Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 233 Transfer of Language Rights

Chapter 233 Transfer of Discourse Power
Mito Menyan, an elder advisor and one of the core figures of the Hokage faction, was seriously injured and unconscious due to the attack of a tailed beast.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, the eldest son of Hokage and one of the shoguns, suffered a counterattack from attacking a tailed beast and was seriously injured in bed.

In addition, due to the selfishness of Sarutobi Shinnosuke, almost all the hardcore supporters of the Naruto family were the ones who captured the tailed beasts. Therefore, in this battle, Sarutobi, Shimura, Ikacho and other ninja ninjas suffered heavy casualties. The core power of the Sarutobi shogunate was almost wiped out by the eight-tailed bull ghost.

If the Tailed Beast is indeed caught, then these sacrifices are worthwhile.

But the problem is that the main body of the eight-tailed bull ghost was killed by Uchiha Tokumitsu in full view, and the obtained tailed animal stump—that is, the eight-tailed beast tail was sealed in the body of Sarutobi Shinnosuke and became his hanging tool.

The leader of the Hokage series who entered the northern battlefield just like that exited anticlimactically.

As for those ninja leaders who were assigned to the Sarutobi shogunate to participate in the war, they would not risk losing their heads to compete with Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

After all, the rise and fall of factions is important, but it is better to keep your head on your own neck.

On the way back from the Tailed Beast Battlefield to the temporary residence of the Tokumitsu Shogunate, Uchiha Tokumitsu remained in a happy state throughout the whole process, almost laughing his teeth out.

"Sakumo-kun, please use your seal quickly, and let the ninja army under the command of Uncle Huomen come to cover the loopholes in the Sarutobi shogunate's defense."

The first thing he did when he returned to the station was to take out a document for Sakumo Hatake to sign and seal.

The document was written by the attendant ninja on the way. The content is very simple, that is, to let the Huomen shogunate move to the defense area of ​​Zhentian, and the rest of the Sarutobi shogunate are under its control.

Hatake Sakumo didn't even look at it, and simply signed his name and stamped it with the seal of the military command.

"Where is Hachio? Let me see something new~"

Hatake Sakumo asked casually.

He thought that the reason Uchiha Tokumitsu was so happy was because Jiehu had successfully captured the eight tails.


Uchiha Tokumitsu replied.


Hatake Sakumo turned pale with shock, "Tokumitsu-kun, how did you manage to do so in broad daylight?"

"They...are opposing factions, but after all, everyone is a Konoha ninja!"

"Even if you want to fight, you have to avoid people!"

Hatake Sakumo's series of words stunned Uchiha Tokumitsu for a while.

"I mean the tail beast..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said carefully: "You want to see the tailed beast, right, so what I said is that the eight tails are dead..."

"Oh... no one died..."

Hatake Sakumo breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay..."

"...You don't think I killed the old man Mitomon or the little monkey from the Sarutobi family?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu clicked his tongue, "Although I think they are not pleasing to the eye, but there are some obvious means to deal with them, and there is really no need to use such violent means to make things out of hand."

Today's Uchiha clan has been fully developed, so Uchiha Tokumitsu's methods are relatively less violent than before.

At least if you don't move, you will violently raise your head.

"...how did the tailed beast die?"

Hatake Sakumo, who consciously said something wrong, blushed a little, so he quickly changed the subject: "...I mean, such a big tailed beast died like this?"

"That's how I died~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied casually.

At the same time, he handed over the document to the attendant ninja and ordered him to quickly send it to the Fire Gate Shogunate and the Sarutobi Shogunate.

With this document from the Military Command as an endorsement, I believe that the Uchiha Fire Gate can completely suppress the leaderless Sarutobi shogunate.

"Can you tell me?"

Hatake Sakumo was really curious.

His strength is based on sword skills and body skills, and his role in dealing with giant creatures such as tailed beasts is very limited, so he is also very interested in the details of the eight-tailed battle.

"First this, then this, then this~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a gesture of empty palm.

Hatake Sakumo rolled his eyes, expressing his speechlessness.

"The Sarutobi shogunate tried to capture the tailed beasts to create jinchuriki, but unfortunately they didn't know their own strength properly, which led to the failure of their efforts."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained: "I'm just doing the final make-up."

"It's a pity... such a big tailed beast..."

Hatake Sakumo expressed regret.

"It's just a hot potato, keeping it in your hands may not be a good thing."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

"...That being said, it is a tailed beast after all!"

Hatake Sakumo still feels pity.

"How is the talk with Yan Yin?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't want to continue the question of tail-drag beasts anymore.

"Houtian Yanyin dispatched all troops to land in the western part of the Land of Thunder."

Hatake Sakumo replied.

"A good show is about to begin~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said so.


The destruction of the Nanxia Ninja Army had a great impact on Yun Yin.

It has even reached the point where the foundation of Licun has been shaken.

For a long time, Yun Yin, who advocated the ideology of the martial arts school, regarded Konoha as his biggest opponent, and never gave up his desire to win the title of "No. [-] Ninja Village".

Therefore, Yun Yin continues to strengthen the investment in armaments every year, and continues to expand the proportion of the Ninja Village in the ninja mission.

However, under the attack of a shogunate ninja army in the Konoha area, the [-]-strong southward ninja army collapsed before even a day. This made Yunyin feel like his dreams were shattered.

Is Yun Yin's sacrifice for armaments still meaningful?
Is Konoha who owns the Uchiha clan really invincible?

After settling down Ai who had returned from injury and a group of defeated ninjas, the third generation of Raikage returned to Raikage's office with a gloomy face.

A group of Yunyin's high-level executives who came here after hearing the news looked at their noses and noses and their hearts, without saying a word, and kept silent like a cicada.


The third generation of Raikage jumped up violently, smashing the desk into pieces with one punch.

"Even five thousand pigs! It's impossible to be slaughtered so easily!"

"Five thousand Ninja Army!"

"Uchiha! Return my ninja army!"

The voice is mournful, and the listeners are all moved.

"Master Raikage, let's make peace with Konoha..."

Elder Yunyin paused on his crutches, and said in a deep voice.

All the high-ranking members of Yunyin looked at each other in blank dismay, but none of them refuted.

Indeed, with the destruction of the Nangoing Ninja Army, Yun Yin could no longer mobilize his strength to go south to defend against Konoha and Iwagakure's Ninja Army while fighting Kirigakure.

However, the plan to find Kirigakure's main force for a decisive battle has never been successful. The various reconnaissance ninja teams sent by Yunyin to the vast sea have never returned. Up to now, they have not figured out where the main force of Kirigakure's expeditionary force is hiding, and the decisive battle. There is no way to talk about it.

Even if the personnel were reluctantly transferred to the south, the headquarters of Yunyin was basically in an empty state. If it was attacked by the enemy's ninja army, it would be a disaster.

In addition, Renzhu was defeated and disappeared without a trace, and Raikage's successor Ai was seriously injured and was bedridden. For a while, the huge Yunyinren Village could not find other high-level commanders who could take on important responsibilities to lead the army to fight.

Moreover, the defeat of the Nanxia Ninja Army also led to the spread of war weariness among ordinary Yunyin ninja groups. Even though due to long-term ideological suppression, war-weary public opinion has not yet begun to ferment and form a trend of thought on a large scale, but Yunyin executives with keen senses have discovered There are signs of something bad.

Once the ideal is shattered, the evil results of the militant faction's militarism will immediately start to bite back with this round of defeat.

"I'm old, so let me say the ugly words..."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Elder Yunyin paused his crutches again and said, "Yunyin is not Konoha after all, and he cannot withstand the siege of the three major ninja villages."

"Striving for a decent ending, sacrificing the interests of the south, in order to send Konoha away, drag Iwagakure, and then go all out to deal with Kirigakure, this is the correct approach!"

"...Is the village's road to ninja hegemony ruined like this?"

A high-ranking member of Yunyin said sadly.

For a long time, although the strength is not as good as Konoha, Yunyin has always had an inexplicable sense of superiority. He feels that there is one thing that is always stronger than Konoha, that is, he is united, the degree of loyalty is the highest in the ninja world, and the degree of unity is no less than Yanyin.

In addition, the cloud hidden ninjas generally believed that they could violently kill the second generation of Konoha Senju Feima in the alliance during the First Ninja World War, but Konoha still held his nose and continued to conclude a peace treaty with Yun Yin, This also proved Yun Yin's strength from the side.

But this time Uchiha Tokumitsu told them with the most brutal and direct force: Yun Yin Barbarian, you are still far behind!
"If you want to conquer the Ninja world, you must first conquer Konoha; if you want to conquer Konoha, you must first defeat Uchiha!"

"The village's foreign policy needs to be changed in the future! Yunyin is not the strongest in the ninja world, so he needs allies!"

Great Elder Yun Yin sighed, "Lord Lei Ying, what do you think?"

"...what do you guys think?"

The third Raikage was silent for a long time before asking back.

All the high-level members of Yunyin were silent.

"Master Lei Ying, the Great Elder is right!"

There was no one to break the deadlock, so he had no choice but to stand up and agree: "Konoha's account can be settled slowly, but the top priority is to defeat the imminent and less powerful Kirigakure!"

The attack of Wuyin made the sea area of ​​the Kingdom of Thunder uneasy. Almost all the ports in the eastern and northern seas were banned and closed, which caused great losses to the nobles of the Kingdom of Thunder.

Although the daimyo of Thunder Kingdom has always supported Yunyin's military expansion, in the face of huge losses and the cries of the nobles, he has repeatedly sent secret letters, asking Yunyin to defeat the invading enemies as soon as possible, and wipe out those harassing Kirigards.

"...Then, who will go to Konoha?"

Although unwilling, the three generations of Raikage could still tell the difference between good and evil, so they also accepted the "advice" of the great elder.

"Master Raikage, let me go..."

All the high-level members of Yunyin were silent again, so Tutai had no choice but to volunteer.

This is also the disadvantage of being a close minister.

Different from other high-level leaders who have formed their own forces, Tutai is the pre-determined assistant of Lei Ying. There are some things that others don't want to be labeled as a capitulator, so only Tutai is the most suitable.

"Talk to one person only!"

Elder Yunyin interjected, "The ninja army that went south was defeated by Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja army, so you only need to talk to him at Tutai!"


The soil platform is a little unclear.

"Konoha is at odds with each other, and the Uchiha clan is in the same position as the third Hokage; therefore, the truce negotiations can only be negotiated with the front-line ninja leader..."

"The Great Elder is right..."

The third generation of Raikage said in a deep voice: "The unity of Yun Yin is the foundation of our foothold in the ninja world, and the discord between Konoha and Konoha is the opportunity for us to rise!"

"It's a mere temporary defeat, and you can't defeat the hard-backed people of Thunder!"

Great Elder Yun Yin also spoke words of encouragement.

Tutai's mood also eased a little.

"What about Yanyin? Do we have to negotiate a peace with them?"

Another Yunyin executive who did not need to participate in the negotiation interjected and asked.

"...Yanyin ignores them, as long as they don't go north, don't worry about them."

After hesitating for a moment, Raikage Sandai shook his head and said, "When Konoha leaves and Kirigakure loses, Iwagakure will naturally run away with his tail between his legs like a rabbit that has been dug out!"

"My subordinate understands..."

Tutai bowed his head and was mentally prepared to accept the bullying of the victor.


When Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, was anxious because of the news that his old friend Mitomon Yan was seriously injured, the news that the eldest son Shinnosuke Sarutobi failed to capture the tailed beast and was seriously injured and comatose reached the Hokage Building again.

After reading the battle report, Hiruzaru Sarutobi spent the night in Hokage's office.

Even if another friend, Xiaochun, came to the door, he would not accept him.

With the serious injuries of two heavyweights, all the strategic calculations of the Hokage series before the war were completely in vain.

Even if Sarutobi Shinnosuke successfully sealed the tailed beast tail of the eight-tailed ox ghost in his body, it is still incomparable to the heavy price paid during the capture process.

And the bad influence caused by this incident on the minds of other ninjas participating in the war is the most troublesome...

But fortunately, the support troops sent by Uchiha Tokumitsu to support them are quite powerful, carrying a large number of medical equipment to carry out first aid in the field. It also keeps him out of danger.

"It's completely out of control..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen the Third sighed, picked up a document and read it.

Uchiha Tokumitsu issued a proclamation in the name of the Military Command, dispatching the Ninja Army of the Uchiha Fire Gate to take over the Ninja Army of the Sarutobi Shogunate, and took advantage of the situation to dismember and annex the northern border defense forces.

And Sarutobi, Shimura, Inokacho and other ninja forces of Hokage's direct lineage were all kicked out of the northern border defense forces in the name of Uchiha Homonya's failure in battle and poor command.

It was a bloodless seizure of power.

It is also a harvest carnival for the winners who are in a state of complete crushing in strength and military exploits.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is Hokage, can't do anything.


Now that we have reached this point, peace is meaningless!

In this war, it is better to fight a big fight than a small one. It is best to fight until the Uchiha extermination of the Yunyin Village!

Gritting his teeth, Hiruzaru Sarutobi III issued the order.

"...I hereby appoint Sakumo Hatake as Chief of Military Affairs in the North, Uchiha Tokumitsu and Uchiha Homon as Assistant Commanders to coordinate all war affairs against Yun Yin!"

After compiling the appointment document, Hiruzaru Sarutobi vigorously stamped the Hokage seal on the document.

Its ferocious force seems to use the seal to squeeze out the brains of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Yunyin.

 I have to work overtime today, so I can only change it once, and I will report it with double changes tomorrow. I hope you understand

(End of this chapter)

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