Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 220 It's Actually Armed Intervention

Chapter 220 It's Actually Armed Intervention

Konoha's series of smooth and targeted dispatches quickly cut off all routes for Yunyin to attack Yuren village in the south.

Even after Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to complete the deployment of the front line in the northern part of the Fire Country, Yun Yin was still in a state of confusion.

They never expected that Konoha's reaction would be so intense!
Although after the Second Ninja World War, Urenin Village became a vassal of Konoha in name, and Konoha also sent garrisoned ninja troops in the Land of Rain, but this is only an expedient measure for Sanshoyu Hanzo to end the war Regardless, Urenin Village still maintains its consistent independence, and the Country of Rain is not regarded as Konoha's sphere of influence that is officially recognized by countries in the ninja world.

However, judging from Konoha's current reaction, it seems that the relationship between Konoha and Urenin is not as simple as imagined...

"War! This is Konoha's war provocation!"

After receiving Konoha's public declaration of peace, the furious Third Raikage hammered the solid wood desk to pieces.

The Yunyin elite jounin in Raikage's office were also silent.

Konoha's attitude is already obvious.

The Konoha Ninja Army who cut off all the passages on the road is the best statement!
Regardless of whether Yunyin accepts Konoha's mediation or not, all military operations against Urenin must be stopped.

Regardless of whether Yun Yin's request to track down the trail of the tailed beast is reasonable or not, Konoha will not allow it to cross the border into the Land of Rain.

For Yun Yin, who is full of militantism, Konoha's behavior undoubtedly means war.

But the problem is that the current Yunyin is not comfortable.

Although Kirigakure ninjas are slightly weaker than Yunyin in terms of individual combat power, their water war ninja army in the ninja world has wiped out the entire army of Yunyin's sea power, and now they can only rely on heavy troops on the coastline and various rivers entering the sea. arm.

Although Yunyin, who is defending the local area, has an advantage in the total number of people, he still feels pressured when faced with the harassment of small groups of Wuyin ninja troops swarming from all directions.

"Has the transfer of Turtle Island been completed?"

With the loss of sea power, Yun Yin has more and more headaches.

Even Turtle Island, which has been drifting at sea all year round, was forced to move to the more secluded northern ice ocean.

"Master Bruby wrote back not long ago, saying that the transfer has been completed, and is currently laying a mask and camouflage on the outer edge of Turtle Island..."

A Yun Yin Shangren replied immediately.

Turtle Island is Yunyin's biggest secret. The real waterfall on the island can allow the tailed beast and Renzhuli to blend and communicate, which is the secret of Yunyin's cultivation of powerful Renzhuli.

In addition to the confidants in Raikage's office, even the other high-ranking Elder Yunyin knew nothing about the existence of Turtle Island.

In addition, Yunyin also has many secret weapon factories set up on various precipitous islands in order to avoid people's eyes and ears, which need to be transferred urgently.

While fighting against Kirigakure while transferring his belongings, and now he has to deal with the Konoha Ninja Army who are full of peace and malice, even the most arrogant Kumokage martial arts faction is a little nervous.

After all, Yun Yin, who is deeply rooted in the martial arts faction, doesn't understand what peace is, nor does he understand the meaning of mediation. In their eyes, what Konoha did is clearly taking advantage of the fire!

But although Yun Yin is famous for being arrogant and unreasonable, he is not completely brainless.

They still knew that with Yunyin's strength, fighting on both sides at the same time would definitely be overwhelming.

Therefore, even though he felt that the upcoming so-called Special Envoy of Konoha Mediation and Senior Advisor Mito Menyan was actually here to cheat, Yun Yin still had to hold his nose and hold his breath to accept it.


Hatake Sakumo, as one of the principals of this international mediation event, also chose to leave the village and go north to coordinate the follow-up moves of various ninja troops to deal with Yun Yin, and also happened to be on the way with Mito Monyan, and the two teams were able to Go north together.

Mitomon Yan didn't like Yunyin either, he, like the third Sarutobi Hiruzane, was still brooding over the death of the second generation Senshou Tomonen after the attack.

It's just that since I went north with Sakumo Hatake, I have seen groups of shogunate ninja troops along the way, and there are many familiar faces from the village.

"Ninjas are so keen on war..."

Mito Menyan sighed inwardly.

Those ninja ninjas who do not have Konoha's registered ninja status are all from the ninja clan who are close friends with the Uchiha clan. Such a large-scale participation in the war shows that their bond with the Uchiha clan can hardly be shaken by anyone.

Moreover, since taking charge of the newly established Ministry of Internal Affairs, Mitomonyan has also devoted himself to collecting various information about the Tokumitsu shogunate, and has a certain understanding of the organizational structure and personnel composition of the shogunate.

In Mitomonyan's view, although the power system formed by the Uchiha + pro-ninja with the joint fishery company as the link of interests, although it is not as righteous as the Hokage camp linked by the will of fire, it has nothing to do with it. It means that the aggressiveness of the Deguang shogunate is obviously stronger.

"A group of lunatics who are more militant than the fighters..."

Mitomon Yan shook his head inwardly.

Perhaps it was because the Tokumitsu shogunate had single-handedly defeated Kirigakure, the ninja army recruited and dispatched to facilitate the mediation incident this time did not have much impact inside Konoha.

However, from the perspective of the top management of the Naruto series, this is actually a very dangerous signal.

Under Uchiha Tokumitsu's planning, a war with moderate intensity and little loss is not only not a burden, but also a necessary means to gain benefits.

In the face of a fair distribution of benefits, coupled with the influence of the senior ninjas who participated in the war, the ninja ninjas began to become more belligerent.

Konoha ninjas who are no longer afraid of war, will they continue to listen to the words of their old-school leaders who are used to seeking stability?
"Mr. Shuo Mao, do you think there is anything else that needs attention regarding this mediation?"

After arriving at the northern border of the Land of Fire, Hatake Sakumo was about to separate from Mitomon Yan.

So Mitomenyan took advantage of the opportunity to ask.

"We should try our best to promote peace, and the Konoha Ninja Army is Elder Yan's most solid backing!"

Hatake Sakumo replied seriously.

Although his answer was a bit off topic, it showed his attitude well.

That is to say, if the talks are successful, if the talks fail, mediation can also be transformed into armed intervention at any time.

Hatake Sakumo is ready for a skirmish.


Sanshoyu Hanzo did not expect that a letter he sent to Uchiha Tokumitsu could mobilize such a great power.

"Your Excellency Deguang is worthy of being a hero of martial arts in the world, and his righteousness can be called the number one in the ninja world!"

Sansho Hanzo said to the left and right.

Those Amane ninjas who were fed by Uchiha Tokumitsu as early as in the battlefield of the land of water are deeply convinced.

"Where is Tokumitsu Uchiha?"

Sansho Hanzo asked again.

"Your Excellency, General, is now personally stationed at the northern border of the Fire Nation to respond to the mediation envoy's actions."

Urenino Kaminoshi Amada quickly replied.

Your Excellency General...

This very natural honorific title of Amada made Sanshoyu Hanzo come to his imagination again.

When did my confidant Jonin get so close to Uchiha Tokumitsu? !Do you even know Uchiha Tokumitsu's whereabouts so well?

Why did his subordinates speak out so naturally about information that he, as the capital of Urenino, didn't understand?

Could it be that there is some secret link between them that they haven't discovered yet?
Is it possible that Aminin Village is the only one who has not been bought by Uchiha Tokumitsu?

Sanshoyu Hanzo couldn't help but became paranoid.

What's more, all the Yuren Jōnin took it for granted when they heard the words, and none of them felt that there was anything wrong with Yutian's remarks.

And this is the scariest thing!

If he hadn't secretly confirmed that none of these subordinates had any traces of illusion control, Sanshoyu Hanzo would have thought that they had all been deluded by the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

Because this kind of identification from the heart is almost unsolvable.

Sanshoyu Hanzo couldn't figure it out, was the Tokuko Shogunate so attractive?

"Inform Uchiha Tokumitsu that I am going to meet him at the shogunate camp..."

After hesitating for a while, Sansho Hanzo felt that it was better to let go of the burden in his heart and meet Uchiha Tokumitsu.

In any case, regardless of whether Konoha had other plans, it really helped Urenin out of the siege.

Sansho Hanzo, the first hero, is not yet able to calmly accept other people's kindness, he also has to show it.

"In addition...call the ninja army of the village and take them to the Northwest Shogunate of the Uchiha Fire Gate to assist in the defense."

After hesitating again, Sanshoyu Hanzo added another order.

Now that you want to show it, you might as well do more superficial work.

And the rain ninja who was sent out can come back with a change of equipment by the way, no matter what counts, it will not suffer.

 Today is still (2/2)~By the way, ask for a monthly ticket recommendation ticket
(End of this chapter)

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