Chapter 196
The distance between Kinki Port and Damingfu is not far, only about [-] kilometers. For the ninja's marching distance, it takes about half an hour at most.

Therefore, when the shogunate ninja army launched an offensive, the daimyo nobles of the country of water knew the relevant information immediately.

At the same time, I also learned from the commander of the Kirigakure garrison that the original staff of 2000 people was only responsible for stationing in the Daming Mansion. More than [-] people...

Among the 500 people, nearly [-] ninja troops were deployed in the port and the outer defense line of the Daming Mansion.

"How are the perimeter defenses deployed?"

Daimyo was already so angry that his head was hot, but he still forcibly restrained the urge to vent his anger and asked coldly.

When the shogunate ninja army launched the offensive in the southern and eastern islands, the daimyo's energy was mainly concentrated on correspondence with the other four major powers, discussing how to curb the expansion of ninja power and control the erosion of ninja village power to the secular world, and did not pay too much attention to ninja Army defense affairs.

Now, the consequences of being careless come.

"...Kinki Port has deployed 400 underwater troops and [-] coastal defense troops, and about [-] people have been deployed on the two wings."

Commander Kirigakure replied in a low voice with a pale face.

"A Thousand Ninja Army... Hehehe..."

When the daimyo heard this, he was so angry that he let out a gloomy laugh like a night owl.

The warriors in the palace were too frightened to breathe.

"Ten to encircle, five to attack..."

The daimyo finally calmed down, and continued to ask in a cold voice: "How many people from Uchiha's bandit army are here?"

"About... two to 3000 people..."

Commander Kirigakure could only answer vaguely.

The outer line of defense has been completely defeated under the fierce offensive of the shogunate ninja army. The few defeated ninja teams who fled back to the Daimyo Prefecture can't tell how many people are on the other side. The hired demigod Sansho Hanzo easily used the poisonous salamander to break through Kirigakure's line of defense, and then the Kirigakure Ninja Army was quickly defeated by the fierce offensive of the shogunate's landing force.

The number of incoming shogunate ninja soldiers was only estimated based on the ships.

Daimyo closed his eyes wearily.

"Your Highness, please leave the palace to inspect the north!"

Konoe Atsuji pleaded on his knees with a 'plop'.

The famous people heard the words, but they were unmoved.

Several internal ministers who originally tried to refute Konoe Atsushi also shut their mouths.

The daimyo didn't refuse, so it meant 'going out of the palace for inspection'.

It's just that I still need to find a few reasons for His Royal Highness to step down.

"How is the Kudachi Yakura who is stationed in the northern county?"

Konoe Atsushi ignored his colleague's thoughts and turned to Commander Kirigakure to ask.

"I have sent people to inform Yagura Jonin that at this time, the ninja army may have moved to the area north of Damingfu to deploy defenses..."

Commander Kirigakure was also intimidated by Konoe Atsushi's aura, so he couldn't help answering.

"How many ninja troops? What is the combat power? Is it reliable?"

Konoe Atsuji continued to ask.

Although the tone was aggressive, Commander Kirigakure didn't care about it.

"About [-] ninja troops, all of them are Kirigakure elites; and Yakura Kami is Jinchuriki, who fought undefeated against Uchiha Tokumitsu, Hatake Sakumo, and Orochimaru alone on the Fire Land battlefield... "

"Your Highness Daimyo, please go out of the palace to inspect the northern part! Yakura Jonin is already waiting for His Highness' arrival!"

Konoe Atsuji no longer hesitated, turned his head and kowtowed to the daimyo repeatedly.

The daimyo remained silent.

Only Konoe Atsushi's clear and loud kowtow echoed in the palace.

"The Daming Mansion is where the Jongmyo Shrine is located, and the center of national government orders. How can I go out easily..."

After a while, the daimyo said softly, "Get up, Du Zhong Nayan, you should look like a noble official, don't humiliate yourself like this..."

Having said that, the hearts of all the noble officials were relieved.

Daimyo intends to go out for inspection!
"Your Highness! The northern counties are also the territory ruled by the emperor, and they should be inspected to appease the people! You must not be trapped in the Daming Mansion without knowing the real situation of the place!"

The Home Secretary immediately knelt down and said.

"Yes yes yes..."

"Your Highness is also invited to inspect the northern border and appease the people!"

Other ministers of the interior who reacted slowly spoke out one after another.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

At this time, there was a faint detonation of the detonating symbol outside.

A ninja hurriedly jumped and landed outside the palace, hesitating whether to enter the palace or not.

Commander Kirigakure recognized his messenger ninja and beckoned him in.

The messenger ninja hurried into the inner Commander Kirigakure and whispered the report.


After listening to his subordinate's report, Commander Kirigakure waved him back, and said to the dignitaries in the palace who were waiting for news, "Uchiha's ninja forward has arrived at the outskirts of the Daimyo Mansion, and about 300 people are launching a probing attack... ..."

"According to the report from the reconnaissance ninja, there are still more than 2000 enemy troops landing in the rear for training..."

And the Daming Mansion has only [-] ninja troops stationed...

Even the port and the outer defense line defended by thousands of ninja troops could not last long under the offensive of the shogunate ninja army. The ninja power of the Daimyo Prefecture is probably not enough for the shogunate ninja army to bite their teeth...

Although Commander Kirigakure did not say it clearly, the daimyo and the dignitaries all knew the meaning behind his words.

"Even if you are patrolling the counties, the ancestral temple shrine and government ministries still need to be stationed and protected..."

The daimyo said faintly: "Du Siqing, are you willing to take on this important task?"

"Thanks to His Highness's appreciation, I will definitely go all out!"

Although it might be dangerous to be left in the Daming Mansion, Konoe Atsuji took over the job without hesitation, and kowtowed Xie En's head.

"Officer, get ready to drive!"

The daimyo didn't hesitate anymore, stood up, and the eunuch, the servant, hurried forward to support him.

At this moment, the sound of detonating symbols exploding became louder and louder.


"My lord, please launch an attack!"

Standing on a hill in the south of Daming Prefecture, Uchiha Tokumitsu led two conquest columns to observe the situation of Daming Prefecture in the Land of Water.

The accompanying ghost lamp Masahiko and Minazuki Qiannuo couldn't wait, intending to bloodbath the Daming Mansion in order to avenge the genocide.

After the port defenders were wiped out, Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry to attack the Daming Mansion, but instead dispatched the first team of the Tokumitsu Chibei Squad as a vanguard, and led Kusanagi to recruit ninjas as a vanguard to launch a tentative attack on the Daming Mansion.

He didn't want to capture the daimyo of the country of water alive, nor did he want to bloodbath the daimyo mansion as the ninjas of the Ghost Lantern and Minazuki clans advocated.

Although he does not exclude killing, Uchiha Tokumitsu does not like meaningless indiscriminate killing.

What's more, if the massacre is really adopted, I am afraid that the Uchiha clan will also become the target of public criticism in the ninja world, and even the nobles who are cooperating with the Uchiha clan in the eight counties in the eastern part of the country of fire will be alienated because of fear.

What he wants is actually what Konoe Atsuji said when he came to the envoy, that the country of water can cede land for compensation and open a port for trade.

As for daimyo's abdication, Mizukage's resignation, and other demands, those were purely for bargaining.

Besides, as long as the strength of the ninja army allows it, after Kirigakure is defeated, everything in the country of water is still in his hands.

"Don't worry about it..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu warmly said to Onito Masahiko and Minazuki Chino: "Ninjas, keep calm and don't let hatred blind your eyes!"

At this time, Xiuhong Hyuga, who went to the outskirts of the Daming Prefecture for reconnaissance, hurried back.

"Lord Deguang..."

Shuhiro Hinata knelt on one knee in front of Tokumitsu Uchiha and reported: "The north gate of the Daimyo Mansion is open, and a group of cars is fleeing north!"

"Is it the name of the country of water?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slightly and continued to ask.

The daimyo's escape would definitely take away the Kirigakure ninja stationed there, so the daimyo mansion was like a ripe peach waiting to be picked by his troops.

"Judging from the guard of honor driving the car, it is indeed the daimyo himself."

Hinata Shuhiro was also a little excited: "There are more than [-] ninja troops and [-] samurai troops accompanying me!"

Enter the Daming Mansion and force the Daming to flee.

Such a brutal act has not been seen since the establishment of the one-village-one-country system.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is the first of its kind!
"Send the signal..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned his head to Onitou Masahiko and said, "Notify the Ninja Alliance to launch an attack!"

"As ordered..."

Although Ghost Lamp Masahiko was unwilling, he obediently took out the signal and ejected into the air.

In order to prevent the Zhengyi columns of the Ghost Lantern and Minazuki clans from leaving alone, Tokumitsu Uchiha deliberately brought them with him.

As the signal flare rose into the sky, there was a noisy commotion in Daming Mansion.

The daimyo and dignitaries fled, the ninja army retreated, and the almost unguarded daimyo mansion of the land of water suddenly fell into civil strife.

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored the riots in the city, and didn't intend to send vanguard troops into the city first, but just quietly observed the magnificent capital in front of him.

"Do you know why you can't slaughter the capital and capture the daimyo?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"...If the city is massacred and the daimyo is captured alive, then there is no room for maneuver, and it must be a situation of endless death."

Onito Masahiko and Minazuki Chino looked at each other, and Minazuki Chino answered.

"As long as you know."

Uchiha De didn't look back with his bald head, and continued to observe the Daming Mansion.

"Why Wuyin lost, have you figured it out?"

"Centrifugal up and down, internal disharmony..."

Minazuki Chino continued to answer.

"It's good to know."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned around and sighed: "Our victory is actually a bit of a fluke. Although Kirigakure is weak, it is one of the five great ninja villages. If there is a full-scale decisive battle, the shogunate may not be its opponent... "

Among other things, the Uchiha Madara who controls the three generations of Mizukage behind his back is tricky enough.

And the reason why Uchiha Tokumitsu conquered Kirigakure and attacked the country of water was to explode the old guy's gold coins. Naturally, he was unwilling to arrest or kill the daimyo, causing the country of water to fight against the shogunate.

The capture of the Daming Mansion is enough to attack the power of the Daimyo and Mizukage, and proper control of the beating force can make Kirigakure's interior more divided.


Ghost lamp Masahiko and Minazuki Qiannuo knelt on one knee and responded.

Uchiha Deguang nodded, turned around and continued to observe the movements of the Daming Mansion.

The torn Kirigakure is a good ninja village, and the completely dead Uchiha Madara is the good ancestor of the Uchiha family!

 Please ask for a ticket~Ask for a monthly ticket~Ask for a recommended ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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