Chapter 222
"There is justice in the ninja world..."

After sending away the Iwain messenger Molee, Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

Sansho Hanzo also nodded in agreement.

Konoha and Yanyin took the initiative to uphold justice for the small Yuren village, and two big countries serve a small country, what a blessing this must be!

"But having said that, it's really not easy for Yun Yin to be so disgusted by gods and ghosts, and everyone screams~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu is naturally very happy to have strong support to join the "justice" camp.

Although he and Yan Yin had fought several times in the northern part of the country of grass, but now everyone chooses to stand in the same trench to deal with the annoying Yun Yin, so naturally those nasty things in the past will not be mentioned.

"Except for Rain Ninja Village and Taki Ninja Village, other small ninja kingdoms or small ninja villages have basically been plundered or bullied by Yunyin."

Sanshoyu Hanzo said: "Especially Xiaonin Village, which has the inheritance of secret arts, will be robbed or killed by Yunyin..."

"Unjust is doomed to destruction……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.


After Hatake Sakumo made a temporary inspection of the deployment of the Ninja Army under Sarutobi Shinnosuke in Tanokuni, he also returned to the northern border of the Fire Country to reconcile with Uchiha Tokumitsu, waiting for the mediation result of Mitomon Yan.

Since the envoy of Iwain arrived through the secret route arranged by Uchiha Fire Gate, Hatake Sakumo did not know that Iwain also intended to intervene in the mediation.

Therefore, when Uchiha Tokumitsu mentioned this to him, Hatake Sakumo was also very surprised.

"Could it be...there is justice in the ninja world?!"

Hatake Sakumo, who was blackened by Uchiha Toku's light pollution, suddenly believed in light and justice again.

"What, it's all because of interests."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, and explained: "Iwahiro and Yunyin have always been enemies, and if they have the opportunity to step on their opponents, it is not surprising to take the initiative to blend in."

"Having said that, this is also the first time that the great powers have teamed up to deal with a non-Konoha Dainin village."

Hatake Sakumo giggled.

Although Konoha did not have a large-scale battle with Yunyin in the Second Ninja World War, as early as when Hatake Sakumo was the commander of the northern border defense force, he had dealt with Yunyin many times, and the two sides also fought against each other. "Machine" in a physical sense.

Therefore, Hatake Sakumo also did not have any good feelings for Yunyin.

"Yunyin's desire to expand is too strong, and it really needs to be restricted."

Sanjiao Hanzo gloated.

Among the five major nations in the ninja world, Yun Yin of the Land of Thunder is the most annoying existence.

Other ninja villages only covet the fertile territory of the land of fire at most, but the land of thunder is different. He is very interested in both the land of earth and the land of water.

Except for Sand Yin, who was far in the southwest corner of the ninja world, who had dealt with Yun Yin, the other three major ninja villages had been harassed or even invaded by Yun Yin.

Even Yanyin, who is trapped in the highlands of the mountain gorge, has been attacked by Yunyin many times because of its rich production of various high-quality ores.

"Then take this opportunity to let the domineering Yunyin try the iron fist of justice!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said so.


In the next few days, Uchiha Tokumitsu urged the shogunate ninja army to conduct exercises and trials, so that the Guiyi ninja who was born in Kirigakure could quickly familiarize himself with the combat environment of the country of thunder; The new tactical joint performance was also successfully completed.

After many rounds of war precipitation, Uchiha Tokumitsu also formed a new set of ninja combat style.

Different from the squad system adopted by other major ninja villages, Tokumitsu Uchiha completely abandoned the refueling reserve combat method this time, and began to practice piercing operations.

As the most elite ninja forces, the Uchiha Ninja Army and the Kirigakure Ninja Clan under the shogunate will be individually selected to form the first combat echelon, which will undertake the sharp task of tearing apart the enemy's formation.

The ninja force under the eastern border defense force is the main combat force, organized into the second echelon, and launched an offensive to wipe out the enemy after the Uchiha ninja army tore through the enemy's formation.

The Konoha Ninja Allied Forces, as the third echelon, are mainly responsible for outflanking and encircling the two wings, harassing the garrison ninja troops on the target front from the flanks, and providing cover for the attack of the first combat echelon.

In this way, the most elite jounin forces are withdrawn from the complicated battles of annihilating the enemy, and are specially responsible for assault and beheading operations. As long as the first combat echelon of the vanguard can maintain the offensive, the offensive of the shogunate ninja army will be like a tsunami torrent overwhelming.

"The core of this tactic lies in how the first echelon can always maintain combat effectiveness..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo also personally participated in this drill, and gave his own opinion: "Even the most elite Uchiha ninja army, in the continuous and brutal battles, will inevitably lose their offensive capabilities due to large-scale battle attrition. "

"So I plan to let Shuo Maojun lead the first combat echelon on his behalf, and I will personally command the second echelon."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also expressed his thoughts.

Hatake Sakumo is best at penetrating defense operations, and he is perfect for commanding the small but capable first combat echelon.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's Huo Dun and Susano are both famous for their extremely wide coverage and huge lethality, and they are absolutely invincible when used to abuse food.

If the first combat echelon is blocked when it tears the enemy's first line of defense and is blocked, it will immediately retreat and cooperate with the second echelon to quickly complete the annihilation operation, and then jointly launch the next wave of offensive.

"It's still a little risky..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo thought for a while, then shook his head, "When this tactic is facing a strong enemy, it is easy to be outflanked by the enemy due to the setback of the attack..."

In particular, there is no reserve team in Uchiha Tokumitsu's tactical planning, so if something unexpected happens, it will test the combat awareness and cooperation of each ninja army.

"So I plan to ask Mr. Hanzo to lead the third combat echelon on his behalf to create a favorable environment for piercing operations."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled and said: "As long as the two wings can be stabilized, there will be no problem in cutting through and destroying the enemy in the middle."

"...It is not impossible to do so."

To be honest, Sanshoyu Hanzo was also tempted.

The Konoha Ninja Allied Forces is also an elite ninja army that has experienced the test of Kirigakure Conquest. Both in terms of personal combat power and cooperation, it is far superior to Urenin. To lead such a ninja army to fight, Sanjiao Hanzo naturally does not have reason for rejection.

And for him to cover the flanks is also an extremely simple matter. Basically, he only needs to summon the psychic beast Sanjiaoyu well to spray poisonous gas to stop a ninja army.

"Is there any news about the Mitomon advisor in your village?"

After observing the Ninja Army drill for a while, Sanshoyu Hanzo continued to ask.

"It should be soon..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha is also not sure, "However, Yan Yin will land on the northern peninsula of the Frost Country the day after tomorrow. I hope that Yun Yin can continue to be tough by then, otherwise he will lose a good opportunity to directly attack his homeland..."

"Isn't the Huomen shogunate going to directly participate in the war?"

Sansho Hanzo asked the question he was most concerned about.

Because the Rain Ninja Army under his command has been dispatched to Uchiha Fire Gate to accept command.

"I don't need it yet..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "Anyway, the battlefield of the Kingdom of Frost is also going to be handed over to Iwagakure, let them bite, and they will be dispatched when they attack the land of the Land of Thunder."

As for Sarutobi Shinnosuke's Sarutobi shogunate, Uchiha Tokumitsu did not mention it.

This time for the Ninja Army exercise, Uchiha Tokumitsu simply blocked the surrounding areas of the exercise area, while the periphery was completely laissez-faire.

Even if the cloud hidden spy came to try to peep, Uchiha Tokumitsu was just expelled.

The reason for doing this is that apart from improving the cooperation of the ninja army through the exercise, it is also deliberately conveying a message to Yun Yin, that is, the ninja army of the Tokuko shogunate is far more brave and good at fighting than the Sarutobi shogunate, and it is definitely not a person to be trifled with. combat objectives.

Then, if we discuss along this line of thought, among the three shogunate, the best soft persimmons are naturally the subordinates of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is already looking forward to Yun Yin's counterattack after the failure of mediation.

 Update today (2/2)~
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(End of this chapter)

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