Chapter 200
As the battle intensified, Sanshoyu Hanzo felt more and more that there was something wrong with Kutachi Yakura, a well-known ninja powerhouse.

According to the information provided by Uchiha Tokumitsu, Goju Yakura is not only as simple as Jinzhuriki, but also a strong man of the lineage of Kirigakure and Water Dun. He is also quite accomplished in military command and front-line combat.

All in all, Goju Yakura in the inherent impression is a gifted ninja Kirigakure who has realized his talent into strength.

But in the actual battle, Sanshoyu Hanzo really couldn't connect the crazy fighting lunatic in front of him with the cold and cruel high-level image of Kirigakure in his impression.

"Ninja: Thousands of books like rain and dew!"

Taking advantage of the highly toxic tide spreading everywhere, Sanshoyu Hanzo casually gathered a cloud of rain and shot towards Yakura Yakura.

Yakura, on the other hand, didn't intend to dodge at all, relying on the protection of the tailed beast's suit, he used the tailed beast's chakra to forcefully burn the highly poisonous Amashimoto, and continued to pounce on the sansho fish Hanzo.

At this time, the Rain Ninja Army had already started to fight the Kikakure Ninja Army.

After Uchiha Ninja's training, Yu Ninja's level of fighting in formation has improved a lot.Although the number of people is only half of Kirigakure, with the help of Sansho Uibushi and the highly toxic environment, they still fought back and forth with the restrained Kirigakure.

The ninja army under his command was still doing well, Sanshoyu Hanzo calmed down a little, and once again concentrated on dealing with the difficult Jinchuriki in front of him.

"What a mad dog-like existence..."

But relying on the solid armor and high defense, Goju Yakura who insisted on rushing and hitting still made Sanshoyu Hanzo curse inwardly.

The most important reason why he applied to Uchiha Tokumitsu to lead his own ninja army in the Northern Expedition was to make his performance worthy of the high employment fee; at the same time, it was also to let his ninja army see blood and loot some property by the way .

But Sanshoyu Hanzo did not have much mentality to fight to the death.

It's just that Goju Yagura's desperate stalking is really disgusting, and the evil fire in Sanshoyu Hanzo's heart can't help but rise.

"I don't know the so-called Renzhuli lunatic!"

Somewhat embarrassingly avoiding the citrus orange Yagura's "monkey steals the peach", the sansho fish Hanzo, who was so angry that he rushed to Tianlingai, tore off the gas mask on his face, and the highly poisonous gas was released in the air during his breath.

After being entangled by Goju Yagura for so long, Sansho Hanzo finally couldn't hold back his anger!

Sanshoyu Hanzo put away the lock sickle, quickly formed a seal with both hands, and condensed a huge ball of water suspended in the air above his head.

The ninja soldiers on both sides were a little taken aback.

Even Kirigakure, who is famous in the ninja world for his water escape, has rarely seen such a terrifying super-large water escape secret art.

"Water Escape·Water Flood Dragon Continuous Bomb!"

Incomparably huge water dragons jumped out of the giant water polo, biting towards the crazy-looking citrus Yagura.


Goju Yakura roared like a beast, the chakra coat wrapped around his body became more solid, and his figure became even bigger.


More than a dozen water dragons gnawed at the chakra coat, and after chewing off part of the chakra coat, they were burned and annihilated by the power of the tailed beast, but the originally thick tailed beast coat also began to become thinner.

And the madness in Yakura's eyes also faded slightly.

Salamander Hanzo noticed this detail and took the initiative to slow down the pace of the attack.

But the hands still kept moving, and as the seals continued, the condensed and released Chakra stirred the highly toxic toxins scattered around, and the black toxin began to grow and spread under the boost of Chakra.

"Secret Technique Poison Realm Soil!"

With the rapid spread of the black toxin on the ground, the ninja troops on both sides were forced to retreat.

The poisonous poison of Sanshoyu Hanzo would cause great damage even to his host body, but Urenin who had only swallowed the broad-spectrum detoxification pill in advance could not be immune to this poisonous chakra fusion.

With the fading of the tailed animal clothes, Yakura's eyes also regained their clarity.

He also noticed the highly poisonous ultimate move of the Sanshoyu Hanzo.

"The secret technique of the poison world..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo used this move once in the second Ninja World War when he attacked Sagakushi's camp at night, and it was this move that forced the tyrannical Sagakushi to stop and truce.

As one of Kirigakure's high-level executives, Goju Yakura also learned about this unique technique in intelligence.

Therefore, he did not dare to take it lightly, and immediately manipulated the tailed beast Chakra to perform ninjutsu in an attempt to protect himself.

But with the concentration of the tailed beast chakra, the tailed beast's coat became thick again, which made Sansho Hanzo mistakenly think that Yagura was once again confused by the power of the tailed beast, so he stopped holding back and immediately launched ninjutsu.

"Secret Technique Poison World Tides!"

Under the impregnation of Sansho Hanzo's Chakra, the rapidly spreading black toxin immediately covered the direction of the Kirigakure ninja army with the power of water escape, and the rain ninja army also quickly retreated to the rear after getting rid of the battle.

"Water Escape Waterspout!"

Although Goju Yakura, who is protected by a tailed animal suit, is not afraid of the poisonous salamander, but his subordinates are hard to say, so Goju Yakura flashes in front of the poisonous tide that is like a huge tidal wave. , using water escape ninjutsu to summon a huge water dragon rushing towards the black tide.

"Water Escape Water Formation Wall!"

The Kirigakure Ninjutsu also teamed up to perform ninjutsu in an attempt to stop the spread of the poison.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The tide of the poison world and the waterspout collided fiercely, sending out a violent roar that resounded through the world.

The vicious crystal water dragon bit the black tide of the poisonous world and defeated part of the poisonous tide, but soon its body was also soaked in toxin and was eroded and swallowed.

A part of the undestroyed Poison Realm tidal force continued to hit the water wall of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, and it was diluted and dissipated after defeating multiple water walls one after another.

Even so, the gray water with diluted toxins is still deadly poisonous.

The Kirigakure Ninja Army also began to retreat to the rear.

Kudachi Yagura, who was slightly relieved, shook his head, trying to get rid of the crazy killing desire that came from nowhere.

Sansho Hanzo's combat power made him very frightened. If it weren't for the chakra that can draw Sanwei Isofu at will, he probably wouldn't be able to please Sansho Hanzo.

As for the continuous killing intent and destructive impulse in his mind, he only regarded it as the aftereffect of the excessive use of the power of the tailed beast to corrode himself.

After this battle, Sanshoyu Hanzo can be considered to have seen Kirigakure's tenacious fighting power as one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, and Yakura Yakura no longer dared to underestimate the man in front of him who is known as a "half god".

It's just that each has its own weaknesses, and neither side dares to let go of their hands and feet to fight wantonly.

Sanshoyu Hanzo tilted his head slightly, observed his own ninja army, saw that they had completely retreated, so he put down his thoughts of continuing to fight, and then jumped back.

Goju Yakura didn't even have the intention of chasing after him. Just the area in front of him that was polluted by the poisonous salamander was enough for him to have a headache.

But just when Kutachi Yakura let down his vigilance——

"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

A figure leaped out from a grove not far away, and without saying a word, four fire dragons spewed out towards Yakura Goju from all angles.

"Water Escape Water Prison Technique!"

In desperation, Kuju Yagura only had time to trigger a simple water escape ninjutsu, wrapping himself in a solid chakra water ball.

It's just that the water polo, which is manifested by the condensation of the water escape chakra, also has the characteristics of water in the physical meaning in reality.

That is, it can both extinguish fire and be boiled.

When the first fire dragon hit the water polo of the Water Prison Technique, both of them were annihilated, but the high temperature also scalded the citrus orange Yakura red all over, like a boiled shrimp.

But the water prison technique can be regarded as buying some time for Goju Yakura, allowing him to draw the power of the three tails again to strengthen the tailed beast suit to resist the bombardment of the ninjutsu fire dragon.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The three fire dragons bit fiercely on the tailed beast coat of Goju Yagura, causing a deafening sound of annihilation and explosion.


Sanshoyu Hanzo was greatly surprised and stopped his retreat.

The Rain Ninja Army also stopped and formed under his order.

The performer landed lightly on the treetops, looking at the scene of the ninjutsu explosion filled with smoke and dust.

The one who came was Uchiha Tokumitsu!

"Good day Mr. Hanzo~"

With a bright smile on his face, Tokumitsu Uchiha waved cheerfully at Sanshoyu Hanzo: "I was still worried that something might happen to Yurenin, so I rushed over to take a look. I didn't expect to meet such a wonderful opportunity, and I can bear it when my hands itch I can’t stop, please don’t take offense~”

In fact, it was Tokumitsu Uchiha who saw that Sansho Hanzo’s journey to the north was extremely slow, and he seemed to be obsessed with looting the Kirigakure nobles along the way, so he was afraid that he would not have a chance to fight Kirigakure, so he led the guards to lurk northward to see what happened.

As for the sneak attack or something, it's just a matter of convenience.

Then a large group of ninjas jumped out of the woods and landed on the treetops behind Uchiha Deguang.

Sansho Hanzo took a closer look, and most of these ninjas were from the Uchiha clan.

It seems to be Uchiha Tokumitsu's direct army...

"Uchiha Tokumitsu!"

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and Yagura, who was burned red by the high temperature, showed his figure, gnashing his teeth and growling at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"There is also the mobile unit, it seems that you have planned for a long time!"

Kutachi Yakura looked at the formation of ninjas behind Uchiha Tokumitsu. Among them, there were many Uchiha ninjas with handsome faces and stern expressions. They were the old opponents during the Uzumaki country ambush - Konoha mobile unit!
Among them are three red-haired ninjas, but they are ninjas of the Uzumaki clan, and it is their existence that Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party were able to lurk into the fighting area without being discovered.

"General Deguang is serious, and your timing couldn't be better!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo summoned his own psychic beast Sanshoyu Iifu, jumped on the top of its head, and urged the psychic beast to move forward.

The rain ninja army under his command also moved forward again under the active urging of a group of ninjas who are eager to show themselves in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Sanshoyu Hanzo is not very good at dealing with enemies with high HP and high defense like Goji Yakura, but when it comes to fighting in the army, he and the highly poisonous psychic beast are an unsolvable existence, and the killing efficiency is definitely higher than Uchiha Deguang's Susano.

With Uchiha Deguang and the well-known ninja mobile unit here, it may not be so easy to kill Kutachi Yakura, but it should not be difficult if you just entangle him.

Then, the two thousand Wuyin Ninja Army not far away is a good dish...

Sansho Hanzo licked his lips, his eyes glowing bloodthirstyly.

 Update today (1/2), Chapter 2 will be later

(End of this chapter)

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