Chapter 249
"Eight-door Dunjia..."

Seeing Hiruzen Sarutobi, whose body began to congest and turn red and emit green energy, Uchiha Tokumitsu's face also became serious.

"But it's okay, it's just a life gate..."

Shengmen is the third gate of the Eight Gates Dunjia, and it is also the last safe zone. It not only has the function of opening and closing the gate to relieve the restrictions of brain domain and physical fatigue, but also can further increase the speed and attack power.

But even so, there is a reason why Bamen Dunjia is listed as a forbidden technique-not only because using this technique will cause compression damage to oneself, but also because the caster is very likely to unconsciously continue to fight due to the lifting of fatigue restrictions during battle. Fighting leads to exhaustion and death!

"Travel again, let's go back to the original form!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu patted Erwei Matabu on the neck, and ordered.

"What a hassle!"

The big cat grumbled and complained, but the body still returned to its huge prototype form.

Uchiha Tokumitsu's strategy of dealing with Sarutobi Hiruzen III, which explodes the small universe through Hachimon Dunjia, is also very simple and effective, that is, relying on his huge size to head-to-head.

With the body of a tailed beast plus Susanoo's protection, and an extremely large body size, if there is no super destructive move such as the wood dragon technique, even if the armor is stacked on the spot and let it attack, it will still cause damage to the two tails of the majestic outfit. Not much damage.

"Ruyi Bang·Guangfeng!"

After opening the Hachimon Dunjia, Sarutobi Hiruzen III felt as if he had regained the power of the peak period when he was young.

A magnified Ruyi stick danced with countless afterimages, and the wind that was set off seemed to stir the Wei Zhuang Erwei into it and grind it to pieces.

"Fire Rat Jade!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu gently brushed the hair of Erwei Mataru, and gave it instructions through the telepathic connection of the psychic contract.

Immediately, a huge group of rat-shaped flames shot out from the mouth of the second tail and brigade, and quickly turned into a series of small mouse-shaped tracking bombs in the middle, from different orbits towards the third generation of Sarutobi who was about to fight close to him Cut and shoot.

"Tu Dun · Earth Flowing River!"

As a last resort, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, gave up his plan of melee combat, and used ninjutsu to set off a tsunami-like river of earth, covering it with mouse-shaped tracking bullets.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The Huoshuyu was quickly wiped out by the earth-flowing river that covered the sky and the sun, while the undiminished earth-dun frenzy was still coming towards Weizhuang Erwei.

"Flame escape head hard!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was taken aback. The power of ninjutsu displayed by Sarutobi Rizai after opening the third door of the Eight Door Dunjia was beyond his imagination, so it was too late to continue to control the tailed beast, so he immediately drew the tailed beast chakra and used ninjutsu to deal with it .

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Relying on the super high amount of Tailed Beast Chakra, Uchiha Tokumitsu's Yandu Ninjutsu quickly smashed Sarutobi Hiruzen's Sarutobi Taiga.

"Lei Dun · Thunder!"

Covered by the smoke and dust, thick beams of lightning and lightning spewed out from the third Sarutobi's mouth, and shot towards the majestic Nino.

"Wind escape · oppression!"

Facing the thunder-tun attack, Tokumitsu Uchiha had to use his unskilled Fengtun ninjutsu to deal with it, spraying high-density wind clusters from his mouth to form a storm cannon, and scattered the thunder and lightning beams.

But under the cover of the Lei Dun beam of light, the Ruyi stick extended and stabbed Erwei Youlu's jaw soundlessly.

Wei Zhuang Erwei couldn't help but staggered and almost fell due to the huge force.

Immediately afterwards, two ape claws stretched out from the Ruyi stick to grab Weizhuang Erwei's cheeks, and at the same time quickly shortened, pulling the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen over.

"I still don't give up!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and then stood up on Natsuo Matabu's back with a knife in his hand.

"Flame escape, burning!"

Under the control of Uchiha Tokumitsu, a mass of flame escape force condenses out of thin air at the place where the Ruyi stick grabs the tailed beast's cheek, and quickly attaches to burn.


The ape demon king, who was so painfully burned by the flames of Yandun, couldn't help but let out screams.

"Travel again, zoom out!"

Following Uchiha Tokumitsu's instructions, Matata quickly shrunk in size, taking the opportunity to get rid of the capture of the Ape Demon King.


After the relay point disappeared, Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't panic, but took advantage of the situation and smashed the wish stick to the ground, and jumped on the top to stand at the same level as Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Such skillful and ingenious fighting skills can only be said to be worthy of being a famous ninjutsu professor in the ninja world..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu couldn't help but praise.

"If you are given some more time, maybe you can really grow to a height comparable to that man..."

Hiruzame Sarutobi also replied.

"You mean Uchiha Madara?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was not satisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen III's evaluation: "It's just an old fool who has been fooled so much that he can't find the north!"

"It seems that the village is really not in your eyes. It's a pity that people like Shuo Maojun are blinded by ambitious people like you!"

The third Sarutobi Hiruza said with a heavy tone: "But no matter how arrogant your ambition is, I will not let you succeed!"

"Then what cards do you have?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't care about delaying time with his mouth, "Is there any forbidden technique? Let me see it!"

"Otherwise, after returning to the village, I don't know how to choose so many forbidden techniques from the Book of Seals!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone was very arrogant, as if the technique of sealing was already in his pocket.

But this is actually a method of provoking generals, in order to make the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart unbalanced and cause him to perform abnormally.

Furthermore, after a while of fighting, the color of the green power flame that burst out after Sarutobi Hiruzen III opened the third door of the Eight Door Dunjia was also slightly lighter, which showed that this round of battle had consumed him a lot.

Uchiha Tokumitsu has the super battery of Erwei and Brigade, so he doesn't worry about chakras with the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen. As for the consumption of pupil power, as long as the energy consumption kills the old monkey, Uchiha Tokumitsu feels that all of this is worth it.

And the third Sarutobi Hiruzen, who is opposing Uchiha Tokumitsu, actually doesn't have much means to deal with it.

Weizhuang Erwei has indeed exceeded his comfort zone of strength.

To deal with this super-giant and cunning tail beast controlled by Uchiha Tokumitsu, the five escape ninjutsu is really too weak.

But there are very few forbidden techniques that can be used.

For example, the sealing technique used for life-changing ghoul seal is powerful, but it is difficult to perform, and it is difficult to catch Uchiha Tokumitsu who controls the tail beast to fight. At the same time, the Uzumaki clan has completely fallen The Uchiha family, so he doesn't know whether Uchiha Tokumitsu has the solution to the technique of ghoul sealing.

Really short of heroic...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi could not help but sigh secretly in his heart.

At this time, where the ninja armies of the two sides were fighting fiercely, the Uchiha ninja army, which was small in number but more powerful, gradually gained a local advantage and launched a piercing counterattack.

Although Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Koharu tried to turn the tide, they could only retreat step by step under the successive blows of Uchiha Jonin and Shogunate ninjas.

And the Nara patriarch, who has always been known for his wisdom in the ninja world, couldn't come up with an idea.

The hopes of the Naruto army are all pinned on the third generation of Sarutobi Hiruzen who is confronting Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After observing the battle situation for a while, Hiruzen Sarutobi turned his attention to Tokumitsu Uchiha again.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also leaped onto the top of Matabu's head, and raised the sword in his hand to invite a fight.

We have already reached this point, so stop thinking about dreamy ravings about a peaceful solution.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed secretly, took out a shuriken from the ninja bag, and threw it towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

at the same time--

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

At the same time, the ninjutsu activated turned the shuriken into stars and shot towards Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Uchiha flow throwing technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu only thought that this was a trivial skill, so he also took out a shuriken from the ninja tool bag on his thigh and threw it with a special technique.

"Wind escape, vacuum wave!"

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu spewed out a cloud of wind from his mouth, blowing away all the ninja tools in the sky.

"Are you out of skills..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was about to say something, when suddenly several clouds of smoke rose from the shuriken that was blown away by the blow, revealing the figures of several Sarutobikage clones.

"King Kong prison wall!"

The shadow clones threw out the Vajra Nishiki sticks in their hands, and locked Uchiha Tokumitsu and Tailed Beast in it again.

"Travel again, return to the original form!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately shouted.

"Compound Ninja Technique, Earth Dragon Flame Stream!"

An earth dragon wrapped in flames shot towards it quickly, and the Ruyi stick on the front of the Vajra Prison wall quickly disappeared, allowing the earth dragon flames to strike into it.


The compound ninjutsu blew Uchiha Tokumitsu and Nina Matata into a dizzy state. Although they didn't do much damage under the high-density chakra protection, they still lost the power to fight back for a while.

"Tu Dun · Earth Flow Cut!"

Afterwards, Hiruzaru Sarutobi of the third generation quickly formed a seal, and sent the chakra into the ground through the Ruyi stick, and the ground under the wall of the Vajra Prison split open, swallowing the prestige Nio into it.

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!"

The land that swallowed Weizhuang Erwei quickly turned into a swamp, swallowing the Vajra Prison Wall and Weizhuang Erwei deeper underground.

"Tu Dun·Yansu Collapse!"

"Earth escape enchantment · dungeon hall no!"

Immediately, Hiruzen Sarutobi the Third jumped down from the top of the Ruyi stick, pressed his hands on the top of the hill formed by the compression of Nio after the prestige equipment fell into the ground, and used ninjutsu to trap it all around.

"Sealing Technique Four Symbols Seal!"

Several other Sarutobi shadow clones also landed around them, and jointly used sealing techniques to strengthen them.

With the sealing spells like tadpoles covering the hills, Hiruzaru Sarutobi finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Young people... just repent and reflect in the dark and die silently!"

Using the wind escape technique, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the third generation, viciously transmitted the sound into the ground.

After doing all this, he also disbanded the shadow clone to recover part of the chakra, but the high consumption still made him feel empty for a while.

Although Hachimon Dunjia lifted the fatigue limit of the body, Hiruzen Sarutobi still clearly estimated how much chakra he still had to use.

"Fight to the death for the Lord!"

The Uchiha ninja army who witnessed Uchiha Tokumitsu being sealed did not disintegrate as quickly as Sarutobi Hiruzen Sandaime thought, but killed the Naruto ninja army with a more violent attitude.

They plan to rescue the lord who was imprisoned by the seal after completely defeating the Naruto army.

"What a terrifying fighting spirit..."

Even the battle-tested Sarutobi Hiruzen III couldn't help but be shocked by the bloody bravery of the Uchiha Ninja Army.

This is, another violent chakra fluctuation came from a distance.

Then, a figure jumped up on the horizon and charged towards the battlefield.

Behind him, a murderous ninja army also appeared.

Hirizan Sarutobi of the third generation took a closer look, and it was indeed an acquaintance from Konoha!

It's a pity that the driver is not good...

"Uchiha Quartet..."

The leader of the Uchiha clan led the family's ninja army to arrive here for reinforcements, so you don't need to think about the current situation in the village.

"Is it neutral again..."

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Sarutobi Hiruzen III's mouth.

Even if this battle can successfully subdue the Uchiha clan, what about the other Konoha clans?
Their will has been fully exposed in this battle between the Hokage forces and the Uchiha clan.

"...By the way, do you have any misunderstanding about the power of Tailed Beast and Susanoo?"

Just when Hiruzaru Sarutobi was worrying about gains and losses, a voice came from the defensive barrier underground.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyelids twitched immediately, feeling bad.

"Tailed beast jade!"

A beam of tailed beast jade shining with blue light burst out of the black and white meeting, and after defeating all the sealing barriers, it exploded in the sky, sputtering brilliant flames.


Uchiha Tokumitsu lifted his majestic posture, and Susano, who was manipulating the human form, broke out of the ground, waved his giant palm, and slapped Hiru Sarutobi, who was in a half-bewildered posture.


The Vajra Nishiki stick transformed by the Demon King Ape had a bad sense, and he swung himself quickly, knocking the third Sarutobi Rizen out of the grasping range of Susanoku Chakra's giant palm.

But the wishful stick fell into the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Don't worry about me, kill them!"

After breaking out of the trap, Tokumitsu Uchiha gave a loud shout, and issued instructions to his ninja army and the family ninja army who came to help.

The morale of the Uchiha ninja army was boosted again, and they killed the horrified and inexplicable Naruto ninja army with an even crazier attitude.

And the vajra stick that fell in Uchiha Tokumitsu's hands tried to break free, but Susanoo's power was comparable to ghosts and gods, so it was so easy to break free.

Not long after, the Vajra Ruyi Stick was burned by the power of Yan Dun, and he couldn't stand it, and he took the initiative to cancel the spirit spell and escape.

Afterwards, Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer merged with the two tails, but slashed and killed the third Sarutobi respectively.

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

The crescent-shaped chakra balls condensed from Susanoko's giant palm, and swung towards the third Hiru Sarutobi.

"Fire rat bombardment!"

Erwei was imprisoned underground for a while, also full of anger, he used all his strength to launch a series of mouse-shaped fireballs to chase and kill.

Under the high-density attack, Hiruzen Sarutobi could only flee around in embarrassment.

"Eight Gates..."

After finally standing still on a flat ground, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was about to take a risk and stimulate his body to open the fourth door——

"You are eight!"

Susanoo's giant palm followed, interrupting Sarutobi Hiruzen III's plan to perform the spell.

Just as he jumped up to avoid Susanoo's first giant palm, another giant palm caught him from mid-air.

"I've caught you..."

A cruel smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

"Five escapes, Dalian bomb!"

Hiruzen Sarutobi, who was tightly grasped, desperately extracted the last trace of chakra in his body, and used ninjutsu to blast Susanoo's head!


Under the ninjutsu bombardment at close range, half of Susanoo's head was blasted off.

But Uchiha Tokumitsu also quickly sank his body to Susanoo's abdominal cavity when the chakra fluctuations were abnormal, and escaped this round of attacks.

"what a pity……"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face showed regret, and his voice became weaker and weaker.

He is not young anymore.

Coupled with the activation of the unskilled Bamen Dunjia Adventure Combat, the pressure on his body is very great.

The last five-flying bullet ninjutsu was already a blow that squeezed his last vitality.

After being avoided by Uchiha Tokumitsu, he also entered a state of frequent death.

"Mr. Hirazan is really not simple... I would like to call you the strongest ninjutsu ninja in the ninja world!"


Hiruzen Sarutobi muttered to himself, and his eyes immediately lost their expression.

"Sarutobi is dead!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu controlled the Susanoo giant spirit to lift up the remains in the giant palm, and shouted to the sky.

"Sarutobi is dead!"

The Uchiha Ninja Army cheered in unison.

The rest of the Naruto army formed a group, all of them pale.

"Sun Cut..."

Tears also welled up in the eyes of Mitomon Yan and Tanju Koharu.

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu yelled again.

"Whoever descends shall be spared death!"

The Uchiha Ninja Army also shouted wildly.

"It doesn't make sense anymore..."

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun had an important point, and said to the left and right: "Put down your weapons, the war has been lost..."

Mitomonyan hesitated to speak.

"Clang clang..."

With the sound of ninja tools falling to the ground, the Naruto army also gave up their last resistance.

After Sarutobi Hiruzam III was defeated, all faction fights were meaningless.

The Uchiha clan is destined to be the biggest winner.

"I'm sorry teacher..."

Turning to bed Xiaochun suddenly let out a long sigh, his arm condensed with chakra and turned into a hand knife and stabbed himself in the heart, killing himself on the spot!

Mitomon Yan also wanted to kill himself, but was stopped by other Naruto ninjas.

Even if they are defeated, they still need someone who can fight for their final interests.


The smoke of the battlefield gradually dissipated, Uchiha Tokumitsu lifted Susano and fell to the ground.

Then he opened his arms and took a deep breath of the fresh and sweet taste of blood.

"Gentlemen, I like war..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said affectionately:

"Uchiha—Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!!!"

The Uchiha ninja army who won a big victory sent cheers resounding all over the world!
 I originally wrote more than 5000 words and planned to split it into two chapters, but I felt that this was a bit inappropriate, so I simply combined it into one chapter, deleted some water, and ended the battle plot of this paragraph.
(End of this chapter)

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