Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 254 The Path of Evolution

Chapter 254 The Path of Evolution
After completing the initial rectification of Shinkonoha, Tokumitsu Uchiha first forced Orochimaru to hand over all the technical details of the Mutun experimental plan, and then asked him to design a set of implementation plans for the extraction of special chakra substances from cells.

After the fall of the original Sarutobi Hiruzen, the police force immediately blocked the Anbu base, the Ministry of Internal Affairs base, and the Hokage Building. After confirming that the information was true, the police force quickly entered the Anbu base and arrested the relevant personnel. And all the top-secret information and secret laboratories were taken away in one pot.

Although Orochimaru was saved from prison because he was in the base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that was investigated after the war, all the materials and equipment stored in the Anbu base were seized and taken away by the police department, which can be described as nothing.

Although Orochimaru also came to visit to show his sincerity, but Uchiha Deguang said it well, but he didn't believe anything the poisonous snake said in his heart.

Therefore, although the Ministry of Internal Affairs laboratory set up in the death forest still allows Orochimaru to continue to be used, and continues to support the original research in terms of funds, the laboratory system has also been inserted by Uchiha Nakagenan, who is in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. A large number of administrative staff provided meticulous "personal protection" for Oshemaru and the original researchers.

Of course, the performance appraisal version 2.0 is also being implemented in the laboratory of the Ministry of the Interior.

In addition to the original research topics, all new research projects in the future, except those under the special care of Uchiha Tokumitsu, will need to write proposals, schedules, and make detailed budgets. Pill is so ecstatic.

But Orochimaru gritted his teeth and persisted. All the technical details and reasons for the failure of the wooden escape experiment plan requested by Uchiha Tokumitsu were explained in detail, and the special project designated by Uchiha Tokumitsu was completed, and As a result, he regained the right to use some of the experimental instruments in the original Anbu base.

However, if Orochimaru thinks that in this way he can gain the trust of Uchiha Tokumitsu and the noose around his neck is loosened, then he is very wrong.


Fuba Castle, which was established in the old land of Uzumaki, was expanded again after Uchiha Tokumitsu became the general who conquered Yi and the governor of Konoha. The clan ninja army gave a big reward as an additional compensation for their choice to stay in the shogunate tent instead of asking for naturalization to join Konoha, and promised that the future treatment will only increase. The attitude has never changed. Leading the crowd back to Wuyin Ninja Village to set things right is still the highest combat mission of the Yi Shogunate.

At the same time, Uchiha Tokumitsu allocated a large piece of land south of the former Uzumaki Ninja Village as the Uzumaki Clan's reservation, and gave it to the Uzumaki Weiming Clan as a hereditary fiefdom.

The Uzumaki family accepted Uchiha Tokumitsu's gift with gratitude, and completed the legal transformation from allies to retainers very smoothly.

As a result, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushinaha has since legally broken away from the legal shackles of Konoha Ninja Village and has become one of Uchiha Tokumitsu's retainers.

Although few people in Konoha Ninja Village can understand the significance of Uchiha Tokumitsu's series of operations that seem to take off his pants and fart, the daimyos from all over the world feel extremely panicked.

This is an unabashed act of building a country and setting up officials!

However, the Ninja Army trained by the Fire Country daimyo and the former third generation Hiruzaru Sarutobi has stagnated since then, and the daimyo's subordinates stranded in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are also missing. In addition, after the civil war, Konoha has also realized In order to make a smooth transition, the daimyo really couldn't find a hand to check and balance, so he could only turn a blind eye and let Uchiha Tokumitsu continue to toss in the "land of transformation" in the country of Uzumaki.

But Konoe Atsuji, the special envoy of the country of water who was ordered to go to the shogunate, was not so calm.

After arriving in the southern archipelago, Kaguya Ninja, who was instructed by Uchiha Tokumitsu to be in charge of the defense zone, put the Water Country Mission under house arrest.

Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't plan to quarrel with Water Country Daimyo for the time being, he has more important things to do.

That is the high-concentration extraction of leukocytes and the harmless treatment of intercolumn cells.


After repeated battles and high-intensity use of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyesight has dropped a lot. Judging from the experience of his previous life, his current eyesight is close to 300 degrees of myopia. Although it is not very serious, but It is also a looming problem.

Most of Uchiha Tokumitsu's strength is pinned on Kaleidoscope Sharingan, which is also related to personal strength, and it must not be sloppy.

According to the Chakra cell substance extraction plan provided by Orochimaru, the Uzumaki researchers went through some demonstrations and made some detailed adjustments, and soon built a small centrifuge and a Chakra reactor.

Although the name of the instrument sounds inexplicable, Tokumitsu Uchiha still refines the white cells.

After the Uzumaki Clan transformed into retainers, Uchiha Tokumitsu no longer hid it, but directly took out the body of Bai Ze, which had been treasured for a long time, for preliminary experiments.

Although the whirlpool researcher was very surprised by this strangely shaped corpse, he was very self-aware and didn't ask any more questions, but quickly threw himself into the preliminary extraction experiment.

In the first round, a little finger that intercepted Bai Jue's body was used for extraction.

Uchiha Tokumitsu sat in the observation room behind the experiment implementation area, observing the operation of the whirlpool researcher through the thick glass.

Bai Jue is a well-deserved treasure of the ninja world.

Although most of the so-called "weapons" artificially manufactured by the sacred tree as early as Kaguya's time were weak, without exception, they all possessed extremely strong regenerative abilities, and some specially strengthened individuals could even Use powerful ninjutsu and have super fighting power.

It is not known whether the Baijue captured by Uchiha Tokumitsu is Kaguya's original version or the inferior product made by Uchiha Madara through the inter-hashita cells, but its super high regenerative ability is still true.

Furthermore, for Uchiha Tokumitsu, Bai Zee's fighting power is not something he looks up to, but the regenerative power in his cells is what he urgently needs.

In the memory of the previous life, the reason why Xian Er was able to use the Kaleidoscope unscrupulously was because his body transplanted Bai Jue's limbs to replenish his pupil power, and at the same time he also used Bai Jue as a charging treasure to draw chakra, so he had It has a long combat life.

Although Tokumitsu Uchiha hasn't found a second living body Hakujue to subdue him for the time being, he has the second-tailed horse brigade as a psychic partner. If necessary, he can directly extract the endless tailed beast chakra in the battle. It is much safer than being possessed by Bai Jue.

Therefore, the core task of the Uzumaki researcher is to extract the cells with regenerative power needed by Uchiha Tokuko through Baijue's limbs.

As the centrifuge roared and rotated, the first cell fluid was extracted soon.

Vortex researchers quickly screened, and extracted a drop of the most active part into the chakra reactor for cultivation.

Then came another long wait.

Tokumitsu Uchiha set his sights on the power plant that maintains the energy source of the chakra reactor.

That is the group that the Uzumaki researchers extracted the Tailed Beast Chakra of the Three-Tailed Jinchuriki Kutachi Yakura as the power source.

With the magic circle of the Four Elephants Seal as the core, the Tailed Beast Chakra is used as the power source, and after the transformation of the sealing technique, the Tailed Beast Chakra is converted into controllable Chakra energy for continuous output. This is the latest research and development by the Vortex Research Institute. One of the tail beast black technologies.

Although in terms of creativity, the Uzumaki Research Institute is not as good as Orochimaru, a scientific research genius, but after Uchiha Tokumitsu created various approaches based on the memories of his previous life, the Uzumaki researchers still completed the research tasks very well.

After the chakra energy output by this unit enters the chakra reactor, it will be fused with the leucocyte extract placed in the reactor, and the cells will be stimulated by chakra to test its specific characteristics and functions.


With the continuous input of Chakra energy, there was a sudden muffled sound, and the huge Chakra reactor shook violently, and then lost its response.

The vortex researcher quickly stopped the power input of the unit and turned on the reactor.

I saw that the small drop of cell extract implanted in it at the beginning had turned into a strange-shaped mass of flesh, and judging from its pale color, it was obviously devoid of any vitality.

The vortex researcher shook his head slightly in the direction of the observation room, and then continued the war experiment.


Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Although we knew from the beginning that the experiment would not be accomplished overnight, especially for such a groundbreaking major scientific research project, we must have a relatively large error tolerance rate and continue to try to get the desired results, but this is after all related to Uchiha Tokumitsu's future cannot be treated with caution.

Afterwards, there was another series of failures. The cell extract of Bai Jue's finger was exhausted, but the ideal result was not obtained, and even the power of the tailed beast in the crew was exhausted.

"Take one palm for cell extraction and use it all for experiments!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately ordered.

Then the whirlpool researcher carefully separated a palm from Bai Jue's corpse, and quickly went to the detention room to extract the three-tailed Jinchuriki's tailed beast Chakra.

Tokumitsu Uchiha was restless and anxious, but he couldn't go inside to disturb the experiment progress of the Uzumaki researcher, so he went to the sofa behind the observation room and closed his eyes to rest.

Not long after, as the unit roared again, the centrifuge started to run again, and the cell extract was separated.

After the vortex researcher adjusted the magic circle rune of the chakra reactor, he put the cell extract into it again for cultivation.

In theory, this experimental procedure is reasonable.

In ancient times, Baijue was the product of the joint action of the sacred tree and infinite Tsukiyomi, and the tailed beast was also a living body created by the Sage of the Six Paths by separating the ten tails. There is a certain relationship between the two, theoretically. Composite configuration is possible.

It's just that the blood relationship between Bai Zee and Tailed Beast may be weaker than the blood relationship between the Uchiha clan and the Hyuga clan.

"If it really doesn't work, then directly transplant white blood cells through human experiments..."

Uchiha Deguang secretly hated, and his mind began to turn where to capture the experimental consumables.


Two days and two nights later, the reactor explosion sound in the laboratory has been heard countless times, and Uchiha Tokumitsu has been completely numb.

Although the Uzumaki researchers began to feel extremely anxious with the countless failures, Uchiha Tokumitsu still firmly supported them to continue their experiments.

The energy source consumed by the unit to maintain the operation of the experiment is also from the three-tailed chakra, the two-tailed chakra, and even Tokumitsu Uchiha himself injected the Yindu chakra into it, but without exception, every experiment failed.

However, with the quantitative trial and error of the experiment and continuous adjustments, the cultivation of leucocyte extracts has also improved.

"This time, put the cell extract of one arm into the chakra reactor at one time for cultivation!"

After the latest experiment, although it still failed to achieve the expected ideal results, the culture of leukocytes has obviously possessed a weak and tenacious activity, which made Uchiha Tokumitsu and all Uzumaki researchers very excited !
"Success is only allowed this time! It must be successful"

Although this sentence was not uttered, Uchiha Tokumitsu secretly cheered himself up in his heart.

Then, under the operation of the vortex researcher, the power of the unit was fully turned on, and a large amount of chakra was injected into the reactor.

This time, it was indeed a little different.

The sound from the Chakra Reactor is no longer that weak and piercing sharp sound, but a gentle and long wind sound.

Uchiha Tokumitsu was immediately full of energy, staring closely at the operating reactor.


With a crisp sound, the operation of the Chakra reactor gradually stopped.

The whirlpool researcher quickly opened the hatch, and took out the culture dish where the cell extract was placed.

"My lord! Lord Deguang!"

The whirlpool researcher let out a cry of joy, "The cultivation is successful!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu rushed into the laboratory quickly, and gently took it from the vortex researcher's petri dish.

In the white cell fluid, there is a faint golden light flickering ups and downs. Even without testing, Uchiha Tokumitsu can perceive the activity contained in it through mental power.

"This is the most precious treasure in the ninja world..."

There was some trance in Uchiha Tokumitsu's voice, and he said meaningfully: "Holy particle... this kind of substance, I officially named it the holy particle!"

"Start efficacy verification immediately!"

Immediately, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately ordered.

Researcher Uzumaki held back his excitement, and quickly captured various animals that had been prepared, and conducted injection tests one by one. After obtaining the consent of Uchiha Tokumitsu, a scientific researcher Uzumaki also made an experiment on his own. A drop of "Holy Particle" was injected into the body.

Followed by a long period of observation and testing.

"I feel like I'm in great shape...even working in the lab for a month!"

An hour later, the size of all the experimental animals was significantly strengthened, and a dolphin even gave birth to its own chakra seed and evolved into a ninja beast; Cheers.

"Ready to inject!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu tore his sleeves and said firmly.

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

 Tonight is the last day to catch up with the progress, and we have to continue to work overtime, double update tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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