Chapter 275
Flame fan!
The sacred weapon Homakuan, which symbolizes the supremacy of the Uchiha clan!
"Complete victory!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was riding the two tails, held up the flame fan, and surrounded by the fanatical Uchiha ninjas, marched towards the last six-tailed Jinchuriki battlefield that was entangled.

Yes, just march.

After Uchiha Tokumitsu officially defeated Uchiha Madara who was disguised as the third generation of Mizukage, Kirigakure Ninja was completely defeated.

The only Six-Tails Jinchuriki who is still struggling may have lost his sanity after becoming a tailed beast, so he did not judge the situation and escape. However, under the joint siege of Sanshoyu Hanzo and a group of elite ninjas from the shogunate, it is only a matter of time before he is captured alive .

It's just that Liuwei's ability is a relatively high degree of restraint against metal weapons and a strong acid solution, and as a tailed beast, it is basically immune to toxins, so Sansho Hanzo and the shogunate ninjas are a little timid.

The arrival of Uchiha Tokumitsu completely crushed the last struggle of Six Tails Jinchuriki.

"Wizard Susanoo!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu launched again to show the supreme power of the Uchiha clan, urging Susano to turn into an armor and put it on Natsuo Matabata, and launched the last attack towards the six-tailed Jinchuriki who was imprisoned in place by several vajra chains hit!

Two-tailed Mataru seems to have no friendship with the tailed beasts at all, nor does he have any thoughts of reminiscing with the six-tailed beasts or ridiculing them. After turning into a prestige state, he howled at the tailed beasts without Uchiha Tokumitsu's instructions. The transformed Six-Tails Jinchuriki rushed over.


Six-tailed Jinchuriki let out a cow-like cry, and sprayed a solution with an unusually pungent smell towards the charging Susanoo.

"Water Escape, Big Water Burst!"

Without Uchiha Tokumitsu's hands, Sansho Hanzo immediately formed a seal quickly, and violently sprayed a huge wave from its mouth, turning into a huge water mass to envelop Liuwei's corrosive solution.

Immediately, the Uzumaki ninja in the shogunate ninja swung a diamond chain to hook the water ball, locked it with a sealing spell and kept compressing and shrinking it, finally shrinking the water ball containing the power of the tailed beast into a fist-sized water ball, and Seal it in the scroll.

This set of procedures for dealing with Liuwei Jinzhuli's counterattack has a clear division of labor, and the action is quick. It can be seen at a glance that this method has been used to suppress Liuwei who is running rampant during the battle.

The majestic Susano slammed into Liuwei's waist viciously, flipping Liuwei who was trying to break free from the Vajra chain into the sea.

"Moo moo!"

Six-tailed Jinchuriki let out a manic cry again, frantically twisting his plump body like a maggot, and swaying the strong acid solution on his body.

However, the strong acid solution splashed onto the armor transformed by the mighty Susanoo was only slightly eroded for a while, and then was removed by Uchiha Tokumitsu using the power of flame escape.

Relying on the protection of the mighty Susanoo, Erwei didn't care about the strong acid attack of Liuwei Jinchuriki, viciously biting the waist of Liuwei Jinchuriki, and bit the ground with his mouth and claws.

Six Tails Jinchuriki struggled more intensely.


Several vajra chains hooked the body of Six-Tails Jinchuriki, and the tadpole-shaped seal runes attached to the tailed beast-like outer skin along with the chains.

Liuwei, who was in deep trouble, twisted his body more violently, trying to get rid of the bite of the seal and Erwei.

"Boy! Why don't you do it yet!"

The two-tailed brigade was accidentally covered in several tails of the six-tailed Jinchuriki, and the cat's mouth that bit the waist of the body was also filled with a mouthful of strong acid solution. After a moment of pain, he couldn't help but let go Cursed with his mouth that was tearing up.

"...It seems to have no eyes, and the illusion cannot be cast."

Uchiha Tokumitsu also explained helplessly.

"...What a ridiculous reason."

Erwei muttered again in dissatisfaction, and then continued to pounce on him.

But since the big cat has said so, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't plan to continue watching the show.

At the same time that Liuwei sprayed out a cloud of strong acid solution again, Uchiha Tokumitsu immediately released the state of the prestige of Susano, quickly performed the teleportation technique and leaped into the air, and waved the Uchiha sacred weapon flame ball fan towards Liuwei Jinchuriki——

"Uchiha bounces back!"

Before the strong acid solution that just came out of the mouth splashed out, it was bounced back by the force of the flame fan and poured on Liuwei's face.

"Flame Escape·Longyan Singing Technique!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu made a "Yin" seal with one hand, puffed out his mouth, and spewed out four huge flame dragons, rushing towards Six Tails Jinchuriki.

Afterwards, chakra was injected into the flame fan, urging the built-in wind escape power to cheer for Yanlong.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The four flame dragons fired without fail, all of them hit the Six-Tails Jinchuriki.

Matata Natsuo felt light on his body, and then the Susano armor he was wearing disappeared in an instant. Just when he was startled, the Jinchuriki Rokutails hit by the flame dragon was blown up so that he could not keep floating on the sea surface, and fell down again. into the sea.

However, Uzumaki Ninja's Vajra Chain still hooks the huge body of Six-Tails Jinchuriki's fully tailed beast transformation, making it impossible for him to escape.

"Fire Lord!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu waved his left arm while falling in mid-air, released the Yanlong Huoguangzun who was lodged in it, and rushed towards the Six-Tails Jinchuriki who was rolling in the sea.

Although the seawater environment is quite unfavorable for a fire escape creation like Huoguangzun, its own burning property can restrain the acid secretion from Liuwei's body.

Moreover, Uchiha Tokumitsu doesn't extravagantly hope that Huoguang Zun can subdue Liuwei, as long as he can hold him back.


At the same time that Huo Guangzun entangled Six Tails Jinchuriki, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was falling in mid-air, took a deep breath, quickly drew his pupil power and merged with Chakra and released it into a four-armed demon statue holding two swords.

"Damn boy!"

The startled Erwei cursed arrogantly again, and quickly jumped back from the battle to enter the state of watching the show.

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu condensed countless balls of Gokudama in Susanoo's giant palm, and smashed his head and brain towards the Six-Tails Jinchuriki who was struggling in the sea.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The Six-Tails Jinchuriki, who was struggling to the death with Huo Guangzun, was blown dizzy by Yasaka Qiong Gouyu, and the Chakra body after the complete tail beast transformation was also blown off two tails.

Erwei looked at it again, his eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't care less about watching the show, so he rushed over quickly, bit a chakra tail and swallowed it.

And the other Chakra tail that was blown off was quickly recovered by the Uzumaki Ninja seal.

Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't bother to pay attention to the behavior of the big cat, and urged Susano to fish it out of the sea with two giant arms. Inside the body of the beast.

"Flame escape, burning!"

The turbulent power of flame escape is guided into the body of the tailed beast of Six Tails Jinchuriki along with Susan's long sword.


Six-tailed Jinchuriki let out a shrill cry immediately, and then the sound became smaller and smaller, and the thick-looking chakra of the tailed beast began to dissipate slowly.

"Quickly increase the intensity!"

Seeing this, Uzumaki Ninja, who was still maintaining the Vajra chain, immediately increased his chakra output, and the Vajra chain hooked on the six-tailed Jinchuriki quickly probed deeply, locking the body of Jinchuriki in the thick body of the tailed beast. .

"Sealing seal!"

With all the Uzumaki ninjas urging the sealing technique together, the tailed beast coat of Six Tails Jinchuriki finally completely dissipated, and his body of Jinchuriki also fell into Uchiha Tokumitsu's giant palm of Susano.

"Another tailed beast has arrived..."

A smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

If he intends to collect nine-headed and tailed beasts, then the current progress has reached 4/9.

"I don't know where that dutiful son is hiding... why didn't you know to come and confuse me~ Really!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu muttered in his heart, and he threw the Jinchuriki in his giant palm towards the Uzumaki ninjas below, and released Susano.

The Uzumaki ninjas hurriedly touched the renchuriki from the parabolic object in the air, and quickly added a lot of various sealing techniques to it, which made the corners of the eyes of Matata Natsuo who was watching the excitement twitch wildly.

After the three-tailed Jinchuriki Goju Yagura was unsealed and regained his sanity, the Uzumaki Research Institute lost the usual Tailed Beast Chakra power, and now a new version of the Tailed Beast has been caught again, which is enough to fill the energy gap of the Research Institute up.

And during the battle to capture Liuwei Jinchuriki, Goju Yagura, who had been working as a foreign worker, also lowered his head deeply to conceal his grief and despair.

"Mist hidden... it's over..."

Kutachi Yagura closed his eyes in despair.

Even after this war, Kirigakure's name still survives, it will be a vassal and source of troops under the control of the Tokuko Shogunate, and there will be no chance for independence and self-improvement.

"Wan Sheng!"

Masahiko Ghost, Deguang's number one dog-leg in Goju Yakura's mind, was the first to kneel on the surface of the sea, shouting and worshiping in the most fanatical tone.

"Wan Sheng!"

The ninjas of the Zhengyi tribe quickly and skillfully knelt down.

"Wan Sheng!"

The shogunate ninja and the pro-ninja ninja knelt down on one knee to pay their respects to the lord.

"Wan Sheng!"

As the sound of worship became louder and louder, the Amane mercenaries and Kirigakure captives also knelt down to Uchiha Tokumitsu, who was trying to catch the tailed beast, in the most humble state.

Even the weakest foreign-type Urenin mercenary stood proudly while kneeling on one knee and straightened his chest, accepting the inspection by Uchiha Tokumitsu's eyes.

Sanshoyu Hanzo froze on the spot, furious in his heart.

"These bastard subordinates of Mu Qiang!"

Although he could not stop cursing in his heart, Sanshoyu Hanzo put his chest on his chest with one hand and bowed slightly to Uchiha Tokumitsu.

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded to Sansho Hanzo in return.

Then, holding up the flame fan, the kaleidoscope Sharingans in his eyes turned quickly, bursting out with crimson light, and shouted:
"Glory to the lords!"

"I will die for my lord!"

All the Uchiha ninjas flashed their Sharingan and responded enthusiastically and loudly.


When the dust settles, the shogunate wins!
More than [-] Kirigakure ninjas were captured, and more than [-] people were captured, and countless people were killed in battle. However, less than [-] people died in the battle of the shogunate ninja army.

Moreover, most of the ninja troops who died in battle were punishment battalion ninjas composed of Sarutobi, Shimura and other "rebel ninjas" and the rain ninja water ghost troops hired by money. The damage is negligible.

As for Kirigakure, Uchiha Madara, who was disguised as the third Mizukage, was seriously injured and defeated in full view, and Six Tails Jinchuriki was captured alive. Today, Kirigakure no longer has the strength to resist the next invasion of the shogunate.

On the flagship of the shogunate fleet, Uchiha Tokumitsu, who had been washed clean, met Yakura Kudachi, who had been begging for a private interview after the war, in the command cabin.

"...Master Deguang, how do you plan to deal with Kirigakure?"

Yagura, who had a pale face, asked in a low voice.

Kirigakure has no chance.

But even if he surrendered, Goju Yakura hoped to find a relatively favorable surrender condition for himself and the surviving Kirigakure ninjas.

"The only thing is to set things right and restore Kirigakure's orthodoxy..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu said lightly.

"Ghost lamp waiting for the three Wuyin clans..."

Goji Yagura's face was full of pain.

Even if Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't say it, he could guess the meaning of the return of the Yi tribe to the village.


Uchiha Tokumitsu didn't say much.

"The Kirigakure Ninja will dedicate his loyalty to you, and from then on he will follow your orders to fight under the banner of the shogunate, no matter who the enemy is..."

Kutachi Yagura said bitterly: "I hope you don't make unnecessary killings... All Kirigakure ninjas will be ninja swords that kill enemies for you..."

"I respect the opinions of the three tribes of Zhengyi."

Uchiha Tokumitsu was unmoved, "As the Ninja Clan of Chuangcun and the mainstay of Ninja Village, the three clans should not be treated so cruelly."

"...That is the chaos caused by Uchiha Madara's bewitchment, and it does not represent all Kirigakure ninjas."

Kutachi Yagura weakly defended.

"What about where?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu shook his head, "Isn't it the Kirigakure ninja who wields the butcher's knife against the women and children of the three tribes? And with blood on his hands, can he surrender and write it off?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu sneered again and again, "How can there be such a beautiful thing in the world!"

Goji Yagura, who gave up completely, was silent for a while, then bowed and left.

"……Come out."

Uchiha Tokumitsu sat quietly for a while before speaking lightly.


Onito Masahiko entered from the side door of the command cabin and knelt in front of Uchiha Tokumitsu.

"Did you hear that too?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu said: "What are the plans of your three clans? I will respect your opinions."


Ghost lamp Masahiko fell on the ground, his voice choked up: "Master Tokumitsu, please also liquidate those Kirigakures who slaughtered the ninjas of the three clans!"

"... As I said, I will respect your opinions."

A satisfied smile appeared on Uchiha Tokumitsu's face.

Once the ninja of the same village wields the butcher knife to retaliate, the Zhengyi tribe will never be able to completely regain the hearts of the ninja village. In this way, Uchiha Tokumitsu can hand over Kirigakure to the three tribes.

"Get up..."

Uchiha Tokumitsu stepped forward to help Masahiko Onito, who was kneeling on the ground, and said softly: "You are one of my most trusted ninjas, so I will entrust you to lead the team to carry out the liquidation and suppression of counterrevolutionaries."

"Thank you Deguang for your trust!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko was moved to tears.

From the moment when the remnants of the three clans escaped from Kirigakure and took refuge in the shogunate, Masahiko Onito has been thinking about returning to the village all the time. Now that his wish is fulfilled, the excitement in his heart is beyond words.

"There is one more thing that needs to be entrusted to you!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu's face was serious.

"Master Deguang, please give me instructions!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko quickly knelt down again.

"I will appoint you as the commander of Kirigakure's vanguard ninja army. Do you have the confidence to fight Kirigakure for me?"

"We will fulfill our mission!"

Masahiko's expression became even more excited.

"Very good! Very spirited!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu nodded with satisfaction, "In addition to the three tribes of ninjas, you will select another 1000 people from the captives in this battle to fight with you, and the third team of the Red Army will also be assigned to you as a military law team!"

"As ordered!"

Ghost lamp Masahiko is very excited!
The red team ninjas are the strongest ninja army in the shogunate composed of radical ninjas from the Uchiha clan!Now assigning one-third to his subordinates, it can be seen that Lord Deguang attaches great importance to him!
Thinking of this, Ghost Lamp Masahiko was ecstatic.

"Go...go and bring me victory!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was very satisfied.

"I need a relatively complete Kirigakure to become the most powerful weapon of the shogunate, Masahiko-kun, you will not let me down!"

 I will update one chapter today, and I will update the outline tonight and I will update it tomorrow. I will try to compress the excessive content that you don’t like.

(End of this chapter)

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