Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 205 The Dawn of Peace Appears on the Horizon

Chapter 205 The Dawn of Peace Appears on the Horizon
The massacre of the elders group launched by the third Mizukage once again shocked Kirigakure.

This is already the third generation of Mizukage, the leader of the ninja village, wielding the butcher's knife against the ninjas in the village again after the "Kigakure Ninja Change".

What's more, it was the theoretically "highly respected" elders who were massacred this time.

Moreover, this happened after the defeat of the Shogunate Ninja Army in the Kinki Battlefield of the Daming Prefecture, and even the three-tailed Jinchuriki was captured by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and an unknown number of Yunyin Ninja Army was about to overwhelm...

At such a critical juncture, Mizukage Mizukage did not take the usual gentle measures to unite the ninjas of the same village, but chose to pick up the bloody butcher knife again, and suppressed the Kirigakure ninja who was about to move at once by killing.

The Wuyin forces that originally secretly colluded with each other in an attempt to overthrow the three-generation rule died down one after another, choosing to bow their heads and bow down.

They also had to accept that the heads of the powerful elders were still hanging on the gate of the Water Shadow Building!

After the three generations of Mizukage's iron-handed methods calmed down possible internal disturbances in a very short period of time, they immediately sent envoys to the shogunate's camp in the southern port area of ​​the Daimyo Prefecture to ask for Uchiha Tokumitsu.

And this messenger also had a relationship with Uchiha Tokumitsu once——

Loquat Juzo, the wielder of Kirigakure Seven Ninja Sword's Broken Sword and Beheading Sword.

Among the original seven ninja swordsmen of Kirigakure, Murashi Jinhachi and Kuri Kushimaru were beheaded by Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo in the Uzumaki Country ambush. The ninja army was annihilated by Uchiha Tokumitsu in the Uzumaki battlefield of the Second Ninja World War.

Even the ninja swords of the above three people fell into the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo respectively.

In addition, among the other four surviving ninja swordsmen, since the holder of the double swords and flounder is a member of the ghost lamp clan, they were also killed by Mizukage on the spot during the Kirigakure genocide, and their ninja swords have not yet been released. people inherit.

So far, there are only three of the famous Kirigakure Ninja Swordsmen left, namely Loquat Juzo (Broken Sword · Beheading Broadsword), Black Hoe Leiya (Thunder Sword · Ya) and Tongcao Yebairen (Blunt Sword · Doucut).

When Loquat Juzo rushed all the way to the shogunate camp where Uchiha Tokumitsu was, the ghost lamp Masahiko and Minazuki Chino greeted him.

Although they are all old friends of Wuyin, the two sides now belong to different camps, and not long ago they were fighting to the death, so none of the three had any desire to reminisce about the old days, but Loquat Shizang's eyes were always lingering on the weapons they held respectively.

Onito Masahiko held the explosive knife and spray, and Minazuki Chino held the long knife and sewing needle in his arms.

Especially when he arrived at the camping hall, Loquat Juzang also saw the big sword Sharkskin that the senior Uchiha Tokumitsu put aside...

Of Kirigakure's representative seven ninja swords, the shogunate has acquired three of them!

Looking around at the people in the hall, they all had unkind expressions, and Loquat Shizang also knew that it would not be easy to achieve the goal of negotiating peace during this trip.

Under the leadership of Sanshoyu Hanzo, Urenin repelled the [-] ninja army of Goju Yagura and achieved brilliant results.

Coupled with the fact that the Eastern Border Defense Force, Mobile Force, Tokuko Red Army, Conquest Column, Konoha Ninja Allied Forces and other military leaders under the shogunate have not yet achieved satisfactory feats or captures, they are naturally not very willing to fight in this way. When the situation was good, he negotiated peace with Kirigakure.

And the current decline of Kirigakure is just like the current ownership of the Seven Ninja Swords. His strength has dropped by [-]%, and he has fallen to the end of the Five Great Ninja Villages...

"General Deguang."

Loquat Juzang calmed down, and saluted Uchiha Tokumitsu with a serious face, "I have come to meet you at the order of Master Kirigakure Mizukage, and what I have done is to make up for the differences between you and me, so as to recreate peace!"

"Mizukage is violent and innocent, and kills innocent people indiscriminately. Why does Loquat Shangren still work for such a villainous insect who regards village ninjas as worthless!"

Masahiko Onito secretly took a look at Tokuko Uchiha, saw his unmoved appearance, and then he was the first to stand up and scolded: "You are also a well-known elite jonin in Kirigakure, why don't you want to make things right?"

"General Deguang clothed the world of ninja, helped justice, eradicated traitors and eradicated evil, why didn't Mr. Loquat turn his back on him?"

Minazuki Qiannuo also stood up and said: "In the future, we will march north together, re-establish Xinwuyin, and build a new home together, and we will no longer be bullied by daimyo nobles, wouldn't it be beautiful?"


The clumsy leader Kaguya then shouted.

The upper ninjas present on both sides also nodded in agreement.

"Kirigakure is the ninja village we were born in after all, even if there are all kinds of mistakes, it is still an inseparable hometown!"

Loquat Juzo replied proudly: "Even though Mizukage-sama is wrong in every way, he is always the head of Kirigakure, shouldering the burden of tens of thousands of ninjas in Kirigakure. trade-off!"

As soon as this remark came out, the ninjas of the three tribes of Kirigakure in the Zhengyi column were very annoyed.

Dare to love one's own people has become an indispensable price?
How can there be such a reason in the ninja world!
"Is it reasonable to persecute the ninja?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's attendant ninja Kae Uzumaki got up with a cold face and reprimanded: "The families of the two generations of Mizukage have suffered such brutal persecution, such indiscriminate killings, it can be seen that the three generations of Mizukage who ruled Kirigakure are really ruthless. Dao, it should be dismissed and elected separately!"

"General Deguang! I have been ordered to come here to restore peace!"

Loquat Juzo knew that he was wrong, and his fists were hard to beat, so he didn't respond to the siege of the crowd, and looked directly at Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was still expressionless.

"The one-village-one-country system is the order of the ninja world jointly established by Lord Hashirama and Madara-sama, and it is also a guarantee of peace. Now that Kirigakure is in danger, the Uchiha clan, as the number one ninja family in the ninja world, hopes to help justice , the barbarian who strangled Yunyin..."

Loquat Shizang doesn't care whether it makes sense logically or not. Pretty words are like money, and they keep throwing them out.

"... General Tokumitsu is famous in the ninja world for his martial arts, so please be tolerant, so that the dawn of peace can once again shine on Kirigakure, which has been devastated by the flames of war."

It has to be said that although Loquat Shizang has a cruel appearance, his heart is relatively delicate.

I don't want to mention whether these remarks are reasonable or not, but at least it can be heard that Loquat Shizang still did a lot of homework before going as an envoy.

But what he didn't know was that Uchiha Madara, the "Ninja Shura" who was juxtaposed with Senjuzhu, was hiding behind the three generations of Mizukage. embarrassing situation.


Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed faintly: "What a precious and ethereal word..."

Loquat Shizang only noticed the word "peace", and immediately felt relieved.

"But how many crimes have ravaged the ninja world in the name of peace..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's second sentence made Loquat Tenzo feel uneasy again.

"Under the rule of the third Mizukage, Kirigakure not only killed the ninjas of the same village indiscriminately, but also committed war crimes that are too numerous to write down."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said slowly.

"From the attack on the Uzumaki Clan during the Uzumide War, to the Uzumaki Land Ambush, and even the second Ninja World War, it was Kirigakure who took the lead in instigating the conflict, trying to drag Konoha into the conflict of blood and fire... "

"Before leaving the village this time, Mizukage-sama has told me that the war is indeed caused by Kirigakure's fault, but it is more likely that the daimyo nobles deliberately instigated behind the scenes to cause such a disaster..."

Loquat Shizang also respectfully responded: "Wuyin would like to reconcile with Mr. Deguang with his sincerity, so as to restore peace and order!"

Sincere wish...

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back and leaned against the back of the chair.

The faces of the jonin under his command are also a little strange.

The meaning inside and outside the words is that Wuyin is not negotiating peace, but seeking peace...

Fighting Kirigakure, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, to take the initiative to seek peace is definitely a milestone achievement for the new shogunate.

However, such "achievements" may not be in the interests of the ninja troops under the shogunate.

After all, everyone has different interests.

"Tell me..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his chin, signaling Loquat Juzo to continue.

If Kirigakure's conditions are suitable and can make up for the demands of the various ninja troops under his command, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't mind a truce.

Furthermore, he also got the corresponding news about the attack of Kirigakure through the spies of the Kirigakure clan, so he is not interested in continuing to attack Kirigakure at such a time.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. No matter how weak Kirigakure is, it is a ninja village after all. Even after many defeats, Kirigakure still has tens of thousands of ninjas. alright.

Furthermore, although the three generations of Mizukage have been defeated, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still afraid of Uchiha Madara hiding in the dark.

"Kirakure will give up the sphere of influence south of the Daimyofu, General Tokumitsu's shogunate caravan and ninjas can enjoy the same treatment as Kirigakure ninjas in the country of water..."

Loquat Juzo took a deep breath, and slowly stated Kirigakure's summation conditions.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also a little speechless when he heard the words.

The ninjas under the seat also looked at each other in blank dismay.

The meaning of conquering a region is completely different from occupying and ruling a region.

In addition to strength, there is also an authority in the ninja world that is illusory but recognized by everyone, and that is the so-called "jurisprudence".

Even though the current shogunate ninja army has captured the entire southern islands of the country of water, most of the islands in the eastern islands, and Kinki, the Daimyo Prefecture, everyone still regards it as an occupied area to exploit the wealth of the nobles, and does not regard the occupied area as their own in their hearts. territory.

However, the conditions given by Kirigakure, or the three generations of Mizukage, are really not that simple...

This is equivalent to breaking the soil and sealing the border, and bringing the entire southern archipelago into the shogunate's sphere of influence...

And it's justifiable, after all, Mizukage Kirigakure is actually the highest military officer of the country of water.

Furthermore, after the separatist control of the southern archipelago, the joint fishery company jointly established by the Uchiha clan and the pro-ninja clan can regain the source of goods and re-operate the originally deserted business lines.

The ninjas of the ninja coalition also thought of this key point.

Although the time to receive dividends through the business of the United Fisheries Company did not last long, the upper ninjas still remember it.

"... Where's your name?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was silent for a moment, and asked.

In theory, the daimyo is the monarch of the country of water, and such a thing must have his edict to count.

"Mizukage-sama said, if His Highness the daimyo disagrees, then change your daimyo..."

Loquat Shizang maintained respect on his face, but felt deep sadness in his heart.

It can be said that it is an unprecedented shame for Kirigakure, one of the dignified Five Great Ninja Villages, to offer such a condition.

But there is no way, after all, the situation is stronger than people.

If the shogunate continues to move north, and with the attack of Yunyin, even if the desperate Kirigakure can defeat the enemy, he will lose all his elite due to the tragic battle, and he will be reduced to a fish belly at the mercy of others.

So it's better to feed the shogunate completely in one step, so that Wu Yin can free up his hands to clean up the situation and face Yun Yin who has malicious intentions.

In this way, although it is very embarrassing, as long as Yunyin can be repelled, Wuyin can still try his best to maintain the dignity of the five great ninja villages.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes turned to the jonin of the Kirigakure clan.

The Wuyin clan looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.

From the perspective of the family, they are naturally more willing to continue to conquer Kirigakure, so as to avenge their shame; but the conditions for Kirigakure to open are also obvious to the shogunate.

"...Master Deguang, please rule, we absolutely support all your resolutions."

After hesitating for a long time, Masahiko Onito knelt down on one knee and said to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

The jonin of the three clans of Kirigakure stood up and knelt down.

"……I understand."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded, "The three clans understand righteousness, I see your sacrifices, and the shogunate will not let you suffer..."

"I still have a few conditions."

Uchiha Tokumitsu turned to Loquat Ten Zang and said.

"General Deguang, please tell me..."

Loquat Shizang responded.

The shogunate is Daozu, and the fog is hidden like fish.Loquat Shizang understands very well what is meant by "starting from strength and status".

"Double Knife Flounder I want."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "This is a reward for the loyal Kirigakure clan."

"...I agree to this matter on behalf of Mizukage-sama."

Loquat Shizang nodded.

"In addition, the shogunate wants to set up concession shops in the eastern archipelago, and the daimyo nobles of the country of water or people from ninja village are not allowed to enter without permission!"

"This matter is of great importance, let me report to Mizukage-sama before making a decision."


Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed, "There is a baseball field not far from the hall, you can go there to fly Ninja Hawk and contact Mizukage."

Loquat Juzang didn't talk nonsense, he saluted and left the camp hall to release Ninja and get in touch with Mizukage for the next step of authorization.

"Given that the three clans are deeply aware of righteousness, they should be rewarded!"

After Loquat Juzo left, Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the ninjas of the three clans: "The ninja generals of the other two swords, flounder flounder, will also be selected within the three clans."

"Thank you Master Deguang for your kindness!"

Shui Wu Yue responded with a thousand promises.

"In addition, the title of the three clans in the shogunate's announcement has been changed to the three clans of Guiyi!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to his attendant ninja Uzumaki Kae.

"As ordered!"

Uzumaki Xianghui immediately accepted the task.

... After a while, Loquat Shizang walked into the hall.

"Master Mizukage accepts General Tokumitsu's conditions!"

"very good!"

Uchiha Deguang is also very satisfied.

"The dawn of peace in the kingdom of water has appeared on the horizon!"

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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