Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 202 Water Shadow Strikes

Chapter 202 Water Shadow Strikes
Uchiha Tokumitsu also had a headache about how to deal with the goji tangerine Yagura who was imprisoned and captured by the sealing technique.

After Yagura, a half-tailed beast, was defeated and captured by Uchiha Tokumitsu, the Kirigakure Ninja Army, which had been struggling under the raging killings of Sanshoyu Hanzo but had no power to fight back, collapsed, and more than 1000 Mist The hidden ninja threw away his helmet and armor, and fled.

But how to deal with the prisoner in front of him has become a big problem...

Take it back, the Kirigakure clan will definitely not give up, and the village will also cause a big storm because the Uchiha clan has captured the tailed beast man Churiki from other ninja villages, and there will be a great risk of civil war-owning a tailed beast The current Uchiha forces will completely overwhelm the Hokage series in terms of strength. When the strength of the two sides is unbalanced, civil war will inevitably be inevitable.

But if you let it go...

Let’s not talk about whether Uchiha Tokumitsu himself is willing or not. If such an important prisoner is really released, then the family’s misunderstanding, the dissatisfaction of his subordinates, the three clans of Wuyin, the interrogation of the Naruto family, and the blame of other ninjas from the same village, etc. The public opinion turmoil caused by this aspect is enough for Uchiha Deku to drink a pot.

At that time, ruin and ruin will still be considered small.

Of course, there is another option, which is to hand over this Jinchuriki to the village, which is equivalent to passing the trouble on to the Konoha collective.But Uchiha Tokumitsu is not stupid, so he is naturally unwilling to do this.

Therefore, relatively speaking, it might be better to kill now.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes involuntarily flashed fiercely.

He looked up and looked around.

Except for the mobile troops of the guards and the Uzumaki attendants, Urenin, led by Sanshoyu Hanzo, "chased" the fleeing Kirigakure ninja very conspicuously, and no one took the initiative to come to him.

Everyone is an adult, and naturally knows that the "disaster" of the tailed beast will bring unnecessary trouble, so naturally they will not lick their faces and come over.

Even a group of subordinates woke up from the joy of capturing Renzhuriki, and thought of the problem of dealing with Renzhuriki.

But as subordinates, they didn't dare to suggest anything in front of the prestigious lord Uchiha Tokumitsu.

So they just hooked their heads and their eyes flickered.

So, Uchiha Tokumitsu pulled out the katana from his waist, and stared fiercely at the insensitive and lifeless Goju Yagura.

Two Uzumaki ninjas who were checking the status of the seal at any time consciously set up Kudachi Yakura lying on the ground, and Uzumaki Kae went around to the back and grabbed Jinchuriki's hair, exposing his neck.

Goju Yakura still had that lifeless look, as if it wasn't him who was waiting to be killed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's fingers were constantly flicking the sword, thinking in his heart whether it would be worthwhile to kill a man who might have perfect Jinchuriki.

But in the end, Uchiha Tokumitsu chose to raise the sword.

Just as he was about to swing his sword, Uchiha Tokumitsu's heart was shaken, and he suddenly turned his head to look to the right.

The combat ninja of the mobile unit under his command also put on a battle posture in surprise like a small animal encountering a hungry tiger.

A black-haired middle-aged man wearing a white imperial robe and holding a bamboo hat suddenly appeared not far from the right of the mobile unit.

He squinted his eyes slightly, quietly "watching" Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party.

It was the one who met once in the eastern battlefield——

"Three generations of Mizukage!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's expression also became serious.

He waved his hand, signaling Uzumaki Ninja to drag Goju Yakura to the rear, so as not to be suddenly taken hostage by Mizukage Mizukage.

The jounin of the mobile unit also adjusted their battle formation nervously.

From the corner of Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes, he observed Goju Yakura, who was still in a state of seal and confinement, and found that he still looked like a dead fish.

It seems that the degree of being controlled is much deeper than imagined...

"Mr. Deguang, long time no see how it is..."

The voice of the third generation of Mizukage was a little erratic, and it seemed to have a magical power to lull people to sleep.

"Master Mizukage is sorry..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha also opened Sharingan, his eyes gleaming with scarlet light fixedly stared at Mizukage Mizukage, who was theoretically one of the "five strongest ninjas in the world" in front of him.

"Your Excellency didn't think about how to dispatch troops to recover the Daming Mansion of the Land of Water, but went to this place to enjoy the cool air. Don't you worry about apoplexy..."

"Big name..."

Mizukage Mizukage smiled and said indifferently: "Are we the ones who take the world seriously?"

"Maybe... who knows?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu flicked his left hand on the Taidao, and the flame of flame escape immediately rose from the blade.

The Uchiha ninja under his command also took out a signal bomb from his arms and shot it into the sky.

Sandai Mizukage waved a water bomb at will to try to shoot down the signal flare.

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was always watching his every move, immediately condensed the flame chakra and turned it into a flame ball to attack.

Accompanied by the sound of two simple ninjutsu of opposite attributes annihilating each other, the red signal flare rose gradually.

Afterwards, two signal flares, one red and one green, also rose in the direction where Urenin was chasing and fleeing Kirigakure.

This marks that the Urenin mercenaries have received the emergency signal and returned to the division immediately.

"Very good...is this the so-called Yan Dun?"

Mizukage Mizukage said faintly: "What a boy with unparalleled genius... The Uchiha clan is really a family that has been favored by the Sages of the Six Paths!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not respond immediately, but cast his gaze behind Sandai Mizukage.

Three generations of Mizukage noticed Uchiha Tokumitsu's gaze, hehe smiled, and clapped his hands indifferently.

Figures jumped out of the puddles behind Mizukage Mizukage, and judging from their attire, they were none other than Anbu Kirigakure!

"24 Kirigakure Anbe..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu silently counted the heads.

The Anbu of the seven teams happened to have the same number of people as their own, so I don't know if it was a coincidence.

If it is not a coincidence but intentional, then there is a big problem...

Thinking of those elusive Bai Ze, Uchiha Tokumitsu felt a headache.

If it was only one of the Five Kages, Uchiha Tokumitsu would have the confidence to cover the evacuation of his subordinates even if he couldn't beat him, so he wouldn't be so disturbed.

The problem is, he is completely sure that the so-called three generations of Mizukage in front of him is definitely not a serious Mizukage, it may be controlled by the legendary ancestor Uchiha Madara, and he may even come in person!

But fortunately, in addition to the kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Tokumitsu also has a powerful card.

A majestic chakra wave came from afar.

Except for the third Mizukage, the rest of the Kirigakure Anbu were all moved by it.

"Sanjiao Hanzo..."

Mizukage Mizukage was thoughtful, "It turns out that you are also prepared~"

"Maybe, who knows..."

The Sangodama in Uchiha Toku's eyes quickly rotated and turned into a kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the murderous scarlet light shrouded Sandai Mizukage and his party.

"What a good junior..."

Suddenly, the voice of Mizukage Three Generations became dull and old.

Uchiha Deguang's eyelids twitched.

He found that neither the ninjas under his command nor Kirigakure Anbe had noticed the change in the voice of Mizukage Mizukage, and they were still on the look of confrontation and vigilance.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu continued to look calmly at the third-generation Mizukage in front of him—or rather, Uchiha Madara!
Sansho Hanzo appeared on the horizon first, and rushed on the road with continuous blinking techniques, flashing on the side of Uchiha Tokumitsu and his party, also facing Mizukage and his party.

"This is... the third Mizukage?"

Although there is no specific portrait of Mizukage Mizukage in Sanshoyu Hanzo's information, his identity can also be seen from the imperial robe on his body and the Mizukage hat in his hand.

Sansho Hanzo turned to look at Uchiha Tokumitsu.

This is the first time he has seen the kaleidoscope Sharingan up close.

There is a black rhombus-shaped cross star in each of the scarlet eyes, and the three water chestnuts of the cross star are nested in a slightly lighter-colored cutaway ring, which has a strange, strange and incomplete beauty...

Cold, chilling, vicious, as if planning to choose someone to devour...

After turning on the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Tokumitsu Uchiha seems to be a different person, completely different from the usual sunny boy image.

The powerhouse who can treat a Uchiha who has awakened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan so cautiously is probably only at the level of Ninja Gokage...

Sanshoyu Hanzo's eyes turned to Mizukage Mizukage, and his expression became more serious.

"It's really distressing..."

Three generations of Mizukage sighed: "Uchiha, the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and Sanjiao Hanzo, the leader of the rain ninja who is known as a demigod..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu still didn't say a word, but the Huoguang Zun on his left arm had quietly emerged and wrapped around his waist.

Three generations of Mizukage looked at the Yanlong Huoguang Zun, who possessed both form and spirit, and couldn't help being amazed.

"If I'm not mistaken, this reptile should be regarded as a creation of Yin Dun... I didn't expect to have such a profound Yin Dun cultivation at such a young age. It's really surprising~"

"Isn't Your Excellency Mizukage's gossip too much?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and put on a swordsmanship stance in Yin Zhiba, ready to go to war.

Sanshoyu Hanzo held a sickle in his right hand, and the handle of a tachi in his left hand, and was also ready to strike.

"You're right, it's a bit too much..."

Before the third Mizukage finished speaking, it turned into a white light and rushed towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Uchiha Ryu Sword Leap Slash!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not afraid, and immediately greeted him with a sword.

Sanshoyu Hanzo was short in stature, and approached Sandai Mizukage in an instant, the lock sickle in his right hand moved toward his chin from bottom to top, and his left hand also drew the saber towards his chest in a backhanded posture.


The third Mizukage waved his arm to block Uchiha Tokuko's swing, and through the chopping of the tattered sleeves, the iron-blue armguard was exposed.

At the same time, Sandai Mizukage pressed his right hand in the direction of the Sansho Hanzo's attack, forming a dark blue chakra shield, which blocked the attack of the lock sickle and the tachi.

Uchiha Tokumitsu puffed his mouth, and sprayed a pillar of flame towards Mizukage Mizukage's cheek.

The third Mizukage did not back down, and also sprayed a jet of water from his mouth.


With the high-temperature steam generated by the annihilation of Chakra, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sansho Hanzo all shook their blades and retreated.

Mizukage Mizukage also took a few steps back.

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Sansho Hanzo continued to guard with the blade, while Tokumitsu Uchiha quickly formed a seal, and sprayed four fire dragons towards Mizukage Mizukage.

"Water Escape Water Dragon Bomb!"

Mizukage Mizukage's hands quickly formed seals like flowers and butterflies, and a huge wave condensed out of thin air behind him, and water dragons jumped out of the tide towards Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninjutsu fire dragon.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha had a slight advantage in chakra condensing, in front of a huge number of water dragons, the ninjutsu fire dragon was quickly extinguished.

Sanshoyu Hanzo slapped the ground with one hand, and an invisible fluctuation quickly spread from the ground towards the third generation of Mizukage——

"Fire Escape, Detonating Flame Array!"

A smile appeared on Sansho Hanzo's face.

One after another detonating talismans broke through the ground, quickly wrapping the feet of Mizukage Mizukage, and wrapping up from Mizukage Mizukage's ankles to his body.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also took out a small scroll from the scroll case on his chest, bit a corner with his mouth, and summoned detonating symbols from it to float in front of him.

"Water escape, the art of water armor!"

A thin stream of crystal clear water emerged from under the skin of the third generation of water shadow, abruptly stretching the detonating talisman wrapped around his body.


Although it was a pity, Sanshoyu Hanzo immediately detonated the detonating charm.

With a hook of Uchiha Tokumitsu's finger, one after another detonating talisman flew into the continuous explosion smoke and dust under the control of the flying talisman technique, and exploded towards the place where the three generations of Mizukage stood in the impression.

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hand to make his subordinates retreat quickly.

In a battle of this level, even the elite Jōnin of the Uchiha clan will not be of much use, so it is better to let them retreat with Yakura Yakura, so as not to suffer innocent disasters and lose their hands for nothing.

Kirigakure Anbe still remained indifferent, allowing the mobile troops to retreat without doing anything to stop them.

If it weren't for the uniqueness of the Chakra fluctuations on them, Tokumitsu Uchiha would almost think that they were disguised by a strange thing like Bai Ze.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, the body of Mizukage Mizukage was gradually revealed.

Although the imperial robe on his body was torn to pieces, under the protection of the highly solid water shield, the third Mizukage was completely unharmed from the naked eye.

However, he looked really gloomy.

This is also normal, after all, no one can survive round after round of detonating symbols.Still can maintain a good complexion.

Sanshoyu Hanzo and Uchiha Tokumitsu's detonation talisman have their own strengths, but they also have a common feature, that is, they both pursue the ultimate explosive output in a short period of time.

It's just... It's a bit surprising that after consuming so many detonating charms, they failed to blow up the water-attribute chakra armor of the third generation of Mizukage.

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't know whether Mizukage's amazing water armor technique is the secret ninjutsu of the Mizukage family or the unique ninjutsu improved by Uchiha Madara, but this does not prevent him from writing with a kaleidoscope. Wheel Eye recorded the fluctuation and structure of this technique.

Mizukage, with a gloomy face, tore off the tattered royal robe, pulled out two short knives behind him, and put on a stance to face him again.

The kaleidoscope Sharingan in Tokumitsu Uchiha's eyes is getting more and more weird!
 Today's state is really bad, and I almost fell asleep during the coding process, so I can only update one chapter.It’s been too tiring for a while, and more changes have a great impact on the quality, especially yesterday’s Chapter 2, which is simply unsightly... I would like to bow down again and apologize to all book friends!

  The craftsman spirit will last forever!
(End of this chapter)

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