the attention of the ninja world.

Even though it is located in the depths of the sea and is not well-known, there are still countless spies trying to sneak into this sea area to peep into the reality of Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja army.

The maritime detective team composed of ninjas from the three tribes of Kirigakure was exhausted and out of breath. In a few days, no fewer than 200 spies had been captured.

As the leader of the Urenin, Sanshoyu Hanzo, who is recognized as a "half god", officially left the village and led his troops to Midway Island to prepare for the war, public opinion in the ninja world was even more uproarious.

"Master Hokage won't stop him?"

After witnessing the power of Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja army, a leader of the ninja clan who was attached to him asked a little nervously.

It's not that they are afraid of Hokage's excommunication, but they are worried that if Uchiha Tokumitsu accidentally accepts Hokage's order, then their envisioned looting harvest will be in vain.


Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, "Konoha Nozomi is powerful, besides, how many Jnin can Sarutobi Monkey have!"

To say that since Uchiha Tokumitsu launched the Kirigakure Conquest, he feels the most shameless, then Konoha Hokage and Water Country Daimyo.

In name, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still a member of the Konoha Ninja, and the Uchiha Clan is also one of the Konoha Ninja Clans, but in fact, the Hokage Clan has lost control over it.

After the first battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu recruited ninjas in Konoha and various small countries, and did not even say hello to Hokage Building beforehand.

However, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, instructed Mito Monyan to try to interfere, but was blocked by Sakumo Hatake and other arrangements by the military command.

When Hokage sent people to the military headquarters to request information about the Kirigakure conquest, Hatake Sakumo refused on the grounds that the war had not yet ended and he was afraid of secrets.

In a word, there is no way to interfere!

Especially when Uchiha's various ninja clans recruited family ninjas one after another to form an expeditionary ninja army of 500 people to fight, the third Sarutobi Hiruzen could no longer control his anger.

"Sakumo Jonin! Are the Uchiha clan preparing to rebel!"

After calling Hatake Sakumo to Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen III asked viciously.

These few days should be the most embarrassing day since he assumed the position of Hokage!

It's fine for the ninjas in the village to be rebellious, and it's fine for the border ninja army to walk alone, but now they are colluding to start a war against another big country's ninja village? !
Is the peace agreement signed between the two daimyos just a piece of waste paper!

After a while, do you want to go back to the village to change Hokage?

"...The ninja army that the shogunate went to battle are all troops directly under Tokumitsu-kun, and have nothing to do with the village!"

Being questioned about this, Hatake Sakumo could only bite the bullet and push back.

"Where are the ninjas from various families? Could it be that they are also Deguang's private army! Some of them I grew up watching!"

Turning to bed Xiaochun shouted angrily.

"Ninjas who are not on the list are naturally not Konoha ninjas."

On the surface, Hatake Sakumo was neither humble nor overbearing.

"What about the banner played by the Deguang Shogunate?"

Mitomon Yan asked with a sullen face: "Kaifu justice? Invading other ninja villages is justice? Is this justice the justice of the Uchiha clan or the justice of your Hatake family? Don't you care about the mouth of the ninja world at all? "

"...Kigakure Mizukage kills the ninjas, it is unacceptable. Tokumitsu-kun summoned ninja heroes to maintain the system of one village, one country, and won the first battle precisely because of the will of the people."

Hatake Sakumo made another nonsense that he himself did not believe.

After hearing the words, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's complexion became even more complicated.

What a good and honest Jonin that Hatake Sakumo used to be!He is a model ninja recognized by Konoha and heir to the Will of Fire.

But since he partnered with Uchiha Tokumitsu to form a mobile unit, he has become so black-bellied that he doesn't even blink when he talks nonsense.

The Hokage office once again returned to a dead silence.

"Can this battle be won?"

After a while, Hiruzaru Sarutobi said quietly.

"Kigakure has endless internal turmoil, and he hasn't exerted his full strength..."

Hatake Sakumo hesitated for a moment before slowly answering: "Tokumitsu-kun also hired Urenin's Sansho Hanzo, if there is a demigod to take action, he should be fine..."

After the Second Ninja World War, Sansho Hanzo's reputation rose to another level.

Although the Urenin Village was undefeated and defeated, Hanzo was the only one who was able to retreat from the siege of the three major powers in the ninja world.

In particular, his psychic beast Sansho Uibushi is a trash fish harvester like a middle and lower ninja. As long as there is no targeted antidote for biological toxins, there will not be enough people to kill him.

"How many ninja troops have the Uchiha clan dispatched?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi continued to ask.

Hatake Sakumo didn't know how to respond.

"How many ninja troops have the Uchiha clan dispatched!"

Hiruzame Sarutobi asked repeatedly.

This time the tone was very harsh.

"...As far as I know, nearly a hundred people were dispatched from the village."

Hatake Sakumo replied softly.

"That is, each ninja family dispatched 400 people?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, snorted coldly, "You are so loyal! It really is what the people want!"

"There are 200 newly recruited ninjas in the village, plus 400 mercenaries from Yuren Village, more than 200 troops directly under the shogunate, and [-] border defense forces..."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen took stock of Uchiha Tokumitsu's belongings one by one.

"There are also five hundred ninja troops conscripted by the Country of Grass..."

Hatake Sakumo kindly reminded him.

Turning to bed Xiaochun glared at him.

"Nearly [-] ninja troops..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, and leaned back in his chair, "Plus the ninjas directly under the Northwest Border Defense Force and the Police Department...Konoba Hanbi is in the hands of Uchiha."

At this time, Hatake Sakumo was glad that he had just turned to bed and Koharu gave him a look, otherwise he couldn't help but tell the story.

"Mr. Shuo Mao... just do what you like!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved his hand, signaling Sakumo Hatake to step back.

The two consultants opened their mouths to speak, but seeing the tired look of the third generation at this time, they didn't say much.

Seeing this, Hatake Sakumo also got up and nodded to the two consultants, preparing to leave.

Just as his hand was on the doorknob, the voice of Sarutobi Hiruzen came from behind him.

"Mr. Shuo can't join the battle, this is the bottom line."


Hatake Sakumo turned around and bowed to salute.

"Also, don't lose..."

Mito Mendoyan sighed, also a little disheartened.

"I will dispatch the mobile unit to Tokuguang-kun..."

Hatake Sakumo nodded.

The combat ninja of the mobile unit is mainly based on the ninja of the Uchiha clan, and it is reasonable to be assigned to Uchiha Tokumitsu for combat. It is nothing more than changing a combat vest, plus the auxiliary ninja of the mobile unit can also give The Ninja Army of the Tokuko Shogunate provided some support.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved his hand.

Hatake Sakumo didn't say anything, just opened the door and left.

"Sun Cut..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun asked a little puzzled.

"Regardless of victory or defeat, it is the matter of the Uchiha clan."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi said lightly.

"The ninjas in the village are also watching, this is the general trend..."

Mitomon sighed again.


Daming Mansion of the Land of Water.

Under the harassment of the shogunate's conquest column, the daimyo of the land of water, who did not think about eating and drinking, could not get out of the joy of recovering the eastern archipelago, and another bad news came soon.

"Hanzō from Urenin Village joined the battle?"

Even in the land of water far away on the border of Ninja World, Sanshoyu Hanzo's name as "Demigod" has long been heard.

Although he looked down on vulgar ninjas from the bottom of his heart, Daimyo of the country of water was shocked by this matter.


The Kirigakure ninja who was in charge of delivering the information replied helplessly.

"What the hell is Mizukage doing!"

Daimyo furiously reprimanded: "Konoha has already bullied you, why don't you hurry up and summon the ninja army to fight back!"

The messenger ninja was speechless.

He is just a special Jōnin with outstanding speed, and he is only responsible for the information transmission between Ninja Village and the Daming Mansion, so how can he know so many inside stories.

Besides, even if you know him, you can't tell the daimyo directly.

You can't just say that the group of elders and Mizukage are incompatible, the two are incompatible, now Mizukage is standing still just to see the jokes of the group of elders?

"Please, Your Excellency Mizukage, come to the Daming Mansion!"

Daimyo said coldly.

"Mizukage-sama won't come."

The messenger ninja said without hesitation.


The daimyo was angry but also a little curious.

The messenger ninja was still speechless.

Shouldn't this be straightforward?It shouldn't be appropriate to directly say that Mizukage is holding the ninja army in his hand and is going to drive him away after the elders and Konoha go to war?

The daimyo's samurai glared at the impolite ninja.

" go!"

The daimyo waved his hand wearily.

The messenger ninja remained silent, and withdrew from the inner court after saluting.

"Your Highness..."

After ordering the ninja to leave, the daimyo's Banner warrior boldly asked, "Why don't you send this person..."

Daimyo waved his hand to stop his words.

Ninjas are famous for their clever eyes and ears. At this time, the messenger ninja has not gone far.

Besides, even Guan Bai's direct subordinate government army was defeated by the mere attack of Urenin, and he himself was lightly taken over by Urenin, which makes the daimyo not terrified.

Force is the guarantee of power.

After recognizing his own strength, Daimyo didn't escape as much as he did at the beginning.

Naturally, he didn't bother to do any other shitty things like Liwei.

If Mizukage, who dared to destroy the three major ninja clans, was offended, his position as a daimyo might not be secure.

Thinking of this, the daimyo of the water country, who was agitated by the anger in his heart, grabbed the paperweight on the table and threw it at the banner samurai who came up with bad ideas.


The sound is clear and crisp, which is a good start.

A rambling thought inexplicably flashed through Daimyo's mind.

The metal paperweight smashed the head of the Banner warrior, but he still stood upright, not daring to slack in his kneeling posture.

"...The battle is imminent! Don't talk about these useless things!"

After the smashing, the daimyo also had some regrets, but the dignity of the lord did not allow him to apologize to his subordinates, so he just reprimanded him coldly from a business point of view, and then waved his hand to let the samurai of Banmoto retreat to heal his injuries.

After the Banner samurai bowed and left, the daimyo's palace returned to dead silence.

The servants all tensed up, and even held their breath.

"Born from the ninja clan, never defeated, established a government and established a festival, and spread martial arts to the world..."

The daimyo muttered to himself, his body trembling slightly, "A true hero, a true tyrant..."

His voice was so low that the attendants in the hall did not notice it.

The daimyo, who has been familiar with classics since childhood, naturally quickly found heroes who behaved like Uchiha Tokumitsu from various history books.

Without exception, their final choice was Shangluo.

Moreover, Uchiha Tokumitsu also has one of the most special advantages, that is, his tyrannical strength is well known in the ninja world.

Even the usual assassination methods are useless...

The daimyo couldn't think of a good way to deal with this kind of power-hungry powerhouse for a while.

Especially when there is obvious disharmony within Kirigakure.

The strongest ninja in the black market, the Immortal Horn, attacked Uchiha Tokumitsu. The fire country daimyo also mentioned it to him in a secret letter. At the same time, he also hinted that he would invite the strong Kirigakure to take action, but was rejected by the water country daimyo That's all.

At that time, he felt that this kind of thing was too out of place.

"Even Ninja Village can't control it, you should feel ashamed as a daimyo!"

The daimyo could not help but feel his cheeks heat up when he heard his mocking expression when he received the letter.

"Whoever overthrows a great country will be blessed with virtue!"

The daimyo of the country of water immediately remembered a sentence mentioned in the letter from the daimyo of the country of fire.

And then confirmed the current situation of the country of water one by one, all of them verified the correctness of what the daimyo of the country of fire said at that time.

Immediately, he remembered the matter of self-cultivating Ninja Army suggested by the Fire Nation Daimyo in a secret letter.

It shouldn't be too late...

The daimyo of the country of water immediately summoned his attendants, brought a pen and paper, and planned to reply a personal letter to the daimyo of the country of fire.

 Ask for a ticket~ask for a recommendation ticketask for a monthly ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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