Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 253 Analysis

Chapter 253 Analysis
For Konoha in the post-civil war era, although the Battle of Settsu had far-reaching effects, it has little impact in the present; after a brief period of panic, the bottom of the village quickly adapted to the new era.

After a short period of depression, Konoha has once again returned to the normal state of traveling and bustling.

Rich merchants from various countries in the ninja world also brought their goods to Konoha, the legendary "flowing milk and honey", to contribute to the prosperity of ninja village.

In this warm atmosphere full of flowers and blazing fire, the first plenary session of the Konoha Senate, destined to reshape Konoha, was officially held.

"...This is Konoha's eternal foundation. After discussions with all parties, it is planned to completely reform the old system of Konoha, so as to avoid the recurrence of old things of relying on power and bullying people."

"Konoha stands proudly on the top of the ninja world, one is that the ninja army is invincible in battle, the other is that all the ninja clans are united, and the third is that the top and bottom are united!"

At the first plenary meeting of the Senate, Mitomon Imomo delivered a painful and soul-touching speech on behalf of the former Hokage family.

This also means that the original Hokage forces have officially surrendered in public, and have self-denied themselves in terms of legal principles, and officially and completely transferred all power.

"...All Konoha ninjas should be promoted based on their merits, so as to open up the road to advancement; the old and weak should not be pretentious; loyal and upright people should not be buried in dust."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also made a declaration of victory on stage, but not just boasting of force, but painted a picture of an ideal country to all Konoha ninjas.

The ninja world is destined to be unable to achieve complete fairness.

Just like the innate gap between ninja ninjas and civilian ninjas, it is difficult to make up for it.

But the strength of ninja ninjas does not mean that civilian ninjas will have no future, and growing the group of civilian ninjas does not mean sacrificing the interests of ninjas.

Just like the ninja ninja generation has leaders, civilian ninjas with a large base can also give birth to geniuses that ordinary ninja ninjas cannot match.

All Uchiha Tokumitsu has to do is to find a common denominator that is in the best interests of all Konoha ninjas.

The reason why people are admired and missed is that they lead the people to create a new era, instead of standing on the moral high ground to criticize unscrupulously.

The Uchiha family is different from the Sarutobi and other ninjas. The Uchiha's basic disk is big and hard enough to subdue all the discordant voices of Konoha.

Coupled with the income generated by the joint company, the force of the four frontier armies, and the power of the Ministry of Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the benefits obtained are enough for the Uchiha clan and the various ninja clans to eat their stomachs.

In addition, during the Second Ninja World War, Tokumitsu Uchiha's record was indeed the best in the Ninja World, and the Konoha Fighting School had long intended to lose sincerity, and the handling of hands and tails after the fall of Hiruzaru Sarutobi also clean enough
Therefore, the Uchiha clan also has enough cakes for Konoha Ninja.

"...All Konoha tribes will join the senate to discuss major issues; all Konoha shinobi will enter the House of Representatives to deliberate on village affairs; all Konoha ninjas will be judged on their merits!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha concluded with "Three Whatevers", officially pushing the atmosphere of the Senate Plenary Session to the top.

"Congratulations to Konoha!"

Uzumaki Patriarch Uzumaki Weiming was the first to stand up and shout loudly.

"Congratulations to Konoha!"

The Senate hall suddenly cheered.

"Long live Lord Deguang!"

The head of the pommel horse then shouted an even more shocking slogan.

"Long live Lord Deguang!"

Driven by the Uchiha ninjas and the various ninja clans, the sound of "Long live" resounded through Konoha.

Unlike the appointment of relatives and friends when Sarutobi Hiruzen was in charge of Konoha, Uchiha Tokumitsu not only took care of the interests of various powerful families, but also left enough space for other small and medium ninjas or civilian ninjas, such as the upper ninja class The remodeled House of Representatives is a perfect relief valve.

As long as he can become a jonin, he can naturally become a member of the House of Representatives, and officially become one of the high-level Konoha officials with status.

In this way, the supreme power of Konoha will also be dispersed. In fact, the Uchiha clan with the strongest family strength still holds the greatest voice among them. Unable to escape the control of the Uchiha clan.

This is much safer than standing up as Hokage and being regarded as a target by other careerists.

But no matter how many pressure relief valves are installed, if there is a problem with the basic set, it will be a complete loss.

The original Hokage series is a perfect example.

During the period when the second generation was in charge of Konoha, the Uchiha clan could actually win.

At least through the power of the Uchiha conservatives, the Uchiha clan can be split.

Before the internal problems are resolved, the family has no way to rely on a faction that does not occupy the mainstream to integrate the power of the pro-ninja clan to fight against Hokage.

At this point, the means of the Second Daime Senju Tomona are much better than those of his four villains. By including Uchiha Kagami, a direct descendant of the Uchiha conservative faction, under his command, the Uchiha conservative faction Pulling it over, this also made the radicals be cautious and dare not attack the conservatives, thus maintaining the split situation of the Uchiha clan.

It's just that after Sarutobi Hiruzen ascended the throne, due to Uchiha Kagami's inexplicable death, the Uchiha clan returned to the control of the radicals; Different factions have been cultivated within the clan; and after all the power of Konoha is controlled by the group of four, other ninja clans who have no way to advance dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

The so-called lessons learned from the past, the teacher of the latter.

In the eyes of Uchiha Deguang, this is just an example of the original Hokage's "co-governance is boundless, dictatorship has no courage".

Senshou Feijian didn't dare to openly attack the Uchiha clan, but it doesn't mean that the current Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't liquidate the hardcore members of the original Hokage forces.

He spared the ordinary people of the Konoha F4 family, and allowed the Konoha F4 family to continue to survive in the village family ninjas, but those ninjas who once fought against him must be punished appropriately, otherwise the majesty of the Uchiha clan will not be reflected .

So Uchiha Tokumitsu established the first ninja army under the Governor's Mansion system - the punishment camp.

The entire source of this ninja army is the Sarutobi, Shimura, and Zanju ninjas who participated in the Battle of Settsu, as well as the die-hard elements who were eliminated from the Anbu and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Uchiha Tokumitsu brought all these hardcore elements into punishment They acted as dead soldiers in the battalion, and if they survived five wartime selections in the future, they could return to normal status.

As for the other ninjas of the original Naruto faction, Tokumitsu Uchiha still continued the previous promise, handing over the occupied area of ​​the Thunder Country to them for garrison, but all their families need to stay in the village.

Even the ninjas of the Zhuludie clan are no exception.

As for the Uchiha clan, at the behest of Uchiha Tokumitsu, his father Uchiha Nakagen presided over the first family dividend meeting, and distributed huge amounts of funds and various ninjutsu scrolls to every Uchiha clan.

At the same time, a policy of rewarding childbearing within the family was also introduced to expand the population within the family.

Although the ninja has mastered the extraordinary Chakra, in the final analysis, he is not the kind of long-lived practitioner known to Uchiha Tokumitsu in his previous life.

The growth of a ninja requires talent, but it also takes time.

With the momentum of the Uchiha clan today, as long as they maintain appropriate combat experience and population policy, as long as they don't die, the future power will not be left behind.

This is also the reason why Tokumitsu Uchiha was able to persuade the tribe to temporarily let go of their obsession with the position of Hokage.

What Tokumitsu Uchiha wants is not to have it for a while, but what he wants is forever.


The other Ninja villages are also quietly observing every move of Konoha.

As the top ninja in the contemporary ninja world, Tokumitsu Uchiha has been analyzed by the intelligence departments of major ninja villages for a long time, but every new move by Tokumitsu Uchiha will always bring different changes to the ninja world. breath.

Especially this time when Konoha restructured, it directly eliminated the shadow of a village.

This time, it is different from the small troubles such as the shogunate and bond issuance, and it is also different from the land cession system that violated the taboo but did not cause the daimyo nobles to fight back desperately.

This time, Konoha, the birthplace of the one-village-one-country system established by the God of Ninja Senjujuma, directly overturned the existence of Hokage.

"The general conquering barbarians, co-governing Konoha..."

In Sand Hidden Village, Ebizo, who was devoting himself to the continuation of Ninja Village, carefully studied the information secretly sent back from Konoha Secret Agent, and couldn't help expressing emotion.

The problem of Sand Hidden Village is also very serious.

During the Second Ninja World War, Sand Hidden laborers went on expeditions without gaining anything, and the ninjas who participated in the battle in Ninja Village suffered heavy casualties. After the war, a lot of military expenses were deducted by the harsh daimyo of the land of winds. Even the dignified Kazekage He has to go to the desert to pan for gold sand to maintain the expenses of Ninja Village.

For Sand Yin, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, this is a great shame.

Even Taki Shinobi, who chose to live in seclusion, was not as miserable as Sand Gakure.

With Uchiha Tokumitsu's new trend in the ninja world, different trends of thought have also begun to penetrate into the hearts of sand hidden ninjas.

There is a saying that if you are poor, you want to change. It is time for Shayin, who is so poor, to change.

"Shi Deguang's strong skills make his name..."

A thought that had been lingering in Hai Laozang's mind for countless times came up again.

Unlike the past looking forward and backward, Ebizo immediately put his thoughts on paper, and immediately went to the senior management of Kazekage and Sayin for advice.


As for Yun Yin, after receiving the information, Raikage Sandai silently stared at the "Uchiha" copybook hanging on the office for a long time, and his heart was also full of ups and downs.

As the shadow of a martial arts faction that occupies the dominant position in Ninja Village, he has already tasted the taste of failure in the hands of Uchiha Tokumitsu; at the same time, he also uses the occupation of the southern part of the Thunder Country as a driving force to motivate himself to work hard , to revive Yunyin's momentum.

However, the war with Kirigakure has been going on all the time. Even if he fights hard, after his strength is greatly damaged, Yunyin can only struggle to maintain the front line, and has no power to push back.

The northern part of the Land of Thunder is occupied by Kirigakure, and the south is occupied by Konoha and Iwagakure. The income and financial resources of the daimyo of the Land of Thunder have also been greatly reduced. Although they still support the military operations of Yunyin, there is no way to spend more money. funds.

In the eyes of the third generation of Raikage, if this continues, Yun Yin will sooner or later perish in the midst of the sun and the moon.

But where is Yunyin's way out?
Three generations of Raikage thought hard but found nothing.


In Yanyinren Village, Onoki put down the secret information of Konoha in his hand, and sat quietly for a long time without saying a word.

His son Huang Tu stood on one side and didn't even dare to breathe loudly, for fear of disturbing his father's thinking.

The impact of Konoha's transformation on Yan Yin is also huge.

The relationship between Yan Yin and the land of land daimyo is not harmonious, especially the war against Yun Yin. From the view of the land of land daimyo, this means that Yan Yin tore up the settlement agreement with the land of thunder for a short-term gain. At the same time, it was slapping him in the face naked.

But Ohnoki didn't care what Daimyo thought, he only thought about how to kill Yunyin.

Iwagakure's strength is relatively weak, and it may be necessary to learn from Uchiha Tokumitsu's policy in Konoha to activate the vitality of ninjas in Ninja Village...

But Iwagakure still has a disadvantage, that is, there is a serious lack of powerful blood-successor ninjas in Ninja Village. Even if Onogi can follow suit, he cannot support a person who can shoulder the responsibility for the rise and fall of Iwagakure.


As for the Land of Water, the daimyo threw a tantrum in front of all his courtiers in his own palace regardless of his manners.

And the reason for being so furious is also because Uchiha Tokumitsu's enshrined title of "Great General Zhengyi" has truly violated the dignity of the daimyo of the land of water.

As early as during the Kirigakure Conquest, the vanguard of the Tokuko Shogunate was the so-called "Three Columns of Conquering Barbarians" formed with the ghost lamp, Mizunazuki, and Kaguya clans as the backbone. Leading the way broke through the defense line of the Kirigakure Ninja Army, created the "black ship attack" incident and captured the Daimyo's mansion in the land of water, and forced the daimyo to sign a treaty of cession that humiliated the country and completely disgraced the daimyo of the land of water.

Now Uchiha Tokumitsu has not only won the title of "Great General Who Conquests Yi", but also monopolizes Konoha's military power, so who will be his next target?
Just thinking about this question made Daimyo of the Water Country shudder.

"Immediately send an envoy to Kirigakure, please, Your Excellency Mizukage, go to the Daming Mansion to discuss matters..."

After venting his anger, Daimyo of the Water Country forced himself to calm down, and began to seek to speed up the reconciliation with the Kirigakure establishment in order to deal with the threat from the "Konoha Governor's Mansion".

As for the various discords with the third generation of Mizukage, the daimyo of the country of water has already taken care of it.

"Also, Du Siqing..."

The daimyo of the country of water turned his attention to his minister Konoe Atsuji, who had dealt with Uchiha Tokumitsu several times as an envoy. Although he was demoted after signing the peace treaty, he was later recalled to the court by the daimyo.

"Go to Konoha, check Uchiha Tokumitsu's tone, and see if he intends to be detrimental to the country of water..."

The daimyo of the country of water gritted his teeth at these words, feeling extremely humiliated.

"Follow orders!"

Konoe Atsushi couldn't refuse, so he could only force himself to accept this drudgery with a straight face.

 The content of these two days may be relatively dry, but it is also to pave the way for the development of the plot in the following article.

(End of this chapter)

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