Chapter 246
The elite Jonin troops led by Uchiha Tokumitsu stayed in place after arriving in Settsu County, Kinki, the country of fire, and then quietly waited for the left-behind jonin from the Tokumitsu shogunate in the country of vortex and the fire gate shogunate in the country of grass. Come here.

After counting all the fighters, there will be as many as 300 Jōnin in this ninja army under his command.

This is already a force that is powerful enough to cross the invincible hands in the ninja world.

What's more, Uchiha Toku still controls the three-tailed jinchuriki on the bright side, and secretly prepares the psychic of the two-tailed beasts. If necessary, if the two-tailed beasts are put into the battlefield, I am afraid that no ninja village can resist it. live.

As one of the four Kinki counties, Settsu County Castle is very close to the Daming Prefecture of the Fire Country.

The reason why the troops are stationed here is also because Uchiha Tokumitsu intends to use the opportunity of threatening the fire country daimyo to force the Hokage family to leave the village to fight.

After all, within Konoha Ninja Village, who knows if there are any inexplicable tricks like the sealing circle. In contrast, it is more appropriate to choose a county town as the battlefield.

And even if the county city is abolished, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't feel bad.

"Master Deguang, the family is here..."

Uchiha Toku justly expelled the guardian of Settsu, and occupied the county guard's mansion. After the ninja affairs were arranged, the attendant ninja came in to report.

"Bring him here."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said immediately.

The reason why he didn't return to the village immediately was also because he had to wait for the first-hand information from the family in the village.

"Mr. Deguang!"

After a while, the attendant ninja came in with an acquaintance.

"Fu Yue-jun, it turned out to be you."

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

It's really rare that the patriarch's son-in-law actually goes out in person.

"The village is not peaceful, and other people may not be able to walk away, so I will come here."

Uchiha Fugaku explained: "But seeing Tokumitsu-kun's elite is here, I feel at ease..."

"There are nearly a hundred people coming, and they are all Junin."

Uchiha Tokumitsu gave Uchiha Fugaku a reassurance.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Fugaku's originally high-hanging heart also relaxed a bit.

"But... why are there so many Junin?!"

Immediately, Uchiha Fugaku's heart trembled, feeling a little dizzy.

"The battlefield is the best training ground for Uchiha ninjas."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's answer was concise and to the point.

Of course, in addition to this reason, Uchiha Deguang's kaleidoscope pupil technique also played a very important role as a catalyst.

The kaleidoscope pupil technique of the right eye [Great Country Master], as a group auxiliary pupil technique, acts on the Uchiha ninja who is about to break through, allowing him to feel the power of a higher level of Sharingan in advance, coupled with the bloody excitement on the battlefield, The difficulty of breaking through the realm after the war will naturally be much smaller.

"Three hundred Junin..."

Uchiha Fugaku is still in a trance state.

Although not all of them are Uchiha ninjas, this force has surpassed the police department stationed in Konoha Village.

The strength of the police department alone is enough to confront the village. If you add the two shogunate under Uchiha Tokumitsu, they have surpassed the Hokage series in terms of strength.

"How is the family situation?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked.

"...There is no serious problem for the time being, and many conflicts have also gained the upper hand."

Uchiha Fugaku restrained his emotions and replied softly.

"That's good……"

Tokumitsu Uchiha nodded, "In addition, there is a team in the red team, and I plan to send it back to the village. You can arrange it then."

"The clan land is safe, so I can naturally fight with peace of mind here."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said so.

"...Then be careful."

Uchiha Fugaku did not refuse. After all, the Chibei team is an elite force composed of radicals. At this time, returning to the village can also strengthen the defense of the Uchiha clan and prevent the Hokage family from taking risks.

" it really going to start a civil war?"

Uchiha Fugaku asked again worrying about gains and losses.

Uchiha Tokumitsu just nodded without speaking.

Because the answer is also nonsense.

Regardless of whether they really intend to start a civil war or not, this is the time, at least the posture must be fully displayed.

As the saying goes, "the enemy is expected to be lenient", it is always right to prepare for the worst.

"Sakumo-kun sent a message to Mimura Hanomaki's shogunate, intending to recall the western border defense force..."

Uchiha Fugaku was a little apprehensive, but he still said, "Will this have any impact?"

"The Yejuan shogunate is the weakest of the four major shogunate, so what if all the members return to the village?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and said: "In addition, the family should not be too worried about Sakumo-kun's actions. The actions of the Reform Society are generally beneficial to us."

"What's the meaning of this?"

Uchiha Fugaku humbly asked for advice.

"Don't you think that the power of the family can subdue the entire Konoha?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little impatient, and the brains of these high-level family members didn't know how to grow.

"The Revolution Society has united civilian ninjas and some small ninjas, so they don't want to get involved in factional struggles!"

"As long as the innovation will remain neutral, even a civil war will be confined between the family and the Hokage forces. Even if one of the parties is defeated, the village will be severely damaged at most, and there will be no danger of destruction."

"And in this way, our pressure will be much less, so the family doesn't have to worry too much."

"I understand……"

Uchiha Fugaku also nodded, accepting Uchiha Tokumitsu's point of view.

"Then... what do Tokumitsu-kun think about the next Hokage candidate?"

"Let's get over this hurdle first!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu frowned and reprimanded: "How can there be such a reason to think about dividing the spoils before winning the victory!"


Uchiha Fugaku laughed dryly and nodded again and again.

"If the old monkey leads his troops to leave the village or launch an attack on the clan, remember to notify me in time..."

Tokumitsu Uchiha slowed down and said, "Besides, I believe the family should be able to withstand the first wave of attacks from the Hokage series, right?"

"No problem, the North District Police Station has been withdrawn, the East District and the West District have been strengthened, coupled with the strength of the Police Headquarters, it can basically be on par with the Hokage forces..."

Uchiha Fugaku also patted his chest and assured.

"That's good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought about it, and decided to give the family another reassurance.


A black cat appeared in front of the two along with the psychic beast smoke.

"Master Deguang~ Long time no see~"

Ninja cat and cat swayed its tail again and said coquettishly to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a bottle of Mutian Polygonum and handed it to Maomata, and said to it: "Please go back to Konoha with Mr. Fujigake, and if you encounter a dangerous situation, use reverse spirituality to summon me there."

"Follow your orders~"

The cat stretched out its claws happily again to grab the greeting gift from Uchiha Tokumitsu, and nodded repeatedly in response.

"In that case, I'll go back to the village first."

Uchiha Fugaku also stood up and resigned very discerningly.

"At that time, the second team of the red reserve team will return directly to the family, just arrange for the support staff..."

Uchiha Deguang nodded, and called in an attendant ninja to tell him to send a message to the red team to return directly to the village.


After sending Uchiha Fugaku away, Uchiha Tokumitsu returned to the quiet room of the governor's mansion and continued to close his eyes and rest.

Although in private, Sarutobi Hiruzen III has often been dismissed as an "old monkey", but Uchiha Tokumitsu actually attaches great importance to it.

As the saying goes, "contempt in language, attention in action", or the same sentence, there is always nothing wrong with lenient enemy.

Especially this kind of behavior that, apart from not clearly playing the banner of rebellion, but all actual actions have gone against the village, we must be extremely cautious.

Regardless of whether the Hokage family takes the initiative to attack or waits for the Uchiha family to go further, anyway, both sides have already made up their minds that they must do a battle to determine the outcome.

In terms of tactics and strategy, Uchiha Tokumitsu took some advantage by virtue of the prophetic advantage, but the Naruto family is not completely dry, otherwise it would not be possible to control Konoha for decades.

With the Uchiha family gaining more and more advantages, the Hokage family has only two choices.

One is to increase the strength of one's own faction and maintain relative suppression of the Uchiha clan;

The second is to actively interrupt the rising momentum of the Uchiha clan when the Uchiha clan has not reached its peak.

The first method failed with the death of Danzo, and now Sarutobi Hiruzen is planning to adopt the second method.

"If only there were five more years..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was a little regretful.

Although the Hokage Group has confirmed that Sarutobi Shinnosuke will fill the trap in the occupied area of ​​the Land of Thunder, they still haven’t entered the trap at the moment. weaken.

Furthermore, it is a civil war after all, so it is not easy to bring Sanshoyu Hanzo over, as the peak combat power of one's own side is relatively insufficient.

Although he has a kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Tokumitsu is still very cautious.


In Muye Village, with the evacuation of all members of the North District Police Station of the Police Department, the ninja class building has also entered a state of martial law.

And the mobile unit assigned directly to the upper ninja squad has become the only Uchiha ninja force in the entire Konoha North District.

After Hatake Sakumo called the combat ninjas from the ninja class to the office, he also let them sit in the room.

He does not intend to allow the Uchiha ninja of the mobile unit to participate in this conflict, or civil war.

The ninjas under the Revolutionary Society also put on red sleeves on their left arms, and went out to guard in civilian areas in the village.

As Uchiha Tokumitsu thought, he didn't want to participate in this conflict.

Regardless of whether this conflict will turn into a civil war, Hatake Sakumo always upholds the belief that the village cannot be chaotic.

And this is why Tokumitsu Uchiha rest assured that he is stationed abroad and is ready to go to war with the Hokage forces.

"Lord Shuomo..."

Someone in the ninja class monitor's office opened the door and reported to him: "Master Hokage has assembled Anbu..."

"Explore again, report again!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded.

Then he looked at the Uchiha Jonin in the mobile unit, still looking calm.

Hatake Sakumo felt a little more at ease.

After a while, there was another hasty knock on the door outside the office.

"Lord Sakumo, the ninjas of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have assembled in the Death Forest!"

A jōnin came in and said, "Ikacho, Sarutobi, Shimura and other ninja troops have also assembled in the woods behind Yingyan."

"How many?"

Hatake Sakumo asked.

"There are more than [-] people in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the ninja ninja army of Naruto-sama is about a thousand people..."

"Including Anbu, there are only 500 people..."

Hatake Sakumo nodded, noncommittal.

The number of people is actually not of great significance. The focus is on the decisive battle between Sarutobi Hiruzen and Uchiha Tokumitsu, which is the core of the civil war.

With fewer people, the loss of the village will be relatively less.

No matter who wins or loses, Hatake Sakumo, who is also a Konoha ninja, will feel sad.

But this is helpless, the Hokage family is no longer willing to listen to Uchiha Tokumitsu's conditions, so there is no end to the outcome.

"... Has Tsunade Hime made any changes?"

Hatake Sakumo asked again.

"The land of the Thousand Hands has been completely sealed off. There are ninjas on the high wall who are on guard, and no abnormalities have been found for the time being..."

Jonin who came to report replied.

"That's good……"

Hatake Sakumo also heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as Tsunade, who represents Konoha's orthodox inheritance, does not choose to stand in line, then everything is easy to say.

"Go and investigate carefully."

Hatake Sakumo said.

The Uchiha Jonin of the mobile unit is still calm and composed, as if they have never heard of it.


In Hokage's office, Hiruzaru Sarutobi also changed into a combat uniform, and the Hokage hat was also placed on the desk, holding a helmet in his hand.

Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Koharu are also in ninja uniforms, carrying huge scrolls, and are also ready to fight.

"Master Hokage, all parts are ready!"

An Anbu opened the door to report inside.

"……it is good."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi III nodded, "Wait for the order."

"As ordered!"

Anbu Ninja went out immediately.

"Yan, Xiaochun, we haven't fought side by side for many years."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smiled and said, "I hope our old muscles can still be used..."

"...Do you want to send someone to call Xia Jiefeng again?"

Mito Menyan didn't answer directly, but mentioned Akimichi Tekkaze.

"Among the six of us, right now..."

Turning to the bed, Koharu was going to say something, but was interrupted by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Chefeng doesn't need to go, and he doesn't want to go either."

Sarutobi Hiruzen the third generation shook his head, "The village still needs someone to take over..."

There is another reason that everyone knows well, that is, there are still some wall-riding factions within the Inokacho clan who are unwilling to use all the strength of the three clans to fight the Uchiha clan.

"Knock knock!"

Another Anbu knocked on the door and entered.

"Hokage-sama, the Hinata, Inuzuka, and Yume clans all refuse to accept the call..."

Anbu said cautiously: "And the family members of the Inuzuka and Yume clans have all been transferred to the Hyuga clan..."

"Another Fencer..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the third generation laughed.

However, it is also easy to understand intellectually. They feel that the Hokage forces have little chance of winning against the Uchiha clan, or that even if they win, they can only win miserably, so they simply remain neutral.

"The Sakumo faction, the Thousand Hands Clan, and the Hyuga joint name... all chose to be neutral..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, said with a wry smile: "Could it be that my ruling has failed like this?"

"It's useless to talk too much!"

Mito Menyan said lightly.


Sarutobi Hiruzen III nodded, "Then let's go to battle!"


 I have found the feeling, and Chapter 2 is more after eating!
(End of this chapter)

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