Chapter 204

As the flame array shrinks step by step, the time left for the third generation of Mizukage is running out.

It's just that in such an ultra-high temperature environment, the difficulty of using water escape ninjutsu can be imagined.

Coupled with the shock waves caused by the continuous bombing of the technique of mutual multiplication of the detonating talisman, it has repeatedly interrupted the handprints of the three generations of Mizukage's technique.

As a last resort, the third Mizukage drew a large amount of chakra to maintain the water armor technique, and put the protection range outside the body around the body, trying to complete the technique even if the chakra consumption doubled.

It's just that the technique he's going to perform is a secret technique developed by the second generation of Mizukage Ghost Lantern Huanyue based on the family system. The third generation of Mizukage does not have the blood of the Ghost Lantern family, so both the structure of the technique and the difficulty of performing the technique have doubled. .

In addition, the third generation of Mizukage Primitives did not fully master this technique, but Uchiha Madara found it through memory searches, so it is normal to fail many times.

"Water Escape·Steam Dangerous Power!"

As the last imprint was settled, the three generations of Mizukage, who were originally in normal shape, suddenly became dry and thin, like a long-dehydrated mummy.

What followed was a child-like avatar with a face somewhat similar to it.

The outside of this avatar is made of oil, and the inside is water; its characteristic is that it is easy to heat and easy to cold. Once it moves, the oil on the surface will be heated rapidly, causing the water inside to evaporate, causing the water vapor to explode, and then through turning into Hail to cool down and shrink in size, ready for the next explosion.

The third Mizukage intends to use the feature of this secret technique that can explode infinitely, and break through the siege of the Uchiha flame array and the bombing of the mutual detonation symbol through uninterrupted changes in high temperature and low temperature.

It's just that, even if it's the technique of steaming danger and violent power that I cast, the explosion damage is not different from each other.

In other words, if you want to use this method to blow up the Uchiha flame array, Mizukage Mizukage will be the first to bear the brunt of the bombing.

"Really, the first person who came into close contact with the power of this ninjutsu was actually myself..."

Mizukage Mizukage laughed at himself, feeling a little helpless.

Neither the original body nor Uchiha Madara, who is manipulating him, has never personally tried the power of his ninjutsu.


Three generations of Mizukage muttered inwardly.

The avatar of Steam Dangerous Power, which had expanded to a critical point under the high temperature, exploded immediately.

The high-temperature explosion further intensified the temperature in the barrier of the flame array, but it also cleared some of the mutual detonation symbols.


Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was manipulating the psychic bombing of the detonating talisman outside, also felt something was wrong.

Not to mention some of the detonating talismans acting as the medium suddenly failed, even the flame array began to have some ripples.

Obviously, the people locked in the barrier are in an unobservable and unpredictable state, but the changes in the barrier clearly show that the third Mizukage is not willing to be roasted alive in the flame circle, and began to try to save himself.

Therefore, in order to prevent all the detonating signs from being wiped out, Tokumitsu Uchiha decided to step up his efforts!
The sealed scroll, which was gradually burning with the light of spiritism, suddenly lit up with a red light, and then the whole body burned!

Tokumitsu Uchiha sent all the remaining 6000 detonating symbols into the barrier of the flame array in one breath!
"go to hell!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu viciously urged the detonating talisman to explode.

"You little bastard who doesn't talk about martial arts!"

Mizukage Mizukage, who was inside the barrier of the flame formation, was also angrily cursing.

Filling in nearly [-] detonating talismans in one breath, even Mizukage Mizukage, who was used to seeing big scenes, was almost frightened into a heart attack.

The third generation of Mizukage no longer cared about the consumption of Chakra, and repeatedly urged the steaming and violent clones to explode and condense multiple times in a very short period of time, but these efforts only destroyed more than 6000 detonating symbols. .

Looking at the pile of detonating symbols that had started to burn in front of him, Mizukage Mizukage narrowed his eyes again.

"Water escape, the art of water armor!"

"Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!"

After three generations of Mizukage put on multiple layers of protection for himself, the violent explosion of the detonating symbol came as expected.


Accompanied by a muffled sound of violent explosion that resounded through the heaven and earth, the barrier of the flame array couldn't help rising, almost being blasted apart abruptly by the violent shock wave.

Just as Uchiha Tokumitsu tried his best to maintain the stability of the flame formation, there were bursts of explosions again inside the barrier.

"Can't you blow him up like this?"

Sansho Hanzo was also a little surprised.

Thousands of detonating talismans are concentrated in a high-temperature oven and exploded intensively. It is not easy to be able to withstand it!
"After all, it is the shadow of a village, there must be some secrets to save lives..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the time to answer.

The color of the barrier of the flame array is sometimes darker and sometimes lighter, and it can be seen that the explosion inside it is the superimposition of the two heavens of ice and fire.

And this kind of bombing with a huge temperature difference puts too much pressure on the barrier.

With Uchiha Tokumitsu's Chakra control level, his forehead started to sweat in order to maintain the barrier.

"Fire Lord!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu threw the Creator Fire God and flew towards the barrier, the body of the fire dragon circled around the barrier, and sprayed out flames to repair the gaps in the barrier, which barely stabilized the stability of the flame array.

Sanshoyu Hanzo looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but feel sad for the besieged Mizukage Mizukage.

A peerless master who is proficient in water escape is besieged in the flame formation, trying to shake the sealing barrier with chakra forcefully, the consumption of chakra can be imagined.

Among other things, just converting chakra into water escape attribute in a high temperature environment is enough.

"This way of dying is probably the most aggrieved shadow in the ninja world..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo shook his head, casually took a saber in his hand and put the sword back into its sheath.

"It's hard to say, maybe there will be even more bizarre causes of death in the future~"

After stabilizing the enchantment of the flame array, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who continued to "bake" with force, felt relieved, and said with a casual smile.

The cause of death of the third and fourth generations of Sha Yin in the future is the real miracle~
It's just that this kind of information related to the future is really not easy to share with others, and Uchiha Tokumitsu can only hold it in his heart.

"There should be no suspense, right?"

Sanshoyu Hanzo asked casually.

The color change of the flame formation enchantment is getting smaller and smaller, which shows that the explosion effect is also shrinking.

"It's hard to say... Who knows if these shadows have some weird life-saving means~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little uncertain.

You know, Uchiha Madara has a lot of ninjutsu secret volumes that the Uchiha clan has lost. Who knows if there will be other ways to crack them!

In the enchantment of the flame formation, although the explosion time of the steaming dangerous and violent avatar is getting longer and longer, its size is getting bigger and bigger.

The third generation of Mizukage continuously pumped Chakra and the oil and moisture in the body into it, and his body became as thin as an old mummy.

He's going to make a big one!

When the avatar of Steaming Dangerous Power soared to the point where it was about to touch the top of the barrier, Mizukage Three Generations took a deep breath and completely detonated the clone of Steaming Dangerous Power!


Accompanied by another intense explosion and roar, the Uchiha Flame Formation exploded in response!

Uchiha Tokumitsu was so startled that his eyes almost popped out.


Uchiha Tokumitsu was not so surprised even when the loophole in the barrier of the flame array was peeped out.

But if he forcefully blasts the barrier of the flame circle, what kind of people inside will be blown up by his own ninjutsu!

"Earth escape, the art of diving in the earth!"

Without waiting for the smoke and dust to disperse, and without uttering harsh words, the third Mizukage, who had just escaped from the trap, immediately used Earth Dungeon and Swimming to escape.

"Thunder Tunnel - Go Low!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu tried to interrupt Tudun's escape, but it still didn't affect the three generations of Mizukage who had already been buried.

"Running really fast..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu performed sensory ninjutsu to detect it, and found that Mizukage Mizukage had indeed slipped away with oil on the soles of his feet.

Not far away, Kirigakure Anbe, who was still fighting endlessly with the mobile unit, saw this, and stopped entanglement, leaving the three of them acting as dead men to hold back the mobile unit, while the others fled away after jumping into the puddle.

Uchiha Tokumitsu stopped the pursuit of the mobile unit.

"Just now is obviously a good opportunity!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo frowned, very puzzled.

"If you don't release the water, the third generation of Mizukage will never escape!"

I have to say that it is still clear to the bystanders.

Sanshoyu Hanzo also saw Uchiha Tokumitsu's entanglement in dealing with the third generation of Mizukage.

"... After all, it is the shadow of a village, and it is unknown who will be killed."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained casually.

Whether this explanation is convincing or not is a matter of opinion.

"Go back, I'm tired too..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the tachi that fell on the ground with his toes, and after retracting it into the sheath, he greeted the mobile unit and asked them to clean up the battlefield, and then let the three Uzumaki ninjas carry the still expressionless Kudachi arrow Cang left together.

Sansho Hanzo also returned.

He didn't understand much about strategy, but since the benefactors were unwilling to continue chasing and killing him, he was naturally happy to save a little effort.


The impact of this battle on Wuyin Ninja Village is extremely far-reaching.

Kirigakure's two strong pillars, in the battle with Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sanshoyu Hanzo, one was captured and the other fled, which shocked the main combat faction, and the elders announced their resignation in a row Retiring in order to avoid responsibility.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu forcibly suppressed the desire of the ninja army under his command, especially the three tribes of Kirigakure, who wanted to attack alone. He just opened the door of convenience and gathered some Kirigakure rebels who took the initiative to vote.

Although it is very tempting to destroy a ninja village, after all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. If it really makes a mess, the consumption of the ninja army of the shogunate will be extremely high.

The most unbearable thing for Uchiha Tokumitsu is the death of his subordinates, especially the most precious family ninja.

Especially when the daimyos of the five major powers regard the Uchiha forces as a thorn in their eyes, the chain reaction caused by the obstinate destruction of Ninja Village cannot be tolerated by the currently immature Tokumitsu shogunate.


Just when the leaderless Kirkakure was startled three times a day, for fear that the shogunate's ninja army would launch a northern expedition.

Suddenly, the Kirigakure ninja stationed in the northwest sea reported back, saying that there was a vanguard of the Kumogakure ninja army at sea. Because the Kirigakure ninja who went to communicate was brutally beheaded, the exact number of the Kumogakure ninja army was unknown.

"Misfortunes never come singly..."

The Wuyin Elders suddenly felt completely hopeless.

Even the Kirigakure ninjas patrolling the border were captured and killed, so it was a certainty that the Kirigakure came to be unkind.

And Yunyin is well-known in the ninja world as being arrogant and unreasonable, and he belongs to the kind of person who suffers even if he takes advantage of the little. If he really sees through the reality of Kirigashi, it will be a great disaster...

Just as the elders were arguing again, the thin Mizukage of the third generation, who was wrapped in bandages, led his troops into the meeting hall of the elders' group.


Several Wuyin elders stood up and saluted, but most of the elders remained seated proudly, ignoring the existence of Shuiying.

"Kill all those who have not got up!"

The third generation of Mizukage commanded sadly: "It is because of this kind of insect that Wuyin has fallen into such a miserable situation!"

The wolf-like Anbu Kirigakure and the civilian ninjas leaped into the meeting hall of the elders without any explanation, and slashed and killed with their knives. With the flash of the knife and blood splattering, the solemn and solemn meeting hall of the elders turned into a shura. killing field.

"In the name of the third Mizukage, I have decided to make peace with the Tokuko Shogunate in the south and declare war on Yun Yin!"

Three generations of Mizukage glanced at the few remaining elders with ruthless eyes and said, "Whoever agrees, whoever opposes!"

"Obey! Mizukage-sama!"

Elder Wu Yin, who was lucky enough to survive, immediately knelt down and bowed down regardless of the pool of blood on the ground.

 The update of the two chapters is completed today, and I wasted some time in reviewing the drawings, I am very sorry~
(End of this chapter)

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