Chapter 234
When the appointment edict from Konoha arrived, Uchiha Homon also sorted out the affairs related to the northern border defense force.

Under the "polite" care of a group of Uchiha ninjas, Sarutobi Shinnosuke's forces in the northern border defense force were completely cleaned up, and all personnel related to the capture of tail beasts were transferred from their original posts and sent back to the Sarutobi shogunate
Since then, the Sarutobi shogunate has been deprived of military power by taking the opportunity.

In the power system of the shogunate system, the core foundation lies in the shogunate headquarters, separatist territories, and border defense forces. The solid iron triangle jointly defends the majesty and power of the general.

Since the Sarutobi shogunate stationed in the north had no small country to separate itself from, it was also nicknamed the "landless general". Now, coupled with the fact that the control of the border ninja army based on the foundation has been taken away by the Uchiha clan, so Not only is there no land, but also no power; if it is not for the remaining power of the Hokage series, it is estimated that the Sarutobi shogunate will disperse like birds and beasts at this time.

Sarutobi Shinnosuke, who was bedridden and recuperated, was very dissatisfied, but there was nothing he could do.

The appointment document of the third Sarutobi Hiruzen also made him helpless to accept his fate.

The consequences of the failure of the Tailed Beast capture operation need to be swallowed by him, the initiator.

The ninja ninjas who joined the Sarutobi shogunate were especially dissatisfied.

While catching tailed beasts is a chore, the stakes are high and the rewards high!

Among other things, the tailed beast chakra alone is enough for them to study!

Although they are not the core personnel of Hokage, they have always been supporters of Hokage and belong to one of the "establishment factions" in the village.

But no matter what the faction stands for, everyone is unwilling to see that the object of their allegiance is actually so suspicious of themselves.

That's a tail beast!

After learning the details of the Tailed Beast capture operation, the ninja ninjas felt even more angry.

Although the Tailed Beast is extremely ferocious and its lethality is astonishing, if it is not because of Sarutobi Shinnosuke's selfish intentions, but if he puts all his strength into the commanding ninja army under the Sarutobi shogunate, he still has a chance to take down the eight tails.

This is no longer a problem that can be simply prevaricated by "eat alone".

It’s fine if the tailed beast failed to capture, but the problem is that the only harvest was sealed into the body of Sarutobi Shinnosuke by the coefficient, and the others didn’t even have the opportunity to exchange benefits for a share, so that’s too much up!
The reason why the relatively neutral ninjas are willing to join the Sarutobi shogunate is to share some benefits in the war. Now they don’t even talk about eating meat and soup, and they don’t even give them the chance to lick the plate. Who else can bear it?
Ninjas are not licking dogs!

Therefore, under the operation and advocacy of the Uchiha Fire Gate, coupled with the double buff of the military order announcement and the Naruto appointment document, a large group of ninja ninjas immediately switched to the command of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is that the white-eyed ninja support force led by the future patriarch Hinata Hyuzu of the Hyuga clan also changed their sects and transferred to Hatake Sakumo.

Of course Uchiha Tokumitsu and Hatake Sakumo welcomed them with open chests.

Whether the ninja who participated in the war chose to be included in the control of the empty shell shogunate of Hatake Sakumo or under the command of Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninja army, neither of them had any grievances.

After all, the factions represented by the two are completely different.

Due to Uchiha Tokumitsu's birth, his natural ninja aura and his invincible record are enough to attract Konoha Ninja ninjas who uphold the martial arts school of thought to vote.

Hatake Sakumo, on the other hand, represents the interests of small ninjas and civilian ninjas. Coupled with his reputation and personality charm inside Konoha, he naturally has an extraordinary attraction for those lower-level ninjas who either actively or passively join the Sarutobi shogunate. force.

In addition, although Yunyin was defeated in the battle in the southern part of the country of thunder, the main force of Yunyin's headquarters still exists, and the third generation of Raikage himself makes Uchiha Tokumitsu fear three points.

Therefore, it is not a bad thing to have more ninjas participating in the war as a backup.

As for the interests of the ninja ninjas, Tokumitsu Uchiha is very willing to be generous to others, and directly set aside a large number of areas in the southern part of the country of thunder as their garrison area, and promised to wait for military orders during wartime. Yes, at other times, you can let it do what you want.

Anyway, those areas have been raided by the Tokuko Shogunate's ninja army for a round. Although there is still a lot of oil and water, it is a pity for the wealthy Tokuko Shogunate to eat and discard, so it is better to throw it out to those eager The ninja ninja who came to vote will be a welcome gift.

And the ninjas of the Deguang shogunate have no opinion on this. Instead, they feel that as a member of the shogunate, they have a respected status and cannot do such dirty things as searching for mud legs.

"Master Deguang is worthy of being from a wealthy family, and he is generous in dealing with things..."

The ninja ninjas who were stunned by a real pie before they arrived for the first time, naturally praised Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"All the ninjas who volunteered to join the war are loyal and brave warriors of Konoha, and Sakumo-kun and I have seen the dedication and sacrifice of all of you!"

At the military affairs meeting, Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "So please rest assured, the military command department and the shogunate headquarters will never treat everyone badly!"

"Allegiance to Lord Deguang!"

The senior dog leg Kaguya Ninja was the first to jump out and shouted.

"Allegiance to Lord Deguang!"

It doesn't matter whether it's from the heart or following the crowd, or it's out of soft-mouthed temporary coping. All the ninjas who participated in the military affairs meeting shouted this slogan of loyalty.

This is enough.

"Who says Kaguya has no brains? It's obvious that she has an inner beauty..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was satisfied with this, and he also added a point to the very knowledgeable Kaguya Ninja in his heart.

Winning people's hearts is a delicate task, which must be done step by step.

Unlike the Hokage series who are habitually "speaking about dedication without mentioning personal gains and losses", Uchiha Tokumitsu is more accustomed to using interests as bait to guide others to come and seek refuge.

Coupled with the general ninja mentality of "don't worry about the few, but about the unevenness", through artificial means and certain profit-making behaviors, the profit income between the ninjas who were transferred to the Tokuko Shogunate to participate in the war and the ninjas who stick to the Sarutobi Shogunate The degree of gap has increased, which can also provoke the relationship between the two parties.

After all, the ninjas who can be successfully teased by the Uchiha Fire Gate and voluntarily transferred to the Tokumitsu Shogunate to participate in the war have relatively limited loyalty to the Naruto family.

"The ninjas in the village are still good, and I have changed my opinion of them."

After the military affairs meeting, the satisfied Uchiha Tokumitsu said to Hatake Sakumo.

"The main thing is that Mr. Deguang's profit-making method is enough to move people's hearts."

Hatake Sakumo commented.

"I don't like to eat alone. If you have money, let's make it together~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu laughed loudly, "After making the cake bigger, although the share may not be much, everyone's interests can still be satisfied, and naturally they are satisfied."

Since then, nearly [-] ninjas under the Sarutobi shogunate have chosen to switch schools. In addition, the Iwagakushi dispatched army who landed on the land of the land of thunder has also completed the control of the defense area. Nearly one-third of the land of the land of thunder plus all the vassal small countries In this way, the ninja army of the two major ninja villages occupying the southern part of the land of thunder has reached [-] people, which is similar to the number of all ninja army in Yunyin.

And the envoys sent by Yunyin to discuss the peace arrived just when the various ninja clans had just finished dividing their territories.


"Lord Tutai! Are we really going to bow down to Konoha for peace..."

Walking along the official road of the Land of Thunder, the Yunyin Mission witnessed the tragic situation in the southern part of the Land of Thunder after the defeat. A member of the accompanying mission asked the mission leader with red eyes.

"Don't you even have the courage to admit defeat?"

Although Tutai's heart is not feeling well, he still keeps a stern face and does not show any unnecessary emotions: "If you are defeated, then continue to accumulate military strength for revenge in the future. This is the time. Is what you said still useful?"

"Konoha... how dare they plunder so recklessly..."

The cloud hidden ninja let out a mournful wail.

Tutai did not speak.

As a close minister of Raikage, he has often planned to rob the secret art inheritance of various ninja villages. Blood and killing have long been a common occurrence.

As for the consequences of the weak and the defeated, he has long been tired of seeing it in various ninja villages.

Now it's just that he feels uncomfortable because the loser is his side.

And this is also Yun Yin's common mentality, which is the so-called "anti-war defeat, not anti-war."

"This is war."

Someone said suddenly in the woods by the roadside.

The Yunyin Mission and his party were taken aback, and immediately switched to a defensive formation on the spot.

"Don't be nervous...Master Deguang sent me to meet you."

The air in the woods rippled, revealing a group of nine figures.

Three black hair, three red hair, and three ninjas with different appearances.

Uchiha, Uzumaki, Kirigakure's Ghost Lamp, Kaguya, Minazuki...

The visitors are all ninjas from the real power ninja clan under the Tokuko Shogunate, which is high enough.

Tutai also had a glimmer of expectation for the prospect of this trip.

But what caught his attention the most were the three Uzumaki ninjas who were maintaining the seal gesture.

There is a high probability that their barrier blocked the mission's perception...

An elite ninja army can hide from a strong man like him, which shows that its role on the battlefield is far more than that; it shows that sending people here to receive them is not only to welcome the mission, but also to show their prestige!
Tutai quickly understood Uchiha Tokumitsu's intentions in his heart, but his face remained calm.

"General Lao Deguang is bothering you, so please lead the way."

Tutai replied in a deep voice.

If it wasn't forced by the situation, Yunyin was really unable to deal with the siege of the three major ninja villages, and the earth platform planned to organize manpower to rob a few living Uzumaki ninjas and go back to study them.

If Yunyin also has the Uzumaki's secret art of sealing technique, coupled with the combat power of the Uchiha clan... then it would be easy for Yunyin to dominate the ninja world!

"The Uchiha clan and the Konoha Hokage clan have always had conflicts. The Great Elder took this opportunity to negotiate a peace to provoke a strategy that may have a miraculous effect..."

Thinking of this, Tutai couldn't help but become hot inside, and a sense of ownership of Yunyin, regardless of personal gains and losses, arises spontaneously.

 Today's update (1/2), Chapter 2 will come back after dinner and continue writing
(End of this chapter)

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