Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 206 Winning is numb!

Chapter 206 Winning is numb!
Under the pressure of internal and external pressure, Kirigakure chose to sacrifice the interests of the country of water and cede land for compensation in order to concentrate on dealing with the menacing cloud hidden ninja army.

Compared with the Deguang shogunate, Yun Yin is the enemy that may affect the survival of Ninja Village.

In this way, Uchiha Tokumitsu has to thank Yun Yin and the gang of savages for their divine assists, allowing him to pick up a big leak!
After the truce document issued by Mizukage Mizukage and announced to Ninja Village was delivered to the shogunate camp, Uchiha Tokumitsu ordered the withdrawal of the occupying Ninja Army in the Eastern Islands and Kinki, Daming Prefecture.

It’s just that when Loquat Ten Zang requested the return of the Daimyofu, Uchiha Tokumitsu put forward another condition, requiring the daimyo of the country of water to personally issue an edict, declaring that the Tokumitsu shogunate’s jurisdiction over the southern archipelago is a permanent control supported by the legal principles of a big country. OK.

Although the shogunate and Kirigakure did not quite understand the restrictive effect of this kind of empty text that can be torn up at any time, Loquat Juzang, who was in charge of the negotiations between the two parties, had no choice but to go north again to meet the daimyo and ask him to issue an edict agreeing to hand over the governance power .

Since the Ninja Army of Kutachi Yakura was defeated in the Battle of Kinki, the place where the daimyo of the country of water was stationed in Hua was also transferred to the northern archipelago.

However, in recent days, due to the attack of Yun Yin, the northern archipelago has also been somewhat unstable. Coupled with the negative impact of the massacre of the elders by Mizukage, the daimyo and the nobles are also shocked three times a day, and they are in constant fear all day long.

Now the three generations of Mizukage surpassed him, the nominal supreme ruler of the country of water, to negotiate a peace with a foreign warlord privately, and signed a land cession agreement, which really made daimyo feel ashamed.


"...The shogunate, the picture is not small!"

When Loquat Ten Zang arrived at the daimyo station in Hua to convey Uchiha Tokumitsu's request, the noble officials who came forward to greet him delayed for a while on the grounds that they still needed to discuss in front of the hall.

The daimyo also summoned his close ministers to discuss countermeasures.

Ninjas can ignore the edict, but in the eyes of the officials and nobles who are experienced in political affairs, the significance of the edict is very important.

This is equivalent to establishing a separatist force that does not listen to the propaganda within the scope of the Kingdom of Water...

The daimyo of the country of water would rather let the southern islands and eastern islands be occupied by the shogunate ninja army, and they don't want to issue such a cession edict.

"Your Highness Daming, I know that this matter is a disgrace to the Kingdom of Water, but I still hope that His Highness will endure for the country and try to restore order..."

However, the officials and nobles have long been concerned about the mansions and gold and silver treasures they placed in the Daming Mansion, and they are really unwilling to continue to worry about fear, tighten their belts and support Kirigakure to continue the war with the Tokuko Shogunate.

"Although Mizukage is arrogant and rude, he is the leader of Kirigakure after all, and Yunyin's generation of tigers and wolves needs him to lead his troops to resist; and although the Deguang Shogunate is tyrannical, it can be accepted as a nominal vassal by imperial edict. To check and balance Wuyin Ninja Village to a certain extent, in this way, it can also prevent the ninja family from being dominant, and His Royal Highness just happens to be in the middle to reconcile, sit back and watch the struggle between the other generations, and reorganize the government army..."

The eloquent Konoe Atsushi tried hard to persuade.

The attitude of other ministers and close ministers is also the same.

No matter how tyrannical the Deguang shogunate was, it would not do Yunyin's evil deed of slaughtering nobles.

Besides, ceding the Southern Islands is only sacrificing the interests of the local nobles, so what does it have to do with the ministers of the Daming Mansion?

What's more, after experiencing the ravages of war, none of the original local nobles in the Eastern Islands returned by the shogunate existed, which was just suitable for the ministers of the Daming Mansion to enclose and expand their sphere of influence.

This is a win-win situation!

The Tokuko shogunate got the southern islands, and the ministers took the eastern islands. As for the damage, only the daimyo and those unlucky local nobles were damaged.

"Now that Kirigakure has been defeated repeatedly and the ninja army is scattered, it is still necessary to regroup to face Yunyin. This is a major matter related to the survival of the country of water... Please put aside the momentary honor and humiliation for the time being, Your Highness Daming, and take responsibility for this country."

The Minister of Taizheng also persuaded.

The daimyo's attitude has also begun to soften a little, but he still has some scruples, "How will the shogunate separate the southern islands, how will the defense of Kinki be arranged? How will business transactions be taxed?"

This is a very practical question.

The former is about whether the daimyo can sleep well, and the latter is about whether the daimyo can eat well.

"Kinki Garrison Ninja Army can be in charge of Kirigakure. After the war, another [-] Ninja Army will be deployed to form a guard force..."

The Minister of the Taizheng said: "As for the taxation issue...the sales to foreign countries are ignored, and the domestic and foreign tax rates must be levied!"

The smuggling business initiated by Tokumitsu Uchiha and the Kirigakure Ninja Alliance is also well known to the nobles. In fact, they are also one of the beneficiaries of the smuggling trade.

At that time, special products from all over the ninja world were continuously transported to the hinterland of the nobles, and all that needed to be paid was the insignificant and worthless catch of those humble fishermen.

As for the smuggling trade, who will lose the most?

That is naturally the name of taxation throughout the territory!

However, although the nobles and nobles exist attached to the daimyo, it does not mean that their interests are consistent with the daimyo.

Especially at this critical moment when the territory of the eastern archipelago is about to be seized, being able to evade taxes from daimyo tax collectors means that they can save a few more gold coins in their coffers.

After rounds of persuasion by his close ministers, the daimyo finally let go and agreed to issue the edict, but he also asked to send envoys to the shogunate to discuss the tax issues of both parties and the location of the concession in the eastern archipelago.

There is no other way, the hard-working Loquat Juzo only needs to take the daimyo special envoy and set off south again to continue negotiating with Uchiha Tokumitsu.


And it was Konoe Atsuji who had been prosperous since he was sent to the shogunate to come to sign with Uchiha Tokumitsu under the order of the Daimyo of the Land of Water.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also very interested in this person, and felt that he was a person who knew the times and had a soft figure, and he might be of great use in the future, so he summoned Konoe Atsuji in the resident meeting hall as usual.

"General Deguang, under the order of the sacred name of this country, come to discuss..."

Before Konoe Atsuji finished speaking, he was interrupted by Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Should the daimyo sign or not!"

"The southern islands can be designated as the territory of the shogunate, but there are still other things that need to be negotiated."

Konoe Atsushi also explained the purpose of this envoy: "One is for taxes, and the other is for the concession. If these two matters are not resolved, the daimyo will never issue an edict!"

"Tell me~"

The appearance of Konoe Atsuji kneeling and punching his fist is really interesting, so Uchiha Tokumitsu can say it by himself.

"...The people under the jurisdiction of the southern archipelago shall not be restricted by the shogunate, and they shall freely choose to stay or return to the north."

"That's no problem~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed to Konoe Atsuji's first request.

"However, the freedom of movement of people is mutual, and the areas under the jurisdiction of daimyo shall not restrict the southward movement of citizens."

"no problem!"

Konoe Atsushi also agreed, and then continued: "Secondly, the southern islands should implement the same tax rate as the country."

"...Does the daimyo still want me to pay taxes to him?!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

"All taxable taxes can be put into the treasury of the shogunate, but the tax rate cannot be changed by itself."

Konoe Atsushi explained.

"Domestic commercial taxation can be carried out according to the tax rate of the water country, but foreign taxation is the internal affairs of the shogunate, and the daimyo must not interfere."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and made his own request.

"no problem!"

This is exactly what Konoe Atsushi wanted.

Afterwards, the two discussed and decided on some matters such as the formation of the Customs Agreement Department, and the taxation issue of the Southern Islands was also finalized.

The last item is the concession issue that both parties are most concerned about.

From the daimyo's point of view, he was naturally unwilling to allow the Tokumitsu shogunate to keep tentacles of power in the eastern archipelago, and even if he couldn't refuse, he would throw it to some uninhabited island for the shogunate to catch seabirds for fun.

But Tokumitsu Uchiha is naturally unwilling to do so. In his eyes, the concession must be set up in the county town of the eastern archipelago of the country of water.

Just like the garrison detachment established by the Eastern Border Defense Force in the eight eastern counties of the Fire Country, Uchiha Tokumitsu hopes that the concession will become a medium for contacting local noble officials, thereby expanding the influence of the shogunate on the local area.

But the daimyo is not stupid, so he is naturally unwilling to let go of this one.

"The shogunate will set up a concession in the city of the seven counties in the eastern archipelago!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu first opened the mouth of the lion, "In addition, the shogunate consulates and shops need to be set up in various waterways!"

"Absolutely impossible!"

Konoe Atsushi refused, then took out the map and presented it to Uchiha Tokumitsu: "The location of the concession proposed by our country is shown above, please General Tokumitsu to open the building and set up a boundary."

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked it up and took a look, and immediately scolded: "It is absolutely impossible to set a boundary like this! Does the daimyo still want to continue the war!"

"But General Deguang's request is too much!"

Konoe Atsushi refused to give in, and retorted righteously: "The country of water is a big country, so insulting a big country doesn't take into account the criticism of the ninja world?"

"Besides, ninjas seek wealth, and nobles seek stability. How about we both make a concession?"

Seeing Uchiha Tokumitsu's face turned from sunny to cloudy, Konoe Atsushi immediately changed his words and said: "The shogunate can choose three counties to set up concessions, and all of them can open businesses and consulates within the concession."

"...plus two waterway concessions!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while and added a condition.


Konoe Atsuji agreed without thinking about it.

This made Uchiha Deguang feel that he was at a disadvantage.

Could it be that the bottom line of the daimyo of the country of water is far more than that?
"The concession is not restricted by the laws of the Land of Water, and the rules of the shogunate are enforced in the jurisdiction, and the consuls and consuls stationed there enjoy extrajudicial power."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added another request.

"What is extrajudicial power?"

Konoe Atsushi asked humbly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained to him the meaning of extrajudicial jurisdiction.

"Ninjas with the status of the shogunate can enjoy extrajudicial power, but ordinary people must abide by the legal requirements of the place where they are located."

Konoe Atsuji made some calculations and made a patch for Uchiha Tokumitsu's request.


Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately agreed.

Is it difficult to handle the identity of the shogunate ninja?The big deal is to award some titles like lifelong honorary ninja to business groups and the like, so that they also have the status of shogunate ninjas?

Moreover, with this title and the extrajudicial power of the concession, there are still a lot of political means that can be manipulated.

For example, asylum to some frustrated nobles in the country of water.

However, the name of lifelong honorary ninja does not sound bluffing enough, and you can also consider adding a function without real power such as a justice of the peace or a security committee member.

In this way, both parties felt that they had taken advantage of it, and the preconditions of the land cessation agreement were happily reached.

Then Atsushi Konoe was afraid that Uchiha Tokumitsu would go back on his word, so he took the initiative to ask for the authorization of the shogunate's seal, quickly returned to the Daming Mansion and issued an edict immediately.


In December of the 37th year of Konoha, the daimyo of the country of water announced that the southern archipelago under the jurisdiction of the country's borders would be designated as the jurisdiction of the shogunate.

At the same time, Kirigashi Mizukage issued a declaration of war, officially declaring war on Yunyin who is constantly harassing the coastline of the country of water!
Originally, with the efforts of the daimyos of the major powers, they signed an agreement with each other to achieve peace.The daimyo's face was also ripped off along with Sandai Mizukage's declaration of war, thrown to the ground and trampled on.

Although the Second Ninja World War is over, the great power war is still going on!

 The original content of this chapter has been stuck for a long time, and it has been unable to pass the changes, so I simply rewrote it

(End of this chapter)

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