Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 199 The logic of governance.

Chapter 199 The logic of governance.
The reason why the rule of the daimyo nobles is stable is because they have ninjas who possess extraordinary chakra power and are numerous and powerful as their ultimate force. The village ninjas fought and easily defeated the rebels.

It can be said that the reason why the rule of the daimyo nobles is as stable as Mount Tai is because the one-village-one-country system brings the outstanding ninjas who were originally scattered all over the ninja world into the privileged class and centralizes their management.

In this way, the forces or organizations trying to resist and overthrow the daimyo rule lost the opportunity to contact the strongest force, and naturally lost the possibility of overthrowing the daimyo nobles by force.

However, under the efforts of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the "butterfly" wing, cracks began to appear in the originally impregnable one-village-one-country system.

The emergence and popularity of the 'bond' model represents that ninjas who have mastered force began to seek funding sources other than daimyo grants and mission income.

And the new source of funds will naturally cause some subtle changes in Ninja Village's position.

For example, relying on bonds to gain self-respect and use this as a trump card to try to obtain greater concessions and benefits.


After Uchiha Tokumitsu sent the letter, he temporarily ignored the so-called statement notes of the three major powers, but increased the speed of clearing the southern islands of the country of water, and demanded that the war victory of the southern islands be transformed into a real victory in a short period of time. In the gold sentence income.

To put it simply, we must pay close attention to scraping the ground.

At the same time, he also instructed the three tribes of Kirigakure to recruit some reliable ninjas from among the captives, and as supplements, they were incorporated into their respective ninja columns.

In addition, the four detachments of the Eastern Frontier Defense Force, which were assigned to the eastern islands for feint attacks and harassment before the war, also took the initiative to end their feint missions and assembled in Kinki, the Daimyo prefecture where Tokumitsu Uchiha is located.

Although Sanshoyu Hanzo was provoked by Uchiha Tokumitsu with words, he still needs to fight hard. To deal with the still strong Kirigakure Headquarters, especially the big boss Uchiha Madara hidden behind it, it is absolutely necessary to go all out of.

In addition, Uchiha Tokumitsu also issued a special order as the No. [-] government order for the shogunate to rule the southern islands.

That is the discharge of debt law.

Announce to all the people of the country of water in the southern islands that if they were originally burdened with debts from nobles or owed taxes, they will now be written off and will not be pursued.

At the same time, the large amount of food hoarded by the daimyo nobles was also taken over by the shogunate ninja army, and under the instructions of Uchiha Tokumitsu, they began to open large-scale food warehouses in order to win the hearts of the people.

In addition, the Uchiha ninjas of the Chibei team were allowed to control some ordinary people, and on various occasions it was announced that the Uchiha clan also planned to deprive the nobles of their property and distribute the land to everyone.

As for whether these measures can be successful, Uchiha Tokumitsu actually doesn't care.

To him, it's just an experiment on a grand scale.

Yes, it's just an experiment.

This is a social experiment!
A social experiment that subversively destroys the original social ruling system and attempts to hollow out the ruling foundation of daimyo nobles.

Although such an experiment will bring some troubles to the subjects in the future, it definitely does not prevent the enthusiastic support of the shogunate ninja army.


The speed of the Urenin army led by Sanshoyu Hanzo is not fast. '

Because the poor and frightened Yuren had to stop and search every time he went to a place, it took him two days to walk for a distance of only tens of miles.

After learning about the efficiency of Urenin's march, Goju Yakura was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said to the attendants beside him, "I thought Sanshoyu Hanzo was a hero, but I didn't expect him to be a waste that even his subordinates can't control. "

"Although Sanshoyu Hanzo is well-known, it is still far inferior to Mr. Goju..."

His attendants also quickly flattered him.

Goju Yakura's reputation has not improved after he joined Mizukage, and the Kirigakure clans under him still have fresh memories of his abandonment of the two backstage clans during the genocide, and they have many conflicts with his ruling and jurisdiction.

But Goju Yagura, who has always been rebellious and assertive, uncharacteristically ignored his subordinates' thoughts, and his behavior became relatively weird.

After the genocide, he has rarely shown his face in public.

Some people even found that Goju Yakura often stayed in the Mizukage Building for a whole day, and they didn't know what he and Mizukage were conspiring all day long.

"Master Goju, I found traces of Yuren ahead!"

A Kirigakure ninja rushed to report.


Goju Yakura laughed coldly and said, "Finally here..."

All the Kirigakure Jōnin under his command also looked solemn.

Although he doesn't take the sansho fish Hanzo seriously, in fact, all of you Kirkakure jonin attach great importance to it.

In particular, the information about Sanshoyu Hanzo's only attack in the land of water is the most important thing that the Kirigakure intelligence department has repeatedly analyzed.

The advantage of the salamander poisonousness in team battles is too great, and Kirigakure just lacks effective restraint means, so he can only rely on the manjukura Yakura who is a human being to hold him back, and then let Kirigakure endure The army besieged and wiped out his subordinates, and finally slowly besieged and strangled Sanshoyu Hanzo himself.

Although this tactic is old-fashioned, it is also the only combat plan that Kirigakure can come up with in a short period of time.

"The left and right wings quickly spread out, opening the encirclement net of the ninja army!"

Goju Yakura ordered: "Be sure to wipe out Yuren in one fell swoop in this battle, and then go south to fight the Uchiha bandit army!"

"As ordered!"

All the Kirigakure shinin all agreed in unison.

"...What about the daimyo and noble officials in the ninja army?"

Kirigakure Kamijinnin who was in charge of the internal affairs of the camp hesitated for a moment, and asked boldly.

"Send them away!"

Although Kuju Yagura was unhappy, he still gave a rational answer.

"On my orders..."

Kirigakure let out a sigh of relief.

For some reason, he was full of apprehension about the upcoming battle, but with Kutachi Yagura's words, he could lead his cronies out of the camp and out of the battle by escorting the daimyo.

Anyway, even though the daimyo's own capital has fallen, he is a sweet potato no matter where he goes, and even if he sells it, he can sell it for a good price.


At this time, the Urenin Army led by Sanshoyu Hanzo has also arrived at the outskirts of the Kirigakure Ninja Army's garrison.

In this battle, a total of 1000 people came from the Urenin Army that accompanied Sanshoyu Hanzo.

Although the number of people is not large, it is also because Sanshoyu Hanzo did not have much expectations for its role. If it is not to experience the difference in strength between the ninja army of Kirigakure's headquarters and its own Urenin, Sanshoyu Hanzo does not intend to Take them out.

Compared with the Uchiha Ninja Army or the Konoha Ninja Allied Forces, even if Yu Ninja has the same outfit configuration, the gap in combat effectiveness is still huge.

Originally, Sansho Hanzo didn't think much of it, but after seeing the power of the Red Army and Ninja Allied Forces under Uchiha Tokumitsu on the battlefield, he didn't like his own ninja army at all.

And this time, the reason why he was so easily defeated by Uchiha Deguang was more or less because he was always a little unwilling in his heart, and he still had the idea of ​​justifying his ninja army in front of others.

"Master Hanzo, the Kirigakure Ninja Army has left the camp to fight!"

The vanguard Urenin reconnaissance ninja hurried to Sanshoyu Hanzo and knelt down on one knee to report.


Sanshoyu Hanzo nodded slightly, and strode forward with a scythe in his hand, "Without my next order, you are not allowed to leave the battle without permission!"

"As ordered!"

The accompanying Rain Ninja Jonin responded immediately.

In this battle, Sanshoyu Hanzo intends to replicate the tactics used to attack Sand Hidden during the Second Ninja World War.

That is to tear through Kirigakure's line of defense alone!
"Check the gas mask!"

"Check the throwing ninja!"

"Take the detoxification pill!"

The rain ninjas moved quickly under the urging of the jounin in charge of each department.

Listening to the same command method as the Uchiha Ninja, Sansho Hanzo remained expressionless.

Regarding the "learning speed" or assimilation speed of his ninja army, he can't say whether it is good or bad.

But the only thing that is certain is that with the same high-quality equipment as Konoha Ninja, the combat effectiveness has indeed improved a lot compared to before.

"Psychic Beast Sanjiao Yujingfu!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo patted the ground with one hand, summoning the psychic beast Sanshoyuifu.

Then he jumped onto the top of the salamander fish with the lock sickle, and looked at the Kirigakure ninja army attacking in the trident formation in the distance.

"Little Erlang! Just wait and watch me defeat the enemy!"

Sansho Hanzo let out a loud shout, and then urged the giant Sansho under his seat to kill the approaching Kirigakure Ninja Army.


It was Sanshoyu Hanzo fighting alone, which was unexpected by Kirigakure.

"court death!"

A Kirinin with a mouth full of sharp shark teeth gritted his teeth and shouted: "A mere small country ninja, to be so bold..."

Before he finished speaking, a black light emerged from the ground, cutting him in half.


The Kirigakure Ninja Army who was attacking was also shocked.

Wearing a gas mask, Sansho Hanzo, who couldn't see the specific expression, jumped out of the ground, and killed the astonished Kirigakure.

Goji Yakura was also a little unbelievable.

He looked at the Sansho Hanzo who had entered the battle alone in front of him, rubbed his eyes, then looked at the giant Sansho Hanzo that was still coming towards his side, and the other Sansho Hanzo standing proudly on the head of the Sansho...

Goju Yakura feels that the world in front of him is a bit illusory.

In particular, the tactic of Sansho Hanzo reminded him of the dusty memory of Hatake Sakumo's two battles with the "Millennium Kill" Yinshi Ninjutsu in the Uzumaki Country ambush.

"Such a villain without the demeanor of a strong man..."

The "Sanjiao Hanzo" in front of him was smashed into the crowd of Kirigakure ninja soldiers, and was scattered by multiple ninjutsu fires after swinging several people, but it was a water body that was never seen again.

Goji Yagura got a toothache from anger.

However, he still jumped out of the army formation to stop Sanjiao Hanzo according to the previous tactical plan.

"Your opponent is me!"

Goji Yagura let out a roar, and immediately turned on the tail beast mode.

The red tailed beast chakra wrapped its body, and rushed towards Sansho Hanzo.

Sanshoyu Hanzo remained expressionless, but made a single-handed seal with his right hand.

"Water Escape Secret Art Black World Frenzy!"

As the chakra of Sansho Hanzo stirred, a dark green wave condensed behind it, piling up higher and higher under the restraint of invisible forces.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Goju Yakura was also surprised.

There seems to be an inexplicable sweetness in the air, which makes people feel drowsy.


Goji Yakura's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt bad!

"It's poison!"

Someone in the Kirigakure ninja army also reacted, and immediately called the ninja army under his command to disperse the formation.

This huge tide was actually formed by toxins!
"Fire Escape, Detonating Flame Array!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo maintained the secret technique with his right hand, and made a separate seal with his left hand again.

The sound of explosions of detonating talismans resounded from the formation of the Kirigana Ninja Army.

After "discussing the Tao" with Uchiha Tokumitsu, Sanshoyu Hanzo also strengthened the secret technique of detonating the flame formation by improving his own secret technique, and the water body that just broke out is the medium for detonating the flame formation!

Looking at the messy Kirigakure Ninja Army, Yakura Kudachi's eyes turned red and he felt that he had been tricked a lot, and he turned on the berserk mode without hesitation.

"Water Escaping Mystery: Purifying the Kuroshio!"

Facing the swiftly approaching Goji Yakura, Sanshoyu Hanzo urged the giant Sanshoyu under his feet to meet him, and at the same time moved his right hand handprint, launching the prepared highly poisonous water escape technique.

The black frenzy turned into black snakes dancing in the air and killed the Kirigakure Ninja Army. Wherever the black energy went, the vegetation withered and the soil turned black.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

Although Kirigakure was confused for a while under the attack of the detonating flame array, he quickly regained his composure, and under the command of his respective jounin, he performed ninjutsu in an attempt to intercept the terrifying poisonous secret art in front of him.

After the Sanshoyu Hanzo performed the spell, he ignored it and began to focus on the berserk Yakura.

Although the body of the psychic beast Sansho Uibushi is much larger than the Tailed Beast Yakura, in this kind of hand-to-hand combat, its flexibility and attack power are far inferior to the Tailed Beast Chakra-wrapped Renchukura.

Sanshoyu Hanzo clenched the lock sickle tightly in his right hand, while his left hand held the handle of the knife at his waist.

"Chain and sickle two-stage attack!"

Peeping at the timing when Yakura Yagura evaded the salamander's attack, Hanzo of the salamander immediately launched a secret technique to kill him.

At the same time, he commanded the psychic beast companions to evacuate to stop Kirigakure's ninja army.

Yakura, whose body was still jumping in mid-air, had no time to dodge, so he quickly gathered his chakra and took a fierce slash.


With the lock sickle on his body, a layer of tailed animal clothes was cut off abruptly, and Yakura was also bombarded by the powerful slashing force of Sanshoyu Hanzo and jumped down.

"Draw the knife and cut!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo immediately used the Water Blinking Technique, flashed under the Goju Yakura, and slashed at the Gozu Yakura falling in mid-air with the posture of Iai Slash.

"Water Escape·Water Mirror Technique!"

In desperation, Yakura condenses a water mirror and shines on Sansho Hanzo.

A gray figure exactly like Sansho Hanzo himself jumped out of the mirror, blocking Sansho Hanzo's slashing attack.

Yakura Goju was able to land safely.

However, within a few rounds, the dummy condensed by the technique of the water mirror was chopped into a few balls by the calm Sanshoyu Hanzo using swordsmanship, and then continued to kill Yakura with the lock sickle.

At the same time, Sanshoyu Hanzo took out a signal flare from his pocket and fired it towards the sky.

The rain ninja army in the rear began to slowly march forward.

 I'm busy with graying today and the update is slow, I'll make up for it with double updates tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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