Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 221 No Negotiation, Only Signing

Chapter 221 No Negotiation, Only Signing
Arriving at Mitomonyan, where Yunyin Village is located, the Yunyin ninja who was received with a cold face arranged him in a remote courtyard in Yunlei Gorge, and dispatched an Anbu to serve as "guards", and at the same time prohibited Mitomenyan and The accompanying ninjas went out.

Regarding Yun Yin's rude behavior, Mitomonyan regards it like a spring breeze blowing on his face, but he secretly remembers Yun Yin's behavior in his heart.

He also understood the purpose of this trip.

For the Hokage series, whether the mediation can be successful is not important at all. The important thing is not to allow Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo to monopolize the scene, and the Naruto series, which represents Konoha’s orthodoxy, cannot stay out of the matter and let Uchiha Tokumitsu He let himself go with Hatake Sakumo, so Hiruza Sarutobi asked him to participate.

Just before leaving the village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the third generation communicated with him and Koharu in private. The three of them agreed that although Yunyin's wolf ambition should not be underestimated, Uchiha Tokumitsu has evil intentions. Today's Hatake Sakumo It's not a good bird either, the relationship between Urenin and Konoha is even more inseparable, and even the interaction between Urenin and the Tokumitsu shogunate is more frequent.

Therefore, for the Hokage series, the optimal solution is to let the Tokumitsu shogunate and Hatake Sakumo's forces, together with Sanshoyu Hanzo's Amurin Village, face off against the Yunyin Barbarian. Sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, it couldn't be better.

Therefore, Mitomen Yan did not have any psychological burden on this trip.

Talk if you can, and withdraw if you can't; let the two sides continue to negotiate.

At that time, if there is a chance, he can also secretly instigate Yunyin to conflict with the Deguang shogunate and the Huomen shogunate. The old man only needs to sit firmly in the tent of the Chinese army and watch the two thieves fight to death.


At this time, Tokumitsu Uchiha was also in the tent of the Chinese army to welcome Sansho Hanzo who came from afar.

As one of the protagonists in this dispute between Thunder and Rain, Sanshoyu Hanzo's expression is not very good.

Although still separated by a heavy respirator, his tired eyes can still be seen through the lens.

Compared with before the war, Urenin Village, where there are only ten ninjas on the list, is in a state of decline.

And the speed of recovery after the war was far slower than Sansho Hanzo expected.

If it weren't for Uchiha Tokumitsu's mercenary mission and the generous capture share that made Ameno Village breathe a sigh of relief, Sanshoyu Hanzo would have ordered the ninjas of Ninja Village to go out to "eat" all over the Land of Rain.

"General Deguang...thank you this time."

Although he was anxious about the close relationship between his subordinates and the Tokuko shogunate, Sansho Hanzo still maintained his usual respect in terms of etiquette.

Although there is a big difference in age between the two, Uchiha Tokumitsu's strength is comparable to him, and his power is even higher than him. Even if Aminin Village can maintain the current situation, it depends on the support of the Tokumitsu Shogunate and the Fire Gate Shogunate. Coupled with the kindness of this mediation, Sanshoyu Hanzo will naturally not be ignorant of the show.

"Mr. Hanzo has worked hard all the way, please come in and take a rest. I have prepared a banquet, and today we will drink fine wine and share our hearts~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was also smiling and very kind.

A strong man like Sanshoyu Hanzo is a pillar figure no matter which ninja village he is placed in, and Uchiha Tokumitsu also maintains due respect.

After all, he was still counting on him to have another Kirigakure conquest with him, to bring out Madara Uchiha who was hiding in the dark.

"The ruined site of Yuren has not been tidied up, there is really no way to repay it..."

After sitting down at the table, after drinking for three rounds, Sanshoyu Hanzo also said bluntly in front of all his subordinates: "From now on, if the general needs to fight, Urenin will definitely go through fire and water to repay it!"

"Mr. Hanzo speaks too seriously..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was secretly pleased, and on the surface he was still calm and composed. He said very sincerely to Sanshoyu Hanzo and his accompanying johnin: "The Uchiha clan and the rain ninja were forged in the blood and fire of the Kirigakure battlefield. Friendship, since the ally is in trouble, how can Uchiha stand by and watch?"

All the rain ninja and ninja were moved to a mess.

Sansho Hanzo was also touched.

"Yunyin's brutality is well known in the ninja world, I'm afraid he won't stop easily..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo said in a deep voice: "The ninja army of the Uchiha headquarters has been transferred to General Huomon a few days ago. If the situation changes, the Uchiha clan will definitely fight under the banner of the Uchiha clan!"

"I have already discussed with Shuo Maojun, this time it will not make Yunyin feel better."

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed, and then continued to greet everyone: "Drink and drink, we just need to wait for the news from the Mitomon consultant."


The next day, in Leiying's office in Yunyin Village.

"This is Konoha's condition?"

Although the third Raikage had no expression on his face, his heart was as furious as a stormy sea. With a pair of giant palms, he kneaded the mediation letter handed over by Mitomon Yan into a ball.

"Is Konoha preparing to declare war on Yun Yin?"

The crowd of Yunyin Jominin was a little confused, but looking at the expression of the third Raikage, it was clear that the mediation conditions offered by Konoha were very excessive.

"It's all for peace, please forgive me..."

Mitomon Yan didn't bother with the third generation of Raikage, but just replied lightly.


Third Raikage couldn't control his emotions anymore, smashed the desk to pieces with one punch, and yelled angrily: "Is the peace imposed by Konoha counted as peace?!"

"Peace is the long-cherished wish of everyone in the ninja world, and there is no so-called imposition..."

Mitomonyan gently brushed away the sawdust splashed on his clothes, and said slowly: "Yunyin is doing the opposite, and Konoha is just helping justice."

"Helping justice..."

The third generation of Raikage hated his teeth itchingly, "Is it for peace and justice to let Yun Yin surrender before fighting and cede land for compensation?!"

After finishing speaking, Sandai Raikage threw the ball of paper in his hand to his confidant Jonin.

The confidant Jonin spread out the ball of paper, and after a cursory glance, his face immediately changed, and his face was full of anger.

Afterwards, all the cronies passed on the so-called peaceful mediation conditions offered by Konoha one by one, and their expressions changed drastically.

"It's all for peace and justice, and Lord Raikage is requested to support it."

Mito Menyan said indifferently.

In the mediation document, Konoha not only asked Raikage to immediately stop the military action against Urenin, but also asked Raikage to apologize to Sanshoyu Hanzo, cede the suzerainty of the Kingdom of Frost, and at the same time withdraw from the existence of the small buffer country with the Kingdom of Fire strength.

For Yun Yin, who has always been keen on plundering territories and competing for the title of No. [-] Ninja Village, Konoha's conditions are simply more than riding on his head to pull poop!
If the third generation of Raikage agreed to such a condition, the furious Yunyin would definitely overthrow him as the leader immediately and then fight against Konoha desperately.

"For the peace of the ninja world, Yun Yin must be restricted."

Mitomonyan ignored the murderous gazes of Yunyin, and said calmly: "Konoha doesn't want this either, but it's a last resort. Please understand Raikage-sama and all the senior ninjas."


In the eyes of the third generation of Raikage, Konoha's so-called "mediation" has completely turned into robbery by taking advantage of the fire!

"If you insult a big country under such conditions, isn't Konoha worried about the public opinion in the ninja world?"

The third generation of Raikage suppressed his anger, "Kunyin is one of the five great ninja villages in the ninja world, so what's the benefit of making enemies like this?"

"It's not good, it's just for fairness and justice."

Mitomon Yan Taiyi said solemnly.

That expression disgusted the Yunyin upper ninjas.

Which of the five ninja villages is a good person!

Are you really not ashamed to say this? !

"Does that mean there's nothing to talk about?"

The third generation of Raikage folded his huge body into the back of the chair, his gloomy face seemed to be brewing with thunder.

"Before this trip, the three major shogunates of the Fire Nation had already taken over the various small countries. Why didn't Lord Raikage accept the fait accompli?"

Mitomonyan said: "Please restrain yourself and accept the mediation, otherwise Konoha's wrath will destroy everything!"

"Yunyin is a great ninja village with [-] ninja troops!"

A Yunyin couldn't help but jumped out and cursed loudly: "Even if there is a war, Konoha will get nothing but use up his ninja army in vain! For the sake of a mere Urenin, do this does it worth?"

"In the cloud hidden ninja army, there are more than 1 people fighting against Kirigakure."

Mito Menyan quickly retorted: "Konoha is the number one ninja village in the ninja world. Even just one Tokuko shogunate under his command can defeat Kirigakure, who is fighting with you endlessly. Now the four generals of the three Konoha shogunate gathered at the border , how can Yunyin block it!"

"...Also, don't you think that Hiriza and I have forgotten the blood feud between Lord Tokaima?"

After saying this, Mito Menyan got up and brushed off the dust that didn't exist on his body, angrily preparing to leave.

"... Konoha's mediation conditions are too harsh, is there room for negotiation?"

Just when Mitomonyan was about to open the door and leave, an old voice came from behind.

"Big elder..."

The crowd of Yun Yin was also a little stunned.

Elder Yun Yin, who had been sitting in the corner without making a sound, walked forward slowly with a cane, and said in a low tone: "What is the purpose of Konoha? To stand up for Urenin so hastily... I am afraid that the ninjas in Guicun will also You won't agree?"

Although the third Raikage's face was full of anger, he did not stop the Great Elder from speaking.

"If I remember correctly, you were there when Tobima-sama brought us to sign the alliance..."

Mito Menyan looked at Elder Yun Yin's face, and said seriously.

"Yes, it's just that I'm getting old, and Mr. Yan is still in his prime..."

Elder Yun Yin said slowly: "The tragic past of the alliance has been completely overturned. Why does Mr. Yan bring up the old things again?"

"Is it because of this that Konoha can't fight Yun Yin?"

"...for peace!"

Mitomonyan was silent for a moment, but still gave a high-sounding answer: "Kunyin is already an unstable factor in the ninja world, and may even be the source of the next ninja world war. For the sake of peace, it must be restricted!"

"The reason for the dispute between Yunyin and Yuren is just to find the tail beast that has been lost for a long time, not to expand the sphere of influence!"

Third Raikage also interrupted in a deep voice.

The reason why, Mitomonyan naturally knows clearly.

But the problem is that his purpose is to fight the fire.

"There is no negotiation, only a signature."

Mitomonyan lowered his eyes and replied.

Even if it doesn't work, the Hokage faction can still gain the reputation of being a "hard-liner against Yun Yin", and can also use this to win the support of other swaying forces in the village, so why not do it?

"If Yunyin chooses to refuse, does Konoha mean to declare war?"

The third Raikage stood up slowly, walked up to Mitomon Yan and said.

"Master Raikage, if the mediation fails, then the two generals Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo will continue to talk with Yun Yin. As for the extent of the discussion and what consequences it will cause, it is not clear. Got it."

The shadow formed by the oppressive body of the third generation of Raikage completely enveloped Mitomonyan, but he was unafraid: "At that time...all the consequences caused by it will be borne by Yunyin!"

After uttering harsh words, Mito Monyan opened the door and left.

Lei Ying's office fell into dead silence.

"Three generations, are you ready?"

Elder Yun Yin paused lightly with his cane, breaking the silence in the office: "As the shadow of Yun Yin, it's time to show your decision!"

"...Tell Bruby to come back!"

The Third Raikage returned to his main seat and ordered: "Ai! This time you will be in command of the Ninja Army, take Bu Rubi and go south together!"

"Follow your orders!

Ai, the son of three generations of Raikage and the elite of Yunyin, stands out with his head held high.

"The ninja army goes straight into Tianzhi Country, but don't take the initiative to attack!"

Three generations of Raikage added.

"...As ordered."

Although Ai was a bit unwilling, he did not dare to disobey his father's will.

"I will try my best to find Kirigakure's main force in a short period of time and have a decisive battle. After Kirigakure is resolved, I will lead my troops south to fight Konoha to the death!"

"As ordered!"

A group of Yunyin held back his promise with a bang.


At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja garrison ushered in another unexpected envoy.

"Lord Deguang, I send my greetings to you by order of Lord Tsuchikage of this village!"

It turned out that it was Iwagakushi Ninja Demon Leech who was defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu in the War of the Country of Grass.

Although he was once demoted as a ninja due to his defeat in the war, the self-improvement Molee quickly returned to his original position by virtue of his excellent strength and merit.

"Welcome friends from Iwain."

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sanshoyu Hanzo sat firmly on the top of the Chinese army tent, looking down at Iwagakushi.

"Your Excellency Onoki sent your noble envoy here, presumably there is another purpose, please tell me about it."

"Master Tokumitsu, Your Excellency Hanzo..."

Mo Leech once again bowed to the two seated people: "This village knows that Konoha is willing to fight against Yunyin, the cancerous tumor in the ninja world, in order to help justice, so he also wants to help!"


Uchiha Tokumitsu was also happy.

Yanyin's uninvited arrival was indeed beyond his expectation.

But it's reasonable to think about it.

During the Second Ninja World War, the Land of Earth was invaded and plundered by Yun Yin's army. Even Ohnogi himself led the ninja army to fight, but he could only barely resist Yun Yin's attack by taking advantage of the geographical advantage, and he was basically in a state of beating throughout the process.

However, the war was suddenly negotiated under the mediation of daimyo from various countries, and Yunyin, who felt that he had not made enough money, receded sullenly, and Yanyin, who had been severely beaten, was still uneasy.

Now Konoha mobilized the ninja army to point the sword at Yunyin. After learning the information, Iwagakure felt like he had found a treasure, and quickly reported it to the three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi. After a round of closed-door meetings, Iwagakushi unanimously decided to participate in the first "international mediation in the ninja world" ", justice for Urenin!
As for the filth of Yanyin and Yuren in the Land of Rain, it is not worth mentioning at this time.

"Mr. Hanzo, it seems that there is still justice in the ninja world~"

Uchiha Tokuji Sansho Hanzo laughed.

"Righteousness rests in the heart!"

Sanshoyu Hanzo took it for granted.

"Yunyin has done many injustices and must be punished!"

The magic leech responded immediately.

"...It's not sanctions, it's mediation!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha pointed out his grammatical error.

 Today's update (1/2), Chapter 2 will be late, come back after dinner to continue~
(End of this chapter)

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