Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 244 Conflict intensifies

Chapter 244 Conflict intensifies

Maybe Hatake Sakumo didn't figure out what the consequences of Uchiha Tokumitsu's upcoming series of measures would be, but Uchiha Tokumitsu believed that the old monkey in the Hokage Building could still understand his operations.

Originally, the gold coupons issued by the Tokumitsu shogunate were circulated under the control of the Southern Islands of the Land of Water under the rule of the Tokumitsu shogunate. In the eyes of others, this was just regarded as Uchiha Tokumitsu's violent expropriation and search for territorial wealth.

With the issuance of Thunder Country's bailout bonds, Uchiha Tokumitsu forcibly stuffed [-] billion in the past. Although [-] million of them were sent back by Thunder Country in the form of debt repayment, there were also [-] million yuan in face value. In the future, Yunyin will also use this part of the gold yuan coupons to carry out arms trade with the Tokuguang shogunate.

As a credit currency issued by the Tokumitsu shogunate, the gold-dollar coupons were pried open by the ninja world, which takes the gold standard as the absolute mainstream, to become a currency of circulation.

It's just that Nanhechuan Stock Exchange regards the source and composition of the bond as the top secret and never announces it to the public, so the outside world knows nothing about it except for the parties involved, Lei Zhiguo and Yunyin.

Otherwise, not only the Hokage series will jump up, but even the Daming Mansion will be blown up.

Because the interest rate difference brought about by the seigniorage and the issuance of circulating currency is really delicious!
The Uchiha clan is already strong enough.

So strong that Hokage felt suffocated.

In addition to force and military power, the joint company formed by Uchiha Tokumitsu has also monopolized the supply of seafood in the ninja world through the power of the private army. The Nangagawa Stock Exchange has become the best channel for money laundering and bribery in the black market. And the traditional advantageous industry of the Uchiha clan, namely the arms business, is in full swing.

If the banknotes issued by the Tokumitsu shogunate really start to circulate, then the Uchiha clan and the Hokage clan, or the daimyo of the country of fire, will have no room for maneuver.

Therefore, ninjas like the Uchiha clan who naturally possess powerful force and huge wealth will naturally be feared by the rulers.

Today's Uchiha clan has expanded the power of the inherent foundation through the restructuring of the police department, and then controlled most of the military power of the Konoha side army through the newly established military command department. If no restrictions are imposed, the entire Konoha will be completely reduced to Uchiha The family dominates the situation.

What's more, since the second generation of Senju Feima ruled Konoha, the confrontation with the Uchiha clan has almost become the political correctness of the Naruto family.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu's words have already been thrown out, so how could it be taken back?

Peace is impossible, and only continuous struggle can maintain the transcendent status of the Uchiha clan.


When the attendant ninjas gathered all the senior ninjas under the command of the shogunate, they immediately saw the special forehead guard on Uchiha Tokumitsu's forehead.

The forehead is engraved with the Uchiha Uchiha Uchiha Clan Crest.

Those who can become Jonin are not fools, so they naturally understand what this means.

Especially after the list of Hokage candidates came out recently, the ninja members of the Tokuko shogunate have long been outraged, and each of them sharpened their swords and prepared to return to the village to "put things right".

"Master Deguang, everyone is here..."

The attendant ninja came forward to report.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded slowly, and walked in front of everyone.

"...From now on, all staff in each department will change their outfits."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said in a deep voice: "Five days later, all the ninjas in the book will follow me back to the village!"

"As ordered!"

All the Junin suddenly agreed.

"Remember, follow the command for all actions this time!"

Uchiha De's aura looked at everyone, "Unless you get my order, don't act rashly!"

"Follow orders!"

The response of the upper ninja was even louder.

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu promised not to launch a civil war, it does not mean that he will not lead his troops to intimidate.

Moreover, if the Hokage family still fails to make a compromise that satisfies Uchiha Tokumitsu under coercion, then let's fight the civil war.

Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer has the patience to continue intrigue with the Hokage series.


In Muye Village, the undercurrent caused by Hokage's candidate list is still brewing a more violent storm.

Even the Hyuga Clan, who always sit and watch the situation with a cold eye, can't hold back anymore.

This incident, nominally only announced the candidates for the next generation of Hokage, but in essence it was forcing all Konoha ninjas to stand in line.

Even if there is Sakumo Hatake among the candidates, so what, if the winner is determined in the division of camps, it is absolutely easy for the current Hokage to abolish this list and re-elect.

But this also shows that the orthodox Hokage family also obviously feels powerless in the contest with the Uchiha family, otherwise they would not use this trick of completely tearing Konoha.

Hinata patriarch sighed deeply, feeling deeply sad.

His two sons sat in the lower seat, quietly waiting for their father's instructions.

"If a civil war really breaks out..."

Patriarch Hyuga closed his eyes, already thinking about how to deal with the worst situation.

But in any case, this time the Hyuga clan could not completely stay out of the matter.

After the Hokage candidate list was released, the Hyuga clan leader with a keen sense of smell immediately issued a recall order to the Hyuga clansmen serving in the various ninja troops stationed in the Land of Thunder, asking them to return to the village immediately.

But except for the Hyuga branch ninjas whose two sons directly led them to participate in the war, none of the Hyuga branch ninjas who had served in the Tokuko Shogunate and the Fire Gate Shogunate for a long time have returned.

It's not that they were detained by the Ninja Army, but that they directly rejected the family's call!
Even Hinata Nissei, who had long been designated as the head of the next generation of branch families, went to persuade them, those ninjas of the shogunate branch families either refused to see them, or ridiculed them, saying that they were unwilling to accept the order of the patriarch to leave the team and return to the village.

Hyuga Hinata only felt that the changes in these clansmen were quite big, but for the Hyuga clan, this was a complete betrayal!
This is also the first time since the Hyuga Clan established the family separation system and the caged bird spell control, the separation ninja said "no" to the superior clan!
However, the Hyuga Clan did not dare to send clan members directly to the two shogunate to arrest those clansmen who did not respect the traditions, and they did not even have the courage to handle those ninja families who were separated from the clan.

Because the Hyuga Clan was really unwilling to choose sides when the outcome was not decided.


Hinata Hinata summoned up his courage and said to his father, "We don't need to worry too much. Mr. Sakumo has already been to the northern border once. There should be no civil strife this time."

"Even so, what about those split ninjas who betrayed their families?"

The patriarch Hyuga opened his eyes and said coldly: "Are you willing to see the family split?"

Hinata Hizaku was startled by his father's cold gaze, and immediately bowed his head and did not dare to say anything.

"Don't forget, you will be the head of the family in the future, don't you just want your subordinates to fall apart?"

The patriarch Hyuga still asked in a cold voice: "You lost your sharpness within a few days after joining the war. I have to question whether you still have the ability to manage the division!"

Kneeling Hinata Hinata began to tremble.

"Father calm down, my brother is just impatient."

Hinata Hizuru also had to intercede for his younger brother, otherwise his angry father might launch the caged bird to punish him.

But he also didn't understand why his father was so angry suddenly, and what Hinata Hinata said was only loose and usual reassurance.

Besides, the family really has no feasible sanction method for those split ninjas who choose to go against the path.

"……You do not understand."

Patriarch Hyuga shook his head and sighed: "The family has no choice..."

The Hyuga Clan united with the Inuzuka and Yume Clans to form Konoha's "Third Force", but as the conflict between the Uchiha Clan and the Hokage Clan became increasingly fierce, the so-called "Third Force" became more and more difficult to maintain own independence.

But this time, the branch ninja who chose to disobey the order of the clan may be the fuse.

A fuse that may completely detonate the Hyuga Clan that has survived for more than a thousand years.

The patriarch Hyuga also couldn't figure out why the family division system that had been firmly maintained for thousands of years and the family order established under the deterrence of the caged bird, failed when encountering a freak like Uchiha Tokumitsu?

And where did those split ninjas have the courage?Don't they all take their own weaknesses into consideration?
"Nizuka, go and invite the heads of the Yume and Inuzuka families to meet tonight..."

After a while, the patriarch Hyuga said quietly: "As for you... Risai, you should go to the elders to shut up and think about your mistakes."


Both Hinata Hinata and Hinata Hinata breathed a sigh of relief.


The chickens and dogs of the Hyuga clan are restless, and the Senju clan is also having a hard time.

Senju Tsunade, who was nominated as one of the Naruto candidates without any warning, also aroused the hostility of the Uchiha clan. For several days, the Senju clan who went out to work were inexplicably made things difficult by the Uchiha ninjas of the police department.

But the behavior of the Uchiha clan is also within the rules. They are only required to accept the investigation of the police department when they encounter the Senju clan randomly, and take them back to the police station. Because of the suspected name, he was asked to post bail and leave.

Even so, the Qianshou clansmen still had a lot of gas in their stomachs.

As we all know, the bail money of the police department is paid as soon as it is paid, and there has never been an example of returning it.

It's fine to lose money, but to leave an unwarranted suspicion record in the police department's files, this is a naked humiliation for the returning Thousand Hands Ninja.

As a result, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan also had a small-scale conflict again.


Similarly, another Hokage candidate, Orochimaru, was also unhappy.

The Police Department's hostility towards him became almost public.

Although he had some cooperation with Uchiha Tokumitsu in the past, and the laboratory also received interns from the Uchiha clan, but as the secret laboratory was revealed by the teacher Hiruzaru Sarutobi, he had no choice but to resign Uchiha trainee.

This was originally just a normal end of the transaction, but with the continuous fermentation of the Hokage candidate list incident, Orochimaru has also been repeatedly "cared for" by the police department.

"Master Orochimaru, the personnel belonging to the No. [-] laboratory that was banned by the police department have been released, but the equipment and materials are still in custody..."

In Oshemaru's mansion, his subordinates are reporting the situation to Oshemaru.

After Sarutobi Hiruzen III announced the list of candidates for Hokage, Orochimaru, who had a keen sense of smell, immediately arranged for the transfer of secret laboratories in various places, but was blocked by the police department and all personnel were arrested.

The reason Uchiha Ninja gave was that the laboratory had not filed a record with the police department and was suspected of endangering the villagers of Konoha, so it had to be shut down. Although Orochimaru also sent people to the police department to negotiate many times, in the end the police The ministry also only agreed to release him on parole.

"...All personnel should be collected and transferred to the base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Death Forest."

Orochimaru said coldly.

"My subordinate understands!"

The subordinate breathed a sigh of relief, saluted and left quickly.

What disturbs Orochimaru the most is that compared with the huge power and elite ninjas of the Uchiha clan, his subordinates are almost vulnerable to the Uchiha ninjas.

In the many operations to seal down the laboratory, the subordinates of Orochimaru who had conflicts with the police department were easily defeated and captured by Uchiha ninjas without exception.

Originally, although Orochimaru also felt that the strength of the ninja under his command was relatively average, after all, they were all veteran ninja soldiers who had experienced the test of the battlefield, and they should still have some advantages compared with the ninjas of the police department, which are "flowers in the greenhouse". But I didn't expect that after the conflict, it would be so unbearable.

With such a difference in combat power, if the Uchiha clan really launched a coup and started a civil war, who in Konoha can subdue these crazy Uchihas?
What's more, the Uchiha ninjas who stayed in the police department were only second-rate ninjas among the Uchiha clan, and the real elites were concentrated in the Tokumitsu Shogunate and the Fire Gate Shogunate.

And once the two shoguns lead their troops back to the village, how can the Hokage series stop them?

Did it really plunge the village into civil strife?

"Teacher... do you really think so?"

Orochimaru looked in the direction of the Hokage Building.


Although the Police Department only began to find fault within the scope of its authority, all families of the Hokage faction were troubled by this.

For several days in a row, the masters of various ninja families approached the third Hiruzame Sarutobi for help.

But even if Anbu was sent to the police department to communicate, the Uchiha ninjas still rationally cited those inexplicable laws that they didn't know where they came from to show that they were not at fault, but just to regulate the behavior of ninjas in the village.

As for the ninjas brought to the interrogation room of the police department, they just need to let them assist in the investigation. If they are really not free, they can even pay bail and leave.

But no Konoha ninja left a record in the police department for no reason, and ninjas were unwilling to pay bail to the police department endlessly.

Therefore, the antagonism in the village is becoming more and more obvious.

And the most troublesome thing for Sarutobi Hiruzen III is the impeachment motion that is being connected in series in the ninja class.

The only one who can calm the matter down is Sakumo Hatake.

And the third generation of Sarutobi Rizai's purpose of promoting the list of Naruto candidates is also to deal with Hatake Sakumo.

"Don't blame me, Sakumo..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed silently.

"You and Uchiha are too close, but the village needs balance, and one family cannot dominate..."

 Calvin, I can only have one chapter today... Let me prepare it and see if I can double update tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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