Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 266 New Form of War

Chapter 266 New Form of War

Tokumitsu Uchiha stayed in Konoha very patiently for more than a month, and methodically arranged the financial offensive against the country of water; It is also extremely harmonious, and there is no more quarrels and fights before.

Uchiha Shikata, who served as the chairman of the Senate, finally stole half a day of leisure and lived a comfortable life for a full month.

During this period of more than a month, the Zhengyi tribe stationed in the southern archipelago followed the instructions of Uchiha Tokumitsu and recalled in batches the businessmen such as "Honor Ninja" who were active in the land of water, and planned in the land of water. Owners of fishing boats in ports around the world placed a large number of barter trade orders for seafood products with gold-dollar coupons as the pricing medium.

The goods that the Deguang shogunate wanted to use for barter trade were batik leather clothes, woolen sweaters and cotton cloth from the country of grass.

Although the products of these three materials are not suitable for daily use in the humid country of water, it is also because of this that the spies of the Deguang shogunate mixed with merchants in the country of water also took this opportunity to report to the country of water The nouveau riche, especially the shipowners, conveyed a crooked concept of consumption——

Real luxury goods are unique, rare, and rare, but also fragile, vulnerable, and need to be cared for.

The high-quality calfskin from the vast grasslands of the country of grass, plus the batik leather made of super paraffin batik from the country of stone, are cut and tanned by the senior ninjas of the Hyuga clan with the most careful and delicate attitude. The resulting high-end leather coat is an entry ticket to aristocratic life!

It's not a problem to exchange a thousand catties of high-end seafood for just such a coat!

After all, this is the crystallization of the labor of countless workers from the country of grass and the country of stone, and then it is a luxury product made by Hinata ninjas!

You must know that the luxury goods produced by the Hyuga clan have always been the high-end products sought after by the nobles of various countries!

Nowadays, you don't need hundreds of thousands of gold medals, you only need a thousand catties of seafood, and you can get such a high-end leather jacket that can be called a noble standard, which is so worth it!

As for the characteristics of these so-called luxury goods such as batik leather clothing that are afraid of water and salt and alkali erosion, the merchants in charge of promoting such products said: How can a real nobleman be scruples about these?
"What? Could it be that you, as a high-class person, still go on a boat and go fishing?"

With such a seemingly simple sentence, they knocked on the door of so-called luxury sales. The simple and upstart shipowners who yearned for the noble life rushed to reach a trade contract with the merchants of the shogunate. Exchange for an entry ticket to aristocratic life.

Even the Hyuga family, which is known for producing luxury goods, can't help but feel sincere admiration for Uchiha Tokumitsu's marketing techniques!
Although the luxury goods produced by the Hyuga Clan are extremely expensive, one piece of brocade clothes can be exchanged for ten steers, but this does not mean that there are quality problems.

On the contrary, because the Hyuga Clan is a powerful ninja family, it pays special attention to the quality of the products sold to the outside world. They often use ninja equipment standards as the quality requirements, and at the same time add various cumbersome and complicated processes to stack them. After the practicality is full, it is regarded as a qualified luxury product for external sales.

But even among the Hyuga clan, which is rich in all kinds of luxury goods and fine handicrafts, there has never been a ghost who boasted a simple leather product as an entry-level item for nobles and sold it at a high price just by telling stories!

Tokumitsu Uchiha's operation, in the eyes of the Hyuga tribe, is really a heifer flying on a plane-the cow has gone to heaven!
"Well... I would like to call it a light luxury!"

In front of the patriarch Hyuga who came to learn the scriptures, Uchiha Tokumitsu said so.

"What is light luxury?"

Hinata asked the patriarch humbly.

You know, although the luxury goods of the Hyuga Clan are expensive, they really don't make much money!After all, both the material and the craftsmanship are top-notch real materials, and the cost is piled up there.

"The so-called light luxury is a luxury that can be affordable by the middle class."

Uchiha Tokumitsu explained.

"So, what is the middle class?"

Hinata patriarch continued to ask.

In the stereotype of Konoha Ninja, Tokumitsu Uchiha will always invent some words that sound inexplicable at first glance but seem to make sense when you think about it, so the patriarch Hinata is not surprised.

"...It refers to people or classes who also have certain skills and have a fixed income."

Uchiha Tokumitsu thought for a while, and described it with a popular metaphor: "Such as small and medium-sized businessmen, workshop owners, shipowners, etc., or senior Chunin in the village."


Hinata clan leader nodded.

To put it bluntly, it is a group of people who are more than inferior than superior.

Or to put it another way, it is a group of people who can't get on the big stage and may fall back to the bottom at any time.

"But... although the light luxury mentioned by Mr. Deguang has indeed lowered the threshold for luxury goods, what does it mean for the so-called middle class?"

Hinata asked the patriarch a final question.

"Why should it make sense?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu leaned back tactically, and asked with a puzzled face: "I have fulfilled their dream of moving closer to the noble life, and the realization of the dream only accepts those insignificant and inexhaustible in the sea." It’s just a thousand catties of seafood caught!”

"Is there anything more important to the middle class than a dream?"

The patriarch Hyuga didn't know what to do when he heard the words, so he could only nod slightly and drink tea to cover up his embarrassment.

The pattern is small...

Patriarch Hyuga thought for a moment, and realized that his structure was too small!
Although the luxury goods of the Hyuga Clan in the past had a great reputation, they have always been circulated only among daimyo nobles. Not to mention ordinary people, even big businessmen in the ninja world can hardly get a piece of beautiful clothes produced by the Hyuga Clan.

Even within Konoha, there are quite a few ninjas who cannot afford the luxuries produced by the Hyuga clan.

Moreover, because the Hyuga clan pays great attention to product quality, many luxury goods are often regarded as family heirlooms and passed down from generation to generation in the families of small and medium-sized nobles, and this overly cherished use attitude further hinders the Hyuga clan from expanding production and supply. desire.

The patriarch Hyuga can even imagine that if Uchiha Tokumitsu's so-called "light luxury" is promoted effectively, then the future mid-end market will be occupied by Uchiha's products, and even with the passage of time. Gradually rising and slowly eroding the high-end market that was originally exclusive to the Hyuga clan...

"But how does this move affect the country of water?"

Patriarch Hyuga chose to change the subject.

"When a country indulges in vanity, then its demise is a matter of course..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu chuckled twice: "I call this approach a currency war..."

"This is too..."

The more Hinata patriarch thought about it, the more he had a headache.

Although he still doesn't quite understand the significance of Uchiha Tokumitsu's series of operations, and although he intends to maintain his own market position, the Hinata patriarch feels that he has no way to start.

With the power of the Uchiha clan, it is absolutely impossible to use the usual means of force to have a chance of winning. Even in market competition, the Hyuga clan does not have enough channels to distribute goods like the United Company.

Furthermore, the Hyuga Clan has long been accustomed to the production mode of one person's meticulous work, and there is a huge difference in output from the multinational cooperative production of the Uchiha Clan.

"By the way, if the Hyuga Clan is interested, we can join together..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said with a smile: "My purpose is to make money for everyone. The brand of the Hyuga Clan enjoys a high reputation in the upper-class aristocratic society. If it can be co-branded with the light luxury products of the joint company, it will not only bring more benefits to the Hyuga Clan. More income can spread the noble aesthetics of the Hyuga clan to all levels of the ninja world..."

"If you say that..."

Patriarch Hinata was immediately moved.

"However, the family property is shared by all clan members after all. The matter proposed by Mr. Deguang is really important. I wonder if you can allow me to discuss with the elders of the family before making a decision?"

"Of course!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu raised his glass and took a sip of tea, "After all, I like fairness the most, and I will never engage in forced buying and selling!"

"Mr. Tokumitsu's reputation resounds throughout the ninja world, and everyone knows it..."

The patriarch Hyuga laughed dryly, and raised his cup to drink tea.

It's just that he couldn't stop complaining in his heart.

The head of the Hyuga clan has long been aware of the rhetoric of the shogunate businessmen when they were promoting the so-called "light luxury" through the channels of the Ministry of Intelligence, and the shogunate businessmen also used "Hyuga High-end Ninja Handmade" as the biggest gimmick to attract those nouveau riche, but now they are in Pretending to be a white lotus in front of me is really...

"Too modest, too modest~"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his hands again and again, and said modestly: "The Uchiha clan has always been lenient towards others, and they have given great support to allies, not to mention the high-end products of the Hyuga clan are well-known in the ninja world. If we can cooperate together, it will be a good story in the ninja world. !"

"I appreciate Mr. Deguang's kindness, and I will make a decision after discussing with the elders of the family!"

Hinata patriarch said hastily.


In the evening, Tokumitsu Uchiha finally received the important information he had been waiting for.

Instigated by the daimyo nobles of the Land of Earth, Yan Yin formally sent troops to invade the Land of Winds under the banner of "supporting justice and restoring orthodoxy". Fortress!
Shayin was not to be outdone, and immediately sent Luosha to secretly go to Konoha again, met with Uchiha Tokumitsu and proposed to purchase a batch of arms as soon as possible.

For the sake of the large amount of placer gold offered by Luo Sha, Uchiha Tokumitsu transferred a large amount of military supplies to Luo Sha, and thoughtfully gave him a newly compiled list of basic quotations for Uchiha arms trade.

The Uchiha clan absolutely supports the sand hidden in resisting the invasion of the rock hidden, which does not conflict with the status quo of Konoha and Yan hidden in occupying the southern part of the Thunder Country Division!

Uchiha Tokumitsu even said that if necessary, he could even issue black market missions on his behalf, calling ninjas in the black market to fight for Sand Hidden.

Although Luo Sha was very moved, he still reluctantly rejected Uchiha Tokumitsu's "kindness".

Because most of the so-called "black markets" are secretly supported by the nobles behind the scenes. If Sand Ninja, who launched a coup d'état and promoted "turning a village into a country", has a relationship with them, maybe he will be betrayed at some important moment. Stab a hard life.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu sent away Rasa, who was also excited and returned with a full load, with excitement, he returned to the secret room and drew a circle for the positions of Iwagakure and Sagakure on the ninja map hanging on the wall.

This also symbolizes that in a short period of time, two of the four ninja villages in the ninja world outside of Konoha have just fallen into a state of war.

In addition to Yan Yin and Sand Yin, in the northern part of the Land of Thunder, Kirigakure also increased the deployment of expeditionary ninja troops again, and launched a continuous attack on Yun Yin who was firmly defending.

Yun Yin has fallen into a state of strategic defense and counterattack after the failure of the last round of decisive battle. Under the encouragement of the third generation of Raikage, although Yun Yin has lost the tail beast and many ninja troops today, he still maintains a high morale. Continue to fight to the death with Kirigakure.

Uchiha Tokumitsu naturally strongly supports all legitimate "commercial needs" of both parties involved in the war.

Even if the other party sent an envoy to ask the shogunate not to sell arms and supplies to the opponents participating in the war, Uchiha Tokumitsu just prevaricated casually, and continued to sell shogun fire more and more prosperously.

If it weren't for his unwillingness to expose his purpose too early, Uchiha Tokumitsu would have wanted to spend his own money to send the mercenaries from Urenin Village to the northern battlefield of Thunder Country to fill in the trenches.

"Finally waited for this moment..."

After Uchiha Tokumitsu quickly arranged the follow-up materials to support various affairs of Sagakure, he quickly sneaked back to the Tokumitsu Shogunate in Uzumaki to wait for the opportunity.


"Mizukage-sama, according to convincing information, the Tokumitsu shogunate has indeed provided a large amount of military supplies to Sahid and Yunyin through joint companies and other channels. At the same time, there are also a large number of shogunate businessmen in the land of water who are purchasing various seafood in large quantities... ..."

In the large tent of the Kirigakure in the Land of Thunder, Loquat Juzo, who was in charge of foreign affairs to the shogunate, reported to the third Mizukage of the Lord.

"Uchiha Tokumitsu has been in Konoha recently?"

Sandai Mizukage flipped through the information expressionlessly, and asked a seemingly casual question.

"That's true. According to intelligence, Sain's elite Jonin Rasa also secretly went to Konoha many times, and it was Uchiha Tokumitsu who discussed and met with him..."

Loquat Juzang quickly said: "Moreover, judging from the amount of armaments that the Tokumitsu shogunate has recently sold to the outside world, it has already obtained extremely huge benefits by provoking war!"

"Ha ha……"

Mizukage Mizukage sneered, "The Uchiha clan actually produced such a thing...it's really interesting!"

"In addition, why can't the intelligence determine why the merchants of the shogunate left the daimyo's jurisdiction? And why did the merchants of the shogunate place such large orders with shipowners from all over the place before leaving?"

"...It is said that the identity of the honorary ninja of the businessman needs an annual review, so they just return together."

Loquat Shizang's forehead began to sweat.

He also knew that there were loopholes in the information about this matter, but he couldn't check whether the information was correct in a short period of time, so the report on the intelligence was also written in a rather vague way, but he didn't expect that Mizukage Mizukage would see through it all at once. A little trick.

"...This matter is not an example!"

Sandai Mizukage snorted coldly, and then turned to the recent news of the Ninja Army in the shogunate and began to study it carefully.

"Thank you Mizukage-sama for your forgiveness!"

Loquat Shizang breathed a sigh of relief.

"...The time for a decisive battle may have come!"

Mizukage Mizukage slapped the information book on the table, "The ninja army of the shogunate has not assembled yet, and Konoha dismounts and releases Nanshan. At this time, the day of Yunyin is officially pacified in one fell swoop!"

Mizukage Mizukage stood up, "Convened a pre-war meeting with Jonin from all ministries. I will destroy Yun Yin within a month! Sweep the land of thunder and return to the village triumphantly within two months!"

"Follow orders!"

Kirigakure Anbe in the tent immediately took orders to leave.

 Update Chapter 1 first, and continue to update after get off work in the evening

(End of this chapter)

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