Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 245 The Edge of Civil War

Chapter 245 The Edge of Civil War
The slogan of the Uchiha clan's rebellion has actually been shouted for many years.

The police department is both a power and a prison, and the Uchiha people understand this truth.

But so what?
When the second Daime Senju Tomona was in charge of Konoha, the Uchiha clan had conservative clans such as Uchiha Kagami split up, and the Senju clan and Konoha's major ninja clan kept exerting pressure. The self-proclaimed powerful Uchiha clan only Aggrieved to nest in the one-acre three-point land of the police department, the so-called "rebellion" is just the radicals who have had their mouths addicted to yelling at small-scale faction rallies. If they really raise the flag and say Maybe the first ones to come to suppress are the conservative clansmen.

For ninjas, peace is the biggest obstacle to the growth of strength.

Uchiha ninjas, who have been struggling with various trivial matters in the police department for many years, are naturally not as powerful as each generation.

But with the rise of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Ninja was finally able to break free from the shackles of the Police Department, regain his nature, and once again sway Uchiha's flame light to the ninja world.

Coupled with the establishment of the police preparatory school, many ninja police officers were trained. After graduation, they also entered the police department and took on most of the tedious affairs. Set aside time, or use it for self-cultivation, or find opportunities to go to the shogunate for rounds of experience, and even if it is not good, you can go home and create a few more people.

In general, today's Uchiha clan is in an attitude of upward and high-spirited development.

Because of this, the Uchiha tribe can no longer accept the suppression of the Hokage family.

Konoha is the Konoha of all Konoha ninjas, and Hokage is the Hokage selected by the Jonin. Why should the current Hokage draw up the fourth generation candidate list.

What's even more ridiculous is that it was handed over to the daimyo for review!

Daming, how many jounin does he have!

It is precisely because of the above thinking that the Uchiha tribe began to actively provoke conflicts with the Hokage family, and the contradictions between the two sides became more and more serious.

As the conflict between the two parties continued to intensify, Mitomonyan broke the agreement between the two parties and mobilized ninjas from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to enter the village to confront the North Ward Police Station of the Police Department.

The Uchiha clan did not show any weakness. The patriarch Uchiha Sifang issued an order to deploy the quick response force from the headquarters to the North District Police Station. The East District and West District Police Stations issued orders to start the curfew. The police department hospital also began to vacate a large number of hospital beds. entered a state of war.

Even the Anbu and the Police Department have had many conflicts in public, but the result of the conflicts is that the Police Department, which has an advantage in numbers, wins.

Afterwards, the ninja clans of the Naruto family have begun to gather in the village ninja, ready to join the conflict.

Although both sides have maintained their final calm and restraint, and there have been no fatal accidents in many conflicts, judging from the situation, it seems that if this conflict does not choose one side to back down, it is only a matter of time before it evolves into a civil war.

But the final opportunity for peace, in Konoha Ninja's view, is maintained by Hatake Sakumo.

But Hatake Sakumo also felt very tormented. Although Uchiha Tokumitsu had promised him that he would not start a civil war, he had not had time to negotiate with the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen to discuss the peace conditions proposed by Uchiha Tokumitsu. The conflict between the two sides thus began to intensify.

Even the instigator Sarutobi Hiruzen III didn't expect the conflict to become so intense, and Hatake Sakumo didn't even expect the Uchiha clan's reaction to be so violent this time.

Maybe it's because the emotions that have been suppressed for a long time burst out after the fuse is lit, maybe the Uchiha clan is no longer willing to wait any longer, but no matter what, Konoha can't be messed up!

This is the creed of Hatake Sakumo!

Therefore, when Anbu was ordered to arrive at the Ninja Class to convey the call of Hokage, Hatake Sakumo immediately went to the Hokage Building.


"Knock knock!"

Hatake Sakumo knocked twice on the door of Hokage's office, and without waiting for a response from inside, he immediately turned the doorknob and pushed the door in.

"Master Hokage, here I come..."

Hatake Sakumo nodded to everyone in the office, "Good day, two consultants."

"And... Tsunade Hime, long time no see."

"Mr. Shuo Mao, I'll wait for you, sit down..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen III greeted Hatake Sakumo with his smiling and amiable look.

Hatake Sakumo nodded and sat down on the sofa at the side of the office.

Although they are in the same room, they seem to be quite different from Sarutobi Hiruzen and others.

"... Konoha is a collective, and the village cannot be chaotic, so the behavior of the Uchiha clan must be controlled."

There was silence in Hokage's office for a while, and Mitomonyan was the first to speak: "Sakumo-kun, this is your responsibility."


Hatake Sakumo asked back: "Why does the village always like to throw the blame before things calm down?"

"Master Hokage, if I'm not mistaken, quelling the conflict this time is the reason why you ordered me to come here, right?"

"Talking with this attitude, if the person sitting here is not me but Tokumitsu-kun, it is estimated that the Hokage Building has been smashed by Susano at this time!"

Hatake Sakumo's series of rebuttals made Mito Monyan turn blue and speechless.

Seeing his friend like this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed slightly, and put down the pipe in his hand.

"The village cannot be chaotic, this is the principle of everything..."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen said sincerely: "Everyone is Konoha ninja, even if you are Hokage, you are serving the village ninja, so you can talk openly and honestly."

"As for the responsibility... It's just that Advisor Yan is in a hurry, so please don't worry about it."

Saying such things in the identity of Hokage, Hatake Sakumo couldn't continue to entangle this matter.

After the atmosphere calmed down a bit, Hiruzaru Sarutobi continued, "But in the final analysis, this time...the Police Department has gone beyond the mark."

"The ninja class has to fulfill the right to supervise Konoha's ministries, so it shouldn't be biased."

Turning to bed Xiaochun answered the words.

"However, Shuo Mao-kun's work achievements are obvious to all since he took up the position of the monitor of the upper ninja class. Therefore, I hope that this time the turmoil can be quelled by you."

"Besides, this is also within the purview of the ninja class, right?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi third picked up the pipe on the table again and smoked it slowly.

But from the corner of his eyes, he was secretly watching the change of Hatake Sakumo's expression.

Unlike in the past, this time Sakumo Hatake's expression was unusually calm, and no one could see his inner thoughts.

"May I ask, Hokage-sama..."

Hatake Sakumo was silent for a while before slowly opening his mouth: "Where do you think the cause of this turmoil came from?"

"The Uchiha clan is too inflated..."

On this point, the third Sarutobi Hiruzen is not prepared to be as hypocritical as before: "Their ambitions have been known to everyone in the village since the second generation took charge of Konoha."

Indeed, in the past, the Uchiha people who didn't talk about it would just yell and rush into the Hokage building and seize the power of Hokage, but anyone who has contact with this family basically knows about it.

"So... is it a mistake for the ninjas in the village to aspire to become Hokage?"

Hatake Sakumo asked calmly: "You know, the teaching of Ninja School is to let every student have the dream of becoming Hokage and work hard for it..."

"And this is also the source of Konoha's strength!"

"You mean Uchiha Tokumitsu, right?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, narrowed his eyes, "But if the Uchiha tribe becomes the Hokage of the village, what do you think will happen to the village?"

With the strength of the Uchiha clan, if the position of Naruto really becomes their possession, then the other Konoha ninjas will all become Uchiha's retainers.

"What the village wants is balance, so the Uchiha clan needs to make some sacrifices."

Turning to bed Xiaochun said with a solemn face: "You can't let one family dominate, otherwise Konoha Ninja Village will be in danger of falling apart."

"But the Uchiha clan is also a member of Konoha Ninja after all..."

Hatake Sakumo took a deep breath: "If it is wrong to be strong, then all the ninja clans can be disbanded."

It's true that the village needs balance, and it's true that Konoha needs stability.

But it can't be said that the Uchiha clan is a mistake, right?
If that's the case, then with the support of Uchiha Tokumitsu and all Uchiha Jonin, what is it that he forcibly won the position of squad leader of the Ninja class from the Nara clan?
The Hokage office once again returned to dead silence.

"Knock knock!"

There was a knock on the door of Hokage's office.

"Come in!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi the Third yelled impatiently.

"Master Hokage, there is an urgent report from the village, so I take the liberty to interrupt..."

An Anbu entered and handed some information documents to the third generation Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

After a hasty glance, Hiruzen Sarutobi closed his eyes wearily.

"There is a conflict between the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Under everyone's probing eyes, Hiruzen Sarutobi said slowly: "The North District Police Department of the Police Department has arrested more than 30 ninja personnel from the Ministry of Internal Affairs..."

Mitomon Yan's complexion suddenly turned black.

The Ministry of the Interior is the department under his jurisdiction.

"...The use of ninjutsu in the street resulted in three deaths and five injuries, and all the casualties were members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!"

Be chaotic!

The expressions of everyone in Hokage's office changed drastically.

This is the first fatality since the conflict!
Mitomon couldn't sit still anymore.

He is very clear about the ninjas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under his command. If the Uchiha clan is really tearing their faces, I am afraid that all the members will not be able to stop the attack of a Uchiha ninja from a police station.


Hatake Sakumo frowned and growled, "Why is there such a conflict!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi III shook his head, and then handed the information document to Sakumo Hatake.

Hatake Sakumo quickly took it over and read it, and immediately flipped through it.

"Why didn't you mention it?"

Hatake Sakumo frowned even tighter.

The secret intelligence only has the time, place and casualties of the conflict between the two sides, and did not explain the background of the incident.

"" Knock knock!
There was another knock on the door of Hokage's office.

"come in……"

Hope it's not bad news.

Another messenger, Anbu, came in and reported to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation.

"Master Naruto... The North District Police Station has been closed again, and all the ninjas belonging to this department have been evacuated..."

Similar to the last forced palace, the Uchiha clan contracted again.

But this time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not intend to continue to compromise.

The Naruto family really has no room for maneuver anymore. If there is any compromise, the already wavering ninja will also switch to the Uchiha family. At that time, it will really be powerless.

"Suo Mao-jun, I will leave this matter to you..."

Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, was smoking his pipe hastily, his voice was extremely harsh, "The Uchiha clan can't continue to be so presumptuous."

"Even if something unbearable happens?"

Hatake Sakumo narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly.

"Even if there is a civil war! Even if the village is in ruins!"

The tone of Sarutobi Hiruzen III became more and more firm. "Konoha is the Konoha of all Konoha people, the Uchiha clan must be restricted!"

"Hokage-sama, may I ask if the nomination process for the list of candidates for the fourth generation is really all right?"

Hatake Sakumo made the last effort, "It is necessary to correct mistakes! Besides, the Uchiha clan is also a member of Konoha!"

"I have made up my mind!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes, and took another big puff of his pipe.

"Then Hokage-sama means..."

"The police department handed over the perpetrators of this conflict, then I can issue an amnesty to exempt others from responsibility!"

The third Sarutobi Hiruza said: "That's it, the rest can be changed from now on!"

"Aren't you willing to listen to Uchiha Deguang's conditions?"

"Stop listening!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face became even more icy, "Sakumo Jonomin, remember, I am Hokage!"

"Hokage is not the Hokage of one clan, but the Hokage of all Konoha ninjas!"

Hatake Sakumo also stood up, and said word by word: "Hokage-sama, I will pass the impeachment motion in the ninja class! I hope you can quickly wake up!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi the Third tapped the embers in the pipe without saying a word.

Tsunade snorted coldly, got up first and slammed the door out.

She really can't bear to see these crap things that are scheming endlessly for profit.

Hatake Sakumo also left afterwards.

There was a dead silence in the Naruto office again.

After a long time, Mito Menyan said quietly: "It's time to gather the ninja army..."


Turning to bed Xiaochun nodded in agreement.

"Let's assemble, this time the ninja troops of all families can come out."

Sandaime refilled a pipe and smoked happily.

"Notify the assembly personnel of each family..."

"...This time, I will use all my strength."

Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu both nodded in agreement.

"Knock knock knock!"

There was another hasty knock on the door of Hokage's office.

"Come in!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned and shouted.

"Master Hokage, the two advisors..."

An Anbu hastily reported inside: "Sakumo Jōnin has called on ninjas to assemble in the illegal name of the Reform Society!"

"Another ninja who was born in Hatake Sakumo's confidant suddenly left the village and turned back to the west. The purpose is probably to rescue..."

"Any more?"

Hiruzame Sarutobi interrupted his subordinate's explanation.

"The shogunate ninja army under Uchiha Tokumitsu may set off to return to the village today, with about 200 people..."

The number of people is not too many, and Konoha F3's expression relaxes.

"According to investigations, they are all Junin!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi and the two advisors were stunned.

 Chapter 2 is still a bit stuck
(End of this chapter)

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