Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 248 Fierce Battle at Setjin

Chapter 248 Fierce Battle at Setjin

The pale daimyo of the Fire Nation sat in the palace, listening to the nobleman's report on the battle that took place in Settsu County.

"...By the time the spy information returned, the [-] rebellious ninja troops led by Master Hokage had already started fighting with the [-]-odd private army of the traitor Uchiha Tokumitsu in the southern part of Settsu County. Wait for the front line to send it."

The daimyo's General Konoe knelt on the ground and reported the report tremblingly.

Since Uchiha Tokumitsu led his troops to besiege the Temple of Fire, occupy the two counties of Kinki, and conveniently wiped out the government army directly under the daimyo, the status of the government army with samurai as the main force has plummeted since then, even the general under the command of the government army is not Trust again.

"[-] vs. more than [-] people... In this way, Mr. Ri Zhan has a great advantage, right?"

The daimyo asked drake throat.

"Or, or so..."

General Konoe's brow was sweating, and he replied hesitantly.


The daimyo let out a cold snort, which made the body of the high-ranking General Konoe tremble, "You are incompetent!"

After uttering a scolding sentence, the daimyo turned his attention to his confidant guard Shinobu.

"Hattori-kun, in your opinion, is the battle between Hokage and the Uchiha rebels a sure thing?"

The so-called guardian ninja is actually the original guardian ninja. After Uchiha Tokumitsu marched into Kinki to force the daimyo to disband the guardian ninja, the original team members changed their names.

Moreover, most of the Ninja guards in the Kingdom of Fire are descendants of the Ninja clan who are scattered all over the Ninja World and do not belong to the Ninja Village, and their overall strength is not bad.

Moreover, after the daimyo and Naruto cooperated to train ninjas, the guard Shinobi also received some special training from Konoha Anbe, and their strength and number have increased compared to before.

But even so, the daimyo's bodyguard Shinobu is still just a weak little sheep in front of the orthodox five major ninja village ninja army, and his combat effectiveness is really not on the stage.

"...It's not yet known, and even the traitor Deguang may have a better chance of winning."

Hattori, the leader of the bodyguard ninja, said: "According to the information shared by Konoha, the rebel army is basically composed of jonin... This is already a force that is enough to destroy a ninja village in a big country."

"……I understand."

Although Hattori's words were not pleasant to hear, the daimyo still listened to them.

"Go back!"

With a "swipe", the daimyo opened the folding fan in his hand to cover his face, "Goddess Uno will bless Hokage!"


But even if Goddess Uno would really bless Sarutobi Hiruzen III, the old monkey would not be able to change the current battle situation.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu put on his majestic costume, Susano and Erwei Matayu combined, he drove the old monkey all over the ground. Under the control of De Guang, he easily dodges.

However, the series of Taijutsu techniques performed by Sarutobi Hiruzen III did not have any effect in front of Nio who was in a majestic state.

The combination of Susanoo and Tailed Beast is no longer as simple as a simple superposition of strength.

"Travel again, let's turn!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stood on top of the head of the two-tailed horse brigade, lightly stomped his feet, and directed the tailed beast to turn to the ninja troops of both sides who were fighting fiercely.

"Your opponent is me!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Sarutobi Hiruzen III immediately shouted loudly, and swung the vajra stick again to hit the tailed beast's head.


The second-tailed brigade raised its front paws to block, but even with Susano's chakra armor as protection, the paws were still numb from the knock.

"That's right... the front was right just now!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was in a good mood, joked casually, "Travel again, I think you're a little dazed..."

"A lot of nonsense!"

Erwei replied without hesitation.

"I'll give you thirty beavers after the war!"


As soon as the reward came out, Erwei Youlu was full of energy immediately, and grinned again at the old monkey standing in front of him.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, panting heavily, confronted Mata brigade Natsuo controlled by Tokumitsu Uchiha.

His condition is also not good. Driven by Erwei Youlu, his physical strength is very high, and the ordinary single-attribute five-dome ninjutsu is basically ineffective in front of the tailed beast, and the compound ninjutsu is more difficult to perform. It is difficult to perform spells under the pursuit of beasts, and these factors limit his attack methods.

"Uchiha... Valley of the End..."

Even though his body was extremely exhausted, the pride originating from the Hokage family still made him continue to put on a combat stance.


On the other side, the Uchiha ninja army is fighting with the Naruto ninja army.

The Uchiha ninja army is the most elite ninja force in the family, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's kaleidoscope pupil technique has been boosted, and he has the upper hand as soon as he fights.

Although the Naruto ninja army has a large number of people, but in front of the Uchiha ninja army who is obviously superior in personal combat power, they are still beaten so much that they can only defend and counterattack.

"Fire Escape: The Technique of Dragon Fire!"

"Fire escape, the fire is extinguished!"

Under the cover of the continuous bombardment of the fire ninjutsu, the Uchiha ninja army in charge of close combat quickly rushed into the Naruto army, and performed a multi-point breakthrough charge with a team of three.

"The Art of Darkness!"

Mitomon Yan had a bad sense and quickly cast an unskilled illusion in an attempt to block the Uchiha ninja's sight, but the Uchiha ninja who charged into the area covered by the illusion quickly cast a blink to jump out of the coverage of the dark walk.

Then another team of vortex ninjas and pommel horse ninjas stepped forward to counterattack.

"The technique of fading black!"

"Illusion · Solution!"

The illusion originated from the second generation Mesenju Tomona's invention and was specially used to restrain Hitomijutsu ninjas was thus cracked by the two major ninja clans, and then the Uchiha ninja army launched an offensive again, killing towards the crumbling Naruto army formation.


"Have you seen it? Mr. Riza, this era is progressing..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also noticed the battle between illusion and de-illusionment in the corner of the battlefield, so he said to Sarutobi Hiruzen III in a cheerful tone: "As long as you stick to the old tradition and just remember to stick to the old tradition, there will always be a day in the future." Those who were photographed to pieces in the tide of the times..."

"What do you mean by that..."

The third Sarutobi Hiruzen's breathing gradually became calmer, but he was still talking nonsense with Uchiha Toku with a cold face.

He needs to buy more time to adjust his physical condition,

"As a Konoha ninja, it is indeed my honor to be able to fight against contemporary Naruto."

The smile on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face remained unabated, "It's just a pity on such an occasion..."

"Don't you think you've got the chance to win?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, had a gloomy face, and started ninjutsu with one-handed mudra.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"


Along with the ninjutsu smoke, the clones of the four shadows appeared together.

"Come on, juniors of the Uchiha family..."

The main body of the third Sarutobi Hiruzen and the four shadow clones hold the Vajra Wishful Stick together, forming a pentagonal formation.

"Let me see how well you have mastered the power of the kaleidoscope!"

"as you wish!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu also shouted excitedly, and the kaleidoscope Sharingan in his eyes turned faster and faster.

"Fire Escape, Dust Hidden Technique!"

A cloud of high-temperature smoke and dust spewed out from Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth, and quickly spread towards the third Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Afterwards, while condensing high-strength Chakra in the mouth of Natsuo Matabuta, under the urging of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he slashed towards the third generation of Sarutobihiro.

"Wind Escape, Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

Dozens of highly condensed wind blades spewed out from the mouth of a clone of Sarutobi Shadow, blowing away all the high-temperature smoke and dust.

Then the main body of Sarutobi Hiruzen III led the other three clones to kill Uchiha Tokumitsu with the help of ninjutsu and perform the teleportation technique.

"Travel again, zoom out!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu stomped on the head of the second tail and brigade, and ordered.


The second-tailed brigade with the chakra regiment in its mouth screamed again, and immediately shrank to the size of a tiger. Uchiha Tokumitsu then slid back and just rode on its back.

Although the oversized body can be immune to some attacks, the inconvenience caused by it also makes it difficult for him to attack the overly agile old monkeys, so it is better to fight head-on with the tailed beast.


Uchiha Tokumitsu drew out his sword, and urged Erwei to go head-on.

The highly condensed majestic costume Susanoo still wraps a person and a beast, and the dark red chakra armor is like a ghost killed from hell, and the expression on Sarutobi Hiruzen's face is also full of ferociousness, facing him without fear. Uchiha Tokumitsu launched a counter charge.

"The magic of the shackles!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu activated the kaleidoscope Sharingan to launch the illusion, staring at the two figures of Sarutobi Hirazan who didn't know whether it was the body or the shadow clone, and then the tail beast mount passed by the flanks, Uchiha Tokumitsu waved The knife tried to decapitate him.


Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was not immobilized by the golden binding illusion, swung his stick forward to block Uchiha Tokumitsu's slash, and the other clone slapped behind the two figures that were immobilized, releasing the illusion.

Then the three shadow clones all threw the Vajra Ruyi stick in their hands, and smashed it towards Uchiha Tokumitsu like a raging wood.

Uchiha Tokumitsu urged Natsuo to jump sideways again, dodging the trifling attack of the three Vajra Nishiki sticks.

Suddenly, two claws covered with monkey hair protruded from one of the Ruyi sticks, unexpectedly grabbed one of Erwei Youlv's tail.


Uchiha Tokumitsu suddenly felt bad.

"Ruyi Stick Shadow Clone Technique!"

The three vajra wish-fulfilling sticks immediately raised a stream of smoke, turned into 24 giant pillars, and fell around Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"King Kong prison wall!"

With the simultaneous movement of the three Sarutobi clones, the giant pillar formed by the wishful sticks turned into a square cage, locking Uchiha Tokumitsu and Natsuo Matabu in it.

At the same time, the three shadow clones quickly cast the instant body technique and landed in three directions, east, west, and west.

"Three-party seal!"

A green translucent enchantment once again shrouded the outside of the square cage formed by the Ruyi stick, completely trapping Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"It's really interesting..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled, "As expected of a professor of ninjutsu, all kinds of methods are really tricky..."

"Travel again!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Matata Natsuo under his seat.

"Tailed beast jade!"

The big cat raised its head proudly, and spit out the tailed beast jade that had been brewing for a long time towards Ruyibang's cage.


With a loud noise, the barriers of the Vajra Prison Wall and the three seals were pierced by the Tailed Beast Yu Qiqi at the same time.

Even the three shadow clones that maintained the barrier were shaken to pieces.

Tailed Beast Jade, whose power was slightly reduced, continued to slash and shoot at Sarutobi Hiru III.

"Spirituality · Triple Rashomon!"

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation who was about to launch a secret method, had to scatter his handprints, quickly bit his fingers and launched a psychic spell to summon the triple black gate of purgatory, which was able to withstand the aftershock of the tailed beast jade's death.


Uchiha Tokumitsu, who got out of trouble, let out a breath and shook his head to calm down his dizzy head from the sound of the explosion; while Matata Natsuo still looked energetic, showing no signs of being affected by the explosion.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who settled down not far away, separated into three Kage clones again, forming a pentagonal formation together with the Kage clones who were originally in charge of ninjutsu suppression.

The power of the combination of Susanoo + Tailed Beast is far beyond his imagination.

If it is simply Kaleidoscope and Susano, although they are powerful, the third Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is proficient in most Konoha ninjutsu, still has means to restrain them.

But with the blessing of the Tailed Beast, the combination of Uchiha Tokumitsu, Uchiha Tokumitsu, and Susano with almost endless Chakra and extremely high combat acumen is a bit beyond the standard.

"Mr. Rizhan, you are indeed a bit old..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu urged Erwei Youlu to step forward slowly with graceful cat steps, holding a dagger across his chest.

"...Then how long do you think you can last?"

With the assistance of the Shidaokage clone, Hiruzaru Sarutobi, the third generation, formed a seal quickly with a gloomy face.

"Are you referring to the pupil power of the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu pointed to his eyes with his left hand, "It seems that the traitor Kagami has often leaked family secrets to you!"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the third generation cooperated with the four shadow clones behind him to form a seal together.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also made a seal with one hand.

"Five escapes: Dalian bullet technique!"

The main body and the four shadow clones puffed out their mouths together, spewing out chakras of five different attributes to form a Dalian bomb Chao Uchiha Tokumitsu and shoot it away.

"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu then extracted the Chakra of the second tail and brigade, combined with his own Yin Dun power to form a Yan Dun, turned into four flame dragons, and shot towards the Five Dungeon Dalian.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A series of four flame dragons hit Dalian bullets in succession, completely detonating this group of ninjutsu.

If the quality is not enough, then the quantity is enough!
Although Uchiha Tokumitsu's ninjutsu is not as sophisticated and complex as the five escape compound ninjutsu's mutual generation and mutual restraint in terms of its structure, it is still obliterated by the high-strength tailed beast chakra.

"What a terrifying Uchiha..."

The strongest ninjutsu attack also failed, and Hiruzen Sarutobi panted heavily and stared at Tokumitsu Uchiha, who was resting.

"If it's at this level, Mr. Hirazan really can't be worthy of the title of ninjutsu professor..."

There was some disappointment in Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone, while speaking, he urged Erwei Yulu to step forward slowly.

"By the way, don't you plan to take out those forbidden techniques at the bottom of the box? If you continue like this, you will really die here..."

"In that case..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's expression showed a struggle, and then became firm again.

The four shadow clones stepped forward together, blocking the advancing route of Uchiha Tokumitsu and Tailed Beast, while the main body quickly jumped back while forming seals.

"Then let me show you the strongest power as Hokage! The brat of the Uchiha family!"

"Eight Gates Dunjia—Shengmen·Open!"

 I can't stand it anymore, I'll go to bed first, and I have to continue to dust in the afternoon
(End of this chapter)

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