Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 243 Gold Power and Military Power

Chapter 243 Gold Power and Military Power

After the issuance of Thunder Country's 80 billion rescue bonds, Uchiha Tokumitsu subscribed for one billion taels in one go with the gold coupons issued by the Tokumitsu shogunate in the southern part of the Water Country.

Although Lei Zhiguo expressed his dissent after receiving the money, Uchiha Tokumitsu also admitted that this is the currency recognized by the Uchiha clan and can be used to purchase various materials produced in the territories under the rule of the Tokumitsu Shogunate and the Fire Gate Shogunate .

"Including the munitions that Yunyin needs in battle, the shogunate can sell them all..."

There is a strong hint in Uchiha Tokumitsu's words.

At this time, Lei Zhiguo also understood Uchiha Tokumitsu's intentions, so he left [-] million taels of gold coupons to Yun Yin, and raised [-] million fire country banknotes to give to Tokumitsu shogunate as compensation.

In this way, the bond-raising funds that Lei Zhiguo had just received were taken back by the Tokuko shogunate before it was even warmed up. However, it is consoling that the sales progress of the 50 billion infrastructure special public bonds issued by Yunyin is not bad. Neibian also reached sales of 15 billion taels.

In this regard, Uchiha Tokumitsu also explained Yunyin. After all, Yunyin is just a ninja village. In addition, he has suffered several defeats just now, and the wealthy businessmen have insufficient confidence in him; Taxes are used as a rigid guarantee for mortgages, so it is normal for the sales progress to be a little slower.

But even so, Yun Yin was very satisfied.

You know, Yunyinren Village has also sold bonds on its own, but due to the lack of effective promotion and external sales channels, the cycle required to sell one-year bonds is even as high as three months, and now [-]% of the bonds are sold in seven days, Yunyin naturally Very satisfied.

Even after receiving the first batch of sales proceeds from the infrastructure special bond, Yunyin’s senior executives began to discuss whether to increase the scale of bond issuance at the Nangachuan Stock Exchange in order to raise more funds to deal with the mighty Kirigakure Ninja Army.

And the Uchiha clan also made a lot of money just by collecting management fees in this feast of wealth.

It's just that for the Deguang shogunate, the most important thing is to use the gold coupons in the open market in the form of official currency, and it has been acquiesced by the country of thunder, one of the five great powers.

Although there is a high probability that the [-] million gold round coupons will return to the Teko shogunate in the near future in the form of arms trade, the use and circulation of the gold round coupons is equivalent to the gold round coupons issued without any standard support and relying on productivity. The effectiveness of the currencies of major countries.

Next, what Tokumitsu Uchiha will focus on is the breadth and depth of the use of gold coupons.

But the news from Konoha interrupted Uchiha Tokumitsu's series of plans.

After Hokage Building announced the list of candidates for the fourth generation, there was an uproar in the village, and the Uchiha clan even jumped up on the spot like a frying pan.

The patriarch, Uchiha Sifang, was the first to speak out within the family, calling the family's Jonin to write a joint letter to question the legitimacy of the candidate nomination process.

Hatake Sakumo returned to the village to deal with the long-awaited affairs of the upper ninja class after the Yunyin conquest was over, and was also stunned when he heard the news.

Although he also intends to compete for the fourth generation, he never expected to be nominated as a Naruto candidate in this form.

At the same time, he felt deeply worried.

He is very familiar with the ambition of the Uchiha clan for the position of Hokage. Although Uchiha Tokumitsu has never shown it, the ordinary Uchiha clan, especially the radicals, have long recognized Uchiha Tokumitsu in their minds. The next generation of Hokage.

So, after this resolution of the village is promulgated, will the Uchiha clan make any radical actions?
But at this juncture, it is not easy for him to go to Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately to discuss.

What's more, what else can we discuss?Even the Uchiha Clan of the mobile unit has already begun to take the lead, if they come forward again at this time, it will cause gossip.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't have too many turmoil in his heart because of this.

In his eyes, although the position of Hokage is the vision that the family has been pursuing for a long time, the structure is still too small.

With the power of the Uchiha clan today, the Tokumitsu shogunate ruled the southern archipelago of the country of water, the old land of the vortex country, and controlled island countries such as the country of wave; and the shogunate of the Fire Gate also used the country of grass as its foundation to penetrate the southwest of the country of Taki , the northeastern part of the Land of Rain, plus the control of the southern part of the Frost Country and the buffer small country between the Fire and Thunder countries, etc., the Uchiha clan already has an independent ninja army and territory. The behemoth.

Therefore, the Uchiha clan is not so much a ninja, but a super concern group with both military and political power.

What's more, in Uchiha Tokuka's eyes, the so-called three major Hokage candidates are just targets launched by Sarutobi Hiruzen III to attract attention. Make a complete overhaul.

Furthermore, compared with going back to the village to compete for the position of Hokage, Uchiha Tokumitsu is more willing to devote his energy to war and production, at least the benefits will be higher.

But as a social animal, man cannot break free from the shackles of group will.

Uchiha Tokumitsu can't show his attitude too clearly. After all, he is not a rebellious weasel. The foundation of his power and status comes from the cultivation and support of his family all the time, so Uchiha Tokumitsu also cooperates with restraint. The family sends a question to Hokage Building.

At the same time, King Uchiha was transferred from the position of the head of the dark guard and appointed as the commander of the northern border defense force.

When the Naruto candidate competition was raging, Uchiha Tokumitsu's appointment seemed loose and ordinary, and did not cause any waves.

Even the Konoha ninjas who originally belonged to the northern border defense force accepted the arrival of the new commander without any psychological burden.

After all, since the Uchiha Fire Gate reorganized the northern border defense forces, the northern ninja soldiers have already acquiesced that the commander of the headquarters will be a ninja from the Uchiha clan.

But this still doesn't satisfy the Uchiha clan, especially the ninjas of the police department stationed in the village are even more outraged. It's time to fight.

This time, Hatake Sakumo couldn't sit still anymore.

Although he and Uchiha Tokumitsu are allies, those radical Uchiha ninjas are not so easy to talk to. Although they usually maintain politeness and respect for Hatake Sakumo in the face of Uchiha Tokumitsu, this It may not be the time.

In the meeting of the ninja class, the Uchiha jonin also joined hands in the ninja class to request the impeachment of Naruto under the operation of the family elders, and the momentum became bigger and bigger every time. Even the ninja who stayed in the village The ninjas are all involved.

Seeing that the situation was about to deteriorate to the point of irreversibility, Hatake Sakumo had no choice but to announce the suspension of the ninja class, and went to the shogunate resident in the north to discuss with Uchiha Tokumitsu.


Uchiha Tokumitsu did not alienate Hatake Sakumo because he was nominated as a Hokage candidate, and he still received him warmly.

After exchanging pleasantries, the two officially entered the topic.

"Mr. Deguang, the village cannot cause civil strife, this is the bottom line..."

Hatake Sakumo said seriously.

"What the Uchiha clan wants is fairness, nothing more."

Uchiha Tokumitsu agreed with a serious look.

This is also the basis for formal talks between the two.

In Hatake Sakumo's heart, it doesn't matter who is sitting in the seat of Hokage, as long as he can realize the new Konoha in his mind.

Of course, if he can become the next generation of Hokage, he will be able to better practice his ideals, and Hatake Sakumo will naturally not have any resistance to this.

But in the eyes of the Uchiha family, since Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma jointly created Konoha, the family has been in a posture of continuous decline in overall strength, and it was not until the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu that there were signs of revival.

But this is not enough.

The position of Naruto has become the collective obsession of the Uchiha clan, and this obsession can only be resolved by letting a Uchiha clan wear a royal robe.

"...Are you really going to impeach Hokage-sama?"

Hatake Sakumo was silent for a while before speaking.

"Not so is not enough to convince people."

Uchiha Tokumitsu replied bluntly.

Hatake Sakumo suddenly didn't know how to answer the conversation.

Fair and convincing.

The seemingly simple request is not simple at all for a wealthy family like Uchiha.

The Uchiha clan is too strong.

Hatake Sakumo is well aware of this.

Except for the Uchiha clan, Konoha has no other ninja clan or force that can start a war alone and force a big country to submit.

What's more, the Tokumitsu shogunate still controls the three-tailed Jinchuriki captured from the Kirigakure battlefield, and the suffering lord Kirigakure has been inexplicably not recovering the Jinchuriki with Uchiha Tokumitsu.

With such a huge force, coupled with the various industries and sites controlled by various places in the ninja world, Hatake Sakumo did not understand why the Uchiha clan was not satisfied.

"Konoha is the Konoha of all Konoha ninjas, and the Uchiha clan is also a member of Konoha ninjas."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to say: "The first generation and the second generation are the Senju clan's internal decision, and the Uchiha clan can only recognize it for the sake of strength; when the third generation ascended the throne, it was a time of war, and the Uchiha clan had no choice but to endure it."

"But this time... Hokage-sama seems to disrespect Uchiha, who is the strongest ninja!"

"Sakumo-kun, according to Konoha's system, who should decide the election of Hokage? And what kind of process should be followed?"

"...a vote of confidence at the ninja class meeting."

Hatake Sakumo opened his mouth to defend, but finally answered directly.

"The power of supervision and audit of the ninja class seems to be insufficient for Hokage-sama..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back in his chair, and said quietly: "Then can I think that after Danzo's ambush failed, the agreement we reached with Lord Hokage has become a bunch of useless empty words?"

"...That's not the case."

Having said that, Hatake Sakumo still felt a headache.

This is what worries him the most.

Because as the squad leader of the ninja class, he actually didn't know anything about the list of Naruto candidates that Hiruzaru Sarutobi made up beforehand, which was also his problem.

At the same time, it was precisely because of the suddenness of the nomination of candidates that Hatake Sakumo was placed in a dilemma.

"I understand your idea."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "But things that should be changed still need to be changed. The impeachment of the upper ninja class is the legal right of all Konoha ninjas. It is also reasonable for the family to express their demands. The Hokage Building also needs to give a Appropriate reply; but don't worry, with me here, the family will not go to war with the village."

"That's good!"

Hatake Sakumo immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that.


Uchiha Tokumitsu changed the subject, and Hatake Sakumo's heart once again rose to his throat.

"From now on, the troops directly under the shogunate will no longer use the village's forehead."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out from his arms the special forehead protector worn at the signing ceremony of the armistice agreement with Yunyin last time, and solemnly put it on his forehead.

On the forehead, engraved with a round fan logo of the Uchiha clan.

For this, Hatake Sakumo could only sigh.

He wanted to stop it, but couldn't find a suitable reason.

With the rapid expansion of the power of the Uchiha clan, there will be more and more conflicts between the Uchiha clan and the Hokage clan, which is irreversible.

Fortunately, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still restrained, but only limits the change of clothes to the troops directly under the shogunate.

But Hatake Sakumo didn't let it go. In his impression, Uchiha Tokumitsu was not such a talkative person.

"anything else?"

Hatake Sakumo sighed, "Tell me, as long as there is no direct conflict with the village, I will try my best to help mediate..."

"The future arms transactions of the Uchiha clan will all use gold coupons, even for village purchases."

Uchiha Tokumitsu continued: "By the way, all the industries under the joint company will also implement gold coupons."

This is monetary policy...

Hatake Sakumo didn't know much about finance, and he didn't even understand the key pros and cons of the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange created by Uchiha Tokumitsu, so he didn't think much of it.

"are these all?"

Hatake Sakumo asked tentatively.

As soon as the voice fell, I immediately regretted it.

Isn't this reminding Uchiha Deguang to make more demands?

"Others have little to do with the village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu touched his chin and said: "For example, the establishment of a joint settlement bank, the establishment of a joint reserve committee, etc..."

"These things are the internal affairs of the family and the allied ninjas, and the village has nothing to do with it."

"I understand……"

Hatake Sakumo breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will also return to the village after dealing with the northern affairs. As for the family, I will let them restrain themselves."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said.

"That's good……"

Hatake Sakumo nodded.

He originally wanted to invite Uchiha Tokumitsu to return to the village with him, but for some reason, the words reached his throat but he couldn't say anything, so he just left.

After Hatake Sakumo left, Uchiha Tokumitsu sat quietly in the living room for a long time.

"that power……"

Suddenly, a cold light flashed in the room.

All kinds of furniture arranged in the living room were immediately smashed to pieces by Uchiha Tokumitsu's sword light.

"It's ridiculous!"

With a cold snort, Uchiha Tokumitsu walked out of the living room in ruins, and ordered to summon the shinobi under his command.

 Today's day is quite special, and I don't know what to say, so I just click to wish all book friends **Happy~
(End of this chapter)

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