Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 231 Master Deguang is Kind-hearted

Chapter 231 Master Deguang is Kind-hearted
"I love fighting!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said so.

And the "tailless version" of the eight-tailed bull ghost who is killing wantonly has also noticed Uchiha Tokumitsu's arrival.

As for the other "little shrimp" Sansho Hanzo next to Tokumitsu Uchiha, because he has never dealt with him before, the eight-tailed bull ghost selectively ignored him.

"Evil Uchiha with red eyes!"

Eight-tailed bull ghost habitually flicked its hips, trying to swagger its tail to drive away those Sarutobi shogunate ninja troops to fight against Uchiha Tokumitsu with all their strength.

It was only after twisting that he realized that his tail had already been broken during the octopus foot substitute technique, and it was also sealed into Sarutobi Shinnosuke's body.


The eight-tailed bull ghost, who was still angry, continued to grind his hooves, and helped Shinnosuke Sarutobi who was lying on the bottom of his feet loosen his muscles and bones, then lowered his head, showed his horns, and rushed towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

At the same time, the bull's mouth also began to condense chakra, ready to give Uchiha Tokumitsu a tailed beast jade.

"Naive Minotaur..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, and began to make mudras with his hands in a rare way, and the kaleidoscope Sharingans in his eyes also spun rapidly.

"Savage Clash!"

The pair of horns of the eight-tailed bull ghost became bigger, longer and sharper under the action of the highly condensed chakra, and swung towards Uchiha Tokumitsu and Sansho Hanzo.

"Kaleidoscopic Pupil Technique·God Emperor Produces Spirit Venerable!"

"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu bulged his mouth, and suddenly sprayed four dark purple flame dragons at the eight-tailed bull ghost, attacking simultaneously from four directions: up, down, left, and right.

Then with a wave of his left hand, Huo Guangzun flew out with a swaying body, and accompanied by the four flame escape ninjutsu, Yan Long, struck towards the pair of horns of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

Perhaps it was the fire dragon that triggered the memory of being burned by Yandu during the battle between the jinchuriki posture and Uchiha Tokumitsu. The eight-tailed bull ghost dodged to the right, trying to avoid the fire dragon's direct attack.

But high-level ninjutsu is not so easy to dodge.

The five fire dragons then turned around and slammed into the body of the tailed beast fiercely.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A series of four extremely loud explosions knocked the eight-tailed bull ghost to the ground viciously.

And the Huoguang Zun took the opportunity to wrap around the back of the eight-tailed bull ghost, and began to bite, strangle, and burn at high temperature.


The eight-tailed ox ghost was thrown to the ground and rolled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles and strangulation of Huo Guangzun.

The Sarutobi shogunate ninja army not far away couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

Although the Dragon Flame Singing Art is one of the secret fire escape secrets within the Uchiha clan, the Konoha ninjas, especially the Naruto clan, have more or less a certain understanding of this art—the ability to control such a huge tailed beast Hitting someone who is knocked to the ground is definitely not something that B-level ninjutsu can do!

"Is the pupil technique effect of Kaleidoscope Sharingan..."

The Nara staff officer of the Sarutobi shogunate's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

After careful consideration, Staff Nara was shocked suddenly, and then remembered that he had forgotten an important thing!

"Not good! Forget Shinnosuke-sama!"

So he quickly waved his hand to recruit a group of ninjas, and ran towards the big hole stepped by the eight-tailed bull ghost.


"...Isn't that enough?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu landed on the ground not far in front of the bull ghost, looked at the howling eight-tailed bull ghost and said.

"Your acting skills are too bad. Huo Guangzun has been tossing for so long and still hasn't burned your body, which means that the damage you received is not serious."

"And... the dark red chakra ball in your mouth should be the tailed beast jade, right? Are you trying to slap me at close range?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help laughing: "No wonder Madara-sama described the tailed beast as a beast with a brain, not an intelligent creature. I thought it was just prejudice, but from this point of view, this kind of clumsy enemy luring technology is really useless. What wisdom is there..."

"Uchiha Madara..."

The eight-tailed bull ghost who had been punctured by a single word simply scattered the tailed beast jade in his mouth.

"What? Don't plan to sneak attack at close range? I'm standing right in front of your eyes~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a joke, and then signaled Huo Guangzun to slow down the strangulation a little bit.

"Red-eyed brat! Are you going to treat me like Uchiha Madara enslaved Kyuubi?"

The eight-tailed ox ghost grinned and said.

"What you want to say...is Indra?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile.


Eight-tailed bull ghost stared at Uchiha Tokumitsu with a pair of bull eyes: "You must know something!"

"Maybe, who knows~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was noncommittal.

"You think I'll give in to you for that?"

The eight-tailed bull ghost stuck out its tongue, and licked away a stream of flames from its lower jaw: "The flames of Yin Dun...It really smells like that arrogant guy Indra..."

"...your belly is already glowing."

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to the body of the eight-tailed bull ghost, "Although I know you won't give in so easily, but it's so obvious...is it a bit insulting to other people's IQ?"

The eight-tailed bull ghost couldn't help but turned to look at his belly.

On the dark red body, something was brewing in the abdomen, and it was emitting light.

As long as you are not blind, you can tell at a glance that the eight-tailed ox ghost is brewing a trick with malicious intentions!

"...Being sealed for decades, the combat wisdom has begun to decline."

The eight-tailed ox ghost explained without changing his expression.

Afterwards, the radiance of its abdomen gradually faded away, but it continued to fluctuate.

Huo Guangzun, who is connected with Uchiha Tokumitsu, also tightened his body and continued to strangle.

"Is this little bug your creation?"

The eight-tailed bull ghost looked back at the Huo Guangzun wrapped around his body again, "How could he create such a wise creature without reaching the realm of yin and yang escape..."

"Also, you are not the reincarnation of Indra or Asura..."

The eight-tailed bull ghost glanced up and down at Uchiha Tokumitsu: "You are not a normal Uchiha..."

"Are you ready?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu did not continue to talk nonsense with the eight-tailed bull ghost, but asked directly.

"Ha ha……"

The eight-tailed ox ghost opened its mouth wide and roared to the sky: "The tailed beast swears not to be a slave!"

Then a ball of ink gushed out from the nostrils, turning into a black curtain and heading towards Uchihad's mask.

"Tips for carving insects!"

Uchiha Deguang stepped on the ground and jumped back, and at the same time formed a mudra with his left hand.

"Huo Dun · head hard!"

A small fireball spewed out from the mouth, and then quickly turned into a sea of ​​flames and burned towards the black ink.

"Break free!"

The eight-tailed bull ghost took the opportunity to roll over on the spot, disrupting Huo Guangzun's winding and strangling.

Then his body suddenly shrank, and he escaped from Huoguang Zun's siege with a "whoosh".

At the same time, he waved a pair of horns and rushed towards Uchiha Tokuka against the burning sea of ​​fire.

"What a brainless tailed beast..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes accelerated the rotation speed again.


The dark purple chakra demon statue burst out, waving a pair of giant palms to grab the sharp horns of the eight-tailed bull ghost.


Susano almost slid back under the huge impact force of the tailed beast's body.

Afterwards, the eight-tailed ox ghost opened its mouth wide and aimed at Susano's chest, where Uchiha Tokumitsu was.

An extremely condensed chakra that is rotating at high speed, like a black hole, is about to come out.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath.

The pupil power in the eyes gushes out quickly, and quickly squeezes the chakra in the body.


Susanoo's double ribs grew a pair of arms again, and quickly condensed chakra in the palm.

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

The newborn's two arms ruthlessly stuffed two pieces of Yasaka Qionggouyu into the mouth of the eight-tailed ox ghost, and at the same time worked together up and down to forcefully close the upper and lower jaws of the eight-tailed ox ghost.


Uchiha Tokumitsu thought silently.


An extremely dull voice sounded from the mouth of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

Then his body began to overflow with dark red chakra.


The eight-tailed ox ghost that had been caught by its horns and mouth let out a wail, its hooves went limp, and its huge body collapsed to the ground.

Compared with the renjuriki form, although the wild tailed beasts are more powerful, they seriously lack the necessary combat wisdom and ninjutsu application methods. In the face of experienced and cunning ninjas, they have suffered a lot of dark losses.

But it was the first time that the condensed tailed beast jade exploded in his mouth.

Huo Guangzun once again took the opportunity to intensify the strangulation, and the flames of Yan Dun also restrained and refined the scattered Tailed Beast Chakra.


Uchiha Tokumitsu let out a long sigh of relief, and dispersed Susano.

The oppression caused by the incomplete Susano's almost complete body just barely condensed was too serious.

But in this way, it can be regarded as a breakthrough in the realm of death, and the mastery of the kaleidoscope Sharingan can also be improved again.

"Do you want to die?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his hand to wipe away the black blood and tears from his eyes, and asked.

It seems that the corpse of Bai Jue in his hand has to be used as soon as possible...

I just don’t know how the research and development of the small cell centrifuge at the Vortex Research Institute is going. A lot of money has been spent, and a lot of weapons have been built, but the centrifuge equipment that Uchiha Tokumitsu cares about most and is the most important has not been successfully developed.

Perhaps it is necessary to introduce an "advanced" professional title evaluation system, and formulate research personnel's research projects and funding quotas according to their professional titles.

Uchiha Tokumitsu blinked his sore eyes, and looked at the eight-tailed bull ghost who was detonated in the body of Tailed Beast Jade and was dying.

"Uchiha! My uncle will not give in!"

The eight-tailed ox ghost panted heavily, and said in a low voice.

"I don't care..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled: "On the contrary, I will give you the freedom you want!"


The eight-tailed ox ghost does not know why.

The Huoguang Zun entwined on it accelerated the refining speed of the Tailed Beast Chakra.

It's just that the scattered tailed beast chakra is not even a drop in the bucket for the eight-tailed bull ghost.

"If it wasn't for the fact that I lost my tail due to the conspiracy, I would never have lost to you! Moreover, Yun Yin would never accept losing two tailed beasts, they will definitely fight you forever!"

It's clear that the eight-tailed bull ghost doesn't believe in the freedom that Uchiha Tokumitsu said it was given.

"It's really rare for a tailed beast that claims to be free and unrestrained to have such emotions for its captured and imprisoned enemies..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu wiped the remaining blood and tears in the corner of his eyes again, "It seems that the function of the real waterfall in Turtle Island is not just as simple as seeing the real self..."


The eight-tailed bull ghost stared at Uchiha Tokumitsu with huge bull eyes, unable to speak.

"I said, if I want to give you freedom, I will definitely let you be free!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu jumped onto the bull's head of the eight-tailed bull ghost, looking at the huge bull's eyes: "As I said, even the Sage of the Six Paths can't stop it!"

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu stretched out his right hand and pressed it on the forehead of the eight-tailed bull ghost.

The purple flame chaser chakra burst out, spinning rapidly to form a chakra vortex.

"You are crazy!"

The eight-tailed ox ghost was also dumbfounded, it was going to kill it!

"It's okay, the tail beast will be resurrected after death~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said kindly: "You just die first. Anyway, after a few years, you will be resurrected and be a good tailed beast again. How good it is..."

"As expected, anyone with red eyes is a lunatic!"

The eight-tailed ox ghost roared.

"After the tail beast is revived, it will lose part of its memory. I hope you can just forget about the unhappiness with Yunyin and become a carefree good tail beast again..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't mind the rudeness of the eight-tailed bull ghost, and continued with a smile.

He also doesn't need the tailed beast brainwashed by Yun Yin.

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu is not sure that Yunyin will perish. Moreover, he has already controlled the two tails and three tails, and it is not a good thing to hold the eight tails in his hands.

"You know a lot..."

On the contrary, the eight-tailed bull ghost calmed down, closing the bull's eyes as if waiting for death to come.

"Of course~ This is what you told me..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled.

The eyes of the eight-tailed ox ghost suddenly opened, a pair of giant eyes full of shock.

"It's on you..."


Uchiha Tokumitsu violently activated the Yandou chakra vortex, drilling a huge hole out of the eight-tailed bull ghost's head in one fell swoop.

The body of the tailed beast then quickly dissipated.

Huo Guangzun also seized the last opportunity to quickly absorb the remaining Tailed Beast Chakra after refining.

"Master Deguang has a kind heart, he would not see the tailed beast being enslaved..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu hummed and said: "In the next life, let me be a cow and a horse for my uncle!"

 Have a meal first, come back and continue to update Chapter 2
(End of this chapter)

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