Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 265 Financial Offensive

Chapter 265 Financial Offensive
Uchiha Tokumitsu was not in a hurry to return to Fuba Castle, the former shogunate of Uzumaki, but stayed in Konoha to secretly launch the first round of financial offensive in the ninja world.

And the target is naturally the Kingdom of Water that he has always been thinking about.

Since the southern archipelago under the shogunate’s administration uses the gold-dollar coupons issued based on productivity, it is essentially a kind of credit currency. When facing the gold standard currency of the country of Shangshui, relying on the power of the shogunate, the gold-dollar coupons have a natural advantage.

Coupled with the trade treaty signed between the shogunate and the daimyo of the country of water, a large number of businessmen from the southern archipelago donated money and changed their status as "honorary ninja" to do tax-free business in the country of water, which naturally squeezed out to a certain extent A large number of merchants in the country of water have plundered a large amount of commercial interests.

With the increase in the scale of trade, the shogunate's gold coins also began to circulate privately in the effective ruling area of ​​the country of water, replacing part of the banknotes of the country of water; at the same time, as a replacement, a large number of banknotes of the country of water remained in Deguang in the hands of the shogunate.

All Uchiha Tokumitsu has to do is to make a fuss with the water country banknotes in his hand.

The fundamental logic of the gold standard is that the banknotes issued actually represent exchange vouchers of the same amount of gold. What Tokumitsu Uchiha has to do is to exchange all the banknotes of the Land of Water in one go, and then recall all the banknotes in the Land of Water in one go. The walking merchants in the land used this to create the illusion of currency collapse and material shortages in the land of water.

After the commercial order in the country of water became chaotic, Tokumitsu Uchiha sent merchants into the country of water as a savior to push gold coupons based on goods, so as to control the country of water's business and combat its currency. .

Although this set of operations seems extremely vulgar even in the eyes of financial personnel in previous lives, this is the ninja world after all, and even the stock exchange was pioneered by Uchiha Tokumitsu, and those fancy financial attacks have not been displayed at all. platform.

"...recall all merchants?"

The ghost lamp Masahiko who secretly arrived at Konoha hesitated.

The first round of operations of this secret financial offensive will be in charge of the three tribes stationed in the southern archipelago, but Tokumitsu Uchiha did not tell his subordinates all the plans, but simply assigned them their respective tasks.

One is that they may not be able to understand what a blow from the economic dimension is, and the other is that Uchiha Tokumitsu does not want to reveal too much "dragon slaying skills".


Uchiha Deguang nodded, confirming that Masahiko Onito heard correctly.

"Only in this way, the tax revenue of the Southern Islands may be affected to some extent this year..."

Minazuki Chino said in a low voice.

The leader of the Huiye clan also nodded repeatedly

"The three clans will be directly allocated by the shogunate to distribute military expenses this year, but this must be strictly enforced!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu had a headache, but said firmly.

No wonder "ninja business" is a big taboo. I didn't expect these people to be corrupted so quickly after the land and tax rights were handed over to the Zhengyi clan. Even the somewhat stupid Kaguya clan began to pay attention to commercial interests.

"As ordered!"

Having said all this, the leaders of the three clans naturally have nothing to say.

"Then execute it quickly!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly, and said with some displeasure.

"...Master Deguang, may I ask under what name should the merchant be recalled?"

Minazuki Qianno asked again.

"Let's order the recall in the name of the annual review!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, "In the name of the honorary ninja qualifications that require an annual review, an announcement was made that all businessmen who are away must return to the shogunate within one month to report and undergo an annual review..."

"As for those businessmen who come back, how to prevent them from going out for a short time... don't I need to teach you this question?"

"Follow orders!"

Qi Qi, the leader of the three clans, agreed.


After arranging the affairs related to the southern archipelago, Tokumitsu Uchiha handled a private equity fund for currency exchange in the country of water at the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange.

The rules of this fund are very simple, that is, after injecting the currency of the country of water into the Deguang shogunate through the stock exchange, it can be exchanged for corresponding gold and 5% equivalent interest after three months.

The external advertisements are based on the gimmick of "the highest annual rate of 20%" to issue targeted fundraising invitations to luxury businessmen and black market bosses who have long-term cooperation with the stock exchange.

Although the wealthy businessmen who received the invitation did not understand the role of the Uchiha Tokumitsu fund, in the face of high interest rates, coupled with the good credit of the Uchiha clan and the Minamigagawa Stock Exchange, , There are still many people injecting funds into the exchange to buy fund shares.

In this way, Uchiha Tokumitsu once again got a huge amount of Water Country banknotes.

But all kinds of recent actions cannot be hidden from others.

At least in the eyes of the Hinata patriarch who is in charge of the intelligence department, there are many intriguing aspects of Uchiha Tokumitsu's recent actions.

After secretly arranging his subordinates to collect relevant information, the Hyuga patriarch went through a round of analysis and sent an envoy to express his offer to meet Uchiha Tokumitsu.

After receiving the letter of worship from the Hyuga Clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu also felt a little surprised, but he was relieved after thinking about it.

After all, although the consortium of the Hyuga family mainly focuses on usury business, with the rise of the stock exchange, the Hyuga consortium has also begun to involve in various short-term loans, financing and other businesses. By analogy, if we carefully collect information and analyze it , can still see where the Uchiha clan's sword is pointing.

"If Patriarch Hinata doesn't mind, let's do it tomorrow afternoon."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said to the Hyuga Ninja who came to deliver the letter: "I will meet with the Hyuga Patriarch at the Police Headquarters Building."

"Thank you Master Deguang!"

Hyuga Ninja saluted and then left, while Uchiha Tokumitsu began to think about issues related to the Hyuga Consortium.

For a long time, the Tokumitsu shogunate has tried its best to recruit collateral tribes from Konoha's various ninja clans, and has also used them to influence its own clan.

Although the strength of these ninja collaterals is relatively average, their advantage is that they are often better than ordinary civilian ninjas in handling general affairs, which is also determined by their education.

But the Hyuga clan is a special ninja clan.

Due to the existence of caged birds, Hyuga branch ninjas who often join the shogunate usually take the initiative to cut off the family connection after reaching a certain position, and choose to stay in the institution for a long time.

This is especially true for the Hyuga branch ninjas who served in the southern archipelago of the country of water and the shogunate resident.

Uchiha Tokumitsu also understands the reason for their move. It is nothing more than to get rid of the shackles of the clan and choose to exchange service for a certain degree of freedom.

But in this way, since the Hyuga branch ninjas rarely return to the family resident, it is difficult for the Tokuko shogunate to have an influence on other members of the family; and because most of the Hyuga branch ninjas never return, the Hyuga clan has tightened the division The approval of the family ninjas to leave the village, trying to restrain these tribesmen in the village.

And Uchiha Tokumitsu has no reason to intervene in this matter.

Because in the final analysis, the Hyuga clan's control over the division of the family is its family tradition, and the so-called "ninja tradition" needs to be respected.

"...Hyuga Consortium."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, but still had no idea, so he had no choice but to give up.


In the afternoon of the next day, the head of the Hyuga clan arrived at the police department on time according to the agreement.

"Minister Hyuga, Tokumitsu-sama is waiting for your arrival in the parlor on the top floor."

As soon as he entered the gate of the police department headquarters, a pommel horse ninja immediately stepped forward to greet him.

"it is good……"

Hinata patriarch nodded, and followed the guidance of the Kurama ninja to a cramped small door.

"This is……"

Patriarch Hinata asked as he looked at the door that opened automatically in front of him.

"This is the latest research-invented elevator, which can go directly from the first floor to the top floor."

The pommel horse ninja explained: "You are a noble person, so I dare not bother you to walk upstairs, so Master Deguang specially opened this elevator."

Although the patriarch Hyuga didn't understand why this space the size of a pigeon cage was called an "elevator", he still walked into the elevator car without any hesitation.

Afterwards, he saw the pommel horse ninja press a button on the elevator, and then the elevator door closed automatically and slowly, and his feet felt a little suspended.

"Rising vertically..."

The head of the Hinata family judged the state of the elevator at this time based on experience.


After a while, with a "ding", the elevator stopped rising, and the elevator door slowly opened.

The patriarch Hyuga also saw Uchiha Tokumitsu who was standing at the door with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to Minister Hinata's arrival. Don't be surprised if you miss the welcome."

Uchiha Tokumitsu greeted very politely.

The title he used was the same as that of the Kurama ninja he received, and he used the title of Chief Hyuga's intelligence department as the title.

"General Deguang is polite, I took the liberty to disturb you."

Patriarch Hinata's heart moved, and he said seriously.

The use of job titles shows that in the eyes of Uchiha Tokumitsu, his visit this time is not in a personal capacity.

Since it is a formal Ninja Village high-level meeting, it must be done in accordance with etiquette.

Tokumitsu Uchiha greeted the patriarch Hinata to enter, and the attendant ninja served tea and set the plate. After a few pleasantries, he entered the topic.

"Minister Hyuga is more concerned about the nearest water country?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu asked actively.

"Yes, a large amount of black market funds have flowed into the stock exchange recently, so just in case, I arranged for someone to check it casually."

The patriarch Hyuga also admitted without hesitation: "Of course, it's not that I misunderstood the Uchiha clan's exchange, but I just performed the duties of the intelligence department habitually. If General Tokumitsu feels inappropriate, then I will go back Destroy relevant intelligence materials immediately."

The patriarch Hyuga first explained from his job, and then kicked the ball back to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"No no no~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head and said: "This matter is not a serious problem. The Hyuga patriarch is also loyal to his duties. How can he excessively interfere with the performance of the intelligence department's duties..."

"Besides, the stock exchange is an independent commercial and financial institution, not a private store owned by the Uchiha clan, and it is reasonable to accept the supervision and inspection of the village."

Uchiha Tokumitsu added.

Anyway, there is no so-called anti-money laundering law in Konoha or even in the ninja world, and there is no problem with the behavior of Minamigagawa Stock Exchange from a legal point of view.

Besides, isn't money in the black market not money?

Under the gold standard system, even blood-stained money can be exchanged for an equivalent gold sentence!

"General Deguang is really upright... This also shows that the Nanhechuan Stock Exchange is indeed completely legal and compliant, and there is really no need for inspections."

The patriarch Hinata heard the corners of his eyes twitch, and couldn't help applauding Uchiha Tokumitsu's nonsense.

Although Konoha does not have anti-money laundering regulations, in the past, similar black market funds flowing into the village would be interrogated by Anbu. The main purpose is to prevent the ninjas of the village from being bought by other ninja villages.

Now that the position of Hokage is vacant, even Anbu has been swallowed up by the Police Department and reorganized as the Police Department's Secret Service Headquarters, and the supervision of black market funds has also fallen into the hands of the Police Department.

"That means it's just a misunderstanding..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu took a sip of tea, and said leisurely: "There may be some turmoil in the country of water recently, and people are panicking after the sand hidden change, so some friends entrust the exchange to do some large-scale exchanges. Reasonable."

"Indeed... the business of the exchange is reasonable."

Hinata patriarch nodded again and again, but the pronunciation of "reasonable and reasonable" in his words was a little heavier.

The flowery sedan chair needs to be carried by everyone, so the patriarch Hyuga naturally gave him face.

But he also clicked a little bit, lest Uchiha Tokumitsu think that he can't understand his operation at all.

"Indeed, as Konoha ninjas, everything we do is for the good of the village..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with a smile as if he didn't realize it.

"A public heart, only for Konoha..."

The head of the Hyuga clan also continued to act with a solemn expression.

"However, the turmoil in the country of water may affect some ninjas in the village. I wonder how the patriarch Hinata plans to solve it?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu took the initiative to throw the bait out.

"The Hyuga consortium also has a part of the currency treasury of the country of water, and the amount is relatively large..."

The patriarch Hinata bit Uchiha Tokumitsu's bait without hesitation, took a sip from the teacup gracefully, coughed lightly to clear his throat.

"So, I wonder if Nanhechuan Stock Exchange can exchange part of the funds on its behalf?"

It seems that the operation of my own fund has been seen clearly...

Tokumitsu Uchiha's smile remained unchanged: "Of course, the stock exchange is an independent commercial financial institution after all!"

The pronunciation of the word "independence" is also a little heavier, reminding the patriarch Hinata to be careful.

"Of course..."

The patriarch Hyuga nodded gracefully and said, "The Hyuga consortium intends to exchange 20 billion gold coupons and 100 billion water country gold judgments. I wonder if the stock exchange can handle this business?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was taken aback for a moment, and then the smile on his face bloomed like a flower.

"Of course it's convenient!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his glass and said: "Although the exchange is independent, the Uchiha clan is still very influential in it, so this matter! I did it!"

Coupled with the 120 billion taels of the Hyuga clan, Uchiha Tokumitsu has full confidence in smashing the currency system of the country of water to pieces!
He didn't believe that the officials and nobles in the Land of Water were so disciplined and willing to issue banknotes on a one-for-one basis!

And once there is a problem with the exchange of the gold sentence, the commercial order of the country of water will inevitably experience inflation, followed by the threat of blame from the Tokuko shogunate and the opportunity to enter the golden circle coupons!

At that time, I don’t know how Uchiha Madara, who is disguised as the third Mizukage on the battlefield of the country of water and feels good about himself, will deal with it~
 Double update tomorrow, today's chapter review should return to normal, right?

(End of this chapter)

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