Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 194 Open the Door!The black boat knocks off!

Chapter 194 Open the Door!The black boat knocks off!

"The color of this ship is not good, the painting must be replaced with black!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood at the pier of Midway Island, pointing to the three ironclad ships at sea.

These three ships are the first batch of finished products of the secret shipbuilding base of Uzumaki Country. They are covered with iron armor, but the power is still a relatively primitive combination of sails and oars.

It stands to reason that this level of power and armor is of little use to ninjas with strong single combat capabilities, but Uchiha Tokumitsu still conceived something different.

According to Uchiha Tokumitsu's request, the Uzumaki researcher installed a sensory barrier on the ship to sense the Kirigakure ninjas lurking underwater. the next enemy.

In terms of power, although traditional sails are still used as the main force, after the transformation of the whirlpool researchers, a wind tunnel blower was added as an auxiliary power system, so that the basic wind tunnel ninjutsu gale palm can be used for acceleration.

As a result, the iron-clad ships that were originally at the level of the Middle Ages had attack methods similar to those of modern warships.

Although it lacks direct attack weapons such as artillery, it doesn't matter, ninja is the most powerful fort.

"...Black painting, that's fine."

Uchiha Ninja, who was in charge of ship construction and sea trials, wiped the sweat from his brow and decided to compromise.

Today's ships are painted in a combination of the traditional red of the Uchiha clan and the gray customary of ships at sea, but since the lord has clearly requested it, the black is black.

"Master Deguang, since the ship has successfully sailed, why not name it by the way~"

Another ninja immediately took up the conversation.

The Uchiha ninja who was in charge of ship engineering immediately glared at each other, and looked sideways at this arrogant guy who was so courageous that he snatched his chance to flatter him.

"...Xianghui Shangren!"

The one who spoke was Uzumaki Kae, one of Uchiha Tokumitsu's attendant ninjas, and the only female ninja from the Uzumaki clan in the attendant.

Although she was from a collateral lineage, after moving into Konoha, because the Uzumaki clan opened up the inheritance of the sealing technique to all surviving clansmen, she soon showed a good talent, and was recommended by the Konoha Sealing Class as a specialist in sealing techniques. Excellent ninja; when Uchiha Tokumitsu recruited ninjas of all races to fight, Uzumaki Weiming personally recommended them to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"I can't afford to provoke..."

The Uchiha ninja who is in charge of ship engineering is just a special jōnin with relatively low strength. He only got the current position of shipbuilding supervisor because of a little research on mechanics. Naturally, he is unwilling to compete with such a person with a deep background.

"Naming the ship..."

Having said that, Uchiha Deguang's interest came.

His soul of Jian Zheng began to burn!

"The first ship... Free Trade!"

"Good name!"

I don't know if I heard what Uchiha Tokumitsu said clearly, Uzumaki Kae didn't wait for Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice to fall, and immediately clapped and applauded.

The traditional ship naming rules in the ninja world generally use the names of places or historical figures, and a few also use the names of the builders or ship owners, such as Uchiha Tokumitsu, which uses a combination of two words that sound awkward.

But once the lord speaks, it is a good name recognized by the world.

"The second ship is called the Ninja Will."

The ninjas of the Kirigakure clan bowed deeply.

What a pleasure it is to take the battleship Ninzu Will to return to the land of water, the sad place of the three tribes!

The hearts of the ninjas of the three clans are full of desire on the eve of revenge.

"The third ship..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pondered for a moment, and said, "Let's call it Fubo Zhengyi!"

Needless to say, this is to once again express to the subordinates the determination to conquer Wuyin and conquer the country of water.

So far, the ninja military preparations are basically ready. Only after the ironclad ship is painted and loaded with supplies, can it set sail for an expedition to the country of water and the village of misty ninja.


In the land of water, the daimyo is naturally unwilling to be bullied by the ninja leader of a mere Konoha ninja village - even the Uchiha clan, the most powerful family in the ninja world, in the eyes of the daimyo is just a person who can only use force to indulge in killing barbarian group.

However, because the daimyo's attitude changes before and after Kirigakure's genocide were too extreme, which caused Mizukage's extreme dissatisfaction, so in the face of the war started by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Mizukage simply declared Northwest Mutual Protection, And do not participate in the war conflicts in the Eastern Islands.

Although this move also aroused the dissatisfaction of the blood mist sect that had just taken shape in the Mizukage family, thinking that it was an act of losing power and humiliating the village, but under the pressure of Mizukage, the headquarter of Kiriga Ninja Village still chose to stand still and let the The elders jump up and down because they don't want to recruit faction ninjas to form a ninja army for battle.

For the daimyo of the country of water, it was a major blow like a thunderbolt.

It's no surprise that Mizukage Mizukage is the number one powerhouse in the land of water, and this high-ranking number one powerhouse chooses to disregard daimyo's recruitment and sit back and watch the ninja army of the enemy country invade. This is simply...

"A great shame!"

Daming Mansion of the Land of Water.

The daimyo could no longer maintain the calmness of the past, and angrily grabbed the jade seal that he usually couldn't put it down, and slammed it at the envoy Konoe Toshi who had just returned.

Mizukage's anger has not yet dissipated, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's truce conditions are like adding fuel to the fire, completely igniting the already angry daimyo.

Konoe Atsushi forcibly took down the daimyo's smashing blow, and even caught the jade seal so that it wouldn't fall to the ground and shatter.

"A mere ninja dares to speak such nonsense!"

Daimyo said coldly.

Konoe Atsushi didn't say a word, didn't wipe the blood from his forehead, but kept his kneeling posture with his head hooked.

Seeing this, the daimyo couldn't reprimand him any more.

"get out!"

Hearing this, Jinwei Dusi gently placed the jade seal in his hand on the ground, wiped off the stained blood, then kowtowed again, and then retreated respectfully from the hall.

His attitude was so respectful that the daimyo had nothing to say.

"Toshi Konoe transferred to Zhong Na Yan."

After Konoe Atsushi left, the daimyo issued an edict of reward to the servant.

"Send another letter to the big names of the four major countries in the mainland..."

The daimyo's tone was unusually cold, "Since the dog at home is disobedient, then let the dog bite the dog!"

After trusting the daimyo of the country of fire, the daimyo of the country of fire suggested in his reply that the two countries join forces to contact the daimyos of the other three major countries, and jointly put pressure on the ninja villages in their respective countries to suppress the expansion of ninja power, and form a coalition to strangle them. The Uchiha clan is a force distributed all over the ninja world.

But the water country daimyo has not made up his mind.

Because the consequence of the change of Kirigakure's genocide is that Kirigakure Village is close to a complete split, a large number of ninjas began to show resistance, and even the Blood Mist faction secretly supported no longer obeyed the order of the daimyo.

It was also under the circumstances that he had no choice but to win over Kirigakure's elders.

It's just that the performance of the elders group is really unsatisfactory.

But in the face of the humiliating truce brought back by Uchiha Tokumitsu, although Daimyo didn't show much indignation, he couldn't control the killing intent towards the Uchiha clan in his heart.

The servant quickly wrote two edicts, and after submitting the daimyo's seal, he hurriedly left the palace.

"Even if you don't succeed, at most you will lose some money, it's no big deal..."

After the servant left, the daimyo who was still worried secretly comforted himself.


Facing the increasingly tense situation, although the Kirigakure elders tried their best to set up a defense line, they still felt overwhelmed.

In the case of searching for faction ninjas with all their strength, the elder group squeezed out the ninja force of up to 5000 people.

It's just that the ninja used to make up the numbers accounted for an absolute majority.

However, this ninja army, which looks powerful and bloated in nature, still needs to dispatch its elite to the Daming Mansion for garrison, in order to prevent the shogunate from directly invading the Daming Mansion from the sea.

But only in the Daming Mansion, two thousand elite ninja troops were mobilized.

Helpless, the elders had no choice but to ask Mizukage for support, and after paying a considerable price, they got a Kirigakure ninja army led by Goju Yakura.

Although Goju Yakura's ninja army did not enter Damingfu, they also stationed in the county town north of Damingfu. If there is any change, they can provide timely support.

However, in addition to the western and northern archipelagos, which were privately protected and separatist with the support of Mizukage, the southern archipelago of Kinki, Daming Prefecture, and the eastern archipelago, which was looted by the three clans of ninjas, also had to be defended, and the remaining three thousand It is almost impossible for a ninja army to control such a wide coastline.

In order to avoid the reappearance of the disastrous situation in which the defense line was easily broken by hundreds of shogunate ninjas, the Elders deployed nearly [-] ninjas from the [-] ninjas to form a support force, so that when the shogunate ninjas attacked Support the defense lines everywhere, and at the same time actively shrink, and "strategic abandonment" of some unimportant sea areas.

After a lot of maneuvers, the defense line that the elders have worked so hard to arrange has finally taken shape.

It's just that the imaginary shogunate ninja army never came.


Of course, the shogunate ninja army will no longer take the Eastern Islands as an attack target!
In the last harassment war launched, the nobles of the eastern archipelago had been looted by the shogunate ninja army, and the main nobles were almost killed. Even if they were captured again, there would be nothing to squeeze out. If you are full, you will continue to choose the Eastern Islands to log in.

He still needs to rely on the war capture to make up for the shortfall in hiring the Sanshoyu Hanzo and the Rain Ninja Army!
Therefore, the goal of this battle, Uchiha Tokumitsu set the attack target as the Daming Palace of the Land of Water.

Uchiha Tokumitsu plans to complete the achievements of Shangluo in the Land of Fire due to various scruples.The plundering area of ​​​​the Ninja Army directly aimed at the southern island of the land of water in Kinki, Daimyo Prefecture.

The core problem to achieve this tactic is how to conceal the whereabouts of the huge fleet at sea. At the same time, in order to mislead the defensive Kirigakure Ninja Army, it is necessary to launch an effective feint attack in the Eastern Islands to contain and disperse the Kirigakure Ninja Army.

Therefore, even if the ninja army under his command was ready, Uchiha Tokumitsu still patiently dispatched a team composed of the three tribes of Kirigakure to lurk in the territory of the country of water to collect intelligence, and was not in a hurry to launch an attack.

As the core of the battle, Sansho Hanzo felt that the waiting time was very boring, and he was also a little worried about the situation in the country of rain, but since Uchiha Tokumitsu's employment is charged on a daily basis, it is hard to say anything , Just let the officials of the shogunate circle a taboo sea area as their own training ground, and go to the training ground for self-training when they have nothing to do.

Apart from training, Sanshoyu Hanzo was also surprised by the financial resources shown by the Uchiha clan.

He just casually asked Uchiha Tokumitsu for some special detonating charms with waterproof performance, intending to use them in the improvement of the fire escape secret technique, detonation flame array, but Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand and someone sent him [-] pieces The detonating talisman produced by the Uchiha family also said that the quantity is not enough and they will be allocated separately.

Even Sansho Hanzo, who is the head of Ninja Village, has never enjoyed such a large amount of money.

It's not that they can't afford it, but for the poor Urenin Village, every useful thing is precious, and Sanshoyu Hanzo really can't bear to squander it like this.

But the results of the extravagance are indeed immediate.

Uchiha Tokumitsu once shared with Sanshoyu Hanzo some mysteries about the technique of mutual riding detonating talisman and the array of flying talismans at the "On the Way Meeting", which inspired his ninjutsu improvement inspiration.

The original detonating flame array adopts a trigger mechanism similar to landmines. It is necessary to bury a large number of detonating symbols in the ground in advance, and then detonate to cause damage after the enemy enters the ambush area.

However, after improvement, the Sanshoyu Hanzo combined with the psychic skills, allowing the small salamanders of the contracted psychic beast group to carry a large number of detonating symbols to lurk underground, and can bury the detonating symbols under the enemy's feet with a small movement, thus Realize rapid directional blasting.

Although the agility is not as good as Uchiha Deguang's technique of mutual multiplication and detonation talisman, there is something unique about the concealment.

"Sure enough, money and resources are the first essence of ninja practice..."

After completing the ambush and detonation process of detonating the flame formation once again, Sanshoyu Hanzo wrote his technique experience into the scroll, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It turns out that the No. [-] ninja family in the ninja world is so rich!

With the support of so many resources, coupled with the power of blood inheritance, it is no wonder that the ninja army of the Uchiha clan was able to move across the battlefield in the Second Ninja World War without defeat.

Accepting the employment this time was an eye-opener!
Suddenly, Sanshoyu Hanzo's ears moved slightly.

A figure shot from behind and landed on a rock behind him.

"Lord Hanzo!"

The person who came was Amada Kami nobu of Amanoin.

"what's up?"

Sansho Hanzo turned around, his eyes covered by the gas mask calmly looked at the subordinates who were all in shogunate attire.

And what made him feel uncomfortable most was the shining Uchiha Uchiha fan logo on Yu Tian's forehead.

Although the replacement of the forehead guard was for the purpose of concealing his identity, Sanshoyu Hanzo still felt very upset.

"Master Deguang is preparing to hold a pre-war meeting, please attend together."

Yu Tian said respectfully.


Sanshoyu Hanzo clicked his tongue, put away the lock sickle that was left aside, and returned to Midway Island with the teleportation technique.


"The code name for this operation: Knock off!"

In the headquarters of the Ninja Army on Midway Island, Tokumitsu Uchiha officially announced the battle plan.

After continuous investigation by the spies of the three clans of Kirigakure, the details of the Kirigakure Ninja Army have almost been found out by the shogunate, and even the loopholes in the various defense lines are clearly marked on the map.

"The first, second, and third detachments of the Eastern Border Defense Force are responsible for the feint mission of the Eastern Islands, and the fourth detachment is responsible for mobile response!"

"As ordered!"

The four detachment leaders raised their heads high.

"The first division of the Red Army, the Kaguya column and the five hundred ninja troops of the Ameno, launched a frontal attack from the southern islands!"

"Follow orders!"

"The rest of the ninja troops will follow me to fight!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stared at his scarlet Sharingan, scanning his subordinates one by one.

Wherever they looked, everyone straightened their chests, and greeted Uchiha Tokumitsu's scrutiny in the most energetic state.

"Battle target: Daming Mansion, Land of Water!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu threw out a kunai, which hit the location of the Daming Mansion on the map.

"This battle is between the Shogunate and Ninja Village, please do your best to win!"

Uchiha Tokuko swears: "In the name of the Uchiha clan, I will never treat all loyal and brave men who are loyal to the shogunate!"

"I will die for my lord!"

Surprisingly, the first one to get up and bow was Hyuga Shuhiro Jonin who was born in the Hyuga branch family.

"I will die for my lord!"

Immediately, all the jonin in charge of the hall bowed to the ground.

Only Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sansho Hanzo remained standing.

Witnessing this scene, Sanshoyu Hanzo's heart was also surging.

Among the jonin crowd kneeling in front of them, many of them were from the rain ninja, but they just changed into shogunate attire.

Is the allure of money really that great...

"Mr. Hanzo..."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu greeted everyone, he smiled and said to Sansho Hanzo: "The next war will be the time for you and me to fight side by side."

Sanshoyu Hanzo didn't know what to do, so he stroked his chest with his right hand and bowed slightly.


On October 37, Konoha [-], the Tokumitsu shogunate once again launched a large-scale offensive against the Land of Water.

The southern part of the country of water and the eastern archipelago are full of smoke, and the Kirigakure ninja army is exhausted.

On October [-]th, under the cover of dozens of small warships, three black-painted ironclad warships quietly appeared in the open sea not far from the port outside the city of Damingfu, the land of water, under the cover of enchantment. A surprise attack was launched.

The history of later generations called this event: the black boat knocked off the pass.

 The battle for the rise of the shogunate officially kicked off i!

  Ask for votes! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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