Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 193 Open the door!free trade!

Chapter 193 Open the door!free trade!

A special envoy sent by a daimyo from the land of water was sent before Uchiha Tokumitsu's residence.

The ghost ninja who was in charge of delivering the messenger roughly tore off the cloth that covered the eyes of the messenger, and handed it over to the Uchiha ninja who came out to hand it over. After chatting for a few words, he left since ancient times.

The messenger squinted his eyes for a while before recovering his vision.

The envoy went south by boat from the Daming Mansion in the Land of Water, but he was caught by the Ghost Lamp Ninja approaching for reconnaissance within two hours of going out to sea. He was randomly chopped off by the ghost lamp ninja.

But even if he survived by luck, the emissary still went through a lot of tossing, being bumped on the boat blindfolded, changing an unknown number of boats along the way, and being carried on the sea for a long time, and finally experienced It took a lot of hardships to reach Midway Island.

But he couldn't remember the route he had taken all the way.

The only thing I remember is that as an archipelagic country, there is no defense at sea, and there is nowhere to fight back when bullied by mainland countries.

"Please show your messenger certificate."

The Uchiha ninja who came out to hand over said in a mild tone.

The messenger didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out a seal and a document from his arms?
"Atsuji Konoe, the servant of the country of water?"

The Uchiha ninja raised his eyebrows, and read out the official position and name of the envoy.

"it's me."

The envoy Konoe Atsuji nodded in acknowledgment.

The attitude shown is not at all the arrogance of nobles who habitually turn their noses to the sky.

"Since you are an envoy, please go to the guest house to rest. Master Deguang will meet you when he is free."

Uchiha Ninja also said politely.

"I wish to meet with General Tekong immediately."

Konoe Atsushi said firmly.

"Master Deguang is not something you can meet whenever you want..."

The Uchiha ninja didn't bother to say much, so he recruited a few Chunin and dragged the envoy to the guest house area.

"Don't worry, I will report to the attendants. As for whether Lord Deguang wants to see you, that's another matter!"


The envoy Konoe Atsuji no longer struggled, but carefully calculated the job title that Uchiha ninja accidentally revealed.

A sound military and political system and a clear set of functions and responsibilities are the most intuitive ways to judge the vitality of a regime.

And judging from the vitality of the regime, it can be judged whether this so-called Tokuko shogunate who attacked was a bandit Ronin who stopped after making a fortune, or was planning to occupy land and claim control.

And judging from the title of this job, there is a high probability that it will be the latter...

The envoy Konoe Atsuji was even more disturbed.

He was born in a collateral lineage of the Duke of the Water Kingdom, but he was neglected because of his relationship with Guan Bai in his lifetime. Although he claims to be smart, he has never had the opportunity to display his talents. Snatched opportunity.

"The ethics and morality of the classics, I don't know if I can tell such a brave person..."

Konoe Atsuji, who was pulled away, was still thinking about the words in his mind.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was talking with Sansho Hanzo who arrived at Midway Island at this time.

The two met each other on the battlefield of the Land of Rain, and Tokumitsu Uchiha's tone was very rude at that time. When they met again, one was an employer and the other was a mercenary. The difference in status made them both a little embarrassed.

However, Tokumitsu Uchiha never mentioned the past on the battlefield, he just talked about the way of chakra with Sanshoyu Hanzo, and Sanshoyu Hanzo also let go of his airs somewhat, so the conversation between the two was quite pleasant.

Since the poisonous Sansho Hanzo could not remove the mask in front of the public, and Tokumitsu Uchiha could not hold a banquet, so they simply turned the entertainment to explain their respective chakra control and ninjutsu optimization in front of his subordinates. experience.

After the "Discussion", Tokumitsu Uchiha and Sanshoyu Hanzo also felt a little sympathy for each other, and the previous grudges on the battlefield also dissipated.

What Tokumitsu Uchiha admires most is that Sansho Hanzo is able to ponder more profound ninjutsu mysteries through superficial ninjutsu, and optimize and extend the existing ninjutsu. It can be said that Yuren's ingenious water escape Most of the art system is the credit of Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Sanshoyu Hanzo was very impressed by Uchiha Tokumitsu's fine-grained chakra control, and his accomplishments on Huodun also opened his eyes, but he can only lament that talent is bestowed by God, and hard work can never make up for it.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha's attainments in ninjutsu have the bonus of broadening his vision brought by his past life memories, what is more important is the blood of the Uchiha clan and the innate extraordinary chakra control, plus the Uchiha clan Almost all of his esoteric classics were left open for anyone to read, and this made him.

After the two explained their views to each other, the Jonin still felt a little unsatisfied.

Especially Kirigakure, the ghost lantern and the ninjas of the Minazuki clan, originally thought that their own Mizutun was the purest source of ninja besides Konoha II Hokage, but now after some exchanges, they realized that there are heaven and man For those outsiders, the inheritance of Yu Ren Shui Dun is indeed a masterpiece.

All in all, this ingenious "discussion" was a joy for the host and guests, and everyone felt a little unfinished.

This is when Uchiha Ninja, who had been waiting in the outer court for a long time, stepped into the room and whispered in Uchiha Tokumitsu's ear that the Daimyo of the Water Country had sent an envoy.

"The messenger of the daimyo of the country of water?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also taken aback, not understanding why the Water Country Daimyo sent envoys at such a time.

It is impossible to persuade the Deguang shogunate to return from the wrong way or to surrender, right?

"Mr. Hanzo, the daimyo of the country of water has sent an envoy to the headquarters, why don't we meet together?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head and said to Sansho Hanzo.

"...That's okay."

Sansho Hanzo was a little surprised.

His hearing is not bad, he heard everything reported by Uchiha Ninja just now.

So he also prepared to get up and leave.

It's just that Uchiha Tokumitsu was so straightforward that he invited him, an outsider, to participate in such "important" internal affairs.

"Anyone with a great reputation is not an ordinary person..."

In Sanjiao Hanzo's heart, he recognized Uchiha Tokumitsu a little more.

Under the leadership of Uchiha Ninja, Konoe Atsuji, the envoy of the daimyo of the water country and the servant general, walked into the inner hall slowly.

There were two people seated in the hall, one was curious about the boy's appearance, and the other was wearing a mask to completely cover his facial features.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu..."

Konoe Atsushi muttered the name inwardly, "There is also the legendary 'half god' Sansho Hanzo..."

Look at the left and right sides.

At a glance on the left, nearly half of them are black-haired and black-eyed ninjas with handsome faces, with a gloomy and stern look on their faces. This is an Uchiha ninja.There are also several red-haired men and women among them, and if nothing else, they are members of the Uzumaki tribe.As for other appearances that have their own characteristics, they should be the so-called Uchiha family-affiliated ninja
Looking at the right side, there are mostly people with the appearance of the country of water, and the ninjas of the Ghost Lantern, Minazuki, and Kaguya are sitting there proudly; in addition, there are a group of ninjas with poor faces. Rain Ninja hired by Uchiha Tokumitsu,

Konoe Atsuji just glanced over, and then analyzed the ninja forces under Uchiha Tokumitsu's command.

"At the bottom is the imperial servant of the Kingdom of Water, Atsushi Konoe, who is ordered by the sacred inheritance to rule the Kingdom of Water for thousands of miles..."

"Say something!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted Konoe Atsuji, "Don't talk about these useless things!"

The ninjas on both sides laughed secretly when they heard the words.

"The daimyo asked me to ask General Deguang why he invaded our border with troops!"

Konoe Atsushi took a breath and said loudly: "The peace between the two countries was signed by the daimyo in consideration of the sufferings of the common people, and now General Tokumitsu is taking the initiative to destroy it..."

"A big name has no virtue, and water shadows have no way, so raise troops to help justice."

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted Konoe Atsuji again.

"What evidence do you have!"

Konoe Atsushi glared at each other.

"Ghost Lantern, Mizunazuki, and Kaguya were originally the pillars of Kirigakure, but they were framed by Mizukage for no reason, and thus became separated..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha pointed to the three clans of ninjas on the right, "The ninja clan's thousand-year heritage should not be insulted, such a shadow of no way, naturally, everyone in the ninja world can attack it!"

The ninjas in the inner hall nodded in agreement when they heard the words.

"Since it is the battle of Ninja Village, why does it affect nobles and civilians!"

Konoe Toshi's voice was high-pitched, shouting like a fighter: "Is this something a ninja can do by plundering the islands in the east of our country and killing our noble officials?"

"The daimyo can do it, but I can't?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu grinned, "When the daimyo secretly bewitched the ninja clan in the ninja village to riot and took the opportunity to intervene in the affairs of the ninja village, I didn't see how daimyo sympathized with the ninjas!"


The envoy Konoe Atsushi was a little dazed.

This seems to be quite different from what I imagined!

It stands to reason that either Uchiha Tokumitsu's "Rangin leader" was ashamed by him, or the Rangin leader was ashamed and angry when he was poked.

"Daimyo regards ninjas as worthless, and ninjas also regard daimyo as enemies."

"The system of one village and one country is the peace established by Lord Hashirama. Since the country of water is abandoned, there will be loyal people in the ninja world to help justice!"

As soon as Uchiha Tokumitsu said this, even Yu Shino straightened his chest.

yes!The purpose of my participation in the war is not for vulgar things like money, but to maintain the system established by the "God of the Ninja World" Senju Zhuma!

"The daimyo did not participate in framing the ninja..."

The envoy Konoe Atsuji quickly argued: "The ninja power of this country is under the control of Mizukage, and the change of Kirigakure's genocide has absolutely nothing to do with Daimyo!"

"Maybe you're right, but I don't care."

Uchiha Tokumitsu caressed his chin, and said leisurely: "More importantly, the nobles of the country of water also hindered free trade."

The upper ninjas on both sides laughed again and again, and even the shoulders of Sansho Hanzo shrugged slightly.

"From...free trade?"

The envoy Konoe Atsushi was a little stuck.

How to understand this word?

It stands to reason that after the two countries have lifted the state of war and restored peace, they should resume business exchanges.

But the one who has been plundering merchant ships at sea is not the Uchiha war madman in front of him who is just talking nonsense about free trade?

When did the term smuggling become so powerful?
When did ninja learn to reverse black and white?

"Tell me, what are the conditions for your country's great name to be brought here?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu choked the messenger so that he couldn't speak, and felt very boring.

"Dismiss the ninja army, make an apology, and hand over the rebellious ninja!"

The envoy Konoe Toshi straightened his back again, and said loudly: "If General Deguang is willing to join you, the daimyo will not hesitate to bestow the title of noble official!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu was very disappointed when he heard the words.

The group of ninjas from the three tribes of Kirigakure who were asked to hand over showed no signs of worry.

"Mr. Hanzo, do you think Daimyo drank too much counterfeit alcohol, causing his brain to become confused?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Sansho Hanzo.

"Your officials are used to being superior, and they think they are extremely respected and noble. It's not surprising that they can say such things."

Sanshoyu Hanzo chuckled, "It's just that I don't know if I can still maintain such an ignorant arrogance when I go to the guillotine."

"Yeah~ Maybe I'll be scared out of my wits by then."

Minazuki Qiannuo also responded from the side.

"Perhaps he scared himself to death before going to the guillotine~"

Ghost lamp Masahiko grinned, revealing a mouthful of shark-like fangs.

Even Urenin, who had robbed and killed many nobles in the Eastern Archipelago despite his lack of strength, laughed from ear to ear.

Perhaps in the past they still had some fear of daimyo nobles and the like, but after going through a lot of raids and killings, they realized that the so-called nobles were actually worse than ordinary people.

And once the thinking slips, the pattern will immediately open.

In the eyes of the shogunate ninjas and Urenin mercenaries, the nobles of the country of water are just lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Noble blood respects status, and they are all equal in front of Kunnai!
"The daimyo's conditions are simply ridiculous, why don't you listen to my request?"

After some ridicule, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the messenger Konoe Atsushi.

"General Deguang, please speak!"

Although he was very angry at the humiliation of the daimyo by the shogunate, he still restrained his anger and prepared to deal with Uchiha Tokumitsu's questioning with a relatively calm attitude.

"The shogunate's requirements are not high..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment.

"First, Mizukage stepped down, handed over the treasures that the three clans robbed, and liquidated the ninjas who swung the butcher knives at the three clans."

"Second, open the border, and the movement of people cannot be stopped."

"Third, pay the shogunate [-] million gold sentences!"

"Fourth, cede the four major ports in the eastern and southern islands, and the Deguang shogunate will send personnel to the tax bureau to supervise the taxation of the port!"

"Fifth, the name is immoral, you should abdicate and go back to seclusion!"

"That's all. If all the big names of your country promise, I will consider withdrawing troops."

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Tokumitsu calmly took a sip from his teacup.

The envoy, Konoe Atsushi, has been overwhelmed by lightning.

What he wanted to get angry at first was that the chilling gazes of the ninjas who sat cross-legged on both sides poured down from head to toe like a bucket of ice water in the dog days, and no matter how strong the anger was, it dissipated invisible.

"General Deguang must have been in a difficult situation in the past..."

After hearing Uchiha Tokumitsu's words, the envoy Konoe Atsushi also wanted to understand that Uchiha had no intention of pre-war peace talks at all.

So Konoe Atsuji didn't say any more, because the condition that Uchiha Tokumitsu set out was for the war itself.After receiving the proclamation from the attendant ninja, the envoy Konoe Atsuji saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu expressionlessly, and then asked to resign and leave.

After sending the messenger away, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Masahiko Onito: "It may be useful to check his background and family background."

"As ordered!"

Ghost Lamp Masahiko jumped out immediately.

Ninjas are not just fighting and killing, they also need to learn to support spokespersons.

Just like what the daimyo did in Ninja Village.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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