Chapter 223
"I brought peace for decades to come, but Yunyin still chose war!"

When preparing to leave Yunyin, Mito Menyan said to Elder Yunyin who came to see him off.

After the talks in Raikage's office collapsed, Mitomonyan conducted several rounds of negotiations with the Yunyin factions, which also gave him the illusion that mediation was hopeful.

Although he was very unimpressed with this so-called mediation at the beginning, if Yunyin, who is known for his domineering, can be forced to submit under such harsh conditions, the reputation and prestige of the Hokage family will still be greatly improved.

It's just a pity that all of this is an illusion that Yun Yin can create, in order to buy time to mobilize the ninja army to go south.

However, Yan Yin sent three thousand soldiers into the northern part of the Frost Country, and after the news of spying on the Thunder Country across the sea reached Yun Yin, Yun Yin jumped up and down as if a frying pan had exploded.

The Yunyin who were still with Mitomon Yanxu and the snakes immediately stopped pretending, and turned into the most radical main combat faction one by one on the spot.

However, Mitomonyan, who had relatively little news, quickly contacted the northern shogunate of Sarutobi Shinnosuke through the psychic beast prepared in advance. While confirming the movement of Iwagakushi, he accidentally learned another piece of information——

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's northern shogunate started a small-scale outpost battle with the Yunyin Ninja Army going south in Tianzhi Country as early as two days ago.

In addition, according to the reconnaissance report, there are as many as [-] Yunyin going south.

As a result, intelligence from two different audiences completely tore up the barely maintained peace talks at the same time.

After learning the truth, Mitomonyan was naturally very angry, so he stopped staying and immediately led his troops to leave.

"This kind of peace is not what Yunyin wants..."

Elder Yun Yin shook his head, "No one would agree to such a harsh mediation condition, even the contemporary Raikage, if he signs such an agreement, then tomorrow there will be a new Master Raikage who will tear up the treaty and send out The call to war..."

"What about where?"

Mitomonyan, who felt that he had been tricked, said expressionlessly: "This is Konoha's will, and Yunyin can only accept it or not, but the fate brought about by this choice is also completely opposite."

After speaking, Mito Menyan led his troops to prepare to leave.

"Konoha's will?!"

The originally prudent Elder Yun Yin broke the defense on the spot: "When did Konoha be able to boss the mighty Yun Yin so brazenly?"

"War will tell you the answer!"

Mito Menyan left with a harsh word and left in an instant.

Elder Yunyin wanted to order Mitomen Yan to be arrested on the spot, but he couldn't make up his mind after all, he just watched Mito Menyan leave.

Konoha didn't intend to mediate in the first place...

Elder Yun Yin also understood.

But in the face of the next siege of the three major ninja villages, what should Yun Yin do?
Even if the attacking Konoha and Iwain were repelled for a while, wouldn't the two major ninja villages carry out a second mobilization besides these ninja troops who had already deployed at the border?

Once the war starts, no one knows how it will end.

For a long time, Yun Yin, who has been advocating the ideology of the militant faction internally and implementing expansionism externally, has also begun to taste the evil consequences of backlash...


With the entry of Iwagakure, Sarutobi Hiruzen III also adjusted his strategic goals in due course.

Originally, he only wanted to provoke the flames of war to consume Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo's troops directly under his command, but this time, he didn't intend to be a "ninja" hero anymore.

The private army of the Sarutobi clan that had been assembled immediately went north to join the shogunate of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

The Shimura clan, the Mitomon clan, and the Zanju clan also took out the ninja power at the bottom of the box and handed it over to the northern shogunate.

This time, Qiudao Fufeng didn't make any troubles again, and the Zhuludie clan also passed the internal decision to participate in the war very smoothly, and organized the family's ninja army to wait for the official order from the village.

The death of Senshou Feijian, the second generation, has not been forgotten by Akimichi Tokkaze.

Even the Hyuga clan organized a branch ninja team of 60 people, and sent them to the shogunate of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sarutobi Shinnosuke to fight.

This time, Konoha's ninja clans didn't have the slightest intention of fighting, and all of them were happy when they heard the battle, hoping to make a big profit for the family through the war.

No way, the Uchiha clan gained so much in the Kirigakure conquest, and all the Konoha ninjas saw it, and there was no envy.

Even if there is no chance of gaining the power to control the territory, everyone has the idea of ​​making a fortune through war.

In particular, Uchiha's attached ninjas became rich one by one after the war, which made those ninjas who were originally comparable to them especially envious and jealous.

Even a guy who has been reduced to the Uchiha clan can make a lot of money, so I can do it!

It was also under the influence of this kind of thinking that the Konoha ninja clan began to collectively submit a letter to the Hokage Building to advocate launching a war to avenge the second generation Senshou Feijian!
Even the Thousand Hands Clan, who had quietly accumulated strength behind closed doors, was alarmed.

Tsunade never expected that his uncle, who had been dead for decades, could still be erected as a torii for fuss at this time...

Of course, Yunyin's combat power is tyrannical, and he is definitely a formidable opponent that cannot be underestimated, but so what?

Kirigakure, who was conquered by the Tokumitsu shogunate, is best at restraining the ancestral fire escape lineage of the Uchiha clan!

But isn't he also defeated by the ninja sword of the Uchiha clan?
So, the Uchiha clan can do it, why not Hyuga\Sarutobi\Shimura\Inuzuka\Ikakacho?
You can't just admit that the Uchiha clan is much stronger than them, right?
Thus, in the frenzied atmosphere of the village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, disregarded Daimyo's secret objection, brazenly issued an order to mobilize the ninja army, officially turning Konoha into a state of war.

At the same time, led by Konoha, who is fanatical about war, Yan Yin also announced that he has entered a wartime state, and sent an additional 3000 ninja troops to Yan Yin who was stationed in the Frost Kingdom.

So far, the Yanyin Ninja Army assembled by the Frost Kingdom alone has [-] people, which has surpassed the [-] Yunyin Ninja Army that went south to deploy defenses.

And in the small buffer countries between the Land of Thunder and the Land of Fire, there are also three thousand ninja troops of Uchiha Tokumitsu and four thousand ninja troops of Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

In addition, Konoha's follow-up reinforcements are also rushing to the front line continuously, and the strength comparison between the two sides is still widening the distance.

Bu Rubi and Ai, who led the army to the south, were completely paralyzed.

Although they have enough confidence in the strength of their own ninja army, they are not arrogant enough to ignore such a large strength gap and stubbornly insist on having the confidence to win.

Don't forget, there are also Kirigakures on the eastern and northern coasts of the Land of Thunder that are constantly attacking day and night, holding back nearly half of the Kumogakure's forces.

But even if they repeatedly sent messages back to the village to ask for help, what was waiting was only the order of the third generation of Raikage to stick to it and wait for help.

The third generation of Raikage is still firmly implementing the original battle plan, that is, to find the main force of Kirigakure in a short time, and strive to make a final decision through a big battle, and deter the Konoha and Iwagakure ninja troops in the south.


"War is inevitable..."

In the camp of the Ninja Army of the Tokumitsu Shogunate, Uchiha Tokumitsu sighed.

Just after Sarutobi Hiruzen issued the mobilization order for the ninja army, Tokumitsu Uchiha ordered his ninja army to scout the ninjas and kill them into the territory of the land of thunder, so as to detect the reality of the Yunyin defense line.

And the three major combat echelons that implemented the piercing tactics also entered the established positions, ready to launch a thunderous blow.

The northern part of the Ninja Continent is once again covered with clouds of war, and the war is imminent.

At such a tense juncture, Hyuga Hizashi led the Hyuga branch ninjas who participated in the war to arrive at Uchiha Tokumitsu's shogunate camp.

For the second son of the Hyuga patriarch and the future head of the branch family, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still very polite.

"This is the first time Konoha has waged war against other Dainin villages..."

Hinata Hizai sighed.

Under his supercilious eyes, Uchiha Tokumitsu's army layout can be seen at a glance. Although he is not good at leading the ninja army in combat, he can still judge Uchiha Tokumitsu's combat intentions through Chakra fluctuations.

"General Deguang intends to defeat Yunyin in a single battle?"

Hinata Risai asked humbly.

"The established combat objectives are planned in this way, but the battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee that everything will go as smoothly as the pre-war deduction."

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was relatively modest, his expression was full of pride.

He pointed to the hill in front of him and said: "There is still some elite forces of the Uchiha clan here, they will do everything they can to tear through Yun Yin's defense line like the sharpest blade, and bring me the desired victory! "

A generation of heroes, ninja world clothed martial arts...

Day by day, I can't help but be fascinated.

Although the hills in front of me looked like an ordinary forest landform in the north, the ninja soldiers of the Tokko Shogunate had been lurking in it for a long time.

In his eyes, he also found a ninja with special equipment and chakra fluctuations. Through the iconic gas mask and the sickle weapon, it can be known that it is the half of the rain ninja who once shocked the ninja world. Kami Sansan pepper fish Hanzo...

Even characters like Sanshoyu Hanzo participated in the battle under Uchiha Tokumitsu...

The more you look at the difference between the sun and the sun, the more frightened you become.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's subordinates are naturally not entirely composed of Uchiha clansmen. Except for a small number of elite clansmen, most of the ninjas are ordinary Konoha ninjas, and there are also a small number of Kirigakure Guiyi ninjas.

Today, these ninjas of different backgrounds and strengths are united under Uchiha's tuanfan, and as long as their master gives an order, they can launch a huge offensive like a tsunami.

Hinata Hinata judged based on the chakra fluctuations of the ninja army. It is not difficult to see that most of these ninjas are not as good as the thirty Hyuga branch ninjas brought by him.

But so what?
The number of people can erase the gap in strength.

What's more, the current Hyuga clan does not have the extraordinary powerhouse who can urge Susano to fight against a thousand like Uchiha Tokumitsu...

And it is these mediocre ninjas, under the double encouragement of the Tokuko Shogunate's spirit and material, burst out with extraordinary fighting will and desire to win, and brought the Tokuko Shogunate victory after victory.

"The strength gap between the two families is so huge..."

Only when he witnessed the ninja army fighting in formation with his own eyes, did Hyuga Hinata understand the power gap between the two families.

Even though the contemporary Hyuga clan head has changed the traditional closed-door style and started to conclude an alliance with the Konoha ninja clan, the strength of the Hyuga clan still seems so weak in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, who is inclusive of all rivers...

"The Hyuga Clan must change, and can only change!"

Hyugahi couldn't help touching the iron forehead guard on his forehead.

Under the cold forehead and bandages, there is an "open secret" that he can't let go of.

"Lord Deguang!"

A figure came from a distance and knelt down on one knee in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Hyuga recognized at a glance that this was a Hyuga clansman, and he was also a branch ninja he knew.

"Xiuhong Jonin, how is the situation on the front line?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"The reconnaissance team successfully completed the mission! Confirm that Yunyin's secret sentry has been completely cleared!"

Hinata Shuhiro ignored the nobles of the Hyuga family next to him, and reported to Uchiha Tokumitsu in a fanatical tone: "The shogunate's marching route is now completely unimpeded!"

This was the first time Hinata Higashi heard Hinata Shuhiro, who was always cautious and respectful in the family, speak in such an enthusiastic and high-spirited tone.

"very good!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu praised with satisfaction: "I remember your contribution! The shogunate will not forget your contribution!"

"Send me the position of the Uzumaki Clan, and let the Rocket Troops get ready!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a Kunai with a special imprint and handed it to Shuhiro Hinata.

Hinata Shuhiro took the token from Uchiha Tokumitsu with both hands with a solemn expression, nodded again and left instantly.

Hinata Hinata who stood still was a little embarrassed.

"General Deguang... what is the rocket force?"

In order to break the embarrassing situation, Hinata Hinata picked up a random topic and asked.

"A cluster detonator powered by fire chakra~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in an unusually cheerful tone: "Each rocket is filled with [-] detonating symbols, which are mainly used for attacking tough battles."

Hinata Hinata's heart moved, and he remembered the special torpedo made by the shogunate that once shined brilliantly in the Kirigakure conquest...

"It's similar to a torpedo, except that the rocket is launched on the ground and glides in the air to bomb the target, so there are relatively few detonators to load~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also saw Hinata Hizashi's thoughts, so he took the initiative to explain.

"This is the gap..."

Hyuga Hizashi nodded with a half-understanding, and sighed inwardly.

In addition to the peripheral ninja forces, in terms of the development and utilization of ninja tools, the Hyuga Clan is also far behind the Uchiha Clan who use detonating charms to perfection...

One step behind means one step behind.

"...Is that the rocket?"

Hyuga Hizashi asked while pointing at the pointed cylinders that were being erected not far away.

When he scanned the position with his white eyes, he thought it was just some kind of weapon storage tool.

"Yes, but this type of rocket is only an experimental model, and it still has some shortcomings. Currently, this type of rocket can only rely on the tail fins for ballistic correction, and it has no guidance function~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said modestly.

Even so, it was enough to make Hinata and Sari feel shocked.

"Richa-kun, why don't you fight with me~"

Tokumitsu Uchiha sent an invitation to Hinata Nisashi, "Let us feel the earth-shaking war together!"

 Today is the last day of the double monthly pass, please ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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