Chapter 203
Uchiha Tokumitsu has always been a person with a flexible moral bottom line.

In front of the radicals, he is a standard Uchiha supremacist; in front of a gentleman like Hatake Sakumo, he can be righteous and worry about the village and the people; in front of an old cunning like F3, he can also be cunning, smooth It's too early to benefit; when facing the shogunate, he is a talented and ambitious lord...

In a word, the diversity of stars like Uchiha is fully reflected in Uchiha Deguang.

After the first round of taijutsu probing attacks, Uchiha Tokumitsu found that even with the addition of Sansho Hanzo, the two of them could not suppress the 'Three Generations of Mizukage' who didn't know whether it was a skin-changing version or a remote control version.

Since physical skills are not good, then change to something else.

Uchiha Tokumitsu pulled out a sealed scroll from the Jonin vest scroll sleeve, unsealed a bottle of antidote and swallowed it, while Sansho Hanzo understood and untied his gas mask.

The dark green poisonous gas began to spread with the breath of Sansho Hanzo.

The third Mizukage frowned slightly, the blue chakra shield condensed on his body by his water armor technique could not stop the infiltration of poisonous gas.

Moreover, no matter how strong he is, he is just a mortal person, and without the corresponding antidote, he cannot be immune to poisonous gas.

"Such behavior should not be done by the strong..."

The third Mizukage is a little dissatisfied with Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sansho Fish Hanzo.

The two of them naturally pretended not to hear it.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu bulged his mouth, and sprayed a condensed fireball towards Sandai Mizukage.

At the same time, under the cover of the gushing fireball, the kaleidoscope sharing eyes of Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes flashed at the same time.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·Great Country Lord!"

Under the amplification of the kaleidoscope pupil technique in the left eye, the C-level fireball quickly expanded to a diameter close to the coverage of the B-level ninjutsu head, and shot towards the third Mizukage.

At the same time, the kaleidoscope pupil technique of the right eye also sent back feedback, and his pupil power was not able to gain the amplification effect through the agitation and connection between the pupil powers of the Uchiha tribe.

That is to say——the person in front of me is an original third-generation Mizukage who is controlled by genjutsu or other special ninjutsu, and it is not Uchiha Madara who came here in a shell!

That's it!
Uchiha Tokumitsu felt relieved.

"Boom boom boom!!"

Sandai Mizukage jumped up to avoid Uchiha Tokumitsu's super powerful fireball.

"Swordsmanship Waterspout!"

Immediately Sanshoyu Hanzo also jumped out from below, his body spun rapidly, setting off a huge wave of sword energy like a tornado, and slashed towards Sandai Mizukage's lower body.

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

It's not easy to dodge in mid-air, Mizukage can only use ninjutsu to try to block it.

The tide like a tsunami overturned towards Sansho Hanzo at a very close distance.


Sanshoyu Hanzo was unafraid, gathered Chakra sword energy on the blade of the Taidao and swung the sword brazenly, forcibly splitting the oncoming wave.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out Kunai from his ninja bag, shot towards Sandai Mizukage, and then quickly formed seals with his hands.

"Mist Concealed Flow Sword Art Hurricane Wave!"

Mizukage Mizukage swung the short knives in both hands quickly, waves of chakra sword energy engulfed in waves and turned into a frenzied wave of sword energy, forcibly suppressing Sansho Hanzo.

And the kunai thrown by Uchiha Tokumitsu have been blocked by Mizukage Three Generations.


Sanshoyu Hanzo landed first, gasping for breath twice.

Although the sword fight in mid-air just now didn't consume much chakra, but it consumed a lot of mental energy when fighting close to death.

The third generation of Mizukage fell to the ground immediately, but his face was a little blue.

Although he tried his best to hold his breath, he accidentally inhaled some of the poisonous gas released by the salamander Hanzo's breath when he swung the sword at close range to engulf the waves. Now he just relies on his strong chakra to forcefully suppress the poison of the salamander fish so that it can't As for the immediate outbreak.

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a seal with his right hand, and took out more than a dozen kunai with his left hand again and shot it towards Sandai Mizukage.

Facing the oncoming Kunai, the third Mizukage simply swung his blade a few times and shot them all down.

"The ninja throwing technique of the Uchiha clan is just water..."

"Fire Escape·Longyan Art of Singing!"

Before Mizukage's mocking words were finished, Uchiha Tokumitsu spewed out four fire dragons and attacked again.

Under the amplification of the kaleidoscope pupil technique of the left eye, the dark red fire dragon turned into a black giant dragon, attacking the third generation of water shadows from all sides.

"Water escape, water..."

Sandai Mizukage snorted coldly, and was about to use ninjutsu to deal with it.

However, the four fire dragons did not go straight to the third Mizukage, but drew a strange curve halfway and circled towards the third Mizukage.

Sanshoyu Hanzo and Sandai Mizukage were a little puzzled.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's Yin Yin on his right hand suddenly clenched into a fist——

"Uchiha Flame Array!"

The four fire dragons turned into flame barriers in situ, besieging the three generations of water shadows in it.

"With such ninjutsu talent, the Uchiha clan has successors..."

Although the third Mizukage was not too alarmed, he was also amazed by Uchiha Tokumitsu's creativity in ninjutsu.

The Uchiha Flame Formation is the most special ninjutsu among the secret arts passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha family. It is a combination of fire escape and sealing.

The conventional Uchiha Flame Formation uses five fingers to condense chakra, and after pressing the palm of the hand to the ground, it burns along the way with the trace chakra released by the caster, which uses the earth as a catalyst to amplify the power of karmic fire.

Although the Uchiha Flame Formation is powerful, it also has several inherent shortcomings.

One is that the consumption of Chakra is huge, and the ordinary Uchiha Jonin basically cannot perform spells alone, and often requires the cooperation of more than four people; the other is that it is extremely difficult to overtake, whether it is Chakra that triggers the fire of the earth or burns along the way, Both require meticulous chakra control; third, the movement of the technique cannot be concealed, and it is often avoided by the opponent in advance.

Therefore, even the family jonin under Uchiha Tokumitsu, when they use the ninjutsu of Uchiha Fire Formation, they often use it to block or block the enemy's retreat. To put it bluntly, they use it as the Uchiha version of the Four Purple Flame Formation , No one has ever used this ninjutsu against the enemy.

The third Mizukage quickly swelled the chakra on his body to resist the high temperature of the flame array.

"Using the fire dragon as the medium, the transformation technique as the use, and the sealing technique as the core, another method of performing the flame array is realized through extremely subtle chakra manipulation..."

The Mizukage of the third generation who was trapped in the flame array no longer concealed it, and the red three-god jade floating in the eyes flickered, carefully observing the effect of Uchiha Tokumitsu, the completely mutated Uchiha flame array secret technique.

Even Uchiha Madara, the manipulator behind it, was a peerless powerhouse who shocked the ninja world during the Warring States Period and was seen by no one except Hashirama, and he couldn't help but admire him.

"However, if you want to rely on the high temperature of the flame array to kill the enemy, it is still not enough!"

The words of Sandai Mizukage passed through the barriers of the flame array and passed into the ears of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"is it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled, "Old stuff, times have changed!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu kept clenched his right hand and formed a mudra with his left hand.

In the flame formation, the Kunai scattered around after being blocked by the third generation of Mizukage turned into piles of explosion symbols with a 'bang'.

"This is……"

Judging from the special ink color of the detonating talisman, Sandai Mizukage could tell at a glance that this was a powerful detonating talisman specially made by the Uchiha clan.

Although he was in a high-temperature oven at this time, it was far from enough to injure the third Mizukage who was Kirigakure No.1.

"Could it be..."

Three generations of Mizukage thought about it, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then ignored the restraint of the high-temperature environment on the water escape, quickly formed seals and cast spells.

The detonating talismans scattered around seemed to turn on a nuclear-powered money printing machine, one life two, two beget three, three beget ten thousand...

"The technique of multiplying the detonating talisman..."

Mizukage Mizukage closed his eyes with some pain.

The water arrows shot out by the spell couldn't keep up with the speed of the detonating talisman's continuous psychic growth.

In this closed high-temperature environment, coupled with the infinite detonation charm summoned by spiritism, what kind of power will it reach under the superposition...


Uchiha Deguang, who was outside the flame formation, hooked the detonating symbol with a grin and detonated it.

"Boom boom boom boom!!!!!!"

In the dark red flame array, there was a continuous sound of detonating talismans superimposing explosions.

Sansho Hanzo on the side was also a little taken aback.

Kirigakure Anbu, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw his leader trapped in the barrier, panicked, and immediately rushed over to try to rescue him.

The combat ninjas of the mobile unit in the rear were not far behind when they saw this, and quickly rushed up to block it.

The entourage ninja army of both sides caught up with each other and started fighting.

Sanshoyu Hanzo originally planned to attack, but saw that the mobile unit had already stepped forward to intercept and seemed to have the upper hand, so he was happy to relax.

After putting on the gas mask casually, Sanshoyu Hanzo turned his gaze to the sealed scroll in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu that was constantly flashing red psychic light.

Accompanied by more and more dull explosion sounds, Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled the enchantment of the flame formation to shrink slowly.

Fortunately, the person who came was not Uchiha Madara himself, otherwise Uchiha Tokumitsu would not take the risk of using this whimsical ninjutsu.

Among other things, Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't find a way to deal with Uchiha Madara's reincarnation eye pupil technique "Samsara Boundary Prison".

But now that the third generation of Mizukage has been imprisoned in the flame formation by himself, then the next script is "Real Fire Refining Water Monkey".

I don't know whether the third generation of Mizukage was smelted into slag in the flame array or burned out with a pair of golden eyes~
The more Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it, the happier he became.

With the continuous bombardment in the flame circle, the detonating symbols in the first sealing scroll are about to be exhausted.

Uchiha Tokumitsu pulled out another scroll, bit off a corner of it, and overlapped it with the first seal scroll.

"This round of ninjutsu... How many detonating symbols did you use?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo watched as the first sealing scroll burned up after consuming the detonating talisman, and the second sealing scroll began to flash with the light of spiritism.

"There are [-] detonating symbols stored in a scroll."

Uchiha Tokumitsu focused on three purposes, while manipulating the contraction of the flame array, while urging the interactive detonation symbol, and at the same time answering Sanshoyu Hanzo's questions in his busy schedule.

Two scrolls, that is [-] detonating symbols...

Compared with the torpedo salvo of three warships during the battle in the Kinki Sea, which consumed more than 7 detonators, it is not much...

Sanshoyu Hanzo was thinking about the value behind these detonating talismans, and was a little distracted for a while.

War is really not something the poor can participate in...

To be honest, this kind of question doesn't match Sanshoyu Hanzo's identity as the leader of the rain ninja and the demigod of the ninja world.

Uchiha Tokumitsu manipulated ninjutsu while complaining in his heart.


At this time, the third generation of Mizukage, who was in the bombing area of ​​the high-temperature oven, seemed to be at a loss.

No matter how strong his personal strength is, a ninja is an assassin with high attack and low defense after all.Without precautions, even the strongest ninja can be killed by a fireball, not to mention that the third Mizukage is still in such a dangerous situation.

First, he was covered in the poisonous gas of Sanshoyu Hanzo, and then he was imprisoned in such a flame barrier to bake, and then he was bombarded by detonating symbols in all directions...

The three generations of water shadows are just mortal bones, and they can't stand such a toss!

What's more, after being controlled by Uchiha Madara with secret techniques, the original water escape ninjutsu is somewhat inconvenient, which limits his strength.

The Sangouyu phantom in the eyes of Sandai Shuiying flickered quickly.

Uchiha Madara behind him is thinking about a way to break the situation.

With the continuous bombardment of the detonating talisman, the range of the barrier of the Uchiha Flame Formation is gradually shrinking at a slow and firm speed, and the air in the barrier has been exhausted early on. If this continues, even if it is not burned to death, It will also soon die from asphyxiation due to lack of air.

If Uchiha Madara came here in person, he would not have fallen into such an embarrassing situation at all. The four shadowless and invisible illusions of the pupil technique "Round Tomb · Border Prison" of the reincarnation eye are enough to make Uchiha Deguang They pressed and beat Sanshoyu Hanzo.

But Uchiha Madara, who is old and frail, also knows his own family affairs, and he also has other unspeakable secrets, so he really can't get out of his hidden residence.

There is another difficult problem in the remote control of the third generation of water shadow, that is, "signal instability".

After all, the third generation of Mizukage is a generation of powerhouses. Although he is forcibly controlled by Uchiha Madara with secret techniques, his soul has been in a state of crazy resistance, and he also has a certain perception of the outside world. To keep suppressed at all times.

However, in order to break Uchiha Tokumitsu's barrier of flames, Uchiha Madara needs to consume pupil power remotely to detect the flaws in the barrier. ·The suppression of the souls of the three generations of Mizukage has been relaxed.

"It's really troublesome..."

"Three generations of Mizukage" who felt that his hands and feet were not in control laughed at himself.

Shin Mizukage's soul began to resist trying to seize control of the body again.

"The Uchiha clan... really produced a junior who should not be underestimated..."

In a dark cave in the ninja world, there was a faint voice of decay and aging.

 Regarding the protagonist's Lie and Sharingan, the author found a big touch creator after a few pitfalls and recommended by other authors. However, due to scheduling problems, it may take a week or two to finish the draft, and it will be OK by then. Send it out again.

  In addition, it is routine to ask for tickets ~ ask for monthly tickets ~ ask for recommendation tickets ~ please use the tickets to smash them here!
(End of this chapter)

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