Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 197 The Brave and Heroic General Deguang Occupies the Daming Mansion

Chapter 197 The Brave and Heroic General Deguang Occupies the Daming Mansion
The siege battle in the ninja world is also meaningless.

For the ninjas who come and go, if there are not enough ninja troops stationed there, no matter how high the city wall is, it is meaningless.

Even though there are still tens of thousands of daimyo directly under the government army in the daimyo mansion, their generals have fled with the daimyo. Although the lower-level warriors who were regarded as abandoned sons mustered up their courage and brainwashed themselves with loyalty , but they all know what the result of defending the city will be.

"Anyway, I have to shoot three arrows before surrendering before the battle, so that I can be worthy of the reward of the daimyo..."

The samurai who were full of apprehension drove the soldiers under their command into the established position on the city wall, hurriedly set up the defensive equipment that they didn't know if it was useful, and looked down with apprehension, and they were still throwing each other with Kirigakure ninja. Shogunate ninja soldiers playing with detonating charms.

Even the most stupid samurai can see that these ninja soldiers below the city have no intention of attacking the city for the time being.

However, as a signal bomb rose into the sky not far away, the shogunate ninja army who had been strolling in the garden immediately stepped up their attack and began to use ninjutsu to bombard.

Although the Kirigakure ninja was not to be outdone, he immediately counterattacked with the water escape ninjutsu, but with the assistance of the Uchiha ninja's fire escape and the grass ninja's wind escape, even the water escape with the same attributes was quickly suppressed.

Seeing this scene, the Daming Mansion Army stationed on the city wall knew that there was no suspense about the outcome of the war.

But they did not dare to abandon their defenses and flee.

The daimyo of the country of water is notoriously cruel, and there is no forgiveness for deserters.

When the shogunate attacked for the first time, because Guan Bai was killed by the Yuren mercenaries, thousands of defeated soldiers under him were all captured and beheaded by ninjas sent by the daimyo. It was also those piles of bloody heads that shocked All the government troops with unstable morale.

At the same time, a large number of ninja troops in charging state also appeared on the distant horizon, rushing towards the Daming Mansion with a crane wing array.

"Prepare the heavy crossbow!"

Although the Banner Samurai standing on the castle tower was pale, he still performed his duties and issued correct but useless instructions.

Since the establishment of the one-village-one-country system, the samurai army in the hands of daimyo nobles has become a symbol of authority. Their role is more of a ceremonial guard and collection of taxes. In addition to oppressing small countries without ninjas, they have a chance to play , At other times, they are full of food and do nothing all day long.

Even so, there are still some ambitious Banner families who adhere to the tradition and pass on the 'secret skills' of military tactics and tactics of the Warring States period to their offspring, hoping that one day they can help the daimyo and take the country's military power from Ninjakage's hands. return.

However, when facing the ferocious offensive of the ninja army, the samurai realized how much the accumulation of power, strategy, and power, such as swordsmanship, art of war, and secular army, which were originally regarded as family skills, was in front of the ninja who mastered extraordinary power. Fragile.

But knowing that nothing could be done and the situation was unstoppable, Chief Samurai Banmoto continued to issue orders.

"Archer ready!"

Following the orders of the samurai commander and the beating and scolding of the lower-level samurai, the terrified government soldiers mechanically set their arrows and bent their bows.

As for whether the arrow has any effect...

There is no need to say more about things that everyone knows well.

"Fire Escape·The Art of Brilliant Flame!"

"Wind Escape Great Breakthrough!"

It was still the most skilled fire ninjutsu combined attack of the shogunate ninja allied forces, and it attacked the Kirigakure ninjutsu stationed outside the city.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

More than two hundred Kirigakure ninjas joined forces to cast spells, but they were easily defeated by the ninjutsu frenzy of the overwhelmingly superior ninja coalition forces.

The Kirigakure Ninja Army even began to desert.

"Heavy crossbow—release!"

The banner warriors on the city wall slashed their swords in the air and issued command orders at the same time.


Heavy crossbow arrows as thick as javelins were fired at the ninja coalition forces that easily defeated the Kirigakure ninjas.

"Archer—let it go!"

The samurai commander Banmoto had no time to observe whether the crossbow arrows could cause damage, and immediately issued a second command.

Then came the third command——

"The white flag is ready!"

Wen Yan, the lower-level warriors who supervised the battle in various departments, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took out the white sheet that had been prepared, and hurriedly hung it on his cross spear.

The other government soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that there is no need to die in vain.

Even the lower-ranking warriors who had been secretly communicating with each other with their eyes for a long time behind the warrior commander Banmoto, who had already gripped the handle of their swords, heaved a regretful sigh of relief.

At this time, Captain Banner took a look outside the city.

The ninja coalition forces of the shogunate have defeated the ninja army stationed by Kirigakure, and they are heading towards the towering city walls of the Daming Mansion.

"Ninja Throwing!"

Following an order from a Jōnin in charge, Kunai, shuriken and other ninja tools that covered the sky shot towards the city wall.

Many of them were wrapped with detonating symbols.

"Raise the white flag—"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the warrior leader Banmoto immediately shouted.

Immediately, he threw away the military fan in his hand, and rolled under the female wall with his head in his hands.

"Boom boom boom-"

The continuous ninja shooting and detonating symbol bombing cleared the city wall.

Even though some clever government troops raised the white flag in time, they were still shot dead without distinction by the ninja tools and detonating symbols that had already been thrown.

A ninja ninja was the first to jump up the city wall using the instant body technique, and was the first to kill the castle tower, ignoring the army who was on their backs.

"The first climber - Shiranui Changyasu!"

The first ninja who yelled his name jumped up to the castle tower, the ninja sword in his hand condensed the chakra sword energy, ready to deal with the imaginary enemy's counterattack.

But the scene of kneeling in front of him made him also stunned.

"Mr. Ninja, I am the highest-ranking samurai commander stationed in the Daming Mansion, and now I officially surrender to you."

The samurai commander Banner, who was resting his head on the corner of the wall, shouted hastily.

"...surrender, surrender?"

Originally, he wanted to show off his might, but fortunately, Nagayasu Shiranui, who gained a reputation for bravery in front of the lord Uchiha Tokumitsu, was completely stunned.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Afterwards, many ninjas jumped up to the Tenshou Pavilion, cut off the flagpole with a knife, and took out the sealed scroll from the scroll sleeve, unsealed a flag with the Uchiha Uchiha Uchiha logo printed on it, and inserted it fiercely in the Tenshou Pavilion the top of.

"...So there is such an operation!"

Shiranui Changkang was dumbfounded.


As the Uchiha flag was hoisted above the castle tower of the Daimyo Prefecture, the shogunate ninja army gave out loud cheers.

This is the first time that a ninja has waged a war of his own will and captured the capital of a big country since the establishment of the one-village-one-country system in Senjujuma!

"Lord Deguang!"

The attendant ninja Uzumaki Xianghui rushed back from the front line, knelt on one knee in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu and reported: "The Ninja Allied Forces have captured the Daimyo Mansion of the Water Country!"

"Wan Sheng!"

All the Jnin around us cheered loudly and celebrated the historic moment together!

Although the battle details of the siege of Damingfu are lackluster overall, the significance is indeed extraordinary.

This means that the Ninja Group has the willingness and ability to independently launch a war against major powers and win the war!Although he chose to let the daimyo nobles go because of various scruples, it did not affect the meaning of this war.

And this also means that ninjas are beginning to get rid of the fetters of countries and ninja villages, and begin to fight for their own class interests.

"Gentlemen, this is our historic moment!"

Looking around, they are full of excitement.

Uchiha Tokumitsu slowly pulled out the tachi from his waist, slashed his fingers in the direction of the Daimyo Mansion, and then ordered in a deep voice:

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets every day~
(End of this chapter)

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