Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 198 Intervention of Three Great Powers

Chapter 198 The Interference of the Three Great Powers

Conquering the Daming Mansion of the Land of Water is only the first step in Kirigakure's strategy.

Uchiha Tokumitsu then used the Daimyo Prefecture as the main base, and quickly dispatched ninja troops to attack the southern archipelago, and flanked the Kirigakure defenders with the Kaguya column and the rain ninja mercenaries who were originally in charge of the feint attack.

Under the shock of the bad news of the destruction of the Ninja Army garrisoned in Kinki and the fall of the Daming Mansion, the Kirigakure garrison, who had fought back and forth with the feigned attacking troops, only resisted symbolically, and then quickly withdrew their troops and fled.

Without the garrison of the ninja army, the fertile southern archipelago has completely fallen under the control of the shogunate.

After the daimyo led the noble officials to flee, they first fled to the ninja army of Goju Yakura.

After Masahiko Onito and Chino Minazuki learned of this information, they asked Uchiha Tokumitsu to fight immediately, and vowed to fight to the death with Goju Yakura, who had betrayed the covenant.


In the daimyo palace, Uchiha Tokumitsu looked at the ghost lamp Masahiko and Minazuki Chino who were begging for a fight with some headaches.

"...be safe and don't be impatient."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also understood the thoughts of the two, but he still patiently persuaded them.

"I understand your thoughts, but the Conquest of the Hidden Fog is a long-term war, and you must not raise troops out of anger, which will mess up the overall situation."

The reason why the three tribes belonging to the shogunate have so much resentment and killing intent towards Goju Yakura is because Goju Yagura, who was originally the target of the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance's wooing and support, not only did not Supporting the three clans of ninjas who are being slaughtered, instead assisting the forces of the three generations of Mizukage to attack the smuggling bases of the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance outside the Ninja Village, and plundered huge wealth from them.

It can be said that the reason why the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance suffered so many casualties is due to this person.

"Lord Deguang!"

Onito Masahiko and Minazuki Chino knelt on the ground, begging repeatedly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu just didn't want to let the two conquest columns attack.

To attack the ninja army with Jinchuriki so hastily, the only end is to die in vain.

Therefore, although Uchiha Tokumitsu understands the feelings of the two, reason still cannot allow them to die worthlessly like this.

"How about it... Later, Shuo Maojun and I will ask for the long knife and sewing needle in his hand, and the explosive knife in my hand, the spray..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a headache.

Comforting people isn't really his forte.

"Master Deguang, we are not..."

Onito Masahiko and Minazuki Chino quickly defended.

"I know!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu interrupted the defense of the two, "But revenge does not mean death! Only after you have trained your Ninja Swordsmen can you have the strength to avenge them, isn't it!"

Although Kirigakure Seven Ninja Swords are the signature of Kirigakure Ninja Village, three of them are now in the hands of Konoha.

Tokumitsu Uchiha holds the big sword shark muscle and explosive sword spray, and Hatake Sakumo holds the long sword and sewing needle.Now Uchiha Tokumitsu is willing to take out two ninja swords and bestow them on the two races, which is considered a very heavy reward.

Having talked about this, the two of them naturally understood that it was impossible for Uchiha Deguang to allow them to fight in private, so they had no choice but to give up.

After the two left, Sanshoyu Hanzo slowly walked out from the back room.

"Aren't you going to continue to attack north?"

Sansho Hanzo was a little puzzled.

Uchiha Tokumitsu spent a lot of money to hire him, but in the end he only had one chance to make a call, and he summoned the Sansho fish well to spray poisonous gas and it was over.

To be honest, the amount of battles like this was far beyond Sanshoyu Hanzo's expectations.

He thought that to participate in the battle would be to kill the whole process.

"Something went wrong..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu rubbed his temples with some headaches, then picked up a letter on the table with the "Top Secret" crest, and threw it to Sanshoyu Hanzo indifferently.

After Sanshoyu Hanzo took the letterhead, he looked at the "Top Secret" on the envelope for a while before taking out the document and reading it.

"The intervention of the three major powers?"

After reading it, even Sansho Hanzo was a little surprised.


This is also the reason for Uchiha De's headache.

The content on the letterhead was obtained through the reconnaissance of the Ninja Clan and passed on through the intelligence channel of the Uchiha Clan. The credibility should be no problem.

In the face of Uchiha Tokumitsu's Kirigakure conquest, the three great names of Thunder, Earth, and Wind in the Ninja Continent issued a joint statement, condemning Uchiha Tokumitsu as the chief culprit for destroying the system of one country, one village, and the cause of peace in the Ninja World. The enemy demanded that the shogunate immediately withdraw its troops from the country of water, and hand over the war criminals who caused the war, such as the three clans of ninjas.

"What are you going to do?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo was also very upset after reading the letter.

He was originally a person who was not tolerated by the big powers, so he was naturally angry when he saw such an arrogant statement from the three big powers.

"The established combat goal of continuing to sweep the southern archipelago remains unchanged, but it should be impossible to continue the northern expedition. After all, under such circumstances, there is no way to continue to attack with the whole army..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

"The one to the north is Kirigakure's Renzhuriki!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction, "A mere irrational tailed beast can make you so fearful?"

"Mr. Hanzo, don't underestimate the enemy. Goju Yakura should be close to the perfect level of Jinchuriki, and his strength is indeed tyrannical."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied very seriously: "During the Second Ninja World War, Sakumo-kun and Orochimaru and I besieged him alone, and it was just a draw, which shows that his strength should not be underestimated... "

"so what……"

Sanshoyu Hanzo snorted again, "I'd like to see how powerful Jinjuriki can be!"

"...Mr. Hanzo is ready to make a move?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu looked surprised.

"Although Kirigakure also uses poison, but their little tricks can't detoxify my salamander is very poisonous, just let me exercise my skills!"

After Sanshoyu Hanzo finished speaking, he got up and led the lock and walked out.

"Then I'll dispatch the red reserve team to support you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also got up quickly.

"Need not!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo refused without turning his head, "I will bring the headquarters of Urenin to fight, you just sit here and wait for the news!"

"... Mr. Hanzo, be careful!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shouted at Sansho Hanzo's back.

Then he convened the attendant ninja to give a few instructions, and let his subordinates give the green light to the rain ninja who went to battle, and provide them with all the supplies they needed.

After turning around the hall, seeing no one around, Tokumitsu Uchiha cheerfully blew a cheerful whistle.

Please use the method as aggressive as the method.

The effect of vomiting bitterness in front of Sanshoyu Hanzo is still very good. A veteran strong man with a good face like him is never willing to show weakness to others, and naturally he will not shrink back when faced with such a situation.

And the interference of the three major powers is something that Sanshoyu Hanzo cannot change, and the cries of Masahiko Onito and Minazuki Chino to fight can be regarded as making people cry, so let nature take its course, Sanshoyu Hanzo stepped forward up.

But having said that, this so-called joint statement on the interference of the three major powers still needs to be dealt with seriously, otherwise the impact on public opinion will be really bad.

Moreover, the letterhead that Uchiha Tokumitsu handed to Sanshoyu Hanzo was only part of the content, and there was another letterhead about the reaction of Ninja Village belonging to the Three Kingdoms.

This was not passed to Sanshoyu Hanzo to watch.

According to the content description of another top-secret information, the third Kazekage of Sand Hidden didn’t care about the call of the Kaze Kingdom daimyo, but only devoted himself to panning for gold sand in the desert, and the struggle between the ninja clan and the elder faction inside him became more and more serious. fierce.

As for Yan Yin, since the land of land daimyo signed a peace agreement with the warring countries such as the land of fire without authorization, this time Tsuchikage Onoki also ignored the daimyo's statement and did not make any response. The light rate department slammed Wuyin to express his appreciation, and also claimed that Yanyin could accept the employment of the Tokuko Shogunate if he had the opportunity, and beat Wuyin who would only nest in the water and emit a stinky smell.

Although Iwagakure and Kirigakure are separated by a land of thunder, they had a deep grudge as early as the First Ninja World War. Even the second generation of both sides died in the war.

As for Yunyin, it's interesting. Raikage's performance is very positive, but the positive aspect is asking for money-he took the opportunity to collect a large amount of money from the daimyo in the name of strengthening Yunyin's armament; Interfering, Lei Ying said that he has no such plan for the time being.

Generally speaking, the rituals of the ninja world are broken, and the ninja village is not famous.

The Ninja villages of the three major countries all expressed their resistance to the daimyo's statement in different ways, which also shows that the daimyo's joint statement is just a secular aristocrat's self-indulgence.

Therefore, if the two intelligence reports from the three major countries and the three major ninja villages are combined and analyzed, you will find that it is actually not a big deal. Uchiha Tokumitsu just told half the truth.

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a moment, picked up a pen and paper, and wrote a letter to the family, Hatake Sakumo, and Uchiha Fire Gate stationed in the country of grass.

Then he summoned the attendant ninja to give a few instructions, and asked him to send out the letter quickly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's response policy is also very simple to put it bluntly——

That is, the three major powers have evil intentions and try to interfere in the internal affairs of the Land of Fire!

 Routine ticket request~
(End of this chapter)

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