Chapter 230
Hunting tailed beasts has been an extremely dangerous thing since ancient times.

So Sarutobi Shinnosuke threatened before going into battle, "As long as the tailed beast doesn't look at the number of casualties."

Although these words are very cold-blooded, they also express his determination to catch the tail beast at any cost.

Even the 36 Sarutobi clansmen who worked together to set up the barrier were so shocked by the power of the Tailed Beast Jade that they fell to the ground vomiting blood when the barrier was broken, Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't take a second look.

Even if the Nara ninja who used the shadow restraint technique to limit the movement of the eight-tailed bull ghost was forced to break free from the shackles of the secret technique, he was counterattacked by ninjutsu. The ape demon was seriously injured by the eight-tailed bull ghost and returned to the settlement of psychic beasts...

Sarutobi Shinnosuke remained unmoved.

And the ninjas of the Yamanaka clan who linked the various ninja troops to attack the ninja army through spiritual magic were all frightened.

The speed at which the personnel of each ninja squadron was damaged in battle was simply shocking.

However, according to Sarutobi Shinnosuke's order before the war, the Yamanaka tribe was only responsible for serving as the central liaison officer to pass down orders, and did not need to report the battle damage situation upwards, so as not to shake the commander's determination.

"The power of the tailed's too terrifying..."

In the spiritual network of the Yamanaka Clan, the Yamanaka ninjas are panicked.

"Master Shinnosuke is too cold-blooded..."

"Sealing seal!"

After another group of Sarutobi shogunate ninja soldiers were driven back by the eight-tailed bull ghost's tail, several red chakra ropes successfully wrapped around the huge body of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

Then, under the control of the sealing class, another chakra rope caught the eight-tailed bull ghost's hind hooves.

"very good!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately cheered up.

The attack regardless of casualties is for this moment!
Sealing technique is a magical ninjutsu system that can make a big difference with a small amount.

Although this ninjutsu system is not widely spread in the ninja world due to the high threshold of practice and harsh conditions of use, no one will deny the power and function of the sealing technique.

It's just that the effect of the sealing technique requires prerequisites.

The Seal of Tail Sealing technique is based on the principle of King Kong's blockade in the Uzumaki Cheats that fell into the hands of the Sarutobi clan. Several ordinary ninjas jointly output chakra to form a rope to restrain the actions of giant enemies, and bind them for subsequent ninjutsu strikes and seals.

However, the speed of the chakra rope formed by the sealing method is relatively slow, and it is impossible for a single chakra rope to restrain the tailed beast, so Sarutobi Shinnosuke also emptied the sealing squad under his command and put them all into the battlefield.

"Thunder plow crash!"

The eight-tailed bull ghost quickly twisted its body, waving a pair of horns to push away the flying chakra ropes one by one, and the eight tails also flew all over the sky, blocking or bouncing ninjutsu one after another.

For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sansho Hanzo in the distance also watched very seriously.

The method of the Sarutobi shogunate to capture the tail beast and Uchiha Tokumitsu's battle against the eight-tailed Jinchuriki are completely different.

Uchiha Tokumitsu relies on his personal tyrannical combat power to be tough, and uses illusion to shake the connection between the sealed tailed beasts of Jinchuriki, which is pure force to subdue.

And Sarutobi Shinnosuke's arresting method is more equivalent to the ancient human beings hunting fierce beasts with tools, relying on ingenious arrangements and taking human lives to slow down the actions of tailed beasts.

"It seems that it makes sense for Konoha to become the number one ninja village in the ninja world..."

Sanshoyu Hanzo took the initiative and said, "Urenin really can't achieve such a bloody style of play."

"It's just a pity for these brave ninjas."

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned.

In the distance, the bombardment of high-level ninjutsu made the eight-tailed bull ghost unable to stabilize his figure, that is, he couldn't continue to gather chakra to send out the tailed beast jade, and he couldn't break free from the shackles of the chakra rope.

And the ninja army of the Sarutobi shogunate couldn't completely trap the eight-tailed bull ghost for the next stage of sealing, so it could only continue to consume like this.

But the problem is that the chakra of the tailed beast is theoretically unlimited. As long as the output of chakra does not exceed a certain threshold in a short period of time, the tailed beast can fight infinitely.

If Sarutobi Shinnosuke's subordinates can support enough chakra ropes to entangle the eight-tailed bull ghosts for sealing, then all sacrifices are worthwhile.

At most, Uchiha Tokumitsu went on stage and beheaded the tied tailed beast.

If there is no way to completely trap the tail beast, then the ninjutsu output of the Sarutobi Ninja Army will not last long.

And seeing such a situation, I don't know how long the two sides will remain in a stalemate.

It seems that we still have to add fire to them...

Uchiha Tokumitsu touched his chin, thinking so.

"Hisaku-kun... please inform the Ninja Army behind me."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Hinata Hikari at the tree trunk at his feet.


Hinata and Risai responded immediately.

Afterwards, Hinata Hinata took out a command flag from his arms and waved it towards the back.

And Hyuga Ninja, who was observing the movement ahead in real time, noticed the command flag on the front line, and immediately sent the message further back.

Afterwards, the Ninja Army of the Deguang Shogunate, tens of miles away, moved up and killed them all.

And the movement of hundreds of elite ninja soldiers was detected by the sensory ninjas of the Sarutobi shogunate even though the distance was tens of miles away.

"Master Shinnosuke, a large number of ninja troops are approaching quickly from the northeast!"

The perception ninja rushed to report to Sarutobi Shinnosuke.

"Explore quickly!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke became anxious when he heard it!

Although his ninja army didn't completely gain the upper hand, it still suppressed the eight-tailed bull ghost to a certain extent, and was looking for an opportunity to complete the seal of the tailed beast!
If the ninja army of the Tokumitsu shogunate rushed over at this time, the "peach" cultivated so hard by the Sarutobi ninja army might become the possession of the Uchiha clan!

"Order the second reserve team to move to the north and block all who come!"

Furious and anxious, Sarutobi Shinnosuke ordered: "Anyone who trespasses in the war zone stopped!"

He originally wanted to say that all trespassers would be killed, but after thinking about it, the ninja army under his command didn't seem to be Uchiha's opponent...

"The first reserve team, follow me!"

After ordering the relevant matters, Sarutobi Shinnosuke no longer hesitated, and personally led the final reserve team to rush forward, personally participating in the battle with the eight-tailed bull ghost.

"I'm in a hurry~ He's in a hurry!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was observing the battle situation, was also happy.

"What an impatient young man..."

Sansho Hanzo shook his head again and again.

As the commander of a ninja army, it is really unreasonable to be disrupted by Uchiha Tokumitsu's tricks.

What's more, he also dispatched his ninja army to the north to try to stop it... This is even more self-defeating.

According to Uchiha Tokumitsu, it was Sarutobi Shinnosuke who already had a way to die.

"It's not necessarily because he can't hold his breath, it's just that he thinks too much about tailed beasts."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was very cheerful: "After all, it's too uncomfortable to ask for something close at hand, and it's reasonable to make some stupid moves..."

"So it seems that the lesson of Danzo going into battle but being seriously injured is not enough. As a dignified shogun, the little monkey actually led his subordinates to die. I don't know whether he is brave or brainless..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's comments are quite vicious.

Sansho Hanzo was a little embarrassed to hear that.

Because Shimura Danzo was seriously injured by him on the eastern battlefield of the Land of Rain.

"...Master Tokumitsu, may I ask what is wrong with Shinnosuke's move?"

Hinata Hinza couldn't help but asked: "You have also experienced the battlefield frequently, and you have made great military exploits because of it, but why do you comment on Shinnosuke leading the ninja army to attack?"

Although Hinata Hizai didn't directly say the word "double standard", his tone showed such meaning.


Uchiha Tokumitsu glanced at Hinata Hinata in surprise.

Even Sansho Hanzo, who didn't even look directly at him, looked down at Hinata Hinata.

"Excuse me... is there something wrong with my question?"

Immediately after Hinata Hizai asked the previous sentence, he began to feel regretful.

According to Konoha's rumors, Uchiha Tokumitsu is extremely narrow-minded, and usually has a lot of calculations. If I ask him so directly, I might annoy this red eye!

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's really surprising that Mr. Risai asked such a question."

Of course there is a problem!

Dula has been by his side for a long time, but he hasn't been inspired like ordinary ninjas. This can only be said that the self-restraint of the Hyuga clan's mind cage is more stubborn than that of a bird in a cage!

"Actually, the reason is very simple..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained patiently: "Because I am much stronger than the little monkeys of the Sarutobi family, even if I go to the battle in person, not many people can cause harm to me, and the ninja army under my command is not bad. Well-trained, basically I don’t need to participate in specific commands too much, so I will play in person when my hands are itchy.”

"...Is that so?"

Hinata Hizashi did not expect Uchiha Tokumitsu's answer to be so direct.

But looking at the way Sanshoyu Hanzo nodded again and again, he also knew that Uchiha Tokumitsu came here to deliberately fool without saying anything.

At this time, the reserve team assigned to go north in the Sarutobi Shogunate Ninja Army also stopped not far away, not daring to approach the woods where Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sanshoyu Hanzo were.


Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help shaking his head for these heartless Sarutobi Ninja Army.

"The monkey clansmen are really rude, don't you think so, Richa-kun~"


"Fire Escape Fire Dragon Fire Bomb!"

"Fire Escape·Ash Accumulation and Burning Technique!"

After the reserve team led by Sarutobi Shinnosuke joined the roundup of the tailed beasts, they quickly used ninjutsu to temporarily suppress the vitality of the eight-tailed bull ghosts, and placed them in the burning and smoldering of high-temperature smoke and dust.

"Lei Dun: Sixteen Pillars of Binding Technique!"

"Fire Escape - The Art of Uncooked Burning!"

Then the eight-tailed ox ghost was trapped by the barrier formed by Thunder Dun, and the flame of the biscuit burning technique continued to burn on the body of the tailed beast.

It's just that the chakra rope that originally restrained the eight-tailed bull ghost was also broken away or accidentally injured a few sections.

"Prepare the Four Elephant Seal!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke didn't care about anything else, blushing and ordered.

Then another team of ninjas from the sealing class removed the chakra rope of the sealing seal, and stepped forward to prepare the magic circle of the four-element seal.

As the sealing spells spread like tadpoles, the eight-tailed ox ghost trapped in the sixteen-pillar barrier of Thunder Dun became more merry.

"Master Shinnosuke, you are ready!"

Shinobi from the sealing class said to Sarutobi Shinnosuke: "It's just that the exhaustion of the tailed beasts in the battle did not meet expectations, and the effect of the sealing technique will be reduced, and there may be some risks..."

In his hand was a pot made of Chakra metal, which was the sealed ninja tool that was made in advance and intended to be used to imprison the tailed beast.

"How high is the chance of failure?"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke asked anxiously.

He had already given up on his original plan, and at this moment he could no longer tolerate even the slightest possibility of failure.

"I can't tell...the main reason is that the strength of the sealed ninja may not be able to restrain a tailed beast in such a state..."

Ren in the sealing class replied in a low voice.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's eyelids twitched, and the anxiety in his heart almost turned into flames.

"Is there any way to increase the chance of a successful seal?"

"...just continue to attack and consume the power of the tailed beast as planned."

"Aren't you talking nonsense!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke became even more angry.

He naturally knew that the chance of successfully sealing according to the original plan was higher, but the problem was that Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja army was about to arrive, and he didn't want to make wedding clothes for others in vain!

Even if someone has been sent to stop it, but whether it can be stopped, whether Uchiha Tokumitsu will give this face, in fact, he has no expectations.

"...The subordinate will do his best."

Shinobi in the sealing class didn't dare to quibble, and mainly said: "We can't find a candidate for Jinjuriki in a short time..."

"Human Pillar Power!"

When Sarutobi Shinnosuke heard the words, his mind suddenly moved, and his face became serious: "Check whether my compatibility is suitable!"

"grown ups……"

Shinobu in the sealing class was stunned immediately.

Being Injurik is no fun.

Not to mention that Renzhuli is regarded as a monster and repells discrimination. According to the practice of Ninja Village, Renzhuli is destined not to be able to become the real high-level of the village, and will only be treated as a dangerous ultimate weapon. Be on high alert to prevent the tailed beast from running amok and causing damage.

Furthermore, the Eight-Tails was one of the tailed beasts assigned to Yunyin in the first generation. Such a blatant plunder will inevitably cause controversy among ninja countries afterwards...

Sarutobi Shinnosuke's strength is not weak, and he is also the best among Konoha Ninja, there is really no need to take such a risk!

"an examination!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke ordered in a firm tone.

The sealing class couldn't bear to say more, and quickly activated the sealing circle to extract a trace of the remaining tailed beast chakra, injecting it into Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body for observation.

"Fitness 70.00%..."

The seal class answered hesitantly.

That is, there is a [-]% chance of failure...

And this kind of fit is actually a little higher than ordinary people, and the follow-up tail beast control is also a big problem.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke ripped off the jonin vest on his body, and walked into the center of the sealing circle without saying a word.

"grown ups……"

Shinobu in the sealing class is still hesitant.

"Execute the seal!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke ordered in an unquestionable tone.

He was also rushed.

Uchiha Tokumitsu is under too much pressure.

The reason why he chose to become Renzhuli himself is because he really doesn't want to fail.

Although he didn't ask his subordinates to report the number of casualties, Shinnosuke Sarutobi estimated that the casualties of the ninja army had already exceeded [-]...

You know, this is the core elite force of the Hokage series!

In addition, if he sacrificed himself as Jinchuriki, even if Uchiha Tokumitsu arrived, he would not dare to extract the tailed beast from his body!
"As ordered!"

Ren in the sealing class stopped arguing, and immediately rushed back to his position to activate the sealing seal.


Uchiha Tokumitsu in the distance also noticed the change in front of him.

Although his Sharingan was not as far-sighted as the Hyuga Clan's white eyes, he still made a rough guess.

"really not bad……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled and said, "There is still Masao in the Shinobi family..."

And really strong.


"Activate the seal!"

Following Ninja's order from the sealing class, one after another tadpole curse seals spread towards the Thunder Dun sixteen-pillar barrier.

Then the curse seal wound around the body of the eight-tailed bull ghost in the barrier.

At this time, the eight-tailed bull ghost seemed to give up struggling, and began to stare at the sealing circle outside the barrier with a pair of bull's eyes.

"Four elephant seals seal!"

Following the order of Shinobi from the sealing class, the curse seal quickly covered every part of the eight-tailed bull ghost from bottom to top.


Seeing that the progress was going very smoothly, the sealing class became excited.

The sixteen-pillar barrier of Thunder Dungeon was also removed.

Under the effect of the curse seal, the eight-tailed bull ghost was compressed smaller and smaller, and pulled towards Sarutobi Shinnosuke in the middle of the magic circle.

A swirling seal symbol emerged from Sarutobi Shinnosuke's abdomen.


Although the eight-tailed bull ghost looked dull, the hatred in his heart was surging like a tsunami.


The ninja of the sealing class gave another order, and the curse seal binding the eight-tailed bull ghost rotated rapidly, and its size was suppressed to be smaller, and it flew towards the abdomen of Sarutobi Shinnosuke under the influence of the vortex.

It looks like it will be a success!
"Octopus Foot Substitution Technique!"

Just when the miniature tailed beast's head was about to fly into Sarutobi Shinnosuke's abdomen, the eight tails of the eight-tailed bull ghost all broke off, and the body bound by dense curse marks also replaced one of the tails!

And the curse seal that originally bound the tail was quickly broken by his body and dissipated!
"not good!"

Sarutobi Shinnosuke immediately felt bad!
Then a tail of beast tails flew into the sealing barrier in its abdomen, and the tailless body of the eight-tailed bull ghost immediately swelled!


With a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth, "Tailless" Bull Demon raised his hoof and stomped Sarutobi Shinnosuke into the ground.

"Prepare to seal the seal!"

Shinobu from the sealing class immediately exclaimed.

But it was too late.

"Savage Clash!"

The "tailless" bull ghost bound by the chakra rope without sealing technique raised its horns and rushed into the panicked Sarutobi ninja army.


"I think... at this time, you should stop trying to stop me, right?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Sarutobi Ninja Army not far away with a smile.

Faced with such a change, Sarutobi Ninja Army's intention to serve as Jonin also fell into chaos.

"Mr. Hanzo, I still have to trouble you to clean up the mess with me~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu ignored a group of Sarutobi idiots and said to Sanshoyu Hanzo.

"It's really hard work..."

Sansho Hanzo snorted coldly, jumped up with Uchiha Tokumitsu, and rushed towards the eight-tailed bull ghosts who were raging and killing.

 I will start working all night at eleven o'clock, so I can only change it once today, and I will renew it twice tomorrow. Please forgive me~
  By the way, ask for a ticket~ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommended ticket
(End of this chapter)

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