Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 255 Bloodline Tracing

Chapter 255 Bloodline Tracing

The cell extract "Holy Particles" that shone like a galaxy of golden light was slowly drawn from the culture dish into the syringe, and injected into the body through a needle made of chakra metal.

Uchiha Tokumitsu lay in the medical cabin, quietly feeling the changes in his body after the injection of "sacred particles".

This is already the third stitch.

It is also the last stitch that is used the most.

The "sacred particles" extracted from most of Bai Ze's corpse drained the power of the three-tailed Jinchur several times during the cultivation process, and the "sacred particles" cultivated with a high concentration of tailed beast chakra also showed that people can see it at a glance. It shows the characteristics of "golden legend".

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!!"

With the injection of the third shot of holy particles, Uchiha Deguang's heartbeat became louder and louder.

Even the vortex researchers in the laboratory can hear the powerful sound of the heartbeat.

"Add nutrient solution!"

The whirlpool researcher quickly obeyed the instructions, and remotely moved a hose to Uchiha Tokumitsu's mouth.

Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately opened his mouth and bit the hose, and the specially extracted nutrient solution was quickly injected into his throat from the tube.

After receiving additional energy supplements, Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly began to extract chakra, which stabilized the body vision caused by excess body vitality in a short period of time.

And the third needle of "Holy Particles" injected into the body began to fuse with the Chakra in the body, constantly repairing various hidden wounds in the body.

There is also a part of the "sacred particles" fused with Yindu chakra began to flow into the eyes traced to the source, and began to restore Uchiha Tokuko's kaleidoscope Sharingan.

This is also the first time that Tokumitsu Uchiha felt the cold comfort from his eyes, just like the extreme comfort when using mint eye drops after working on the computer for more than ten hours in his previous life.

In the process of merging with the "sacred particles", the chakra in the body is constantly compressed and solidified, and the chakra and even the impurities in the blood are constantly eliminated, pushing the body to strengthen to a higher level.

It seems that the source of power hidden in the blood is also activated through the action of "sacred particles".

This state is not so much evolution as atavism.

To search for the source of the Uchiha clan's blood is the Otsutsuki clan from the deep space of the universe, across the stars and seas.

Although the blood of the Uchiha clan in the ninja world has been weakened for many years, coupled with the evolution of thousands of years, it is very different from the Otsutsuki clan in the universe, but in the final analysis, there are still hidden deep in the blood of the Uchiha clan. The characteristics of the alien Otsuki.

And the embodiment of blood is Sharingan.

Even though the Uchiha clan has been unable to return to the state of the Otsuki clan due to the changes of the years and the reproduction of countless generations, it is still possible to obtain some power mysteries of the Otsuki clan through blood tracing.

The reason why Tokumitsu Uchiha went to great lengths to extract white cells instead of transplanting them directly is to obtain the source of their regenerative power.

With the power of regeneration as a foundation, the Uchiha clan's relatively weak Yang Dun cultivation can also be compensated by this, whether it is simply to enhance their own strength, to make up for the defects of Kaleidoscope Sharingan, or to perform inter-column cells in the future. Transplantation plays an important role.

Even if they can't be immortal like the Datongmu clan, it's a good thing to have a long vitality.

As for the impurities mixed in the white cells that would make the skin pale as paint, he didn't want it at all.


With a clear and pleasant sound.

After the "Holy Particle" was injected, the syringe was slowly removed from Uchiha Tokumitsu's arm.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also opened his eyes, slowly got up and got down from the medical cabin.

"Master Deguang... how do you feel?"

The whirlpool researcher suppressed his excitement and asked cautiously.

Although he was very curious about the source of Bai Jue from the very beginning, he still restrained his curiosity and didn't ask any more questions, but the efficacy of the "sacred particles" extracted from the strange-looking Bai Jue's corpse far exceeded his imagination .

Although he didn't conduct a comprehensive physical examination, just standing in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, he could already feel the suffocating pressure brought by the surge of chakras that had skyrocketed several times.

"Lord Deguang's aura seems to be a tailed beast..."

The whirlpool researchers had strange thoughts circling in their minds, but before Uchiha Tokumitsu's vast coercion, they would not dare to say such presumptuous words.

"I feel...very good..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath.

With a "hiss", Uchiha Tokumitsu took a deep breath.

The vortex researcher in the laboratory suddenly felt dizzy for a while, and his body seemed to fall forward with an inexplicable suction force, and the small instruments placed in various places in the room rattled and rolled towards the center of the laboratory with the suction force .

The air in the room continued to be sucked into a vacuum state by Uchiha Deguang.


Uchiha Tokumitsu let out a long breath.

Immediately, the rolling small equipment was blown back to its original place by the exhaled cyclone.


The whirlpool researchers were all stunned.

There is so much power in just breathing, if you go all out...

Such a power has exceeded the imagination of the whirlpool researchers.

According to rumors, Yunyin's three generations of Raikage can wrestle with tailed beasts, no matter how strong their physique is, it can't be that much!

"very good!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha is very satisfied with the strengthening effect of the "Holy Particle", so he is not hesitating to praise: "The bonus of all the staff in the laboratory is doubled! If there are other scientific research projects that need to be approved and applied for funds, please report them quickly! I will give them all You approved it!"

Although Orochimaru's experimental plan played a big role in the design of this set of centrifuge + reactor system, but after all there is a difference between closeness and closeness, and one must take care of one's own people first in order to distribute rewards.

What's more, Uchiha Tokumitsu has another more precious intercolumnar cell waiting to be studied!


That night, Tokumitsu Uchiha received a stack of applications for scientific research projects, and the total amount of funds required made his eyelids twitch, and he was a little frightened.

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have praised Haikou like this..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu regretted it a little.

Taking advantage of Tokumitsu Uchiha's prosperity, Uzumaki researchers submitted a total of 300 billion taels of funding for the project overnight, almost withdrawing one-third of the shogunate's book reserve funds in one go.

"Science and technology are primary productive forces……"

With such a self-comforting psychology, Tokumitsu Uchiha approved all scientific research projects with a swipe of his pen.

After completing his official duties, Tokumitsu Uchiha returned to the quiet room to meditate with his eyes closed.

Since the injection of "Holy Particles", Uchiha Deguang only feels that his energy is getting more and more abundant, and the amount of chakra in his body seems to be increasing and solidifying with each breath.

Even breathing doesn't seem necessary anymore.

Uchiha Tokumitsu sank his mind, silently feeling the changes in his body.

After more than half a day of fusion, the "sacred particles" have been perfectly fused with the chakra in the body, and the quality of the chakra in the body is slowly but extremely lastingly improving the physical fitness.

Uchiha Tokumitsu took out a kunai from the ninja bag, pressed it on the skin of his arm and scratched it vigorously.

The result was a bit unexpected-no broken skin!

The sharpness of the kunai didn't even cut through the oily skin on the surface, but left an indentation on the skin, which quickly disappeared without a trace.

While the cool pleasure of the eyes is still continuing, Uchiha Tokumitsu can clearly feel that his vision is slowly recovering.

If it is said that the loss of vision due to excessive use of the kaleidoscope Sharingan was equivalent to three hundred degrees of myopia, then Uchiha Tokumitsu's vision has returned to the level of one hundred degrees of myopia.

Moreover, the vision recovery improvement of Sharingan is still continuing.

The body energy in the body is also fused with the Yin Dun power, and part of it is diverted and poured into the eyes continuously.

Even if the Kaleidoscope Sharingan is not turned on, Uchiha Tokumitsu can feel that the pupil power is being replenished continuously.

Just like a seed, after being properly fertilized, it is silently taking root, sprouting, growing, and finally called a towering tree...

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his hand, condensing a chakra group like a galaxy in his palm.

Then compress and condense it into a light the size of a grain of rice, and attach it to the tip of the index finger.

Even without the actual combat test, Uchiha Tokumitsu can perceive the lethality of the highly concentrated chakra hole gold piercing stone condensed in the palm.

This is also similar to Yun Yin's Lei Ying's lineage of Guanshou secret skills passed down from generation to generation.

"Even a tailed beast is nothing more than that!"

Uchiha Tokuhika licked his lips, feeling endless pleasure.

He has already begun to look forward to the power he can obtain after the amplification effects of the "Holy Particles" are all completed.


The moon hanging high in space suddenly dimmed for a few times, and then calmed down again.

"Maybe Mother is telling me to speed up the progress..."

In a certain cave in the ninja world, a pair of eyes stared at the moon hanging high in the sky through the dark hole. After witnessing the vision of the moon, a dark and indescribable thing crawled out of the cave, like Stretched and spread out on the ground like rubber clay, letting the moonlight flow on the black "skin".

"My lord... I kept you waiting..."

"In this generation, I will definitely succeed!"

After a long time, the black and indescribable thing raised the jelly block that looked like a head, and cast its gaze in the direction of the Land of Thunder.

And the "Three Generations of Mizukage", who led the Kirigakure Ninja Army to regain its prestige and invincibility, is also continuing to fight endlessly in the Land of Thunder and the Cloud Grinno Ninja Army.

"The omnipotent power that mixes yin and yang is very useful... Madara Uchiha."

The black indescribable thing let out a hearty laugh.

But all gifts already include the price.

Perhaps the sudden squandering of power can make Uchiha Madara seem to have regained the pleasure of youth, but his already exhausted body can no longer support Uchiha Madara to exert the full power of the reincarnation eye with his own strength.

Otherwise, if Uchiha Madara in his heyday had already flattened Yun Yin, how could he continue to entangle in the tug-of-war.

When Uchiha Madara wakes up from the false power and understands that his poor vitality is not enough to support him to fulfill his ideal wish, the time that Hei Ze has been watching has come!
Heijue has used this trick many times on Indra's reincarnation for thousands of years, but only Uchiha Madara has successfully awakened the eyes of reincarnation in the Uchiha clan for thousands of years, allowing Heijue to see to the hope that the plan will succeed.

"Mother! I will soon rescue you from the seal of the moon! At that time, I can return to your warm embrace!"

Heijue, who has never felt a mother's love since he was born, emerged from the ground again and looked at the moon in the sky. It seemed that the bright moonlight shining on the world was Otsuki Kaguya's omnipresent love.

 The ninja black hand is officially on the scene! Chapter 2 will come back later and continue to update~By the way, please ask for a ticket~Ask for a monthly ticket, please ask for a recommendation ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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