Chapter 256
Uchiha Tokumitsu urgently needs to find an opponent to verify his strength.

After being strengthened by the "sacred particles", Uchiha Deguang's confidence continued to expand just like the daily increasing amount of chakra.

Moreover, the existence and operation of the Conquest Shogunate requires continuous wars to stimulate, the ninja army of the Uchiha clan also needs to be tempered by the flames of war, and the expansion of the joint company needs to be deterred by foreign force to suppress local snakes everywhere. Even Nangachuan Securities Exchange Therefore, continuous news of victory is also needed as a positive stimulus to stimulate wealthy businessmen to buy bonds crazily.

Moreover, Uchiha Tokumitsu is also worried that [Uchiha Clan-Zhiyi Shogunate-United Company], a super-giant monopoly organization that was forcibly kneaded together by others, will quickly degenerate and degenerate once it loses its enemies and targets.

But small fights can no longer satisfy Uchiha Tokumitsu's desire to conquer, and he urgently needs a more deterrent target.

Kirigakure is a perfect target.

The shogunate has the confidence of the brilliant victories during the conquest period against Kirigakure, and no matter what the purpose of the war is, the ninja army under its command has sufficient confidence; among the other big countries in the ninja world, Yunyin is stubbornly resisting Kirigakure's invasion in the northern part of the country of thunder; In terms of Yin, as early as the first Ninja World War, the second generation of Tukage Mu and Kirigakure's generation of Mizukage Ghost Lantern Moon died together, this old enemy Yanyin has never had a chance to avenge; no.

Therefore, listing Kirigakure as the primary target of the conquering shogunate is the safest choice.

As for the armistice agreement with Kirigakure, the arms trade, etc., they are just money exchanges for fun, and naturally they are not counted.

In fact, the above reasons are just the reasons Uchiha Tokumitsu used to persuade the family and the affiliated ninjas of the joint company to send troops to start the war.

His real purpose is still the ancestor who is old but not dead!

Uchiha Madara!

That once prestigious figure who suppressed the ninja world!

Whether it's the Homura Fan, an artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Uchiha clan in his hand, or the reincarnation eye that he didn't know if he had cultivated it, or the Six-Tails Jinchuriki that still belongs to Kirigakure, Uchiha Tokumitsu wants it all!
Besides, since Uchiha Madara, who is old but not dead, and dead but not stiff, can control the real Mizukage of the third generation and thus control Kirigakure Ninja Village, then his Uchiha Tokumitsu's third column of Zhengyi is even more rooted and red-rooted Kirigakure Ninja A wealthy family, surrounded by them, it is a matter of course for Wuyin to become the master!

Therefore, Konoe Atsuji, the special envoy of the Daimyo of the Water Country who had been under house arrest for nearly ten days, was finally released and brought to Fuba City to meet Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"General Deguang, I entrust my country's great name to come to pay my respects, and I wish the martial arts prosperity!"

As soon as they met, Konoe Atsushi immediately paid respects to Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was sitting in the high seat of the shogunate mansion.

Uchiha Tokumitsu originally wanted to find fault with the etiquette, but seeing this posture, he knew that this idea had failed.

"Daimyo has nothing to do to show courtesy, so why?"

But Uchiha Tokumitsu still didn't intend to show a good face, so he stared at Konoe Atsuji coldly and said.

"It's just for congratulations, there is no other plan."

Konoe Atsushi paled under the pressure of Uchiha Tokumitsu, but he still managed to straighten up and bowed his hands to Uchiha Tokumitsu: "It is learned that Mr. Tokumitsu has been sealed off by the General of the Fire Country and Governor Konoha Military, Your Highness Daimyo I am very happy to hear that, and I specially sent you to visit and congratulate me, so as to enhance the traditional friendship between you and me!"

What a traditional friendship!
Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt speechless.

"... How happy is your country's daimyo?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't know what to say, so a nonsensical sentence popped out of his mouth.

"This this……"

When the eloquent Konoe Toshi heard the words, his brain, which was still working rapidly, immediately froze, and he didn't know how to answer.

He can't directly say that the daimyo was actually furious after learning of Uchiha Tokumitsu's title!
"My title is General Zheng Yi. Could it be that there are unjust ministers under His Royal Highness who need to be subdued?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said maliciously: "I guess... it should be Kirigakure that makes His Highness Daimyo very worried?"

"This... Kirigakure defeated Yunyin in a row under the leadership of Mizukage-sama, and his military achievements are outstanding. His Royal Highness is naturally very satisfied with Kirigakure..."

Konoe Atsushi was sweating profusely on his forehead, and stammered back.

"……Is it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back in the chair, and continued to examine Konoe Atsushi whose expression gradually became tense.

The mansion hall became dead silent.

Konoe Atsuji's mind became blank again, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead, quickly wet the stone bricks on the ground.

Fortunately, Uchiha Tokumitsu maintained his identity and did not use illusion to confuse this ordinary person, otherwise Konoe Atsushi would have lost his mind.

"I appreciate your kindness..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu finally broke the silence.

Konoe Atsushi, whose body was already on the verge of falling, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he was about to faint.

"However, I heard that some unfriendly acts against the justices of the peace in the jurisdiction of the headquarters took place in the territory of the daimyo..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu's words once again drove Atsushi Konoe into the abyss: "It is said that the county guards in various places do not recognize the status of lifelong honorary ninja issued by the headquarters, and also forcibly collect high taxes?"

"This this……"

Konoe Atsuji forced himself to turn his head quickly: "Lord Deguang, this is the first time I've heard of this matter, please allow me to go back and report to His Highness, and I will definitely give you an explanation afterwards!"

He didn't dare to say that such a thing hadn't happened, so he could only make a vague statement in order to get away with it.

"It's okay, check slowly..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "We must investigate carefully and find out the truth! Find out all the masterminds behind the scenes, and bring them to justice regardless of their identities!"

"Lord Deguang's words will be kept in mind, and I will definitely report to His Highness Daming when I go back..."

Konoe Atsuji was even more afraid to agree, so he had to answer vaguely again.

"Ah, very good……"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't take it seriously, "The traditional friendship between the shogunate and the daimyofu is indestructible, and the schemes of those with ulterior motives are destined to fail."

"Yes yes~"

Konoe Atsushi nodded hurriedly.

After several rounds of coercion and persecution, his thinking has been completely confused, and he has been surrounded by Uchiha Tokumitsu unconsciously.

But this is also normal, even an ordinary Jonin is trembling in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu, not to mention that he is just a pampered nobleman.

"By the way, there is one more thing..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu slapped the table as if he suddenly thought of something, making Konoe Atsuji tremble involuntarily.

"But it's just a trivial matter. I don't think His Royal Highness will refuse?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't say anything, just looked at the trembling Konoe Atsuji with a smile.

"... I would like to ask Mr. Deguang to clarify the confusion, what is the specific matter?"

Konoe Atsushi's rationality once again prevailed, and he reluctantly said: "As long as it is not too much... Your Highness, Your Highness, will also open the door for Your Excellency the General."

"It's really just a small thing."

Tokumitsu Uchiha picked up the teacup on the table, and took a sip gracefully: "The headquarters plans to hold a military exercise on the western coast in ten days. At that time, the sea area needs to be sealed off, and the boards are not allowed to enter the sea to prevent accidental injury!"

Konoe Atsuji was stunned by this request.

The western sea area is the main traffic route for the Kirigakure Ninja Army who is on an expedition to the Land of Thunder!

All the soldiers and supplies sailed through the western coastal ports to deliver supplies to the front line!

Blocking the sea sounds like a trivial matter, but who knows how long Uchiha Tokumitsu will block it?
Who dares to bet that Tokumitsu Uchiha will go back after just playing for a day or two?
If the supply line is cut off, the Kirigakure Expeditionary Army of the Duxuan Ninja Continent will be left alone and helpless!

"I think... for this simple request, His Royal Highness should not refuse me..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu picked up the teacup again, signaling to see off the guests.


The dazed Konoe Atsuji didn't know how he was sent back to the embassy area.

But after waking up, there was only one slang word in Konoha in his mind——

"Heart of Uchiha—everyone knows!"

 Update today (2/2)

(End of this chapter)

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